Creating a form layout with django-crispy-forms

The django-crispy-forms Django app allows you to build, customize, and reuse forms using one of the following CSS frameworks: Uni-Form, Bootstrap, or Foundation. The use of django-crispy-forms is somewhat analogous to fieldsets in the Django contributed administration; however, it is more advanced and customizable. You define form layout in the Python code and need not worry about how each field is presented in HTML. However, if you need to add specific HTML attributes or wrapping, you can easily do that too. Moreover, all of the markup used by django-crispy-forms is located in templates that can be overwritten for specific needs.

In this recipe, we will revisit the bulletin_board app, and see how to reproduce the layout using django-crispy-forms with the Bootstrap 4 version of the popular frontend framework for developing responsive, mobile-first web projects.

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