
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


# (number) sign, Name Objects
% percent sign, Header
() parentheses
string objects and, String Objects
unbalanced, literal strings and, String Objects
0Ah character, White-Space
0Dh character, White-Space
3D, 3DWhat’s Next
markup dictionaries, Markups on 3D
markups, Markups on 3D
streams, 3D streams
view dictionary, 3D views
views, 3D views
3D annotations, 3DWhat’s Next
dictionary, The 3D annotation dictionary
streams, 3D streams
<< double angle brackets, Dictionary Objects
<> angle brackets, String Objects
[] square brackets, Array Objects
backslash, String Objects
ddd notation, String Objects


AcroForms, AcroFormsImportData
field classes, Field ClassesSignature Fields
field dictionary, The Field DictionaryField Classes
form actions, Form ActionsImportData
interactive form dictionary, The Interactive Form Dictionary
actions, ActionsNested Actions
dictionary, The Action Dictionary
GoTo, GoTo Actions
GoToE, GoToE Actions
GoToR, GoToR and Launch Actions
ImportData action, ImportData
launch, GoToR and Launch Actions
movie, Movie actions
multimedia, Multimedia Actions
nested, Nested Actions
rendition, Rendition Actions3D
ResetForm, ResetForm
ResetForm action, ResetForm
sound, Sound actions
SubmitForm, SubmitFormResetForm
URI, URI Actions
Adobe Systems, PDF Standards
AIFF format, Sound Annotations
animation, playing, The movie dictionary
annotation dictionary, Annotation Dictionaries
3D markup and, Markups on 3D
widget annotation and, Fields and Annotations
annotations, AnnotationsNon-Markup Annotations
appearance streams, Appearance Streams
circle, Squares and circles
color of, Text Markup
dictionaries, Annotation Dictionaries
drawing markup, Drawing MarkupStamps Markup
fields and, Fields and Annotations
FileAttachment, FileAttachment Annotations
free-form, InkStamps Markup
ink, InkStamps Markup
line, Lines
link, GoTo Actions
markup, Markup Annotations
non-markup, Non-Markup Annotations
optional content for, Optional Content for Annotations
polygon, Polygons and polylines
polyline, Polygons and polylines
square, Squares and circles
stamps, Stamps MarkupStamps Markup
structure elements and, Structure Elements
text markup, Text Markup
text, and pop-ups, Text Annotations and Pop-ups
widget, Fields and Annotations
appearance characteristics dictionary, The appearance characteristics dictionary
appearance stream, Stamps Markup
for 3D annotation, 3D Annotations
NeedAppearances field and, The Interactive Form Dictionary
Apple, Font Types
archiving with PDFs, PDF/A (ISO 19005)
array objects, Array Objects
ArtBox, Rects and boxes
artifacts, Artifacts
AS (Automatic State), AS (Automatic State)
ASCII literal string format, String Objects
assistive technology, Field Names
associative tables, Dictionary Objects
Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF), Sound Annotations
automatic state (AS), AS (Automatic State)


B operator, The Painter’s Model
basic colors, Basic ColorMarked Content Operators
BDC operator, Marked Content Operators
optional content and, Optional Content in Content Streams
property lists and, Property Lists
structured elements and, Associating Structure to Content
BE key, Squares and circles
polygon/polyline annotation and, Polygons and polylines
Bézier curve, Drawing Paths
bit flags, Field Flags
bit positions, Field Flags
bitmap images, Resources
bitmapped fonts, Font Types
BLSE (block level structure elements), Block-level structural elements
BMC operator, Marked Content Operators
body, Body
bookmarks, Bookmarks or OutlinesWhat’s Next
boolean objects, Boolean Objects
both fill/stroke (B), The Painter’s Model
box, viewing area as, Rects and boxes
BS key, Attributes
ink annotations and, Ink
polygon/polyline annotation and, Polygons and polylines
square/circle annotations and, Squares and circles
BT operator, Text State
Btn field class, The Field Dictionary
button fields, The Field Dictionary, Button FieldsText Fields


C key, Text Markup, Attributes
ink annotations and, Ink
polygon/polyline annotation and, Polygons and polylines
c operator, Drawing Paths
CA/ca key, Basic Transparency, Stamps Markup
capitalization and boolean objects, Boolean Objects
caps, line, Graphic State
Carousel Object System (COS), PDF Objects
CARRIAGE RETURN character, White-Space
Cartesian coordinate system, Transformations
catalog dictionary, The Catalog DictionaryThe Page Tree
catalog object, The Catalog DictionaryThe Page Tree
Ch field class, The Field Dictionary
checkbox field, Button Fields
choice fields, The Field Dictionary, Choice FieldsSignature Fields
combo boxes, Combo boxes
combo boxes, editable, Editable combo boxes
multiselect flags, MultiSelect flag
options for, Options
scrolling lists, Scrolling lists
values, Values
chroma-key masks, Color-Keyed Masks
circle annotations, Squares and circles
clipping, Clipping
closed vs. open paths, Open versus Closed Paths
cm operator, Font and Size
dictionaries, The Collection Dictionary
schema, Collection SchemaGoToE Actions
collections, CollectionsGoToE Actions
color components, Raster Images
of annotations, Text Markup
color-keyed masks, Color-Keyed Masks
combo boxes, Combo boxes
editable, Editable combo boxes
concatenating the matrix operation, Transformations
configuration of optional content, Optional Content ConfigurationOptional Content Properties
artifacts vs., Artifacts
marking as optional, Marking Content as OptionalWhat’s Next
content stream, Content StreamsThe Painter’s Model
BDC operator, Marked Content Operators
BMC operator, Marked Content Operators
Do operator, Images in content streams
EMC operator, Marked Content Operators
form XObject, The Form Dictionary
images in, Images in content streams
marked content operators and, Marked Content Operators
transparency and, Basic Transparency
content streams, optional content in, Optional Content in Content StreamsOptional Content for Form XObjects
control points of Bézier curves, Drawing Paths
COS (Carousel Object System), PDF Objects
CropBox, Rects and boxes
cross-reference streams, Cross-reference table
cross-reference table, Cross-reference tableCross-reference table
white-space characters in, White-Space
CSS2 standards, Rich text
current transformation matrix, Transformations


Date literal string format, String Objects
DCTDecode stream filter, Stream Objects
JPEG images and, JPEG Images
destinations, DestinationsNamed Destinations
explicit, Explicit Destinations
named, Named Destinations
DeviceCMYK color space, Basic Color
C key value and, Text Markup
pixel elements in, Raster Images
DeviceGrey color space, Basic Color
C key value and, Text Markup
image transparency and, Soft Masks
pixel elements in, Raster Images
soft masks and, Soft Masks
stencil masks and, Stencil Masks
DeviceRGB color space, Basic Color
C key value and, Text Markup
pixel elements in, Raster Images
3D annotation, The 3D annotation dictionary
3D markup, Markups on 3D
3D view, 3D views
<< double angle brackets and, Dictionary Objects
actions, The Action Dictionary
annotations, Annotation Dictionaries
appearance characteristics, The appearance characteristics dictionary
as objects, Dictionary ObjectsNumber trees
border style, Attributes
catalog, The Catalog DictionaryThe Page Tree
collection, The Collection Dictionary
document information, The Document Information Dictionary
embedded file stream, Embedded File Streams
ExtGState (External Graphic State), External Graphic State
field, The Field DictionaryField Classes
file specification, File SpecificationsWays to Embed Files
fonts, The Font DictionaryEncodings
form XObject, The Form Dictionary
graphic state parameter, External Graphic State
interactive form, The Interactive Form Dictionary
linearization parameter, Linearization
mark information, Tagged PDFs
movie, The movie dictionary
movie activation, The movie activation dictionary
name, The Name Dictionary
name trees vs., Name trees
number trees vs., Number trees
optional content configuration, Optional Content ConfigurationOptional Content Properties
optional content membership, Optional Content Membership
optional content properties, Optional Content Properties
optional content usage, Usage
rendition, Rendition objects
role map, Role Mapping
sound annotation, Sound Annotations
stream, Stream Objects, Sound Annotations
structure elements as, Structure ElementsRole Mapping
digital rights management, PDF/E (ISO 24517)
digital signatures
fields for, The Field Dictionary, Signature Fields
incremental updates and, Incremental Update
PAdES standard and, PAdES (ETSI TS 102 778)
Digital Signatures for documents (Lowagie), Signature Fields
direct objects
indirect vs., Direct versus Indirect ObjectsDirect versus Indirect Objects
object streams and, Cross-reference table
Do operator, Images in content streams
Form XObjects and, The Form Dictionary
document information dictionary, The Document Information Dictionary
XMP vs., XMP versus the Info Dictionary
document structure, Document StructureThe Name Dictionary
catalog dictionary, The Catalog DictionaryThe Page Tree
page tree, The Page TreePages
pages, PagesInheritance
DP operator, Marked Content Operators
property lists and, Property Lists
DR key, The Interactive Form Dictionary
markup, Drawing MarkupStamps Markup
paths, Drawing Paths
DRM, PDF/E (ISO 24517)


embedded files, Embedded FilesWhat’s Next
collections, CollectionsGoToE Actions
EmbeddedFiles name tree, The EmbeddedFiles Name Tree
file specification dictionaries, File SpecificationsWays to Embed Files
FileAttachment annotation, FileAttachment Annotations
GoToE action, GoToE Actions
PDF/X and, PDF/X (ISO 15930)
streaming from URLs, URL File Specifications
streams, Embedded File Streams
EmbeddedFiles name tree, The EmbeddedFiles Name Tree
collections and, The Collection Dictionary
GoToE action and, GoToE Actions
embossing, Attributes
EMC operator
optional content and, Optional Content in Content Streams
structured elements and, Associating Structure to Content
EMF images, Vector Images
Encrypt key, Trailer
encryption, PDF/E (ISO 24517)
end-of-line markers, White-Space
engineering, PDF and, PDF/E (ISO 24517)
EOL markers, White-Space
EPS images, Vector Images
ET operator, Text State
ETSI TS 102 778 standard, PAdES (ETSI TS 102 778)
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), PAdES (ETSI TS 102 778)
European Union, PAdES (ETSI TS 102 778)
explicit destinations, Explicit Destinations
export name (fields), Field Names
eXtensible Form Architecture, The Interactive Form Dictionary
eXternal Object (see Xobject)
ExtGState (External Graphic State), External Graphic State


f/F operator, The Painter’s Model
FDF (Forms Data Format), Submission formats
field classes, Field ClassesSignature Fields
button, Button FieldsText Fields
choice fields, Choice FieldsSignature Fields
signature, Signature Fields
text, Text FieldsText field flags
field dictionary, The Field DictionaryField Classes
annotations and, Fields and Annotations
flags, Field Flags
names, Field Names
widget annotation and, Fields and Annotations
Fields key, The Interactive Form Dictionary
SubmitForm action and, SubmitForm
file specification dictionaries, File SpecificationsWays to Embed Files
URL file specifications, URL File Specifications
file specification strings, encoding, File Specifications
file structure, File StructureLinearization
body, Body
cross-reference table, Cross-reference tableCross-reference table
header, Header
incremental update, Incremental Update
linearization, LinearizationLinearization
trailer, Trailer
white-space, White-Space
FileAttachment annotations, Non-Markup Annotations, FileAttachment Annotations
files, embedded, Embedded FilesWhat’s Next
fill (F/f), The Painter’s Model
Fit operator, Explicit Destinations
FitH operator, Explicit Destinations
FitV operator, Explicit Destinations
flags, Field Flags
for button fields, Button Fields
for text fields, Text field flags
Flate stream compression, Embedded File Streams
FlateDecode stream filter, Stream Objects
font dictionaries, The Font DictionaryEncodings
required keys for, The Font Dictionary
font programs, Glyphs
fonts, FontsEncodings
dictionary, The Font DictionaryEncodings
encoding, Encodings
glyphs, GlyphsFont Types
scaling, Font and Size
specific to PDF, Font Types
TrueType outline font, Font Types
Type 0 fonts, Font Types
Type 1 outline font, Font Types
Type 3 fonts, Font Types
types of, Font Types
form XObjects, Vector ImagesCopying a Page to a Form XObject
adding, Adding the Form XObject
as appearance stream, Stamps Markup
copying a page to, Copying a Page to a Form XObject
dictionary, The Form Dictionary
optional content for, Optional Content for Form XObjects
structure elements and, Structure Elements
Forms Data Format (FDF), Submission formats
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), URI Actions


generation numbers, Direct versus Indirect Objects
Geographical Information Services data (GIS), PDF (ISO 32000)
geospatial data, PDF (ISO 32000)
glyph metrics, Glyphs
glyphs, GlyphsFont Types
drawing, Drawing Text
notdef, Glyphs
GoTo action, GoTo Actions
GoToE action, GoToE Actions
GoToR action, GoToR and Launch Actions
graphic state, Graphic StateThe Painter’s Model
ExtGState (External Graphic State), External Graphic State
stack of, Graphic State
graphic state parameter dictionary, External Graphic State


h operator, Open versus Closed Paths
header, Header
healthcare, PDF standard for, PDF Healthcare
hexadecimal data, angle (<>) brackets and, String Objects
color encoding in, Basic Color
structured PDF vs., Structured PDF
submitting form data in, Submission formats
HTTP streams
reading PDFs in, LinearizationLinearization
URI for, URI Actions


IC key, Attributes
line annotations and, Lines
polygon/polyline annotation and, Polygons and polylines
square/circle annotations and, Squares and circles
ILSE (inline level structure elements), Inline-level structural elements
image dictionary
DCTDecode stream filter, Stream Objects
JPXDecode stream filter, Stream Objects
Mask entry, Color-Keyed Masks
raster images and, Image dictionaries
images, ImagesCopying a Page to a Form XObject
FlateDecode stream filter, Stream Objects
form XObject, Vector ImagesCopying a Page to a Form XObject
in content stream, Images in content streams
JPXDecode stream filter, Stream Objects
PDF units and, PDF unitsRects and boxes
raster, Raster ImagesImages in content streams
resolution of, PDF unitsRects and boxes
transparency and, Transparency and ImagesColor-Keyed Masks
user units and, PDF units
vector, Vector ImagesCopying a Page to a Form XObject
imaging model, PDF Imaging ModelWhat’s Next
basic colors, Basic ColorMarked Content Operators
content stream, Content StreamsThe Painter’s Model
drawing paths, Drawing Paths
external graphic state, External Graphic State
graphic state, Graphic StateThe Painter’s Model
marked content operators, Marked Content Operators
Painter’s Model, The Painter’s ModelDrawing Paths
resources, Resources
transformations, TransformationsBasic Color
transparency, Basic TransparencyWhat’s Next
ImportData action, ImportData
incremental updates, Incremental Update
cross-reference section and, Cross-reference table
linearization and, Linearization
indirect objects
direct vs., Direct versus Indirect ObjectsDirect versus Indirect Objects
object streams and, Cross-reference table
ink annotations, InkStamps Markup
inline level structure elements (ILSE), Inline-level structural elements
integer numeric objects, Numeric Objects
interactive element annotations, Non-Markup Annotations
interactive form dictionary, The Interactive Form Dictionary
intermediate nodes, The Page Tree
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), PDF Standards
Internet media type, Embedded File Streams
ISO 14289 standard, PDF/UA (ISO 14289)
ISO 15930 standard, PDF/X (ISO 15930)
ISO 16612-2 standard, PDF/VT (ISO 16612-2)
ISO 19005 standard, PDF/A (ISO 19005)
ISO 24517 standard, PDF/E (ISO 24517)
ISO 32000-1 standard, PDF (ISO 32000)
direct/indirect objects in, Direct versus Indirect Objects
file specification strings, encoding, File Specifications
linearization in, LinearizationLinearization
Marked key in, Tagged PDFs
metadata and, The Document Information Dictionary
objects in, PDF ObjectsDirect versus Indirect Objects
second class names in, Name Objects
standard fonts in, The Font Dictionary
text field tags in, Text field flags
transparency in, Basic Transparency


joins, line, Graphic State
JPEG images, JPEG Images
JPXDecode stream filter, Stream Objects


language, specifying, Structure Elements
launch actions, GoToR and Launch Actions
LE key
ink annotations and, Ink
polygon/polyline annotation and, Polygons and polylines
leaf nodes, The Page Tree
line annotations, Lines
LINE FEED character, White-Space
linearization, LinearizationLinearization
cross-reference tables and, Linearization
incremental updates and, Linearization
linearization parameter dictionary, Linearization
lines, drawing, Graphic State
joins and caps, Graphic State
link annotations, GoTo Actions
Lisa graphical interface, Font Types
literal strings, String Objects
logical structure, Structured PDF
Lowagie, Bruno, Signature Fields


Macintosh graphical interface, Font Types
mark information dictionary, Tagged PDFs
marked content, Content Streams, Marked Content Operators
DP operator, Marked Content Operators
metadata and, XMP in PDF
MP operator, Marked Content Operators
property lists for, Property Lists
structure elements and, Associating Structure to Content
marked content ID (MCID), Structure Elements
markup annotations, Markup Annotations
3D, Markups on 3D
drawing markup, Drawing MarkupStamps Markup
text, Text Markup
text, and pop-ups, Text Annotations and Pop-ups
Mask entry (image dictionary), Color-Keyed Masks
MCID (marked content ID), Structure Elements
MD5 hash, Markups on 3D
media clip dictionary, Rendition objects
media rendition, Rendition objects
MediaBox, Rects and boxes
metadata, MetadataXMP versus the Info Dictionary
document information dictionary, The Document Information Dictionary
PDF/A standard and, PDF/A (ISO 19005)
streams, Metadata StreamsXMP versus the Info Dictionary
XMP, XMPXMP versus the Info Dictionary
XMP schema, SchemasSchemas
Microsoft, Font Types
MIME type, Embedded File Streams
movie actions, Movie actions
movie activation dictionary, The movie activation dictionary
movie annotations, Movie AnnotationsMultimedia
movie dictionary, The movie dictionary
MP operator, Marked Content Operators
multidimensional arrays, Array Objects
multimedia, Multimedia and 3DWhat’s Next
3D, 3DWhat’s Next
3D annotations, 3DWhat’s Next
3D markups, Markups on 3D
actions, Multimedia Actions
in PDF 1.5, Multimedia3D
movie annotations, Movie AnnotationsMultimedia
screen annotation, Screen Annotation
sound annotations, Sound AnnotationsMovie Annotations
multimedia content annotations, Non-Markup Annotations
multiselect flags, MultiSelect flag


n operator, Clipping
name dictionary, The Name Dictionary
destinations and, Named Destinations
name objects, Name Objects
# (number) sign and, Name Objects
name trees, Named Destinations
dictionaries vs., Name trees
EmbeddedFiles, The EmbeddedFiles Name Tree
named destinations, Named Destinations
namespace URI for XMP, Schemas
navigation, NavigationWhat’s Next
actions, ActionsNested Actions
bookmarks, Bookmarks or OutlinesWhat’s Next
collections and, Collections
destinations, DestinationsNamed Destinations
outlines, Bookmarks or OutlinesWhat’s Next
NeedAppearances field, The Interactive Form Dictionary
nested actions, Nested Actions
nodes, intermediate and leaf, The Page Tree
non-Latin-based languages, text support for, Encodings
non-markup annotations, Non-Markup Annotations
nonregular characters, Name Objects
nonterminal field, The Field Dictionary
notdef glyphs, Glyphs
null objects, Null Objects
number trees, dictionaries vs., Number trees
numeric objects, Numeric Objects


object stream, Cross-reference table
objects, PDF ObjectsDirect versus Indirect Objects
array, Array Objects
boolean, Boolean Objects
catalog, The Catalog DictionaryThe Page Tree
dictionaries, Dictionary ObjectsNumber trees
direct vs. indirect, Direct versus Indirect ObjectsDirect versus Indirect Objects
in PDF standard, PDF ObjectsDirect versus Indirect Objects
name, Name Objects
null, Null Objects
numeric, Numeric Objects
stream, Stream Objects
string, String Objects
OCCD (optional content configuration dictionary), Optional Content Configuration
OCMD (optional content membership dictionary), Optional Content Membership
open vs. closed paths, Open versus Closed Paths
OpenType outline font, Font Types
optional content, Optional ContentWhat’s Next
AS and, AS (Automatic State)
configuration, Optional Content Configuration
content state, Content State
for annotations, Optional Content for Annotations
for Form XObjects, Optional Content for Form XObjects
groups, Optional Content GroupsOptional Content Membership
in content streams, Optional Content in Content StreamsOptional Content for Form XObjects
marking as, Marking Content as OptionalWhat’s Next
membership, Optional Content MembershipOptional Content Configuration
order key, RBGroups
properties, Optional Content Properties
RBGroups key, RBGroups
usage dictionary, Usage
visibility expressions, Visibility Expressions
visibility policies, Visibility Policies
visibility settings, manually changing, RBGroups
optional content configuration dictionary (OCCD), Optional Content Configuration
AS key, AS (Automatic State)
optional content groups (OCG), Optional Content GroupsOptional Content Membership
form XObjects and, Optional Content for Form XObjects
grouping, Order Key
optional content membership dictionary (OCMD), Optional Content Membership
form XObjects and, Optional Content for Form XObjects
optional content properties dictionary, Optional Content Properties
optional content usage dictionary, Usage
order key of optional content, RBGroups
outline font formats, Font Types
outlines, Bookmarks or OutlinesWhat’s Next
Outlines entry (document catalog), Bookmarks or Outlines


PAdES standard, PAdES (ETSI TS 102 778)
page boxes, Rects and boxesRects and boxes
Page object
inheritance and, Inheritance
leaf node as, The Page Tree
Page objects, PagesInheritance
page tree, The Page TreePages
pages, PagesInheritance
boxes, Rects and boxesRects and boxes
copying to form XObject, Copying a Page to a Form XObject
name dictionary, The Name Dictionary
rects, Rects and boxesRects and boxes
Painter’s Model, The Painter’s ModelDrawing Paths
clipping, Clipping
paths, open vs. closed, Open versus Closed Paths
B operator, The Painter’s Model
c operator, Drawing Paths
closing explicitly, Open versus Closed Paths
construction operators for, Drawing Paths
drawing, Drawing Paths
f/F operator, The Painter’s Model
h operator, Open versus Closed Paths
n operator, Clipping
open vs. closed, Open versus Closed Paths
S operator, The Painter’s Model
W operator, Clipping
comment character (%), Header
standards for, PDF StandardsPDF Healthcare
structured, Structured PDFAssociating Structure to Content
submitting forms in, Submission formats
XMP in, XMP in PDF
PDF 1.5
cross-reference streams, Cross-reference table
XFA form and, The Interactive Form Dictionary
PDF standard, PDF StandardsPDF Healthcare
direct/indirect objects in, Direct versus Indirect Objects
file specification strings, encoding, File Specifications
linearization in, LinearizationLinearization
Marked key in, Tagged PDFs
metadata and, The Document Information Dictionary
objects in, PDF ObjectsDirect versus Indirect Objects
second class names in, Name Objects
standard fonts in, The Font Dictionary
text field tags in, Text field flags
transparency in, Basic Transparency
PDF/A standard, PDF/A (ISO 19005)
PDF/E standard, PDF/E (ISO 24517)
PDF/H standard, PDF Healthcare
PDF/UA standard, PDF/UA (ISO 14289)
PDF/VT standard, PDF/VT (ISO 16612-2)
PDF/X standard, PDF/X (ISO 15930)
PDFDocEncoded literal string format, String Objects
RFC 1738 standard and, URL File Specifications
PDFDocEncoding, document information dictionary and, The Document Information Dictionary
cross-reference table and, Cross-reference table
large arrays and, Array Objects
plain text fields, Plain text
PNG image format, Soft Masks
polygon annotations, Polygons and polylines
polyline annotations, Polygons and polylines
pop-up annotation, Text Annotations and Pop-ups
portable collections (see collections)
Postscript language (Adobe), Content Streams
PRC format, 3D streams
print production annotation, Non-Markup Annotations
printers, color definitions for, Basic Color
printing industry
PDF/X standard and, PDF/X (ISO 15930)
transactional printing and, PDF/VT (ISO 16612-2)
properties for optional content, Optional Content Properties
pushbutton field, Button Fields
PVG, The Painter’s Model


q/Q operator, Graphic State
Quartz 2D (Apple), The Painter’s Model


radio button field, Button Fields
raster images, Raster ImagesImages in content streams
adding, Adding the ImageImages in content streams
image dictionaries and, Image dictionaries
in imaging model, Resources
RBGroups key, RBGroups
RDF (Resource Definition Framework), XMP
real numeric objects, Numeric Objects
Rect key (annotation dictionary), Annotation Dictionaries
QuadPoints vs., Text Markup
square/circle annotations and, Squares and circles
Vertices key vs., Polygons and polylines
rects, Rects and boxesRects and boxes
relative paths, GoToE actions and, GoToE Actions
remote go-to action, GoToR and Launch Actions
rendering mode, Rendering Mode
rendition actions, Rendition Actions3D
rendition objects, Rendition objects
dictionary, Rendition objects
ResetForm action, ResetForm
Resource Definition Framework (RDF), XMP
Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF), Sound Annotations
resources, Resources
images as, Resources, Image dictionaries
Resources key, Pages, Resources
form dictionary, The Form Dictionary
Reverse Polish Notation, Content Streams
RFC 1738 standard, URL File Specifications
RFC 3066 standard, Structure Elements
RGB colors, Basic ColorMarked Content Operators
DeviceRGB colors, Basic Color
rich text fields, Rich textText field flags
RIFF/wav format, Sound Annotations
role map dictionary, Role Mapping
role mapping, Role MappingAssociating Structure to Content
structural elements and, Structure Elements
Root object, The Catalog Dictionary


S operator, The Painter’s Model
collection, Collection SchemaGoToE Actions
XMP, SchemasSchemas
screen annotation, Screen Annotation
appearance characteristics dictionary, The appearance characteristics dictionary
media rendition, Rendition objects
rendition actions, Rendition Actions3D
sound annotation vs., Sound Annotations
screen readers, Field Names
scrolling lists, Scrolling lists
second class names (ISO 32000-1), Name Objects
security and incremental updates, Incremental Update
shapes, drawing as paths, The Painter’s Model
open/closed, Open versus Closed Paths
snd/au file format, Sound Annotations
soft masks for transparency, Soft Masks
Sound actions, Sound actions
sound annotations, Sound AnnotationsMovie Annotations
screen annotation vs., Sound Annotations
square annotations, Squares and circles
stamps, Stamps MarkupStamps Markup
StandardEncoding, Encodings
standards (PDF), PDF StandardsPDF Healthcare
ETSI TS 102 778, PAdES (ETSI TS 102 778)
healthcare, PDF Healthcare
ISO 14289, PDF/UA (ISO 14289)
ISO 15930, PDF/X (ISO 15930)
ISO 16612-2, PDF/VT (ISO 16612-2)
ISO 19005, PDF/A (ISO 19005)
ISO 24517, PDF/E (ISO 24517)
ISO 32000-1, PDF ObjectsDirect versus Indirect Objects, LinearizationLinearization, Basic Transparency, The Font Dictionary, Text field flags, File Specifications, Tagged PDFs, The Document Information Dictionary, PDF (ISO 32000)
PAdES, PAdES (ETSI TS 102 778)
PDF, PDF (ISO 32000)
PDF/A, PDF/A (ISO 19005)
PDF/E, PDF/E (ISO 24517)
PDF/H, PDF Healthcare
PDF/UA, PDF/UA (ISO 14289)
PDF/VT, PDF/VT (ISO 16612-2)
PDF/X, PDF/X (ISO 15930)
stencil masks, Stencil Masks
Decode key, Stencil Masks
sticky notes, Text Annotations and Pop-ups
stream dictionary, Stream Objects
stream objects, Stream Objects
3D, 3D streams
appearance, Stamps Markup
content, optional content in, Optional Content in Content StreamsOptional Content for Form XObjects
embedded file, Embedded File Streams
metadata, Metadata StreamsXMP versus the Info Dictionary
sound data format, Sound Annotations
white-space characters in, White-Space
XMP, XMPXMP versus the Info Dictionary
string objects, String Objects
white-space characters in, White-Space
stroke, The Painter’s Model
structure elements, Structured PDF, Structure ElementsRole Mapping
artifacts, Artifacts
as dictionaries, Structure ElementsRole Mapping
block level, Block-level structural elements
custom, Role MappingAssociating Structure to Content
form XObjects as, Associating Structure to Content
grouping, Grouping elements
inline level, Inline-level structural elements
marked content and, Associating Structure to Content
roll mapping, Role MappingAssociating Structure to Content
standard, Standard structure types
structure tree, The Structure Tree
structure tree root, The Structure Tree
structured PDF, Structured PDFAssociating Structure to Content
associating with content, Associating Structure to Content
elements of, Structure ElementsRole Mapping
tree, The Structure Tree
stylesheets, External Graphic State
SubmitForm action, SubmitFormResetForm
formats for, Submission formats
Subtype key, Annotation Dictionaries
font dictionary, The Font Dictionary
stamp annotations and, Stamps Markup
syntax, PDF SyntaxWhat’s Next
document structure, Document StructureThe Name Dictionary
file structure, File StructureLinearization
objects, PDF ObjectsDirect versus Indirect Objects


tagged PDFs, Tagged PDFs
Td operator, Positioning Text
terminal field, The Field Dictionary
text, TextPositioning Text
annotations and pop-ups, Text Annotations and Pop-ups
drawing, Drawing Text
fonts, FontsEncodings
markup annotations for, Text Markup
positioning, Positioning Text
state, Text StateRendering Mode
text fields, The Field Dictionary, Text FieldsText field flags
flags, Text field flags
plain, Plain text
rich text, Rich textText field flags
Text literal string format, String Objects
text state, Text StateRendering Mode
font, Font and Size
rendering mode, Rendering Mode
size, Font and Size
Tf operator, Font and Size
TIFF image format, Soft Masks
Tj operator, Drawing Text
Tm operator, Font and Size
Td operator vs., Positioning Text
tokens, encoding, File Structure
Tr operator, Rendering Mode
trailer, Trailer
transformations, TransformationsBasic Color
3D images and, 3D views
annotations, Text Markup
concatenating the matrix operation, Transformations
current transformation matrix, Transformations
font size, Font and Size
multiple, Transformations
QuadPoints key and, Text Markup
transparency, Basic TransparencyWhat’s Next
color-keyed masks, Color-Keyed Masks
images and, Transparency and ImagesColor-Keyed Masks
PDF/X standard and, PDF/X (ISO 15930)
soft masks, Soft Masks
stamp annotation and, Stamps Markup
stencil masks, Stencil Masks
TrimBox, Rects and boxes
TrueType outline font, Font Types
Tx field class, The Field Dictionary
Type 0 fonts, Font Types
Type 1 outline font, Font Types
Type 3 fonts, Font Types
Type key, The Catalog Dictionary
font dictionary, The Font Dictionary
stamp annotations and, Stamps Markup


U3D format, 3D streams
uniform resource identifier (URI), URI Actions
universal accessibility (UA), PDF/UA (ISO 14289)
screen readers, Field Names
URI actions, URI Actions
URL file specifications, URL File Specifications
RFC 1738 and, URL File Specifications
user units, PDF units


vector images, Vector ImagesCopying a Page to a Form XObject
video, playing, The movie dictionary
visibility expressions, Visibility Expressions
RBGroups vs., RBGroups
visibility policies, Visibility Policies


w operator, Graphic State
W operator, Clipping
Watermark annotation, Non-Markup Annotations
wav format, Sound Annotations
white-space, White-Space
widget annotation, Fields and Annotations
WinAnsiEncoding, Encodings
Windows code page 1252, Encodings
Windows GDI, Basic Color


XFA form, The Interactive Form Dictionary
rich text and, Rich text
XFDF (XML Forms Data Format), Submission formats
XHTML 1.0 standards, Rich text
metadata and, Metadata Streams
rich text as, Rich text
structured PDF vs., Structured PDF
XFA form and, The Interactive Form Dictionary
XML Forms Data Format (XFDF), Submission formats
XMP, XMPXMP versus the Info Dictionary
document information dictionary vs., XMP versus the Info Dictionary
in PDF, XMP in PDF
schema, SchemasSchemas
XObject dictionary
form XObjects, Vector ImagesCopying a Page to a Form XObject
image dictionary as, Image dictionaries
images transparency and, Soft Masks
xyz operator, Explicit Destinations


ZIP files, Embedded File Streams
zooming operations, Explicit Destinations
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