Chapter 5. Navigation

Although you’ve spent the last three chapters talking strictly about static content, there is much more to PDF. This chapter will introduce various ways in which a PDF can gain interactivity, specifically around enabling navigation within and between documents.


A destination defines a particular view of a document. It will always refer to a specific page of the PDF, and may optionally include a smaller subsection of the page as well as a magnification (zoom) factor.

Destinations don’t stand alone; they are the values of keys in specific dictionaries related to parts of a PDF that could cause the invocation of an associated action. For example, in the document catalog, a destination can be the value of the OpenAction key. When present, that instructs the viewer to jump to that destination immediately upon opening the document.


A common use of OpenAction is to jump to the first page of actual document content, which may come after some preface material that most users will not be interested in reading.

Explicit Destinations

Since the number of things that make up a destination is small and well defined, a destination is not based on a dictionary but instead on an array, unlike the other types of common objects that you’ve encountered so far (see Example 5-1). The first element of the array is always an indirect reference to the page object to which it refers, followed by a name object describing the type of zoom, and then any additional options needed for that zoom.

Example 5-1. Examples of destinations
% Object 1 is assumed to be the page

[1 0 R /Fit]         % Display entire page with horizontal & vertical magnified to fit

[1 0 R /FitH]        % Display entire page with only horizontal magnified to fit
[1 0 R /FitH 100]    % FitH variant where vertical top is 100

[1 0 R /FitV]        % Display entire page with only vertical magnified to fit
[1 0 R /FitV 100]    % FitH variant where horizontal left is 100

In addition to Fit, FitH, and FitV, there are other ways to zoom into a specific part of a page; the most powerful of these is XYZ, which includes the specific left and top coordinates of the page (for the viewer to align with) along with the zoom factor. If you don’t know them or want any of the top, left, or zoom factor values to change from what they are when the destination is invoked, provide a 0 or null value. Example 5-2 illustrates the use of XYZ.

Example 5-2. Examples of destinations
% Object 1 is assumed to be the page

[1 0 R /XYZ 36 36 50]     % Display a portion of the page, 1/2 inch in from the top and left and zoomed 50%

[1 0 R /XYZ null null 50] % Display the current portion of the page, zoomed 50%

Named Destinations

Instead of being defined directly using the syntax shown previously, a destination may be referred to indirectly by means of a string.

This capability is especially useful when the destination is located in another PDF document. For example, a document (DocA) that wished to link to the beginning of Chapter 2 in another document (DocB) could refer to that destination by a name (e.g., Chapter2), instead of by an explicit page number in the other document. This would enable the actual physical page number of that chapter in DocB to change (due to edits, page insertions/deletions, etc.) without invalidating the destination in DocA.

Named destinations work by creating a correspondence between the name (which is represented as a string object) and the destination. This correspondence or mapping happens via the document’s name dictionary, which is the value of the Names key in the document’s catalog dictionary. In the name dictionary is a Dests key, whose value is a name tree with the string → destination mapping.


A name tree is similar to a dictionary in that it enables associating a key with a value; however, rather than using a name object as the key it uses a string object and it requires that the strings be sorted.

The destination value associated with a key in the name tree may be either an array or a dictionary. When the value of this entry is a dictionary, each key is a destination name and the corresponding value is either an explicit destination or a dictionary with a D entry whose value is an explicit destination.


Although destinations can be used by themselves, sometimes you need to incorporate them into an action in order for them to be usable. An action, as the name implies, is a form of command that is present in the document that invokes a particular behavior (action) in the viewer. There are both implicit actions and explicit actions. An implicit action happens through normal document navigation, such as the OpenAction that is invoked when a document is first opened, while an explicit action happens when the user interacts with some other object in the PDF, such as a button (see Button Fields) or bookmark (see Bookmarks or Outlines).

The Action Dictionary

The action dictionary is the common base dictionary for all types of actions. It consists of only one required entry: the S key, whose value declares the type of action. All other keys in this dictionary will vary based on the type of action.

GoTo Actions

The most common action is GoTo. The GoTo action corresponds to a destination, in that its invocation will cause a viewer to “go to” a specific destination. This is clear when you see that the main key in the GoTo action dictionary is the D key, whose value is a destination. See Example 5-3.

Example 5-3. Simple GoTo link
% This is the action dictionary for a GoTo action
8 0 obj
    /Type /Action
    /S /GoTo
    /D [10 0 R /Fit] % GoTo the page referred by object 10 and fit it

% This is an object called a link annotation
9 0 obj
    /Type /Annot
    /Subtype /Link
    /Rect [100 100 150 150]
    /A 8 0 R

In this example, object #8 represents a GoTo action that will take the user to a page in the document (referenced by object #10) and display it as magnified to Fit (as per the explicit destination that is the value of the D key). However, this action can’t stand by itself—it needs to be connected to some other object that will cause it to be invoked by the viewer implicitly, or the user explicitly. In this example, it is connected to an object (#9) called a link annotation.


A link annotation is an object that provides a clickable area on the page associated with an action. You’ll learn more about annotations in Chapter 6.

URI Actions

The second most common action is URI. A URI (uniform resource identifier) is a more flexible concept than the normal URL (uniform resource locator) that most users are familiar with, though for the vast majority of cases you can use them interchangeably. So you can just think of the URI action as a web link.

Like the GoTo action, a URI action is very simple; it involves the addition of a single key (URI) to the standard action dictionary (see Example 5-4).

Example 5-4. Simple URI link
% This is the action dictionary for a URI action
8 0 obj
    /Type /Action
    /S /URI
    /URI (

9 0 obj
    /Type /Annot
    /Subtype /Link
    /Rect [100 100 150 150]
    /A 8 0 R

The value of the URI key can be any valid URI. It is not limited to common schemes such as http or ftp; it could use a historical scheme such as gopher or a custom or private scheme such as book. The reason is that a PDF reader is not required to support any specific schemes and will usually just pass the URI off to the operating system for processing.

GoToR and Launch Actions

You’ve seen how GoTo actions can be quite useful, as long as you only need to navigate inside of the same PDF document. Similarly, the URI action enables redirecting the user to documents and web pages that are online. However, sometimes you want to refer to something in another PDF, or even another type of document (e.g., a word processing document or spreadsheet). For those situations you will need to use either a GoToR (for PDF) or a Launch (for other file types) action.

The GoToR action, also known as the “remote go-to” action, incorporates all of the aspects of a GoTo action, but with the addition of an F key in the action dictionary that points to the PDF in which the destination is to be resolved. A common use for this would be in a book that is broken up into chapters, where you want links between the chapters. Example 5-5 illustrates how to use GoToR to open up a PDF called “Chapter2.pdf” (which is in the same directory as the link’s PDF) and go to physical page #1.

Example 5-5. Example of a GoToR action
% This is the action dictionary for a GoTo action
8 0 obj
    /Type /Action
    /S /GoToR
    /D [0 /Fit] % NOTE: GoToR uses zero-based page #s, not indirect references
    /F <<
       /Type /Filespec
       /F (Chapter2.pdf)
       /UF (Chapter2.pdf)


You may wonder why you have the same string (Chapter2.pdf) as values for both the F and UF keys in the GoToR action dictionary. The reason is that UF is preferred in modern PDF readers, since the value there could be a Unicode string, while F is there for historical reasons. So, to ensure the best results, you always write both.

For those situations where you need to externally link to a non-PDF document, the Launch action provides the solution. As you can see in Example 5-6, its syntax is almost exactly the same as that of the GoToR action.

Example 5-6. Example of a Launch action
% This is the action dictionary for a Launch action
8 0 obj
    /Type /Action
    /S /Launch
    /F <<
        /Type /Filespec
        /F (Chapter2.docx)
        /UF (Chapter2.docx)

Multimedia Actions

We’ve only touched the surface of actions with the four types of actions covered so far. There are also actions that enable the PDF to play sounds and movies, work with embedded 3D objects, and even run a JavaScript program. We’ll discuss these in Chapter 9; see also ISO 32000-1:2008, 12.6.

Nested Actions

One of the other advantages of using an action over a simple destination is that you can combine multiple actions, using the Next key in the action dictionary to chain them together. For example, the effect of clicking a link annotation with the mouse might be to play a sound, jump to a new page, and start up a movie.

The Next entry is not restricted to a single action but may contain an array of actions, each of which in turn may have a Next entry of its own. The actions therefore form a tree instead of a simple linked list. Actions within each Next array are executed in order, each followed in turn by any actions specified in its Next entry, and so on recursively.


Actions, including their Next values, are always processed in a depth-first traversal to ensure that their order of processing is consistent. This also provides you with insurance that the document state will be what you expect as each action is processed.

Bookmarks or Outlines

It’s very common for structured documents to contain a tree-structured hierarchy of outline items that the reader presents to the user. These outline items allow the user to navigate interactively from one part of the document to another via their presentation as a visual table of contents separate from the actual page content. When such an item is activated, such as by the user clicking the text of an outline item in his UI, the conforming reader navigates to the destination or invokes the action associated with the item.


Unlike some other book or reading formats, PDF combines author-controlled navigation entries (such as “Table of Contents” and “Chapter 1”) with user-added links (bookmarks) to their favorite sections.

The root of a document’s outline hierarchy is an outline dictionary specified by the Outlines entry in the document catalog (see The Catalog Dictionary). Each individual outline item within the hierarchy is defined by an outline item dictionary. The items at each level of the hierarchy form a doubly linked list, chained together through their Prev and Next entries and accessed through the First and Last entries in the parent item (or in the outline dictionary in the case of top-level items). When displayed on the screen, the items at a given level appear in the order in which they occur in the linked list.

In a large or complex document, the outline hierarchy may be very large and deep, and having it displayed in its entirety by the viewer would be counter-productive. To this end, each outline item that has children can also specify if the children are to be displayed (open) or hidden (closed). Unfortunately, the key that is used to specify the visibility is also the key that is used for the number of outline entries—Count.

Count is defined as the “sum of the number of visible descendent outline items at all levels.” However, sometimes the value is negative. How can it be a sum if it’s negative? The sign of the sum represents whether the outline item is to be displayed open or closed in the reader’s UI. If the number is positive, then the children are shown; if negative, then the children are hidden.

In Example 5-7, you can see that there will be five visible outline items shown by the reader, since the Count in object 21 is positive. However, as you can see in the following figure, not all of those five are top-level items (direct children of the root)—there are only two of those (objects 22 and 29). You can see that these are the root’s children by following the First link from objects 21 to 22, then the Next link from objects 22 to 29. Object 22 has three children (which will all be visible): objects 25, 26, and 28. And finally, object 26 has a single child (object 27), but it will be shown as closed because the value of Count for this object is –1.

Example 5-7. Sample outline
Hierarchical arrangement of outline items
21 0 obj
    /Type /Outlines
    /First 22 0 R
    /Last 29 0 R
    /Count 5
22 0 obj
    /Title (Document)
    /Parent 21 0 R
    /Next 29 0 R
    /First 25 0 R
    /Last 28 0 R
    /Count 3
    /Dest [3 0 R /XYZ 0 792 0]
25 0 obj
    /Title (Section 1)
    /Parent 22 0 R
    /Next 26 0 R
    /Dest [3 0 R /XYZ null 701 null]
26 0 obj
    /Title (Section 2)
    /Parent 22 0 R
    /Prev 25 0 R
    /Next 28 0 R
    /First 27 0 R
    /Last 27 0 R
    /Count −1
    /Dest [3 0 R /XYZ null 680 null]
27 0 obj
    /Title (Subsection 1)
    /Parent 26 0 R
    /Dest [3 0 R /XYZ null 670 null]
28 0 obj
    /Title (Section 3)
    /Parent 22 0 R
    /Prev 26 0 R
    /Dest [7 0 R /XYZ null 500 null]
29 0 obj
    /Title (Summary)
    /Parent 21 0 R
    /Prev 22 0 R
    /Dest [8 0 R /XYZ null 199 null]

The preceding example is the most common type of document outline, where all of the items use destinations to point to specific parts of the document. However, instead of a Dest key, any outline item can have an A key pointing to an action.

For instance, as shown in Example 5-8, you could have an outline item that uses a URI action to take the user to an online game associated with the document.

Example 5-8. An outline with a URI action
29 0 obj
    /Title (Play Online Game)
    /Parent 21 0 R
    /Prev 22 0 R
    /A <<
        /Type /Action
        /S /URI
        /URI (

What’s Next

In this chapter you learned about various types of navigational features that can be added to a PDF, including bookmarks and actions. In the next chapter, we will dive deeper into annotations.

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