Image Credits

All images: PTE unless otherwise stated.

All heat flux images and psi-values are courtesy of Eight Associates, unless otherwise stated.


Page 5
The Buildings Hub

Chapter 3

Pages 30, 32, 34, 40
Adapted from originals by Parsons + Whittley

Page 33
DCH construction

Page 35
DCH construction

Page 41
DCH construction

Chapter 4

Page 63
Schöck Ltd

Page 65
Schöck Ltd

Chapter 6

Page 9091
Feys Building

Pages 92, 94, 96, 98
PTE (drawing adapted from original by IDD Architects)

Page 93
Feys Building (bottom)

Pages 9293
PTE (drawing adapted from original by IDD Architects)

Pages 9495
PTE (drawings adapted from original by IDD Architects)

Page 96
PTE (drawing adapted from original by IDD Architects)

Page 97
Feys Building Alex Baines

Page 99
Feys Building

Chapter 8

Page 118
Helen Green

Page 126
Gary Nicholls, Briary Energy

Page 128
Energy Saving Trust

Page 129

Page 130
SAV Systems

Page 132
Casimir Iwaszkiewicz for Construction Resources; Cath Hassell, ech2o

Page 133
Showersave waste water heat recovery

Page 135

Page 137

Page 141
Enphase; Wattstor

Page 143
Foobot (bottom centre); The Buildings Hub (bottom right)

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