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project brief
Imagine if the world ran out of oil and we were
forced to go “full circle” and reinvent existing
horse-drawn vehicles to fi t into today’s environ-
ment. Fourteen antique carriages and sleighs
were found in barns and fi elds and transported
to a workshop for the students to work on. The
vehicles, all in unrestorable condition, were
randomly given to the students to make func-
tional for contemporary use.
project goal
An exhibition that creates a satirical answer to
todays oil crisis
project outcome
The traveling exhibition has already been on
display at three venues in less than a year, in-
cluding a Smithsonian-affi liated museum, and
has been featured in several national publica-
tions. It will continue to grow and tour as new
pieces are created and more venues become
interested. The exhibition declares, “Imagine
a world without oil as a source of power!” Well
before the twentieth century, the world de-
pended on another source of power, the horse.
The avenues of New York and Main Streets
across America were once crowded with horse-
drawn vehicles. SVA students have reinvented
these vehicles to take on todays energy-chal-
lenged world.
Class: Three-Dimensional Design
Level: Third and Fourth Year
Faculty: Kevin O’Callaghan
Duration of Project: Three Weeks
School of Visual Arts
New York, New York, USA
Hot Rod Sleigh
Teacher: Kevin O’Callaghan
Photography by MYKO
This was the original starting point for the
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n dential
New York City Taxi Wagon
Student: Sofi a Limpontoudi
Photograph by Laura Yeffeth
I wanted to re-create the iconic New York City taxicab as a horse-drawn vehicle.
Bobbleman’s Sales Carriage
Student: Chris Dimino
Photograph by Laura Yeffeth
This traveling salesman’s ve-
hicle sells bobbleheads of the
former CEOs of the major oil
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Coffee Cart
Student: Alexis Shields
Photograph: Laura Yeffeth
I transformed a disheveled,
broken-down sleigh into a
sleek, functional New York
City bagel and coffee cart.
Ice Cream Wagon
Students: Kaori Sakai & Rafael Vasquez
Photograph: Laura Yeffeth
We wanted to make a whimsi-
cal ice cream truck and give a
new life to this very utilitarian
Con Ed Energy Wagon
Student: Joseph Pastor
Photograph: Laura Yeffeth
I created a perpetual machine that is pulled by a horse and pro-
duces energy from horse manure.
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FedEx Wagon
Student: Sarah Nguyen
Photograph: Laura Yeffeth
In our culture, we try to expe-
dite any kind of process. If we
had to go back to delivering
with horse-drawn carriages,
shipping services would lack
dependability and punctuality.
Tight deadlines would have to
be rethought, Christmas shop-
ping would have to start earli-
er, and patience would have to
be instilled in everyone. FedEx
would be forced to change its
slogan to “the world almost on
New York City Tourist Wagon
Student: Su Hyun Kim
Photograph: Laura Yeffeth
I wanted to pay homage to the New York City tourist bus because
it was the fi rst thing I did when I came to New York from Korea.
I worked with the design of the original wagon and added to it to
create a functional tourist bus.
Lucky’s Brooklyn Pizza
Delivery Carriage
Students: Exhibition Team
Photograph: Laura Yeffeth
The purpose was to restore a
beautiful carriage to its former
glory and to take advantage of
its interior space by retrofi t-
ting it as a vehicle for deliver-
ing pizza.
Tiki Sleigh
Student: Adria Ingegneri
Photograph: Laura Yeffeth
I retrofi t a doctors sleigh into
a “tiki sleigh,” while maintain-
ing the original craftsmanship
of the existing sleigh.
the projects 155
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