
Acquisitions Editor: Courtney Allen

Project Editor: Matthew Buchanan

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Editorial Manager: Robyn Siesky

Business Manager: Amy Knies

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Vice President and Executive Group Publisher: Richard Swadley

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  • Front piece: My son Nicky is full of life and always changeable and in motion. The trick in photographing him is to be ready with the camera so I can get the photo while the getting is good.

    200mm, 1/15 of a second at f/5.6 and ISO 400, hand held

  • Title page: Using a single bare studio strobe to selectively light this portrait established a clear demarcation between light and shadow areas.

    95mm, 1/200 of a second at f/9 and ISO 100, hand held

  • Above: In portraiture, the subject's eyes are looked at first because they are the most expressive feature. Hands are a close second, so in this pose I combined hands and eyes.

    70mm, 1/100 of a second at f/6.3 and ISO 100, hand held

  • Page 6: The model in this photo was bored and had an uninteresting expression until I asked her to use a mask. With the mask in place, her eyes conveyed true emotion which helped make a striking portrait.

    135mm, 1/60 of a second at f/8 and ISO 100, hand held

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