© Özgür Sahin 2021
Ö. SahinDevelop Intelligent iOS Apps with Swifthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6421-8_3

3. Text Classification

Özgür Sahin1  
Feneryolu Mh. Goztepe, Istanbul, Turkey

Text classification is a natural language processing method that lets us categorize texts into predefined classes. This is a very popular technique that has a variety of use cases. One of the famous uses is classifying text into emotional categories (positive, negative, etc.) which is called sentiment analysis. This method can be used on any text data that has been categorized. Text classification allows us to find the author of a piece of writing, classify GitHub issues, find complaints in App Store reviews, or detect the language of a text. In this chapter, we will learn how to use Create ML and Turi Create to create text classification applications. We will learn by doing example apps. We will develop a spam SMS classifier app with Create ML first and then with Turi Create.

Spam Classification with the Create ML Framework

Apple uses natural language processing techniques in many ways on iOS. Thanks to NLP, iOS can auto-fix typos, and Siri can understand what we’re saying. At WWDC 2018, Apple brought these capabilities to developers via a tool called Create ML. This tool has enabled developers to easily create text classification models (among numerous other kinds of models). Create ML became available in Swift Playgrounds with macOS 10.14.

To create a classification model with Create ML, the only thing we need is the labeled text data. This opens many doors for developers. We can detect the author of an article, find a company’s best- and worst-reviewed products, and even detect various entities (person names, locations, organizations, etc.) in a given text. This is only limited by your imagination and data gathering techniques. In other words, the sky is the limit.

In this section, we’ll dive into these frameworks to train a machine learning model in Create ML and develop a spam SMS classifier app as shown in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1

Text Classification with Create ML

We can use Create ML in two ways: as a separate app that can be opened in the Xcode menu bar by choosing “Open Developer Tool” and as a framework in macOS Playgrounds. In Playgrounds, we can import data from CSV/JSON files or folders into the Create ML app. Data should be categorized into folders. So in Playgrounds, we have more options.

In this project, we will use the SMS Spam Collection dataset on Kaggle. Kaggle is a great source to find datasets.

Download the SMS Spam Collection dataset from www.kaggle.com/uciml/sms-spam-collection-dataset to start the project. It’s a simple CSV file with two columns as shown in Figure 3-2. The first column is the label of the SMS, and the second column is the SMS. We have two categories: ham and spam. It contains one set of 5,574 SMS messages in English, tagged according to being ham (legitimate) or spam.
Figure 3-2

SMS Spam Collection Dataset

Train a Model in macOS Playgrounds

Open Xcode and create a blank macOS playground as shown in Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3

Templates in Playgrounds

Import the necessary frameworks (CreateML and Foundation) as shown in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4

Importing in Playgrounds

If you get an error saying CreateML is not available, ensure you selected macOS as platform in Playground Settings as shown in Figure 3-5.
Figure 3-5

Playground Settings

After downloading the text file, pass the file path as a parameter to the URL object. Instead of writing this code, you can just drag and drop the file into Playgrounds to create the file path.

Create ML can read data in two ways: using folders as labels when files are separated in folders or reading from a single file (CSV, JSON).

First, we need to read the CSV file as MLDataTable. MLDataTable is a structure in Create ML that simplifies the loading and processing of text and tabular data. Most of the built-in machine learning models (MLTextClassfier, MLRegressor, MLClassifier, etc.) in Create ML read the data in MLDataTable format, so in order to train these models, we need to convert our raw training data to this format.
let datasetURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/ozgur/Desktop/dataset/spam.csv")
var table = try MLDataTable(contentsOf: datasetURL)
Listing 3-1

Create URL Object

In the preceding code, we create a URL object to point to the CSV file and pass that as a parameter to the MLDataTable.


You can drag and drop the CSV file into Playgrounds if you don’t want to write it manually. It will create the file path.

You can also guide MLDataTable to use parsingOptions as in Listing 3-2, but this is not needed as we cleaned our dataset manually. With these options, we can guide parsing with settings like the delimiter and end-of-line character (lineTerminator) or whether our data contains a header (containsHeader). We can even choose the columns that we want to parse by setting the column names to the selectColumns parameter.
let parsingOptions =
MLDataTable.ParsingOptions(containsHeader: true,
delimiter: ",", comment: "", escape: "\",
doubleQuote: true, quote: """, skipInitialSpaces:
true, missingValues: ["NA"], lineTerminator: " ",
selectColumns: ["v1","v2"], maxRows: nil, skipRows: 0)
var table2 = try MLDataTable(contentsOf:
datasetURL,options: parsingOptions)
Listing 3-2

Parsing Options

Next, we create a model using MLTextClassifier to classify natural language text. We guide the MLTextClassifier by specifying the text column and the label column (spam or ham).
let classifier = try MLTextClassifier(trainingData:
table, textColumn: "v2", labelColumn: "v1")
Listing 3-3

Training a Text Classifier

Since our column names are “v1” and “v2,” we specified them as shown in the preceding code. This model learns to associate labels with features of the input text, which can be sentences, paragraphs, or even entire documents.

Apple provides a model trainer called MLTextClassifier. It supports 57 languages. The model works in a supervised way, which means your training data needs to be labeled (in this case, the SMS text and the spam category of the text).

The model starts training when you run Create ML by clicking the play button as shown in Figure 3-6.
Figure 3-6

Training the Text Classifier with MLTextClassifier

During training, it will parse the text data, tokenize the text, and extract features. If you try to train this model, the error shown in Figure 3-7 is printed to the console.
Figure 3-7

Training Result with Error

The error is not descriptive, but the problem is some of the punctuation that exists in our training data.

To solve this problem, just open the CSV file in TextEdit or some other text application and clean these punctuation marks: , /, and ” (replace all with an empty string).

The file has five columns; we will only use the first two columns. Open the CSV file in Numbers and remove the last three columns.

After cleaning the text, run again. You should see the following message in Figure 3-8.
Figure 3-8

Training Output in the Console

The duration can differ on different Macs, but on my MacBook Pro 2015, it just takes 0.09 second to train this model.

A better way to train the model is to split our data into train and test sets. This way we can evaluate the trained model and see how good it is on data it has not been trained on.

The code in Listing 3-4 splits data into trainingData (0.8) and testData (0.2) with the ratio of 0.8.
let (trainingData, testingData) =
table.randomSplit(by: 0.8)
let spamClassifier = try
MLTextClassifier(trainingData: trainingData,
labelColumn: "v1")
Listing 3-4

Training with Split Data

After training the classifier, you can check the training metrics by calling trainingMetrics as shown in Listing 3-5. It shows the accuracy of the model as shown in Figure 3-9.
Figure 3-9

Training Accuracy

Listing 3-5

Check Training Metrics

To evaluate the model on testing data, run the code in Listing 3-6. It shows how good the model is on data it has not seen before. This shows the actual success of the model. Figure 3-10 shows the evaluation metrics.
Figure 3-10

Evaluate the Model

let evaluationMetrics = spamClassifier.evaluation(on:
testingData, textColumn: "v2", labelColumn: "v1")
Listing 3-6

Evaluating the Model

Here we see that our model’s accuracy is %97 on the testing data. It shows that our model is working well and not just memorizes the training data but also generalizes knowledge because it is also successful on the testing data.

You can also test your trained model with arbitrary text in Playgrounds.
try spamClassifier.prediction(from: "We are trying to
contact you. Last weekends draw shows that you won a
£1000 prize GUARANTEED. Call 09064012160.")
try spamClassifier.prediction(from: "We are trying to
contact you. Have you arrived to your house?")
Listing 3-7

Prediction Using the Model

Here we run our spam classifier model with some sentences, and it correctly categorizes this text.

If this model works for us, then we can save it and use it in an iOS app. To provide the model details, we create model metadata. This explanation is shown in Xcode when we open the model.
let metadata = MLModelMetadata(author: "Ozgur Sahin",
shortDescription: "Spam Classifier", license: "MIT",
version: "1.0")
try? classifier.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath:
Listing 3-8

Export the Core ML Model

We save the model by giving the path to the write function. Don’t forget to set the path according to your folder structure. Core ML model files are saved with the mlmodel extension, so we set the file name as SpamClassifier.mlmodel.
Figure 3-11

MLModel in the Project

Since we’ve exported our model, we’re now ready to use it in an iOS app. Open Xcode and create a new project with App template. Make sure the interface is SwiftUI and lifecycle is SwiftUI app. After you created the project, drag and drop your Core ML model into the project.

You can also use Storyboard as a user interface, but here I will use SwiftUI because it’s easier to show results there.

Click the model and check its details. The model is only 148 kb as you can see in Figure 3-11.
Figure 3-12

Model Details

In Xcode, we examine the model details and the metadata that we provided while exporting the model. It also shows the input and output types of the model.

When we drag and drop the model into the project, Xcode automatically creates a class for the model as shown in Figure 3-13. If you want to see the created code, click the class icon in Figure 3-13.
Figure 3-13

SpamClassifier class generated by Xcode

The class is shown in Figure 3-14. This class has the functions needed to load the model and make predictions.
Figure 3-14

Model’s Auto-generated Class Code


This class should not be edited.

I created a class called Classifier and a simple function to use the model.
class Classifier
    static let shared = Classifier()
    func predict(text:String)->String?
        let spamClassifier = try?
SpamClassifier(configuration: MLModelConfiguration())
        let result = try?
spamClassifier?.prediction(text: text)
        return result?.label
Listing 3-9

Using the Classifier Model in the Project

As shown in the preceding code, I created the model’s instance and called a prediction on it. Prediction can throw an error; that’s why we need to call it with a try. Ideally, you may wrap it in a do-catch block and handle the error.

In the ContentView of the project, add the code in Listing 3-10 to call the prediction method that we created before.
@State var textInput:String = ""
  @State var classificationResult:String?
  var body: some View {
          Text("Spam SMS
          TextField("Enter SMS Message", text:
          Button(action: {
                self.classificationResult =
Classifier.shared.predict(text: self.textInput)
            }) {
            Text("Result:(classificationResult ??
Listing 3-10

Calling Classifier in SwiftUI

In the preceding code, we created a text field and a button. When the user taps the button, we get the input from the text field and send it to our spam classifier model. The model’s classification result is shown in the second text field.

After adding the code, you can just run the app by clicking the play button.
Figure 3-15

Running the Spam SMS Classifier App

This runs the application in SwiftUI preview as shown in Figure 3-15. Here, you can use your app like a simulator and test your spam classifier. Write some text in the text field and tap the Classify button to try out your smart application. Some samples are shown in Figure 3-16.
Figure 3-16

Spam SMS Classifier App

Congratulations! You just created a smart application that can detect spam SMS messages.

Spam Classification with the Create ML App

We trained the text classification model using the Create ML framework. Now, we will use the Create ML app (v1.0) to train the same model. Create ML has several project templates for a different type of data (image, text, sound). For this project, select the text classifier as shown in Figure 3-17.
Figure 3-17

Text Classifier Template in the Create ML App

First, we need to provide training data. The text classifier in Create ML v1 only accepts text data in folders. Version 1.1 of Create ML is still in beta, and it will support reading from CSV and JSON files.

For v1, we need to parse our CSV file and create a text file for each row in the “ham” or “spam” folder. I wrote a simple function to parse the CSV and create files.
import Cocoa
import CreateML
let datasetURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/ozgur/
Desktop/NLP book REFS/dataset/spamCleaned.csv")
var table = try MLDataTable(contentsOf: datasetURL)
func createFiles(from rows:MLDataTable.Rows) {
    for (index,row) in rows.enumerated() {
        if let text = row["v2"]?.debugDescription,
           let label = row["v1"]?.debugDescription
            do {
                 var folder = "spam"
                 if label == "ham"
                     folder = "ham"
                 let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/
Users/ozgur/Desktop/NLP book REFS/dataset/
                 try text.write(to: fileURL,
atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
            } catch {
                print("error creating file")
createFiles(from: table.rows)
Listing 3-11

Read CSV and Create Text Files

You can change the file paths according to your computer and run this code in macOS Playgrounds. It will create the text files as shown in Figure 3-18.
Figure 3-18

Text Files for the Create ML App

Now we can drag and drop the parent folder (“spamsetInFolders”) into the Training Data panel in the Create ML app. Alternatively, you can also select a folder in Finder by clicking Select Files in the Training Data panel.
Figure 3-19

Create ML App Training Data Panel

The Create ML app will read the files and show the number of classes and file count. Create ML also offers some different algorithms to train your text classification model. Currently, the provided algorithms are maximum entropy, conditional random field, and transfer learning. In transfer learning, there are two options: static and dynamic embedding. Static embedding uses static vector representation for words and does not care about the context of the word. Dynamic embedding cares about the context of the word. So it creates separate vectors for the word “food” for these two samples: “food for thought” and “I need food.” Static embedding, on the other hand, would create the same vectors.

Select your algorithm and click the Train button to start training the text classifier model. Create ML shows your current training status and accuracy over each iteration in a simple graph as shown in Figure 3-20.
Figure 3-20

Training in the Create ML App

You can check the results of training and validation by clicking the tabs. For validation, Create ML puts a small percentage of training data aside to use for validating the model’s progress. This improves the model’s performance on examples the model hasn’t been trained on. Validation accuracy lets Create ML understand when to stop training. Validation data split is done randomly, so you may see different results in each training.

If you have test data, you can test your model in the Testing tab. It’s important to see how your model works on data it hasn’t seen before. You can also test your model with the arbitrary text you enter in the Output tab. If you are satisfied with your model’s accuracy, just drag and drop your model from the Output panel to a folder or Xcode project. You just trained your first model with the Create ML app. It’s ready to use in your project.

Spam Classification with Turi Create

In the previous sections, we learned how to use the Create ML framework and Create ML app by creating a spam classifier in each one of them. In this section, we will train the spam classifier using Turi Create. Turi Create is an open source Python library for creating Core ML models. It supports a variety of tasks such as image classification, object detection, style transfer, recommendation, text classification, and more. Turi Create offers more parameters to train ML models compared to Create ML.

As this is a Python library, we cannot directly start coding; we have to set up our Python environment to start working with Turi Create.

Turi Create Setup

Turi Create supports Python versions 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7. When dealing with Python projects, it is recommended to have a virtual environment. It simply keeps dependencies required by different projects separate by creating isolated Python virtual environments for them. The code in Listing 3-12 installs the virtualenv package and creates your virtual environment. Run in the terminal and activate your environment.
pip install virtualenv
# Create a Python virtual environment
cd ~
virtualenv venv
# Activate your virtual environment source ~/venv/bin/activate
Listing 3-12

Create a Virtual Environment

After activating the environment, install Turi Create using the code in Listing 3-13. You should see venv at the beginning of the line in the terminal if you are in your environment. Install Turi Create and iPython using the code in Listing 3-13. iPython lets us use interactive Python notebooks.
pip install -U turicreate
pip install ipython
ipython notebook
Listing 3-13

Install Turi Create and iPython

This code will open Jupyter on your browser. Click New and create a Python notebook. In the notebook, you can run the cells and see the results immediately. It is useful to make experiments and see the results in an interactive way.

Training a Text Classifier with Turi Create

Check the code in Listing 3-14 to see how easy it is to train a model in Turi Create.
import turicreate as tc
# Read CSV
data = tc.SFrame.read_csv('/Users/ozgur/Desktop/
dataset/spamCleaned.csv', header=True, delimiter=',',
# Rename the columns
data = data.rename({'v1': 'label', 'v2': 'text'})
# Split the data
training_data, test_data = data.random_split(0.8)
# Create a text classifier model
model = tc.text_classifier.create(training_data,
'label', features=['text'], max_iterations=100)
# Evaluate the model
metrics = model.evaluate(test_data)
# Export for use in Core ML
Listing 3-14

Training the Spam Classifier with Turi Create

With this code, we read the CSV file and rename columns as label and text for clarification. We split data into training (80%) and testing (20%). We create a text classifier model with 100 iterations; the default iteration count is 10. This lets more passes through data and can result in a more accurately trained model. Here, we can also specify drop_stop_words to ignore very common words like “the,” “a,” and “is” word_count_threshold to ignore less frequent words or method to use bag-of-words or bow logistic (logistic classifier). After training the model, we evaluate it using the test data. This shows how accurate the model is on data it hasn’t seen. Finally, we export our Core ML model to use in the Xcode project.

Now, open the MLModel file you exported to see model details as shown in Figure 3-21. Its input is different than the models we trained with Create ML.

This model takes a bag-of-words representation of the text. Bag-of-words shows the number of times the words occurred in the text.
Figure 3-21

Spam Classifier Trained with Turi Create

To create a bag-of-words representation of a text, we can use NSLinguisticTagger. The code in Listing 3-15 is taken from Apple’s sample code in the Turi Create documentation.
func bow(text: String) -> [String: Double] {
    var bagOfWords = [String: Double]()
    let tagger = NSLinguisticTagger(tagSchemes:
[.tokenType], options: 0)
    let range = NSRange(location: 0, length:
    let options: NSLinguisticTagger.Options =
[.omitPunctuation, .omitWhitespace]
    tagger.string = text.lowercased()
    tagger.enumerateTags(in: range, unit: .word,
scheme: .tokenType, options: options) { _,
tokenRange, _ in
        let word = (text as NSString).substring(with:
        if bagOfWords[word] != nil {
           bagOfWords[word]! += 1
        } else {
            bagOfWords[word] = 1
    return bagOfWords
let bagOfWords = bow(text: text)
let prediction = try?
SpamClassifierWithTuri().prediction(text: bagOfWords)
Listing 3-15

Bag-of-Words Representation

In the preceding code, the “bow” function takes a string and returns a dictionary. The dictionary shows how many times each word occurs in the given text. Before using the model we exported from Turi Create, we create a bag-of-words representation of the text and give this to the model as an input.


In this chapter, we got our hands dirty by writing a spam SMS classifier app that can detect spam messages automatically. We learned how to use Apple’s ML tools. By training a text classifier model in the Create ML framework, the Create ML app, and Turi Create, we learned their advantages and disadvantages. This chapter is intended to make you comfortable with these tools. In the next chapters, more complicated models will be trained to build more smart applications.

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