About the Author

John Steventon, also known as Recess, was transformed from clubber to wannabe DJ by BBC Radio 1’s 1996 ‘Ibiza Essential Mix’. Fascinated by what he heard, he bought a second-hand pair of turntables, his best friend’s record collection, and started to follow the dream of becoming his newest hero, Sasha.

With no other resource available when he first started DJing, John would take notes, writing articles to refer to if ever he felt like he needed help. Joining the Internet revolution meant 15 megabytes of free Web space, and as he’d already written these notes about learning how to DJ, John thought it would be good to share that information with the rest of the world wide web. He created the ‘Recess’ persona, and expanded the site as his knowledge grew. Originally a small, basic Web site, www.recess.co.uk has grown over the years, both in size and reputation, to become one of the foremost online resources for learning how to DJ – the place where newbie DJs turn to.

Having developed a career as a TV editor at the same time, now editing at BBC Scotland, he has scaled down the time spent DJing in clubs, but Recess is always online to help the new DJ overcome those first few hurdles, and offer advice to those who need that extra bit of reassurance.

John is 39, spends way too much time on his rowing machine, is married to Julie, and they both live together with their daughters, cats and a smile on the outskirts of Glasgow, Scotland. He still considers himself a wannabe DJ.


This book is dedicated to my Dad, Richard Steventon, who I’m sure would have got a kick out of seeing his son write a book.

To Julie: you’re still my best friend, my wife, my smile; without whom I’d be half a person. You are my lobster. To Jaime: my whirlwind of energy and bottomless pit of fun. And for this third edition, a new addition: to Holly Steventon, it’s incredible watching you develop. Always remember it’s fun being the youngest. Just don’t stab your big sister in the eye with a fork … like I did to my big sister …

Author’s Acknowledgements

My list of acknowledgments is surprisingly long, but these are the people without whom this book would not have been inspired, created or nearly as long as it ended up!

Thanks to Graham Joyce, who sold me his record collection and started me on this journey, who got me my first break in a roundabout way, and took me to the place that I eventually met my wonderful wife. My sister, Pamela Steventon, who claims if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have made friends with Graham and is therefore responsible for everything good in my life! My mum, Mary Steventon, for being my Mum and for helping with the text accuracy in this book (even if she had NO idea what it all meant). My uncle, David Steventon, for sowing the seed that maybe people would find my writing interesting; my lovely in-laws, Jim (sorry, ‘Sir’), Margaret (the lasagne queen) and Vicki Tuley for entertaining Julie while I spent months writing this book; Carol Wilson for making sure I wasn’t signing away the rest of my life; and Lucky, Ziggy and Ozzy for being my writing companions.

All the poker guys for letting me blow off steam until 7 in the morning trying to take their money. All the staff and DJs at what used to be Café Cini in Glasgow where I got my break as a DJ, Graham Angus at work for reminding me how exciting it is to try to be a DJ and Paul Crabb for inspiration and distraction (I know, I still can’t believe I wrote a book before you!). This book wouldn’t have had half the info in it if it wasn’t for the following people helping me out and kindly granting me permission to reuse images of their gear: David Cross at Ableton, Adam Peck at Gemini, Stephanie Lambley for Vestax images, Sarah Lombard at Stanton, Tara Callahan at Roland, Mike Lohman at Shure, Sarah O’Brien at PPLUK, Carole Love at Pioneer, Grover Knight at Numark, David Haughton at Allen & Heath, Wilfrid at Ortofon, Justin Nelson at NGWave, Ryan Sherr at PCDJ, Laura Johnston at Panasonic, Jeroen Backx at Freefloat, all at Etymotic, NoiseBrakers, Sony, and Denon, Mark Davis from Harmonic-mixing.com, Yakov V at Mixedinkey.com for his help with the Harmonic Mixing info, Phil at DigitalDJTips.com, all the visitors to my Recess Web site, and everyone else who has touched all the editions of this book in any way – I can’t mention everyone, but thank you all.

And finally, from Wiley, Rachael Chilvers, whose support, understanding and encouragement made it a pleasure to write the first two editions of this book, and Iona Everson who has been very patient while holding my hand through this third edition.

Phew … I can’t wait for my Oscar speech!!

Thanks for reading this book. Good luck and keep the beats tight.

Publisher’s Acknowledgements

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Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:

Acquisitions, Editorial and Vertical Websites

Project Editor: Iona Everson

Commissioning Editor: Mike Baker

Proofreader: Mary White

Publisher: Miles Kendall

Technical Reviewer: Phil Morse

Composition Services

Project Coordinator: Melissa Cossell

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