
The editors take pride in acknowledging the role of the Network of Asia Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance, popularly known by the acronym NAPSIPAG, in making the present book possible. NAPSIPAG is the largest governance research network in the Asia Pacific region, which has been regularly organizing an international meeting of administrators, academia, and nonstate bodies every year where regional scholars critically deliberate with international governance experts. This is the process through which many young and upcoming scholars are also trained and academic brilliance generated. NAPSIPAG has also helped the international policy organizations to have a better understanding of the region through a local lens of Asiatic anthropology, ethnography, and culture of administration. The book is an outcome of the academic and practitioners’ discourses generated mainly by NAPSIPAG members.

It was impossible for this book to be completed without the support of members, the reviewers, the authors, family members, and friends. The editors take pride in acknowledging the great role of the reviewers and the authors. The editor wishes to thank (i) the reviewers for their professional and constructive feedback, which is valuable to the authors; (ii) the contributing authors for their cooperation during the revision stages; and (iii) Dr. Stanley Bruce Thomson for his exceptional and tireless support during the review and proofreading processes. Finally, the editors are very grateful for the advice and assistance from the series editor/s of BEP, USA.

Dr. Huong Ha
Prof. R. Lalitha S. Fernando
Prof. Sanjeev Kumar Mahajan

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