Part 4. Technology

A quick browse through the Process section of this book makes it quite clear that a data warehouse project requires a wide array of technologies and tools. The data warehousing products market (particularly the software segment) is a rapidly growing one; new vendors continuously announce the availability of new products, while existing vendors add warehousing-specific features to their existing product lines.

Understandably, the gamut of tools makes tool selection quite confusing. This section of the book aims to lend order to the warehousing tools market by classifying these tools and technologies. The two main categories, understandably, are:

  • Hardware and operating systems. These refer primarily to the warehouse servers and their related operating systems. Key issues include database size, storage options, and backup and recovery technology.

  • Software. This refers primarily to the tools that are used to extract, clean, integrate, populate, store, access, distribute, and present warehouse data. Also included in this category are metadata repositories that document the data warehouse. The major database vendors have all jumped on the data warehousing bandwagon and have introduced, or are planning to introduce, features that allow their database products to better support data warehouse implementations.

In addition, this section of the book focuses on two key technology issues in data warehousing:

  • Warehouse schema design. We present an overview of the dimensional modeling techniques, as popularized by Ralph Kimball, to produce database designs that are particularly suited for warehousing implementations.

  • Warehouse metadata. We provide a quick look at warehouse metadata—what it is, what it should encompass, and why it is critical in data warehousing.

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