How it works...

If you go to the Preview mode of any CMS page and click on the Toggle structure panel (via the button at the far right of the CMS toolbar), you can add the Editorial Content plugin to a placeholder, as follows:

The content of this plugin will be rendered with a specified template, and it can also be customized, depending on the template of the page where the plugin is chosen. For example, choose the cms/magazine.html template for the News page, and then add the Editorial Content plugin. The News page might look similar to the following screenshot:

Here, the Test title with an image and description is the custom plugin inserted into the main_content placeholder in the magazine.html page template. If the page template were different, the plugin would be rendered with the same style as the plugin content in the sidebar, having a gray background and border. However, this differentiation could be much greater via making further modifications to the editorial_content.html template or providing other specialized templates.

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