
ADORE processTM, 33, 35–36

with agencies, 128–131

application, 136–139

arrival, 43–54

attention, 38, 65–80

buying process, 39

elements, 41

within existing sales and marketing frameworks, 40

first impression, 37–38, 55–64

getting started with, 127–128

metrics, 131–136

milestones, 37–41

moment of truth, 38–39, 103–112

with onboarding e-mail sequences, 137–139

overview, 37–39

with product teams, 128–131

product team performance optimization, 139–141

reality, 38, 93–102

recommend, 39, 113–125

sign-up, 38, 81–91

value demonstration, 141

AdWords, 44–46

Afterpay, 68–69

Anchoring, 23

Anxieties, 37, 135–136

at first 48 hours, 94-95

at recommend/RIP, 115

at sign-up, 84

at ten seconds, 47

at three minutes, 66

at upgrade, 104

at zero seconds, 46–47

Aron, Arthur, 28–30

Arrival, visitors, 43

AdWords, limiting reliance on, 45–46

anxieties at zero seconds, 46–47

case, 51–54

fixing issues, 48–50

issues, causes of, 47–48

search engine optimization, 44–45

success measure, 51

Attention economy, 1

Authority, 20–21

Average time on site, 133–134

Bounce rates, 132–133

Brand loyalty, 6, 32, 132

ADORE processTM for, 37

components, 4

mechanics of, 8–10

perpetual, 11–14

Brand style guide, 59–60

Buying decisions, 6, 14–15

anchoring, 23

authority, 20–21

consistency, 25–26

decision shortcuts, 26–28

free, 24–25

inertia, 26–27

in predictable and irrational ways, 19–20

relative value, 21–23

scarcity, 23–24

social proof, 21

Buying process, 15–17

“Buy now, pay later” platforms, 93–94

Call to action (CTA), 70, 77

Cialdini’s principle of consistency, 29

Clear value proposition, 60

Commercial/industrial buying, 15

Comparison-based decision, 23

Consistency, 25–26, 29, 35

Conventional economic theory, 18

Conversion rate optimization (CRO), 36

Cookies, 2

Customer acquisition cost (CAC), 46

Decision shortcuts, 26–28

Decisions making

anchoring, 23

authority, 20–21

consistency, 25–26

decision shortcuts, 27–28

free, 24–25

inertia, 26–27

in predictable and irrational ways, 19–20

relative value, 21–23

scarcity, 23–24

social proof, 21

Decoy effect, 22

Digital Brand Romance

ADORE processTM (see ADORE processTM)

formula for, 32–33

Digital first date

anxieties at three minutes, 66

case, 76–80

fixing issues, 67–75

issues, causes of, 67

overview, 65–66

success measure, 75–76

Dissatisfaction, xix

Doing nothing, inertia of, 26–27

E-mail, 110–111, 137–139

Expectation, xviii–xx, 4–6, 72, 73, 107

Expensify, 114


human, 8

past experiences, value of, 9–10

“The experience economy,” 8–9


global ad revenue for, xvii

First impression

anxieties, 57

case, 61–64

fixing issues, 59–60

issues, causes of, 57–58

overview, 55–56

success measure, 60

value proposition, 57, 58–59

vibe, 56, 58

visuals, 56, 58

First Moment of Truth (FMOT), 14, 15

Fitness, 11

Flywheel effect, 11

Forrester Research report, 131

Free, power of, 24–25

Fresh content, 45

Gilmore, J., 8

Global ad revenue

for Facebook and Google, xvii

GoDaddy brand evolution, 61–64

Google Ads, 31

Google Search, 7, 49–50


AdWords, 45–46

algorithm, 44

global ad revenue for, xvii

zero moment of truth (ZMOT), 10

Grammarly, 109–112

Harvard Business Review, 18, 27, 61

Healthy HTML structure, 45

High churn rates, 105–106

High-value customers, 119

Human experience, 8

Influence, 19–20

Intuto, 120–125

Irrationality, patterns of, 19

Journey orchestration, 131

Life in Half a Second (Michalewicz), 127

LinkedIn, 90

Low reengagement rates, 105–106

Low-value customers, 118

Macquarie Bank, 93

Manu, Alexander, 3

Marketing strategy creation, 49, 52

Mid-value customers, 118–119

Mobile-first website, 45

Modern Romance (Ansari and Klinenberg), xvi

Moment of Truth (MOT), 14–17. See also Upgrade

Monitor site metrics, 50

Moore’s law, xiii

Negative experience, 12–13

Net promoter score (NPS), 48, 116

NextMinute, 76–80

Optimal home page layout, of brands

expectation, 72, 73

featured premium products, 70

hero section, 69–70

hints of how, 73–74

offers, 71–72

social proof, 71

strong testimonials, 74–75

trustworthiness demonstration, 72–73

user stories, 71

Partnership-based marketing, 46

Pine, J., 8

PocketSmith, 98–102

Postsign-up engagement rates, 134–135

Product design, 114, 131

Product ratings, 21

Product team performance optimization, 139–141

Profit gap, xix–xx

Purchase experience, 12

Quipcheck, 88–91

Reality, 93–94

anxieties, 94–95

case, 98–102

fixing issues, 97–98

issues, causes of, 95–96

success measure, 98

Rebuy rates, 106–107

Recommendation, 113–115

anxieties, 115

case, 120–125

fixing issues, 117–119

issues, causes of, 115–117

success measure, 120

Relationship, 4

Relative value, 21–23

Relevant content, 45

Revenue rates, 107

Rogers technology adoption curve, xiv

SaaS offerings, 86–87

Satisfaction, 4–6, 10, 12, 13, 16, 72, 114

Satisfaction, customer, xviii–xix

Scarcity, 23–24

Schwartz, Evan, 1, 2, 32

Search engine optimization (SEO), 36, 44–45

rankings, website optimization, 49–50

slow-moving elements, 45

Second Moment of Truth (SMOT), 14–16


anxieties, 84

case, 88–92

fixing issues, 84–87

issues, causes of, 84

overview, 81–83

ratio, 134–135

success measure, 87

to upgrade ratio, 106

Site visitors, 132–133

Social proof, 21

TechCrunch, 83

The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness, 28–29

The Imagination Challenge (Manu), 3

Time, 4–5

Traditional marketing model, 14

Trello, 90–91

TripAdvisor star ratings, 21

Trustworthiness, 72–73

Unfavorable experience, 12


anxieties, 104

case, 109–112

fixing issues, 107–108

issues, causes of, 104–107

overview, 103–104

success measure, 108

Value demonstration, 141

Value proposition, 57, 58–59

Vibe, 56, 58

Visuals, 56, 58

Webonomics, 1

Website, 36

optimization, 49–50

rewrite, 50

WordPress, 57

Xbox, 85

Zero moment of truth (ZMOT), xv, 14–17

across different industries, 17

Google, 10

traditional buying model, 15

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