
Acquisitions Editor: Courtney Allen
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image Front piece: In blustery weather, gray clouds gathered over the Alabama Hills of Eastern California as the sun battled to emerge. In my bones it felt like “rainbow weather”—so I was ready with a polarizing filter on my lens when a strong rainbow did emerge.

200mm, circular polarizer, 1/200 of a second at f/7.1 and ISO 200, hand held

image Title page: High in the White Mountains along the California-Nevada border the eye can travel long distances. In this composition, I tried to emphasize this sense of endless horizon by positioning the road on the right to lead the viewer up and to the left in the composition.

28mm, 1/15 of a second at f/22 and ISO 100, tripod mounted

image Above and pages 10–11: As the sun came up, it lit the crest of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, where the remains of an overnight storm lingered, soon to be chased away by the warmth of the new day.

29mm, 1/50 of a second at f/8 and ISO 100, tripod mounted

image Page 6: Often, El Capitan seems to guard the approaches to Yosemite Valley like a stone giant—so I was pleased to stumble on a vantage point that provides a somewhat unusual view of a “kinder, gentler” El Capitan in a composition with the Merced River in the foreground.

10.5mm digital fisheye, 1/4 of a second at f/22 and ISO 100, tripod mounted


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