

  1. Abuse, exposing prototypes to
  2. Acceleration stage:
    1. for breakthrough innovations
    2. knowledge management in
  3. Accountability, in future-friendly design
  4. Action step (CTN method)
  5. Activists
  6. Acumen subdimension (CVPA)
  7. Adoption rates
  8. Adventure Series, at GE
  9. Advertising, “look for”
  10. Aero chair
  11. Aesthetics
  12. Aesthetic preferences.
    1. See also Consumer aesthetic
  13. Aesthetic value
  14. Affective uncertainty
  15. Age, consumer&s
  16. Agile development
  17. Airbus
  18. Aircraft, displays in military
  19. Airline industry, self-service in
  20. Air New Zealand
  21. Air Products
  22. Alessi coffeemaker
  23. Alignment
  24. Amazon
  25. Ambiguity
  26. American Express
  27. American Time Use Survey
  28. Amplification, intelligence
  29. Analog Devices
  30. Analogical thinking
  31. Angst
  32. Animation, of information
  33. Anthony, S.
  34. Anti-persona
  35. Appearance, product:
    1. defined
    2. quality cues from
    3. six roles of
  36. Apple
  37. Application migration
  38. Arbitrage, information
  39. Architecture:
    1. of organization
    2. of prototypes
  40. Archives, pictorial
  41. Arnold, T. J.
  42. Asia. See also specific countries
  43. “As is” customer experience maps
  44. Assumptions:
    1. about business model components
    2. sustainability assumption testing
  45. Attention, drawing
  46. Audio capability
  47. Auditory feedback
  48. Audits, idea
  49. Augmented reality
  50. Australia
  51. Authenticity
  52. Autonomy


  1. Backcasting, sustainability
  2. Background research
  3. Bain and Company
  4. Beckman, S.
  5. Béhar, Yves
  6. Behavior, employee
  7. Beltagui, A.
  8. Bend (Design Heuristic)
  9. Benefit uncertainty
  10. Berstell, G.
  11. Bertels, H.
  12. Best design, production of
  13. Best mode requirement
  14. BIs, see Breakthrough innovations
  15. Bicycles, culture and design of
  16. Big data
  17. Biomax®
  18. Black Cloud scenario
  19. Blank, S.
  20. Bloch, P. H.
  21. Blue ocean concept
  22. Bluetooth earpieces
  23. Board of directors
  24. Boeing
  25. Boldness, of business models
  26. Bolted-on sustainability
  27. Boot Camp phase (Menlo Innovation Ecosystem)
  28. Booz and Company
  29. Bosack, Leonard
  30. Bourdieu, Pierre
  31. Brainstorming:
    1. onboarding by
    2. personas in
    3. stories in
    4. sustainability
    5. tools for
  32. Brand, strength of
  33. Brand image
  34. Branding, for early-stage ventures
  35. Braungart, M.
  36. Breakthrough innovations (BIs). See also Knowledge management for breakthrough innovations; Lean start-up approach
    1. and corporate myopia
    2. incremental vs.
    3. lean start-up approach to developing
  37. Brown, T.
  38. Brunel, F. F.
  39. Budget, for cultural transformations
  40. Build, Test, Iterate, and Refine phase:
    1. for Orbit Baby
    2. of product development process
    3. stories and prototypes in
  41. Building to learn
  42. Business model(s):
    1. assumptions about
    2. of competitors
    3. defined
    4. defining your organization&s
    5. free
    6. implementation of new
    7. innovating outside of
    8. in lean start-up approach
  43. Business model canvas:
    1. components of
    2. lean and FEI canvases vs.
  44. Business model design
    1. and definition of business model
    2. and implementation of new business model
    3. process of creating
    4. selecting model for
    5. triggers for
    6. value from
  45. Business Model Strength Survey
  46. Business practitioners:
    1. “preparing the ground” for
    2. relationships of design professionals and
  47. Business strategy. See also Strategically-embedded design thinking
    1. and business plan
    2. leveraging Value Accelerators in
  48. Buyers, users vs.
  49. Buyer personas
  50. Buy-in, for design-based initiatives


  1. Candi, M.
  2. Cannon
  3. Capital protection and renewal
  4. Carlzon, Jan
  5. Case-study scenario exercises
  6. Categorization
  7. Centrality of visual product aesthetics (CVPA)
  8. CEOs, see Chief executive officers
  9. Certifications
  10. Challenger explosion
  11. Change, resistance to
  12. Channel:
    1. in lean start-up approach
    2. in six-cornerstone framework
  13. Chapman, Jonathan
  14. Charan, Ram
  15. Chesbrough, Henry
  16. Chief executive officers (CEOs):
    1. control by
    2. support for design thinking by
  17. Chief innovation officers (CIOs)
  18. Children&s Hospital of Pittsburgh
  19. China
  20. Christensen, C.
  21. Ciesko, Mark
  22. CIOs (chief innovation officers)
  23. Cisco
  24. Claims, patent
  25. Clarity, of business models
  26. Class, social
  27. Classicists
  28. Clay Street initiative
  29. Clean cut towel dispenser
  30. Climate, organizational
  31. Clorox
  32. Closed behaviors
  33. Closure step (CTN method)
  34. Coca-Cola Company
  35. Co-creation:
    1. in future-oriented design
    2. of inspirational design briefs
    3. as integral value
    4. in Menlo Innovation Ecosystem
    5. with stakeholders
    6. sustainability via
  36. Cognitive process of idea generation
  37. Coherence, business model
  38. Collaboration:
    1. on design briefs
    2. in design thinking
    3. identifying purpose of
    4. by UI and industrial designers
  39. Collages
  40. Collectivism
  41. Collins, Jim
  42. Color
  43. Commoner, Barry
  44. Common law trademark rights
  45. Communication:
    1. about radically new products
    2. in CTN method
    3. of global information
    4. in Menlo Innovation Ecosystem
    5. multimodal
    6. personas for
    7. product development phase related to
    8. with prototypes
    9. with stories
  46. Community first (emerging need)
  47. Competitions, let the best idea win
  48. Competitive advantage
  49. Competitive Advantage (Michael Porter)
  50. Competitive research
  51. Competitors
  52. Complete product stories
  53. Complexity, product
  54. Concept development:
    1. design briefs in
    2. sustainable
  55. Concept generation:
    1. Design Heuristics for
    2. transitioning from insight collection to
  56. Conceptual separability
  57. Condensation, of information
  58. Connectivity
  59. Consistent design
  60. Constitution, U.S.
  61. Consumer aesthetic preferences. See also Consumer response to product form
    1. cultural factors in
    2. individual factors in
    3. and product developers
    4. situational factors in
    5. and social class
    6. and user experience
  62. Consumer consumption chain
  63. Consumer involvement, purchase risk and
  64. Consumer needs. See also Customer needs; User needs
  65. Consumer preferences, in future-friendly design
  66. Consumer product evaluations, see Consumer response to product form
  67. Consumer-related factors, in response to product form
  68. Consumer response to product form
    1. brand strength/image as factor in
    2. consumer-related factors in
    3. context-related factors in
    4. culture- and time-related factors in
    5. influence of visual design principles on
    6. phase of product life cycle as factor in
    7. practical implications of relationship
    8. product category-related factors in
    9. and six roles of product appearance
    10. and size, shape, and color of product
    11. and visual typicality/novelty of product
  69. Consumer-values framework
  70. Consumption, subculture of
  71. Consumption chain
  72. Content distribution
  73. Context:
    1. and consumer response to product form
    2. corporate culture as
    3. for customer experience mapping
    4. in stories
  74. Context group (design quality criteria)
  75. Context mapping
  76. Context through Narratives (CTN) method:
    1. action step in
    2. case illustration
    3. closure step in
    4. and designers as interpreters of stories
    5. preparation step in
    6. prerequisites for using
    7. processing step in
    8. and role of users/stakeholders in service design
    9. and servitization trend
  77. Contextual immersion
  78. Contextual understanding
  79. Continuous improvement
  80. Continuum
  81. Contract manufacturing
  82. Contracts of ideas no longer open to debate
  83. Control:
    1. by CEOs
    2. in service experiences
  84. Cooper, R.
  85. Copyrights
  86. Copyright Act
  87. Coravin
  88. Corning
  89. Corporate culture
    1. as context for design work
    2. for creating radically new products
    3. default
    4. defined
    5. distinctive elements of
    6. distinguishing your organization with
    7. and early-stage ventures
    8. forces that undermine design thinking in
    9. and four pillars of innovation
    10. impact on design thinking of
    11. and knowledge management
    12. for strategically-embedded design thinking
    13. transforming
  90. Corporate gravity
  91. Corporate immune system
  92. Corporate myopia
  93. Cost advantage
  94. Cost structure, in lean start-up approach
  95. Cradle to Grave design
  96. Create mode (design thinking framework)
  97. Creative Problem Solving Group
  98. Creativity
  99. Creusen, M. E. H.
  100. Cross-disciplinary teams
  101. Crowdsourcing
  102. CTN method, see Context through Narratives method
  103. Cultural assessments
  104. Cultural conflict
  105. Culture:
    1. and consumer aesthetic preferences
    2. and consumer response to product form
    3. corporate, see Corporate culture
    4. national
    5. regional
  106. Customer(s):
    1. defined
    2. routine
    3. in six-cornerstone framework
  107. Customer development stage
  108. Customer engagement
  109. Customer experience:
    1. key elements of
    2. overmanagement of
  110. Customer experience maps
    1. best practices for using
    2. defined
    3. generating
    4. innovative solutions from
    5. inputs to
    6. in physical therapy services example
  111. Customer immersion labs
  112. Customer insights:
    1. collection of
    2. creating personas based on
    3. in CTN method
    4. in Define mode
    5. in Discover mode
    6. synthesizing information for
  113. Customer journey, moments in
  114. Customer journey mapping
  115. Customer needs. See also Consumer needs; User needs
  116. Customer operations, services supporting
  117. Customer participation
  118. Customer surveys
  119. Customization
  120. Cutaneous stimulation
  121. CVPA (centrality of visual product aesthetics)


  1. Dance, service experience involving
  2. Day-to-day problems, solving
  3. Deadlines, for cultural transformations
  4. Debate(s):
    1. contracts of ideas no longer open to
    2. in design thinking
    3. dual-mode
    4. idea
    5. process
  5. Decision points
  6. Decline phase, response to products in
  7. Dedicated infrastructure (pillar of innovation)
  8. Default culture
  9. Define mode (design thinking framework)
  10. Definiteness requirement
  11. Definition and design loop (product development)
  12. Delker, Wayne
  13. DeMartino, R.
  14. Dematerialization, design for
  15. Demographic characteristics, consumer response and
  16. Derivative works
  17. Design. See also specific types, e.g.: Industrial design (ID)
    1. corporate culture as context for
    2. and financial performance
    3. in intellectual property protection
    4. investment in
    5. next practices in
    6. personas in
    7. as service
    8. strengthening brand with
    9. sustainability as criteria for
  18. Design briefs. See also Inspirational design briefs
    1. collaboration on
    2. defined
    3. length of
    4. sustainability as concern in
    5. time frames for writing
  19. Design competence
  20. Design concepts:
    1. development of
    2. generation of
    3. personas for pitching
  21. Design directors
  22. Designers:
    1. beliefs about idea generation of
    2. collaboration by UI and industrial
    3. edge case discussions of engineering personnel and
    4. intellectual property protection for
    5. as interpreters of stories
    6. professional service
    7. roles of, in NPD
  23. Design for Capital Protection and Renewal
  24. Design for Dematerialization
  25. Design for Detoxification
  26. Design for Effectiveness (DfEffv):
    1. described
    2. other design strategies vs.
  27. Design for Environment (DfEnv):
    1. described
    2. other design strategies vs.
    3. and sustainability assumption testing
    4. and sustainability in concept development
  28. Design for Revalorization
  29. Design for Sustainability/Efficiency (DfS):
    1. described
    2. integrating design thinking in
    3. other design strategies vs.
    4. and sustainability in concept development
  30. Design Heuristics
    1. and cognitive process of idea generation
    2. defined
    3. and designers& beliefs about idea generation
    4. generating design concepts with
    5. generating ideas with
    6. identifying
    7. names and definitions of
    8. value of
  31. Design journey, documentation of. See also Journey mapping
  32. Design patents
  33. Design practices:
    1. for information management
    2. for problem definition
    3. for stakeholder management
  34. Design professionals. See also Designers
    1. in fuzzy front end of innovation
    2. relationships of business practitioners and
  35. Design proposals, communicating
  36. Design quality criteria (DQC):
    1. content distribution between
    2. for inspirational design briefs
  37. Design thinking. See also Strategically-embedded design thinking
    1. corporate culture&s impact on
    2. and corporate myopia
    3. defined
    4. in design for sustainability/efficiency
    5. and four pillars of innovation
    6. framework for
    7. at GE Healthcare
    8. history of
    9. idea generation in
    10. managing transitions in
    11. measuring and evaluating
    12. mindset for
    13. in new product development
    14. nonlinearity of
    15. sustainability in
    16. by teams with non-designers
    17. training non-designers in
    18. wicked problems in
  38. “Design Thinking: Take It Home” worksheet
  39. Design Thinking for Sustainability (DThfS)
    1. other design strategies vs.
    2. What if phase
    3. What is phase
    4. What works phase
    5. What wows phase
  40. Design thinking tools
    1. for information management
    2. for problem definition
    3. for stakeholder management
  41. Detoxification, design for
  42. Development process, personas in. See also New product development (NPD)
  43. Development timelines
  44. DfEffv, see Design for Effectiveness
  45. DfEnv, see Design for Environment
  46. DfS, see Design for Sustainability/Efficiency
  47. Diageo
  48. Dietz, Doug
  49. Digital functions, assigning
  50. Digital products, physical vs.
  51. Direction, prototypes for determining
  52. Disclosure requirements
  53. Discover mode (design thinking framework)
  54. Discover phase (service design)
  55. Discovery stage:
    1. for breakthrough innovations
    2. knowledge management in
  56. Display, defining
  57. Disruptive innovations
  58. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste (Pierre Bourdieu)
  59. “Distinctive Elements of Corporate Culture”
  60. DIY production
  61. Documentation:
    1. of customer stories
    2. of design journey
    3. of Menlo Innovation activities
  62. Dollar coins
  63. Dove
  64. DQC, see Design quality criteria
  65. Drawings, for design patents
  67. DThfS, see Design Thinking for Sustainability
  68. Dual-mode debates
  69. DuPont
  70. Durability, emotional
  71. Dyson Cool fan


  1. Early adopters
  2. Early prototyping
  3. Early-stage ventures
    1. clean cut towel dispenser example
    2. culture of
    3. defining and refining products at
    4. intellectual property protection at
    5. KidSmart smoke detector example
    6. mistakes in
    7. new product development at
    8. research in
  4. Early testing
  5. Ease of use
  6. Eco-efficiency
  7. E-commerce
  8. Economic metrics
  9. Economic model
  10. Edge cases
  11. Edison, Thomas
  12. Education level, consumer response and
  13. Effectiveness, design for, see Design for Effectiveness (DfEffv)
  14. Efficiency, see Design for Sustainability/Efficiency (DfS)
  15. E Ink
  16. Einstein, Albert
  17. Electric Boat
  18. Electric vehicles
  19. Elsum, I.
  20. Embedded sustainability
  21. Emerging need(s)
    1. community first as
    2. defined
    3. glass houses as
    4. keeping it real as
    5. the [relentless] pursuit of happiness as
    6. we [really] are the world as
  22. Emerging-technology focus
  23. Emotional durability
  24. Empathize step (Visualize, Empathize, and Ideate method):
    1. activities in
    2. in industrial design studio example
    3. and order of Visualize and Ideate steps
  25. Empathy:
    1. in design thinking
    2. in human-centered design process
    3. interviewing for
  26. Employee behavior, service experience and
  27. Employee empowerment
  28. Enablement requirement
  29. Energy usage metrics
  30. Engagement
  31. Engineering design
  32. Engineering loop (product development)
  33. Engineering personnel:
    1. edge case discussions with
    2. personas in work with
  34. Ensemble casting
  35. Entrepreneurs, see Early-stage ventures
  36. Environment(s). See also Design for Environment (DfEnv)
    1. as design quality criteria
    2. for innovation lab
    3. matching
    4. for service experiences
    5. for strategically-embedded design thinking
    6. and user needs
  37. Environmental metrics
  38. Eternally Yours designs
  39. Ethnographic research:
    1. in creation of personas
    2. in Visualize, Empathize, and Ideate method
  40. Ethnographic stories
  41. Europe. See also specific countries
  42. European Union
  43. Evaluate mode (design thinking framework)
  44. Evaluation. See also Consumer response to product form
    1. of design thinking
    2. of prototypes
    3. of radically new products
  45. Every Business is a Growth Business (Ram Charan)
  46. Exclusive rights, of patents
  47. Experiential learning
  48. Experiential motivators
  49. Experimentation skills
  50. Expertise
  51. Exploration, prototypes for
  52. Exploratory phase (Menlo Innovation Ecosystem)
  53. Expression (design quality criteria)
    1. content distribution for process vs.
    2. in design project brief
    3. in research project brief
  54. Expressive motivation
  55. External resources, lean canvas and
  56. Extreme users


  1. Facebook
  2. Facilitators:
    1. innovation
    2. knowledge management
  3. Failing fast
  4. Farming equipment and systems company, CTN method for
  5. Features, limiting
  6. Feedback:
    1. auditory
    2. from early testing
    3. in Evaluate mode
    4. on prototypes
  7. FEI canvas
  8. Feick, L.
  9. Femininity, of culture
  10. Feminity, of culture
  11. Fender
  12. FFE of innovation, see Fuzzy front end of innovation
  13. Fiksel, J.
  14. Financial performance, design and
  15. Find Partner quadrant
  16. Fire phone
  17. First concept prototypes
  18. First move advantage
  19. Flash mobs
  20. Flexibility:
    1. of corporate culture
    2. of design thinking
  21. Follow-Up phase (Menlo Innovation Ecosystem)
  22. Ford, Henry
  23. Ford Motor Company
  24. Four pillars of innovation
  25. Four Seasons
  26. Fourth wall, breaking
  27. France
  28. Fraser, H.
  29. Free business models
  30. Fresh Direct
  31. Fromkin, H. L.
  32. Function:
    1. Design Heuristics related to
    2. as design quality criteria
  33. Functional features, design patents on
  34. Functionalities, appearance and
  35. Functional motivators. See also Utilitarian motivation
  36. Funding, attracting
  37. Future-friendly design
    1. accountability in
    2. authenticity in
    3. connectivity in
    4. consumer-values framework for
    5. emerging consumer needs in
    6. global responsibility in
    7. personas for
    8. pursuit of happiness in
    9. themes in
    10. tool kit for
  38. Fuzzy front end (FFE) of innovation
    1. activities in
    2. design challenges in
    3. design thinking in
    4. information management in
    5. knowledge management in
    6. problem definition in
    7. stakeholder management in
    8. strategic integration of design professionals in


  1. GE, see General Electric
  2. GE Healthcare. See also Menlo Innovation Ecosystem
    1. Global Design group at
    2. impact of design thinking for
    3. innovation at
  3. Gender, consumer response and
  4. General Electric (GE). See also GE Healthcare
  5. General Motors
  6. Generative sessions, for stakeholder management
  7. Georgiv, Emil
  8. Gestural interfaces
  9. Gillette
  10. Gladwell, Malcolm
  11. Glass houses (emerging need)
  12. Global responsibility
  13. Goals:
    1. of creating radically new products
    2. for prototypes
  14. Going vertical
  15. Golden Rule
  16. Google
  17. Google Glass
  18. Google Patents
  19. Google X
  20. GoPro
  21. Goths
  22. Grace period, for prior art
  23. Gravity, corporate
  24. Gripple
  25. Group genius
  26. Growth mindset
  27. Growth phase, consumer response to products in
  28. Growth-related challenges, for innovation labs
  29. “Guide for Developing Powerful Value Accelerators”


  1. Hannover Principles
  2. Happiness, pursuit of
  3. Haptic technology
  4. Hardware, characteristics of
  5. Hardware development:
    1. and entrepreneurial culture
    2. integrating user interface and
    3. separation of software development from
  6. Hawkins, Jeff
  7. Healthymagination campaign
  8. Hedonic motivation
  9. Hei, Joseph
  10. Henderson, P. W.
  11. Hennala, L.
  12. Herman Miller
  13. Hero camera
  14. Hertenstein, J. H.
  15. Heuristics, design, see Design Heuristics
  16. High-performance quality
  17. Hoeffler, S.
  18. Hofstede, G.
  19. Holbrook, M. B.
  20. Holistic thinking:
    1. about problem definition
    2. design thinking as
    3. mind maps for
  21. Hollow core trap
  22. Holmberg, J.
  23. Honda
  24. “How might we” questions
  25. “How the Mighty Fall” (Jim Collins)
  26. Human-centered design
  27. Human factors
  28. Hypotheses, for solutions


  1. IBM
  2. ID, see Industrial design
  3. IDEA (International Design Excellence Awards)
  4. Idea audits
  5. Idea debates
  6. IDea Fan Deck
  7. Idea generation:
    1. challenges with
    2. cognitive process of
    3. in Create mode
    4. designers& beliefs about
    5. with Design Heuristics
  8. Idea jams
  9. Ideate step (Visualize, Empathize, and Ideate method):
    1. activities in
    2. in industrial design studio example
    3. order of other steps and
  10. Ideation:
    1. and corporate culture
    2. in Menlo Innovation Ecosystem
    3. prototypes in
    4. stories in
  11. Ideators
  12. Identify User Needs and Find the Value Proposition phase:
    1. in product development process
    2. stories in
  13. Identity tests
  14. IDEO
  15. Ignore quadrant
  16. IKEA
  17. “The IKEA effect”
  18. Immersion, contextual
  19. Immune system, corporate
  20. Implement stage (cultural transformation)
  21. Importance of product
  22. Improvisation, in service experience
  23. Income, consumer response and
  24. Incremental innovations. See also Sustaining innovations
    1. breakthrough vs.
    2. design thinking for
    3. at GE Healthcare
    4. knowledge management for
  25. Incubation stage:
    1. for breakthrough innovations
    2. knowledge management in
  26. InCycle collection
  27. Independent writing
  28. Individual factors, in consumer aesthetic preferences
  29. Individualism
  30. Industrial design (ID):
    1. decision points for guiding teams in
    2. developing best practices for
    3. identification of Design Heuristics in
    4. integration of user interface design and
    5. separation of user interface design from
  31. Industrial Design Society of America
  32. Industrial design studio example
  33. Influencer (six-cornerstone framework)
  34. Information:
    1. animation of
    2. communication of global
    3. condensation of
    4. from narratives
    5. seeking
    6. sensorial
    7. synthesizing
    8. translation of
  35. Information arbitrage
  36. Information management:
    1. as design challenge
    2. design practices for improving
    3. design tools for improving
    4. in fuzzy front end of innovation
    5. personas for
  37. Informative stories
  38. Infosys
  39. Infrastructure, as pillar of innovation
  40. Initial exploration, prototypes for
  41. Innovation(s). See also Breakthrough innovations; Fuzzy front end (FFE) of innovation
    1. corporate culture&s impact on
    2. as design quality criteria
    3. disruptive
    4. four pillars of
    5. at GE Healthcare
    6. incremental
    7. role of design thinking in
    8. sustaining
    9. technology and use knowledge for
    10. transformational
  42. Innovation Camp phase (Menlo Innovation Ecosystem)
  43. Innovation facilitators
  44. Innovation requirements
  45. Innovative solutions, from customer experience maps
  46. Insights, see Customer insights
  47. Inspiration
  48. Inspirational design briefs
    1. design quality criteria for
    2. distribution of content for process vs. expression in
    3. pitfalls with
    4. for product design project
    5. for research project
    6. writing
  49. Inspiring stories
  50. Integral values
  51. Integration, of stakeholder perspectives
  52. Integrative design thinking
  53. Intel
  54. Intellectual property protection
    1. in copyright system
    2. definition of “design” in
    3. design patents for
    4. at early-stage ventures
    5. strategic considerations with selecting
    6. trademark rights for
    7. utility patents for
  55. Intelligence amplification:
    1. in discovery stage
    2. intelligence leveraging vs.
    3. organizational requirements for implementation of
  56. Intelligence leveraging:
    1. in amplification stage
    2. for breakthrough innovations
    3. intelligence amplification vs.
  57. Interaction design (IxD)
  58. Interactive simulations
  59. Internal capacity, for service design
  60. International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA)
  61. Internet of Things
  62. Interpretation, of narratives
  63. Interviews
  64. Intrapreneurs
  65. Introduction phase, consumer response to products in
  66. Intuit
  67. Intuition–rational approach to FFE
  68. Inventions
  69. Invent stage (cultural transformation)
  70. Investment, in design
  71. Involvement, consumer
  72. iPhone
  73. iPod
  74. Iteration(s):
    1. in design thinking and corporate culture
    2. in integrated UI and ID projects
    3. in lean start-up approach
    4. product development phase related to
  75. Iterative approach:
    1. to design thinking
    2. to service design
  76. iTunes
  77. IxD (interaction design)


  1. James Cropper PLC
  2. Jams
  3. Japan
  4. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
  5. Job to be done perspective
  6. Johnson, Mark
  7. Jones, C.
  8. Journey mapping:
    1. customer
    2. sustainability
    3. for teams with non-designers
  9. JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory )
  10. JWD-Creative


  1. Kagerman, Henning
  2. Keeping it real (emerging need)
  3. Kelleher, Herb
  4. Kelley, David
  5. Kellogg Company
  6. Kelly, David
  7. Kennedy, John F.
  8. Keurig Green Mountain
  9. Key personnel, in strategically-embedded design thinking
  10. Keystone Project Team
  11. Kick Out the Ladder philosophy
  12. Kickstarter
  13. KidSmart smoke detector
  14. Kinesthetic sense
  15. Knowledge:
    1. consumer response and product
    2. technology
    3. use
  16. Knowledge brokering
  17. Knowledge management (in general):
    1. facilitators of
    2. function of
    3. history of
  18. Knowledge management for breakthrough innovations
    1. in acceleration stage
    2. in discovery stage
    3. and incremental vs. breakthrough innovations
    4. in incubation stage
    5. and intelligence leveraging vs. amplification
    6. organizational implications of
    7. with technology market mind maps
    8. with technology transfer tool
  19. Kodak
  20. Koen, P. A.
  21. Konsti-Laakso, S.
  22. Kotchka, Claudia
  23. Kumar, V.


  1. Lab126 (Amazon)
  2. Lafley, A. G.
  3. Landscaping method
  4. Large enterprises, lean start-up approach for, see Lean start-up approach
  5. Laszlo, C.
  6. Launch, product
  7. Leadership, of integrated UI and ID projects
  8. Leadership mandate
  9. Lead users
  10. Lean canvas
  11. Lean start-up approach
    1. business models in
    2. domains suited for
    3. elements of
    4. human-centered design for
    5. implementation of
  12. Leap Motion Controller
  13. Learning:
    1. building to learn
    2. experiential
    3. from prototypes
    4. sustainability learning launch
  14. Learning cost uncertainty
  15. LEGO
  16. Length, design brief
  17. “Let the best idea win” competitions
  18. Leveraging:
    1. intelligence
    2. of Value Accelerators
  19. Levitt, Theodore
  20. Liedtka, J.
  21. Life-cycle analysis
  22. Lifestyle, culture and
  23. Liquid lens concept
  24. Lockheed Martin Skunk Works
  25. Logical stories
  26. Logo design
  27. Long-term orientation
  28. “Look for” advertising
  29. Low-fidelity prototypes
  30. Low-resolution prototypes


  1. McDonough, W.
  2. Magretta, Joan
  3. Maker Movement
  4. Malkewitz, K.
  5. Management:
    1. alignment of
    2. communication with
  6. Manufacturing:
    1. contract
    2. prototypes for facilitating
    3. in six-cornerstone framework
  7. Market needs
  8. Market research:
    1. for early-stage ventures
    2. for Visualize, Empathize, and Ideate method
  9. Martin, Roger
  10. Masculinity, of culture
  11. Masstige
  12. Matching environments
  13. Material burden metrics
  14. Maturity phase, consumer response to products in
  15. Maurya, A.
  16. Mavens
  17. Meaning, secondary
  18. Medtronic
  19. Membership, teams with changing
  20. Menlo Innovation Ecosystem
    1. about
    2. Boot Camp phase in
    3. challenges with
    4. Exploratory phase in
    5. Follow-Up phase in
    6. and GE Healthcare&s Global Design group
    7. and impact of design thinking for GE Healthcare
    8. Innovation Camp phase in
    9. lessons from
    10. Research Plan phase in
    11. success factors for
  21. Menlo Innovation Lab
  22. Menlo Park research laboratory
  23. Meredith, Mukara
  24. Metaphors
  25. Metrics:
    1. for idea and process debates
    2. for sustainability
  26. Migration, application
  27. Military aircraft, displays in
  28. Mind maps:
    1. generating problem definition with
    2. sustainability
    3. technology market
  29. Mindset:
    1. of design thinking
    2. growth
    3. for training in design thinking
  30. Minimum viable prototype (MVP)
  31. Mobile devices, in Menlo Innovation Ecosystem
  32. Modern values
  33. Moments of truth
  34. Mood boards
  35. Motivators and motivation:
    1. experiential
    2. expressive
    3. functional
    4. hedonic
    5. symbolic
    6. utilitarian
  36. Multimodal communication
  37. Multivoting
  38. Murphy, Lawrence “Murph”
  39. MVP (minimum viable prototype)
  40. Myopia, corporate


  1. Naming, of early-stage ventures
  2. Narratives. See also Context through Narratives (CTN) method; Story(-ies)
    1. benefits of using
    2. interpretation and analysis of
    3. in service process
  3. National culture:
    1. conflict due to
    2. and consumer aesthetic preferences
  4. NBC Universal
  5. Need(s):
    1. consumer
    2. customer
    3. emerging
    4. market
    5. for uniqueness
    6. user
  6. Need Seekers
  7. Nespresso
  8. Nestlé
  9. Nest Learning Thermostat
  10. Netherlands
  11. Netherlands Design Institute
  12. Netnography
  13. “A New Era of Sustainability” report
  14. New product development (NPD):
    1. in Design for Environment
    2. at early-stage ventures
    3. prototypes and stories in phases of
    4. for radically new products, see Radically new products
    5. role of design thinking in
    6. roles of designers in
    7. total customer experience in
  15. Newton
  16. Next practices, in design
  17. Nike
  18. Nikon
  19. Nintendo Wii
  20. Nitterhouse, D.
  21. Nokia
  22. Non-cost differentiation advantage
  23. Non-designers, see Teams with non-designers
  24. Nonlinearity, of design thinking
  25. Nonobviousness requirement
  26. Nonusers, in customer experience mapping
  27. Non-user personas
  28. Nordstrom
  29. Novel technology
  30. Novelty, visual
  31. Novelty requirement
  32. NPD, see New product development


  1. Observational research
  2. O&Connor, G. C.
  3. Office of transformation
  4. Off-the-rack creative processes
  5. Ogilvie, T.
  6. Ohga, Norio
  7. Olay
  8. Onboarding
  9. One-year grace period, for prior art
  10. Online customer communities
  11. Open behaviors
  12. Open Business Models (Henry Chesbrough)
  14. Open source software movement
  15. Operations (six-cornerstone framework)
  16. Opportunity statements
  17. Opposite surface, Design Heuristics related to
  18. Optimal stimulation level (OSL)
  19. Orbit Baby
  20. Organizational architecture, knowledge management and
  21. Organizational practices, for strategically embedding design thinking
  22. Organizational procedures, routine
  23. Orth, U. R.
  24. OSL (optimal stimulation level)
  25. Osterwalder, A.


  1. Packaging
  2. Pain points:
    1. identifying
    2. reframing
    3. in Visualize, Empathize, and Ideate method
  3. Palm Computer
  4. Parallel design briefs
  5. Parallel paths of prototyping
  6. Parjanen, S.
  7. Participation, in service process
  8. Participatory design
  9. Patents:
    1. design
    2. for early-stage ventures
    3. prototypes for defining
    4. utility
  10. Patent Act
  11. Patent claims
  12. Patent pending products
  13. People-centric orientation
  14. Performance group (design quality criteria)
  15. Performance testing
  16. Perks, H.
  17. Personas
    1. anti-
    2. buyer
    3. communicating with
    4. creating
    5. in customer experience mapping
    6. defining
    7. in design process
    8. in development process
    9. for future-friendly design
    10. for information management
    11. limitations of using
    12. non-user
    13. prioritization of
    14. in software product example
    15. in stories
    16. for user-centric products
    17. visual maps vs.
  18. Personality:
    1. and aesthetic response
    2. and consumer response to product form
  19. Petersen, S.
  20. Peterson, Donald
  21. Philips Alessi coffeemaker
  22. Philosophy (design quality criteria)
  23. Physical context, for aesthetic preferences
  24. Physical factors, in successful innovation labs
  25. Physical functions, assigning
  26. Physical products, digital vs.
  27. Physical therapy services example:
    1. customer experience maps in
    2. enhancing user value in
    3. generating personas for
    4. identifying pain points in
    5. identifying touch points in
    6. observational research on user experience in
    7. reframing pain points in
    8. testing and refining solutions in
    9. types of users of
  28. Pictorial archives
  29. Pigneur, Y.
  30. Pile of Rocks exercise
  31. Platt, M. B.
  32. Playstation products
  33. PLC, see Product life cycle
  34. Point of view (POV) of the user
  35. Poling, Harold “Red”
  36. Polishing prototypes
  37. PO-PSS (product-oriented PSS)
  38. Porter, Michael
  39. Postmodern values
  40. POV (point of view) of the user
  41. Prahalad, C. K.
  42. Preparation step (CTN method)
  43. “Preparing the ground” for business practitioners
  44. Price, L. J.
  45. Prior art
  46. Priorities quadrant
  47. Prioritization:
    1. of personas
    2. of product features
    3. of Value Accelerators
  48. Problem definition:
    1. as design challenge
    2. design practices for improving
    3. design tools for improving
    4. in fuzzy front end of innovation
    5. in lean start-up approach
    6. personas in
    7. stories for
  49. Problem identification
  50. Problem solving
  51. Problem statements
  52. Process (design quality criteria)
    1. content distribution for expression vs.
    2. in design project brief
    3. in research project brief
  53. Process debates
  54. Processing step (CTN method)
  55. Process phase check-ins
  56. Procter & Gamble
  57. Product(s):
    1. appearance of, see Appearance, product
    2. patent pending
    3. radically new, see Radically new products
    4. refining, see Refining products
    5. scrapping of
    6. services supporting
    7. simplification of
    8. in six-cornerstone framework
    9. social significance of
    10. user-centric
    11. user interfaces for physical vs. digital
  58. Product category-related factors, in consumer response
  59. Product definition
  60. Product design, service vs.
  61. Product design project, brief for
  62. Product developers, influence of aesthetic preferences on
  63. Product Development Institute Inc.
  64. Product evaluations by consumers, see Consumer response to product form
  65. Product form. See also Consumer aesthetic preferences; Consumer response to product form
    1. characteristics of
    2. defined
  66. Production, DIY
  67. Production loop (product development)
  68. Product knowledge
  69. Product launch
  70. Product life cycle (PLC):
    1. consumer response and products& phase in
    2. life-cycle analysis for sustainable concept development
  71. Product managers
  72. Product-oriented PSS (PO-PSS)
  73. Product-service system (PSS) approach
  74. Product testing, for early-stage ventures
  75. Product usage
  76. Professional service designers
  77. Project teams:
    1. for cultural transformations
    2. for integrated UI and ID projects
  78. Proportions (of product)
  79. Proprietary creative process (pillar of innovation)
  80. Prototypes:
    1. combining stories and
    2. communication with
    3. in Create mode
    4. defined
    5. early
    6. for early-stage ventures
    7. first concept
    8. goals of building
    9. hardware vs. software
    10. for integrated UI and ID projects
    11. in lean start-up approach
    12. low-fidelity
    13. low-resolution
    14. minimum viable
    15. in Orbit Baby example
    16. parallel, for hardware and software
    17. pitfalls with
    18. in product development framework
    19. from rapid prototyping
    20. requirements before building
    21. role of, in design thinking
    22. simulations as
    23. undesigned
  81. PSS (product-service system) approach
  82. PTO, see U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
  83. PUMA
  84. Purchase motivation
  85. Purchase risk
  86. Pursuit of happiness


  1. Quality cues, from product appearance
  2. Quick Hits quadrant


  1. Radically new products
    1. analogical thinking in development of
    2. communication about goal of creating
    3. crowdsourcing in development of
    4. defined
    5. emerging-technology focus for developing
    6. solving day-to-day problems with
    7. time frames for developing
  2. Raju, P. S.
  3. Rangaswamy, V.
  4. Rapid prototyping
  5. Rationality
  6. Raynor, M. E.
  7. Readiness, for design thinking
  8. Recognition, for crowdsourced ideas
  9. Recovery and reuse materials
  10. Refining products:
    1. based on customer experience maps
    2. at early-stage ventures
    3. product development phase related to
  11. Reflection:
    1. in Menlo Innovation Ecosystem
    2. in Visualize, Empathize, and Ideate method
  12. Reframing:
    1. customer experience maps for
    2. mind maps for
    3. for problem definition
  13. Regional culture, aesthetic preferences and
  14. Registration:
    1. copyright
    2. trademark
  15. “Reinventing Your Business Model” (Johnson, Christensen, and Kagerman)
  16. The [relentless] pursuit of happiness (emerging need)
  17. Repeat a component (Design Heuristic)
  18. Repurposing
  19. Research:
    1. background
    2. competitive
    3. in early-stage ventures
    4. ethnographic
    5. market
    6. observational
    7. on strategically-embedded design thinking
    8. technical
    9. user
  20. Research Plan phase (Menlo Innovation Ecosystem)
  21. Research projects, design briefs for
  22. Resistance to change
  23. Resources:
    1. external
    2. for innovation labs
  24. Response subdimension (CVPA)
  25. Responsibility:
    1. global
    2. social
  26. Results-oriented PSS
  27. Revalorization, design for
  28. Reveal stage (cultural transformation)
  29. Revenue (six-cornerstone framework)
  30. Reward system, for cultural transformation
  31. Riedel, J.
  32. Risk:
    1. prioritizing Value Accelerators based on
    2. purchase
    3. and value of business model design
  33. Ritz-Carlton
  34. Robinson, John
  35. Rocky Horror Picture Show (film)
  36. Romanticists
  37. Routine customers
  38. Routine organizational procedures
  39. Routine users
  40. Royal Canadian Mint
  41. Ryanair


  1. Safmarine Shipping
  2. SAS (airline)
  3. Sauber, Sean
  4. Save the Food from the Fridge Project
  5. SAYL® chair
  6. Scaling tools
  7. Scaling up innovation labs
  8. Scenarios:
    1. analyzing process options with
    2. building
    3. in CTN method
  9. Scenario thinking
  10. Schwartz, Bob
  11. Scrapping products
  12. Searle
  13. Secondary meaning
  14. Segway
  15. Self-construal
  16. Self-service
  17. Sensing trends
  18. Sensorial information, in stories
  19. Sensors, usage
  20. Separability, conceptual
  21. Service, design as
  22. Service blueprint
  23. Service design. See also Context through Narratives (CTN) method
    1. and control of service experience
    2. examples of
    3. as ongoing process
    4. product vs.
    5. role of users/stakeholders in
    6. service process in
    7. stories in
    8. theatrical production and
  24. Service experiences:
    1. control of
    2. designing compelling
    3. ongoing design of
    4. with song and dance
  25. Service process
    1. narrative in
    2. participation in
    3. surprise in
  26. Servitization:
    1. steps in
    2. as trend
  27. Shape, product
  28. Short-term orientation
  29. Simon, Herbert
  30. Simplification, of product
  31. Sims, P.
  32. Simulations
  33. Singapore
  34. Singing, service experiences involving
  35. Situational factors, in aesthetic preferences
  36. Six-cornerstone business model framework:
    1. benefits of using
    2. components of
    3. designing business models with
    4. identifying cornerstones for improvement
  37. Size, product
  38. SMART Venture Concepts
  39. Snyder, C. R.
  40. Social acceptance uncertainty
  41. Social class
  42. Social context, for aesthetic preferences
  43. Social/human (design quality criteria)
  44. Social responsibility
  45. Social significance of product
  46. SoftSoap
  47. Software development
  48. Software products, personas for
  49. Solo
  50. Solution attributes maps
  51. Sony
  52. Source volume metrics
  53. Southwest Airlines
  54. Specifications:
    1. for integrated UI and ID projects
    2. in patent applications
  55. SPICE framework
  56. Spiral Dynamics
  57. Sprints
  58. Stage-Gate
    1. design process for breakthrough innovations vs.
    2. for hardware development
    3. for sustaining innovations
    4. Technology
  59. Stakeholders:
    1. co-creation with
    2. communication with
    3. integrating perspectives of
    4. in service design
    5. value pursuit maps for
  60. Stakeholder interviews
  61. Stakeholder management:
    1. as design challenge
    2. design practices for improving
    3. design tools for improving
    4. in fuzzy front end of innovation
  62. Stakeholder mapping
  63. Stakeholder value maps
  64. Stanford University
  65. Start-ups, see Early-stage ventures
  66. Steelcase
  67. Steinert, M.
  68. Stimulation level, optimal
  69. Story(-ies). See also Narratives
    1. combining prototypes and
    2. communication with
    3. complete product
    4. defined
    5. designers as interpreters of
    6. in design thinking
    7. ethnographic
    8. in future-oriented design
    9. informative
    10. inspiring
    11. logical
    12. in Orbit Baby example
    13. organizing, in CTN method
    14. pitfalls with
    15. in product development framework
    16. putting your organization in
    17. in service design
    18. tips for creating
  70. Storyboards:
    1. in fuzzy front end of innovation
    2. for integrated UI and ID projects
    3. personas in
  71. Story fragments
  72. Storytelling
  73. Strategically-embedded design thinking
    1. climate associated with
    2. connections of techniques in
    3. and corporate culture
    4. key personnel in
    5. organizational practices for
    6. practical implications of
    7. research on
  74. Strategic integration of design professionals, in FFE
  75. Strategy Execution Survey
  76. Strategy group (design quality criteria)
  77. Strict identity tests
  78. Structure (design quality criteria)
  79. Stuart, F. I.
  80. Subculture of consumption
  81. Success(es):
    1. of Menlo Innovation Ecosystem
    2. relying on present
  82. Sungard
  83. Supply chain, issues with
  84. Supportive corporate culture (pillar of innovation)
  85. Surprise, in service process
  86. Surveys, customer
  87. Sustainability
    1. bolted-on vs. embedded
    2. comparison of design strategies for
    3. in concept development
    4. defined
    5. in Design for Effectiveness
    6. in Design for Environment
    7. in Design for Sustainability Efficiency
    8. Design Heuristics related to
    9. embedded
    10. emotional durability vs.
    11. in Eternally Yours designs
    12. inspirational design brief for research project on
    13. and integrating design thinking in DfS
    14. metrics for
    15. visualization of
    16. in What if phase
    17. in What is phase
    18. in What works phase
    19. in What wows phase
  88. Sustainability assumption testing
  89. Sustainability backcasting
  90. Sustainability brainstorming
  91. Sustainability journey mapping
  92. Sustainability learning launch
  93. Sustainability mind maps
  94. Sustainability value chain analysis
  95. Sustaining innovations. See also Incremental innovations
  96. Switching costs
  97. Symbolic motivation
  98. Symbolic (affective) uncertainty
  99. Symbolic value, of product appearance
  100. Symmetry


  1. Target
  2. Target group of consumers, testing with
  3. Taste:
    1. of designers vs. consumers
    2. and expertise
    3. and social class
  4. Tax, S.
  5. Teams:
    1. creation of personas in
    2. cultural transformation
    3. decision points for
    4. Design Heuristics for
    5. for integrated UI and ID projects
    6. measuring effectiveness of
  6. Teams with non-designers
    1. adapting to changing membership of
    2. challenges with design thinking on
    3. dual-mode debates for
    4. managing design thinking transitions on
    5. and training non-designers in design thinking
  7. Technical research
  8. Technology Drivers
  9. Technology enablers
  10. Technology knowledge
  11. Technology market mind maps
  12. Technology Stage-Gate
  13. Technology transfer tool
  14. Technology translation tables
  15. Tele-PT concept
  16. Templates, design brief
  17. Testing
    1. in early-stage ventures
    2. of integrated UI and ID projects
    3. performance
    4. of product aesthetics with target group
    5. product development phase related to
    6. of prototypes
    7. of solutions based on customer experience maps
    8. with strict identity tests
    9. sustainability assumption
    10. with target group of consumers
    11. validating personas with
  18. Theatrical production, service design and
  19. Threadless Tee Shirt Company
  20. 3M
  21. Three-dimensional printing
  22. Three Steps to Assessing Your Current Business Model Strength
  23. Threshold ornamentality requirement
  24. Tide
  25. Time for Life (John Robinson)
  26. Time frames:
    1. for developing radically new products
    2. for stories
    3. for writing design briefs
  27. Timelines:
    1. in customer experience mapping
    2. development
    3. merging hardware and software
  28. Time orientation
  29. Time pressure, for early-stage ventures
  30. Time-related factors, in consumer response
  31. “To be” experience maps
  32. Total customer experience
  33. Touch points
  34. Touch screens
  35. Toyota
  36. Trademarks
  37. Traditional values
  38. Training, of non-designers
  39. Train the trainer model
  40. Transformational innovations
  41. Transformation leadership team
  42. Transitions in design thinking, managing
  43. Transition specialists
  44. Translation, of information
  45. Transparency
  46. Troiano, Richard
  47. Trunki
  48. Trust
  49. Truth
  50. Tufte, Edward
  51. Twinings
  52. Typicality, visual


  1. UI design, see User interface design
  2. UL (Underwriters Laboratories)
  3. Uncertainty(-ies):
    1. affective
    2. benefit
    3. consumer
    4. with designing breakthrough innovations
    5. in fuzzy front end of innovation
    6. learning cost
    7. social acceptance
    8. symbolic
  4. Understanding:
    1. between business practitioners and design professionals
    2. contextual
    3. importance of understanding users
  5. Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
  6. Undesigned prototypes
  7. UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
  8. Unhook stage (cultural transformation)
  9. Unilever
  10. Uniqueness, need for
  11. United Kingdom
  12. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  13. United States:
    1. culture and aesthetic preferences in
    2. income/education level and consumer response in
    3. lifestyle and role of bicycles in
  14. U.S. Mint
  15. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO)
  16. Unity (of design)
  17. Unsupported use cases
  18. UO-PSS (use-oriented PSS)
  19. Usage contexts
  20. Usage sensors
  21. Use knowledge
  22. Use-oriented PSS (UO-PSS)
  23. Use packaging as functional component (Design Heuristic)
  24. User(s):
    1. anti-personas vs. personas for
    2. buyers vs.
    3. ethnographic research on
    4. experience mapping for. See also Customer experience maps
    5. extreme
    6. importance of understanding
    7. lead
    8. non-
    9. for personas
    10. point of view of
    11. role of, in service design
    12. routine
  25. User-centered design
  26. User-centric products
  27. User experience:
    1. and aesthetic preferences
    2. in service design
    3. user interface vs.
  28. User-facing solutions
  29. User-inspired ideas
  30. User interface(s):
    1. defined
    2. for digital vs. physical products
    3. elements of
    4. emerging technologies for
    5. in video game industry
  31. User interface (UI) design
    1. decision points for guiding teams in
    2. developing best practices for
    3. emerging technologies in
    4. integration of industrial design and
    5. separation of industrial design from
  32. User needs:
    1. Design Heuristics related to
    2. in integrated UI and ID projects
    3. product development phase related to
  33. User persona. See also Personas
  34. User research:
    1. for early-stage ventures
    2. for Visualize, Empathize, and Ideate method
  35. User tasks, in integrated UI and ID projects
  36. User testing:
    1. with prototypes
    2. of solutions based on experience maps
    3. validating personas with
  37. Utilitarian motivation. See also Functional motivators
  38. Utility patents
    1. disclosure requirements related to
    2. novelty and nonobviousness requirements for
    3. and patent claims
    4. prior art for
  39. Utilize opposite surface (Design Heuristic)


  1. Validate and Communicate Broadly phase:
    1. of product development process
    2. stories and prototypes in
  2. Validation, of minimum viable prototype
  3. Values (ethics):
    1. consumer-values framework for future-friendly design
    2. integral
    3. modern
    4. postmodern
    5. prioritizing Value Accelerators based on
    6. stakeholder value maps
    7. traditional
  4. Value (worth):
    1. aesthetic
    2. of business model design
    3. consumer perceptions of
    4. of Design Heuristics
    5. in human-centered design process
    6. symbolic
    7. using customer experience maps to enhance user
  5. Value Accelerators
    1. developing
    2. leveraging, in business strategy
    3. prioritizing
    4. strategic planning based on
  6. Value chain analysis
  7. Value creation metrics
  8. Value networks, new
  9. Value proposition
  10. Value proposition canvas
  11. Value pursuit maps, stakeholder
  12. Value subdimension (CVPA)
  13. Verbalizers
  14. Veryzer, R. W.
  15. Viability (design quality criteria)
  16. Video game industry, user interfaces in
  17. Virgin Atlantic
  18. Vision, in early-stage ventures
  19. Visual design principles
  20. Visualization:
    1. in discovery stage
    2. in incubation stage
    3. and intelligence amplification
    4. sustainability
  21. Visualize, Empathize, and Ideate method
    1. and challenges with idea generation
    2. components of
    3. and importance of understanding users
    4. industrial design studio example
    5. order of phases in
  22. Visualizers
  23. Visualize step (Visualize, Empathize, and Ideate method):
    1. activities in
    2. in industrial design studio example
    3. order of other steps and
  24. Visualizing tendency
  25. Visual maps
  26. Visual novelty
  27. Visual product aesthetics, centrality of
  28. Visual simulations
  29. Visual typicality


  1. Walkman
  2. Wal-Mart
  3. War rooms
  4. Water usage metrics
  5. “We Are the World” (song)
  6. We [really] are the world (emerging need)
  7. What-if financial models
  8. What if phase
  9. What is phase
  10. What We Wish We Knew activity
  11. What works phase
  12. What wows phase
  13. White, Bryan
  14. White Cloud scenario, business model design in
  15. Whitney, Patrick
  16. “Why Business Models Matter” (Joan Magretta)
  17. Wicked problems
  18. Wii
  19. Wikipedia
  20. Wirtz, B. W.
  21. World Business Council for Sustainable Development
  22. World Values Survey
  23. Written description, in patent application


  1. Xerox


  1. Zhang, Y.
  2. Zhexembayeva, N.
  3. Zip Car
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