Chapter 10

About the Data

10.1 Air Quality in Madrid

Air pollution is harmful to health and contributes to respiratory and cardiac diseases, and has a negative impact on natural ecosystems, agriculture, and the built environment. In Spain, the principal pollutants are particulate matter (PM), tropospheric ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and environmental noise1.

The surveillance system of the Integrated Air Quality system of the Madrid City Council consists of twenty-four remote stations, equipped with analyzers for gases (NO_{X}, CO, ozone, BT_{X}, HCs, SO_{2}) and particles (PM10, PM2.5), which measure pollution in different areas of the urban environment. In addition, many of the stations also include sensors to provide meteorological data.

The detailed information of each measuring station can be retrieved from its own webpage defined by its station code.

## codeStations.csv is extracted from the document
## table of page 3.
codEstaciones <- read.csv2(’data/codeStations.csv’)
codURL <- as.numeric(substr(codEstaciones$Codigo, 7, 8))

## The information of each measuring station is available at its own
     webpage, defined by codURL
URLs <- paste(’
    calaire/contenidos/estaciones/estacion’, codURL, ’.html’, sep=’’

10.1.1 imageData Arrangement

The station webpage includes several tables that can be extracted with the readHTMLTable function of the XML package. The longitude and latitude are included in the second table. The ub2dms function cleans this table and converts the strings to the DMS class defined by the sp package to represent degrees, minutes, and decimal seconds.


## Access each webpage, retrieve tables and extract long/lat data
coords <- lapply(URLs, function(est){
  tables <- readHTMLTable(est)
  location <- tables[[2]]
  ## Clean the table content and convert to dms format
  ub2dms <- function(x){
    ch <- as.character(x)
    ch <- sub( ’,’, ’.’, ch)
    ch <- sub(’O’, ’W’, ch) ## Some stations use “0” instead of “W”
    as.numeric(char2dms(ch, “ ⍜”“’”“’’))
  long <- ub2dms(location[2,1])
  lat <- ub2dms(location[2,2])
  alt <- as.numeric(sub(’m.’, ’’, location[2, 3]))

  coords <- data.frame(long=long, lat=lat, alt=alt)


airStations <- cbind(codEstaciones,, coords))

## The longitude of “El Pardo” station is wrong (positive instead of
airStations$long[22] <- -airStations$long[22]

write.csv2(airStations, file=’data/airStations.csv’)

The 2011 air pollution data are available upon request from the Madrid City Council webpage2 and at the data folder of the book repository. The structure of the file is documented in the INTPHORA-DIA document3. The readLines function reads the file and a lapply loop processes each line. The result is stored in the file airQuality.csv

## Fill in the form at
## to receive the file.
rawData <- readLines(’data/Datos11.txt’)
## This loop reads each line and extracts fields as defined by the
## INTPHORA file:
datos11 <- lapply(rawData, function(x){
  codEst <- substr(x, 1, 8)
  codParam <- substr(x, 9, 10)
  codTec <- substr(x, 11, 12)
  codPeriod <- substr(x, 13, 14)
  month <- substr(x, 17, 18)
  dat <- substr(x, 19, nchar(x))
  ## “N” used for impossible days (31st April)
  idxN <- gregexpr(’N’, dat)[[1]]
  if (idxN==-1) idxN <- numeric(0)
  nZeroDays <- length(idxN)
  day <- seq(1, 31-nZeroDays)
  ## Substitute V and N with “;” to split data from different days
  dat <- gsub(’[VN]+’, ’;’, dat)
  dat <- as.numeric(strsplit(dat, ’;’)[[1]])
  ## Only data from valid days
  dat <- dat[day]
  res <- data.frame(codEst, codParam, ##codTec, codPeriod,
                month, day, year=2011,
datos11 <-, datos11)
write.csv2(datos11, ’data/airQuality.csv’)

10.1.2 Combine Data and Spatial Locations

Our next step is to combine the data and spatial information. The locations are contained in airStations, a data.frame that is converted to an SpatialPointsDataFrame object with the coordinates method.


## Spatial location of stations
airStations <- read.csv2(’data/airStations.csv’)
coordinates(airStations) <- ~ long + lat
## Geographical projection
proj4string(airStations) <- CRS(“+proj=longlat+ellps=WGS84+datum=

On the other hand, the airQuality data.frame comprises the air quality daily measurements. We will retain only the NO2 time series.

## Measurements data
airQuality <- read.csv2(’data/airQuality.csv’)
## Only interested in NO2
NO2 <- airQuality[airQuality$codParam==8, ]

We will represent each station using aggregated values (mean, median, and standard deviation) computed with aggregate:

NO2agg <- aggregate(dat ~  codEst, data=NO2,
                FUN = function(x) {
                   c(mean=signif(mean(x), 3),
                     sd=signif(sd(x), 3))
NO2agg <-, NO2agg)
NO2agg <-

The aggregated values (a data.frame) and the spatial information (a SpatialPointsDataFrame) are combined with the spCbind method from the maptools package to create a new SpatialPointsDataFrame. Previously, the data.frame is reordered by matching against the shared key column (airStations$Codigo and NO2agg$codEst):

## Link aggregated data with stations to obtain a
## Codigo and codEst are the stations codes
idxNO2 <- match(airStations$Codigo, NO2agg$codEst)
NO2sp <- spCbind(airStations[, c(’Nombre’, ’alt’)], NO2agg[idxNO2,
save(NO2sp, file=’data/NO2sp.RData’)

10.2 Spanish General Elections

The results from the 2011 Spanish general elections4 are available from the Ministry webpage5 and at the data folder of the book repository. Each region of the map will represent the percentage of votes (pcMax) obtained by the predominant political option (whichMax) at the corresponding municipality. Only four groups are considered: the two main parties (PP and PSOE), the abstention results (ABS), and the remaining parties (OTH). Each region will be identified by the PROVMUN code.

dat2011 <- read.csv(’data/GeneralSpanishElections2011.gz’)

census <- dat2011$Total.censo.electoral
validVotes <- dat2011$Votos.válidos
## Election results per political party and municipality
votesData <- dat2011[, 12:1023]
## Abstention as an additional party
votesData$ABS <- census - validVotes
## Winner party at each municipality
whichMax <- apply(votesData, 1, function(x)names(votesData)[which.
## Results of the winner party at each municipality
Max <- apply(votesData, 1, max)
## OTH for everything but PP, PSOE and ABS
whichMax[!(whichMax %in% c(’PP’, ’PSOE’, ’ABS’))] <- ’OTH’
## Percentage of votes with the electoral census
pcMax <- Max/census * 100
## Province-Municipality code. sprintf formats a number with leading
PROVMUN <- with(dat2011, paste(sprintf(’%02d’, Có,
                         sprintf(’%03d’, Có,

votes2011 <- data.frame(PROVMUN, whichMax, Max, pcMax)
write.csv(votes2011, ’data/votes2011.csv’, row.names=FALSE)

10.3 CM SAF

The Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF) is a joint venture of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, the Deutscher Wetterdienst, Meteoswiss, and the UK MetOffice, along with collaboration of the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) (CM SAF 2013). The CM-SAF was funded in 1992 to generate and store monthly and daily averages of meteorological data measured in a continuous way with a spatial resolution of 0.03° (15 kilometers). The CM SAF provides two categories of data: operational products and climate data. The operational products are built on data that are validated with on-ground stations and then is provided in near-real-time to develop variability studies in diurnal and seasonal time scales. However, climate data are long-term data series to assess inter-annual variability (Posselt, Mueller, et al. 2012).

In this chapter we will display the annual average of the shortwave incoming solar radiation product (SIS) incident over Spain during 2008, computed from the monthly means of this variable. SIS collates shortwave radiation (0.2 to 4μm wavelength range) reaching a horizontal unit Earth surface obtained by processing information from geostationary satellites (METEOSAT) and also from polar satellites (MetOp and NOAA) (Schulz et al. 2009) and then validated with high-quality on-ground measurements from the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN)6.

The monthly means of SIS are available upon request from the CM SAF webpage (Posselt, Müller, et al. 2011) and at the data folder of the book repository. Data from CM-SAF is published as raster files. The raster package provides the stack function to read a set of files and create a RasterStack object, where each layer stores the content of a file. Therefore, the twelve raster files of monthly averages produce a RasterStack with twelve layers.


tmp <- tempdir()
unzip(’data/’, exdir=tmp)
filesCMSAF <- dir(tmp, pattern=’SISmm’)
SISmm <- stack(paste(tmp, filesCMSAF, sep=’/’))
## CM-SAF data is average daily irradiance (W/m2). Multiply by 24
## hours to obtain daily irradiation (Wh/m2)
SISmm <- SISmm * 24

The RasterLayer object with annual averages is computed from the monthly means and stored using the native format of the raster package.

## Monthly irradiation: each month by the corresponding number of
daysMonth <- c(31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
SISm <- SISmm * daysMonth / 1000 ## kWh/m2
## Annual average
SISav <- sum(SISm)/sum(daysMonth)
writeRaster(SISav, file=’SISav’)

10.4 Land Cover and Population Rasters

The NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS)7 is a coordinated series of polar-orbiting and low-inclination satellites for long-term global observations of the land surface, biosphere, solid Earth, atmosphere, and oceans. NEO-NASA8, one of projects included in EOS, provides a repository of global data imagery. We use the population density and land cover classification rasters. Both rasters must be downloaded from their respective webpages as Geo-TIFF files.

pop <- raster(’875430rgb-167772161.0.FLOAT.TIFF’)
landClass <- raster(’241243rgb-167772161.0.TIFF’)









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