Chapter 1

Competing for Choice

Main Themes

  • When asked, “What are you competing for?” most managers will answer with “competitive advantage” or “market share.” But neither of these things translates into concrete, actionable measures—things a company can do to improve its performance. The right answer to the question is “customer choice.”
  • The opportunities for consumers to make choices between different brands are multiplying rapidly. Yet there are only a finite number of consumers who choose any one brand. These customers thus represent a scarce resource.
  • In such an environment, formulating strategy is complex. To get it right, managers must set strategy in the context of competing for consumer and stakeholder choice. Brands play a vital role as the focal point for all these choices.
  • When evaluating their business performance, managers must choose their market metrics with great care. Brand awareness is not a reliable guide to business performance. Instead, brand choice is what drives market share. Conviction—a customer’s certain future choice of a brand—is the key brand parameter.

The essence of strategy is choice, so choice must be at the core of strategy development. Business strategy is about making the right choices on how and where to compete for which choice with the aim of achieving profitability and long-term value creation.

In a report on the future of the company, The Economist (“The Future of the Company,” 2001) pondered on the environment in which companies operate today:

That environment is dominated by one thing: choice. Technology and globalization open up ever more opportunities for individuals and firms to collect information and conduct activity outside traditional structures.

As Robert Reich, a secretary of labor under Bill Clinton, points out, “We are entering the age of the Terrific Deal where choices are almost limitless and it is easy to switch to something better.” While the age of mass production lowered the costs of products at the expense of limiting choices—Henry Ford famously said that you could have a car in any color as long as it was black—modern “flexible” production systems usually both lower costs and increase choice.

Consumers have more choice over where they spend their money. Producers have more choice over which suppliers to use. Potential shareholders have more choice over where to put their money.

What does this imply for strategy in business?

It has long been recognized that robust strategy plays a crucial role in any successful enterprise. Business leaders and academics have produced a vast literature on the subject, with Michael Porter’s Competitive Strategy widely considered to be the seminal treatment.

Yet despite this, there are two key observations about strategy that hold true:

  1. It is complex.
  2. Many still get it wrong.

The reasons for this are manifold. Among the culprits are a failure to articulate business and market structures; a lack of clarity on the interdependences within and between systems and management initiatives over time; a high degree of subjectivity in terms of the implicit assumptions that are made; “fact-free” decision making; and differing objectives among the people involved at various steps in the strategy process.

Often, companies regard strategy as a matter of beating the competition by focusing on becoming good at one or more established processes, such as cost reduction, process reengineering, total quality management, or customer relationship management. Although the initiatives may be worthwhile and the objective of differentiating a company from its competitors is sound enough, what lies behind them is rarely articulated. What is it that the company is competing for?

Arguably, this is the most fundamental question for a business to ask. Answer it properly and you will have a basis for setting out clear strategic priorities and principles. But the answers that most managers give—“competitive advantage” or “market share”—do not provide this kind of robust foundation for strategy. After all, competitive advantage has no meaning in itself if a company does not fully appreciate what it is competing for. As for market share, it is an aggregate metric—a function of several factors.

So what is the right answer? Quite simply: choice. Companies have to compete for customers to choose their brand day in and day out.

Choice Is Key

Choice: The act of choosing… preferential determination between things proposed.

Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (Stevenson, 2007)

We believe that business strategy is about how a company makes choices to compete for stakeholders’ choices with the aim of achieving profitability. In this process of competing for choice, the brand is the focal point. The aim of this book is to give managers a clear understanding of how stakeholder choice structures work and so enable them to choose the right initiatives to apply in the right places to achieve long-term value creation at their own companies.

Let us start with a basic question: What is it that any company is trying to do?1 In most cases, the answer boils down to convincing your target customers to buy, on a repeated basis, the value proposition (product, services, and intangibles) that your company is offering.

There is no business without choice. Hotels must get guests to walk through the door. Airlines need passengers. Without customers, consumers, or clients, a business cannot justify its existence.2 So, yes, business is about competition, but more precisely, it is about competing for customers’ choice in an increasingly competitive world.

However, it is not only customers that choose a company. Choice is also exercised by other stakeholders, including employees, partners, and investors. Ideally, a company will want to be the preferential choice of all its valuable stakeholders.

This puts a different spin on the nature of competition between firms. The traditional view of companies competing for market share is inadequate because it does not explain what a company actually needs to do in order to increase market share.

Phil Knight, CEO of Nike, put it like this: “Basically, when you go to buy a pair of shoes you are not buying one from each company. You are going to buy one pair and we are going to try as hard as we can to make that shoe Nike” (Branded, 1997).

That makes a lot of sense, because when consumers go to buy anything from toothpaste to trainers, few will buy several different brands at the same time. So from a brand perspective there are only a finite number of choices to be made in favor of either your brand or your competitor’s. Just as there are a limited number of specialists in a given field, customers loyal to your brand are not abundant. Indeed, for most companies they are a scarce but critical resource. They are scarce because they are difficult to accumulate.

Take a big consumer goods brand. Out of 1,000 people, as many as 950 may be aware of it, but typically only a small fraction of that group will emerge as convinced “choosers” of the brand.

Put simply, tomorrow’s cash flows stem from the number of convinced choosers (next-time customers) of a company’s brand and the financial contribution that each chooser (customer) brings (number of customers × their purchase frequency × the price they will pay = revenue). The two factors that drive brand cash flow—justifying the price premium and increasing the number of people who choose the brand (and the number of times they choose it)—are illustrated in Exhibit 1.1. A company must find a sustainable balance between the number of choosers of the brand and the price premium charged in order to generate sufficient funds, not only to stay in business, but also to provide a return for investors.

Exhibit 1.1. The Two Axes of Brand Value Management

Justifying the Price Premium

The whole area of pricing is complex, to say the least, and rare is the company that appreciates the finer aspects of this important management tool. But achieving such an understanding is well worth the effort because any pure price increase (or decrease) goes straight to the bottom line.

For any brand there are two key levers that affect pricing, as shown in Exhibit 1.2. One is discounting. There is a general tendency on the part of management to rely on discounting and price reduction as the main way to win more choosers and so gain volume. To be sure, price is a potent volume lever in most cases. But managers often squander profit by offering unnecessary discounts—for example, to already loyal customers who are willing to pay the full price—because they make the mistake of assuming discounting is the only driver of volume.

The other lever is justifying the price premium. The mechanics of this are not always well understood. Few managers pay enough attention to providing a brand proposition with a high degree of “values fit,” or the match between consumer values and brand values. Yet values fit is one of the main factors determining people’s willingness to pay a price premium, and it transcends economic categories. Teenagers do not usually fall into the category of wealthy consumers, but they are often willing to pay a substantial price premium for the brand of sneakers that embodies the values to which they aspire. Getting the right values fit will, in virtually all cases, reduce price elasticity and transform the shape of the volume/price curve. I will return to values fit in chapter 4.

Exhibit 1.2. Price Premiums and Discounts

Increasing the Number of Choosers of the Brand

While both axes in Exhibit 1.1 are equally critical to generating top-line revenue, the remainder of this section will focus on the horizontal axis: increasing the number of future “certain choosers.” As we have seen, a company’s current cash flow derives from those customers who chose (and paid for) its brand yesterday and today. This cash flow may come from a small number of people paying a high premium or a large number of people paying a low premium.

The 1958 “Man in the Chair” advertisement from McGraw-Hill demonstrates that the challenges a company needs to overcome in order to earn choice have been recognized for decades (Exhibit 1.3). Unfortunately, that does not mean they are always tackled effectively. Below I outline some key insights that will help managers begin to approach these challenges in a more structured way and apply the right management initiatives at the right stages.

Exhibit 1.3. Issues in Earning Customer Choice

© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Reproduced with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

The Secrets of Customer Choice

The starting point is to establish a clear view of consumer choice structures based on solid fact. Our extensive brand and market research has generated a number of insights, three of which are particularly important to strategic brand management:

  1. There is a quantifiable customer choice chain for every brand.
  2. Awareness does not correlate with market share.
  3. Conviction is the key brand metric.

Insight 1: The Quantifiable Customer Choice Chain

The chances that a consumer will choose a particular brand range from zero for a brand of which the consumer is totally unaware to near-certainty for a brand that the consumer “swears by” and purchases again and again without fail. If we take a representative sample of 1,000 individuals, it is likely that only a small fraction will be regular and loyal customers of a given brand; the rest will be unaware of it, or aware but uninterested, or inclined to purchase it only occasionally.

This idea of grouping people according to their attitude toward a brand can be represented visually in the form of a “customer choice chain” like the one illustrated in Exhibit 1.4 (Duquesne & Finskud, 1995).3 The size of the boxes reflects the number of people who are at each stage, so the boxes are large at one end (with many people aware of the brand) and small at the other (with relatively few loyal consumers who repeatedly choose the brand). Between these two extremes are a number of intermediate stages through which consumers will pass on their way toward making a purchasing decision in favor of one brand or another. Each stage in the customer choice chain is described in detail in the next chapter.

The customer choice chain structure has been validated through research conducted with hundreds of brands and thousands of consumers, in several countries, across sectors, and over a number of years. It holds true for more than 90% of major brands; the exceptions tend to be in the luxury goods and pharmaceutical sectors.

We were intrigued to discover that more than half of all the brands we researched generated more “refusers”—people who will certainly not choose these brands—than convinced choosers. Quite a few of these brands are likely to have suboptimal returns on their brand-building investments. Although generating refusers may not be entirely avoidable, managers should take steps to keep the numbers as low as possible to minimize negative word of mouth and to enable investments to be focused on segments with low refusal propensity.

Exhibit 1.4. The Customer Choice Chain

Insight 2: Awareness Does Not Correlate With Market Share

Although awareness is naturally a prerequisite for conscious choice, research shows that there is no correlation between the number of “aware” consumers and market share. Managers often judge a brand’s success by the level of awareness (whether prompted or spontaneous) that it enjoys, but awareness is not a valid measure of either brand or business performance. Far from being an end in itself, awareness is only the first stage in the choice chain.

As Exhibit 1.5 shows, many brands that register high levels of awareness (shown on the horizontal axis on the graph), such as Pepsi-Cola, Fanta, and Skoda, nevertheless score low on the scale of certain future choice, or conviction (vertical axis).

For another example of high awareness coinciding with low market share, consider the dot-com companies that spent millions of dollars on advertising campaigns. In most cases, the campaigns generated temporary awareness but failed to produce actual customers because little attention was devoted to understanding how to earn customers’ choices. Nor did the companies appreciate the time it takes not only to build awareness but also to move people through successive stages from awareness to becoming users and regular choosers of a brand.

Exhibit 1.5. Awareness Versus Conviction

Insight 3: Conviction Is the Key Brand Metric

Future cash flows are driven by the number of customers who will choose and pay for the company’s brand proposition tomorrow and into the future on a continuous basis. These are the “convinced” consumers.4 Not surprisingly, our research shows that a strong correlation exists between convinced users of a brand and its market share (Exhibit 1.6).

Unfortunately, the fact that market share is nothing more or less than the manifestation of consumer choice is not yet widely recognized. As a result, managers talk about market share and competitive advantage without any clear idea of how to secure consumers’ choices in practice. Until they make an explicit causal link between market share and consumer choice, the performance of their business will continue to be a black box to them, and critical questions like those featured in Exhibit 1.7 will go unanswered.

Put simply, most managers do not fully understand how to turn potential purchasers of their brand into loyal customers. They lack clarity on how the choice process works and the external factors and management initiatives that influence it.

Exhibit 1.6. Conviction Correlates With Market Share

Why is this so? The main reason, we believe, is the prevailing management focus on tangible assets and resources. Policies and decisions tend to be geared to influencing the numbers that appear in a company’s profit and loss account. Few companies have conducted a rigorous analysis of customer choices across segments and markets and over time.

Part of the problem has been the lack of appropriate management tools. Existing customer purchase frameworks do not really fit the bill. Take the “innovation-adoption” model, with its sequence of awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption (Exhibit 1.8). Although intuitively appealing, it is flawed. For one thing, it fails to distinguish between the stages consumers are at in the choice chain and the levers that can be applied. A simple example of this is “trial,” which is a marketing lever (as applied in a sales promotion), and not a state in which people reside.

Exhibit 1.7. Opening the Black Box

Although such frameworks have been developed through deductive means and make intuitive sense, they do not provide a sound basis for understanding performance through time. The customer choice chain marks an important step forward in this respect. It allows managers to monitor postpurchase behavior and measure levels of conviction and loyalty among users of a brand. It provides a means of tracking customer flow rates between different stages in the chain, including backflows. Best of all, it gives managers the means to obtain the solid, up-to-date information and analysis they need to put strategic thinking and decision making on a much firmer footing.

* * *

Exhibit 1.8. A Model Comparison

To understand and manage their brand’s performance, executives need a robust framework that takes into account the dynamics of customer choice in a changing environment. They also need to establish meaningful and appropriate performance metrics, and monitor them rigorously.

A good starting point is to articulate the customer choice chain and address a few key issues: How many people reside at each point in the choice chain? How do people move along it? And what motivates them to move in either direction?

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