
Access Data

Active partition


HEX editor address panel

Logical Block Address (LBA)


Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)


boot process in

endian designation by

file extensions for

file signature information for

file systems of

hard drive removal from

operating systems

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange):

binary and decimal values assigned to


HEX equivalent to

overview of

Bad clusters

Base 2 numbering system. See also Binary system

Binary system:

ASCII equivalents to

binary (HEX) editor

binary tree filing system

bits as building blocks of

b-tree filing system

character codes using (see also ASCII; Hexadecimal characters; Unicode)

decimal equivalents of

electricity and magnetism relationship to

exponents/power of 2 in

fundamentals of

HEX representation of

origins of data in

BIOS (Basic Input Output System)



ASCII coding scheme using

as binary system building blocks

bit-for-bit imaging of evidence

bytes as eight (see also Bytes)

exponential combinations of

HEX system using

as origins of data

Unicode/UCS using

Books, cataloging of

Boot process:

BIOS function in

boot device sequence

booting up

boot loader in

evidence corruption during

file mounting in

HEX editor in

Master Boot Record in

partitions/partition table in

POST function in

setup utility in

signature words in

summary of

Volume Boot Record in

write blocking or protection in

Braille Encoding System


byte offsets

character codes using

cluster size in

endianness by significance of

HEX system using

partition size in

per sector


Case study

Cataloging systems. See also File systems

Chain of custody

Character codes:


binary system basis for

decimal value for

HEX as

HEX editor character panel

textual data processing using

Unicode/UCS as


Clocks. See also Time

clock manipulation

clock model

clock skew

system clock verification


allocation of


cluster size

file system use of

number of clusters needed

sectors per cluster

Complex files

Compound files

Compressed files. See also ZIP file format

Confidentiality of data

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

Creation date and time

Cyber forensic concepts. See also Cyber forensic practices

boot process (see Boot process)

endianness (see Endianness)

evidential data (see Data; Evidence)

files (see Files; File systems)

hard drives (see Hard drives; Partition; Volumes)

Cyber forensic practices. See also Cyber forensic concepts

case study

data preparation

evidence acquisition

evidence handling

evidence retention and curation

forensic process


Investigative Smart Practices

quality control assessment


request for investigation

time and


Cylinder, Head and Sector (CHS) fields

hard drive tracks and cylinders

Data. See also Evidence

ASCII coding scheme of

binary system

bits as building blocks of

character codes for (see also ASCII; Hexadecimal characters; Unicode)

confidentiality of

data preparation in cyber forensics

decimal system

electricity and magnetism relationship to

encryption of

endianness of

files of (see Files)

forensic imaging of

fundamentals of

hexadecimal representation of

HEX-data panel



native format of

origins of




Unicode/UCS standard for


write blocking or protection of

Data preparation:

data verification in

deleted file recovery in

indexing in

mounting in

preprocessing in

searching in

steps in

Dates. See also Time

accessed/last accessed date and time

chain of custody including

creation date and time

date stamps


determination of

directory entry including

investigation noting discrepancies in

last modified date and time


order and interpretation of

search criteria including


Decimal system:

binary equivalents of

HEX character equivalents to

Defragmentation of hard drives

Directory entries. See also Master File Table


DOS (Disk Operating System), Microsoft:

boot process in

file extensions used by

file signatures for

file system of

partitions in

time and date stamps in


Electricity and magnetism

Electronic Communications Privacy Act

Email, evidence acquisition of


Encrypted files


big vs. little

of data

origins of

partition tables and


access rights to, securing

acquisition of

best evidence rule

bit-for-bit imaging of

boot process corruption of

chain of custody for

confidentiality of

data as (see Data)


forensic imaging of

handling of


ISO standards for


privacy laws related to

reporting findings from

retention and curation of

types/classification of

write blocking or protection of

Excel, Microsoft


exFAT (extended file allocation table) file system

Expert witness testimony

Exponents, law of

Extended partition

Extensions, file

EXT file systems

FAT (File Allocation Table) file systems. See also File systems

cluster size determination in

directory entries in


FAT 12

FAT 16

FAT 32

file allocation table in

HEX in

limitations of

slack space in

time and date stamps in

Volume Boot Record in

FDISK partition editors


boot process allowing access to (see Boot process)

changing file extensions as deception



compressed (see also ZIP file format)


file attributes

file extensions

file formats and structures

file headers

file signature databases

file signature information

file slack

file systems

fragmentation of

HEX editor viewing

metadata in


native format of

object linking and embedding in

recovering deleted

value of file signatures

verification of

File systems:


binary tree file systems

$Bitmap in

boot process allowing access to (see Boot process)

b-tree file systems

bytes per sector in

cluster allocation in

cluster size determination in

directory entries in (see also Master File Table)

exFAT file systems

EXT file systems

FAT (File Allocation Table) file systems

file allocation table in

file attributes in

HEX in

Hierarchical File System

library cataloging systems comparison to

limitations of

Master File Table in (see also Directory entries)

metadata in

NTFS (New Technology File System)

overview of

Partition Boot Record in

partitions, volumes and (see also Partition Boot Record and Volume Boot Record subentries)

sectors per cluster in

slack space in

system ID field

time and date stamps in

UNIX File System

Volume Boot Record in

Forensic imaging

Forensic process. See also Cyber forensic practices

Forensic report

Fourth Amendment


GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) file format

Google searches

Guidance Software

Hard drives:

boot process (see Boot process)

clusters on

defragmentation of

evidence corruption on


partition of

removal of

sectors of (see Sectors)

technology of

tracks and cylinders of

volumes of

Hash values

Headers, file:

compound file

data in

file format/attributes identified in

HEX editor header panel

metadata in

Hexadecimal (HEX) characters:

ASCII equivalent of

binary to HEX conversion

binary values represented by

bit, byte and nibble equivalents to

boot process using

decimal equivalents to

file identification using

file system use of

hashes displayed in

HEX editor

offsets relative to

time and date stamps using

Hierarchical File System (HFS)

HTML (hypertext markup language) file format

Indexing data

Intel processors

Investigation. See also Cyber forensic practices

closing case files in

definition of

document initiating

expert witness role of investigator

Investigative Smart Practices

legitimacy and scope of

objectives of/steps in

post-investigation quality control assessment

privacy laws impacting

report communicating findings of

request for

search criteria in

wrap-up and conclusion of

ISO standards:



Java Virtual Machine

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) file format


Last modified date and time

Library cataloging systems


Logical Block Address (LBA)

Logical partition


boot process in

endian designation by

file extensions for

file signature information for

file systems of

hard drive removal from

operating systems

Magic number. See also Files: file signature information


Master Boot Record (MBR)

Master File Table. See also Directory entries


Microprocessor calculations


Compound File Binary Format



file extensions used by

file signatures of MS products

file system of

Head values bug in

Office 2003

Office 2007

Office Open XML format



time and date stamps by

Windows Operating System


Motorola processors

Mounting files

Native format

Network acquisitions

Network Time Protocol (NTP)


Non-disclosure agreements


NTFS (New Technology File System)

$Bitmap in

file attributes in

limitations of

Master File Table in

Partition Boot Record in

OAIS (open archival information systems)

Object linking and embedding (OLE)

Obsolescence, technological

OEM (original equipment manufacturer)

Office, Microsoft. See also specific software by name

Office 2003

Office 2007

Office Open XML format


Operating systems:


boot process in

decimal value references by

endian designation in

file extensions used by

file folder structure of

file formats executed by

file systems of

HEX longevity vs.


Microsoft DOS

Microsoft Windows


OEM (original equipment manufacturer) of

partitions and


time and date stamps by

Unix and Unix-like

variety of and changes to

volumes recognized by

Order of data. See Endianness

Outlook, Microsoft



Cylinder, Head and Sector (CHS) fields of

deletion and recovery of


FDISK partition editors

file systems in (see File systems)

HEX starting value of, deciphering


Logical Block Address in

Partition Boot Record

partition table


size of

start of

system ID field

type of

volumes vs.

POST (Power On Self Test)

PowerPC processors

PowerPoint, Microsoft

Primary partition

Privacy Protection Act

Processors, endian designation in. See also Operating systems

Quality control assessment

QuickTime file format

Registry, operating systems

Report, forensic:

characteristics of

contents of

purpose of

sample of

Resident data


data preparation searches

Google searches

investigation search criteria



bytes per

clusters of

compound file

Cylinder, Head and Sector fields

file systems use of (see File systems)

in hard drive structure

Logical Block Address of

Master Boot Record as first

number of

partition as collection of (see also Partition)

Partition Boot Record sector

SecID of

Sector Allocation Table

signature words as end of sector markers

slack as unused

volume as collection of (see also Volumes)

Volume Boot sector

Setup utility

Signature, file

Signature words/bytes

Slack space

Stevens, Malcolm


System ID field

Technological obsolescence

TIF (Tagged Image File) file format

Time. See also Dates

accessed/last accessed date and time

chain of custody including

clock manipulation impacting

clock model of

clock skew impacting

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

creation date and time

cyber forensics and

definition of

determination of

directory entry including


inaccuracy of

investigation noting discrepancies in

keeping track of

last modified date and time


MS-DOS 32-bit timestamp

Network Time Protocol

search criteria including


system clock verification

time-bounding techniques



Unallocated space

Unicode/Universal Character Set (UCS):

ASCII as foundation of

decimal values for

HEX equivalent of

Unix and Unix-like operating systems

Unix File System (UFS)

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)


file systems in (see File systems)

partitions vs.

Volume Boot Record (VBR)

Windows Operating System. See also Microsoft

boot process in

file extensions used by

file folder structure of

file system of

HEX longevity vs.

metadata information via

partitions in

time and date stamps by

Word, Microsoft

Write blocking or protection

XHTML (extended HTML) file format

XML (extensible markup language) file format

ZIP file format

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