A heartfelt thanks to the stellar team at Quarry Books. Thank you to Mary Ann Hall, for giving me this lovely opportunity. Thank you to Judith Cressy, for your thoughtful editing, feedback, and support, which has been so helpful throughout this process. Thanks to Heather Godin, for your creative guidance and art direction, and to Mary Rockwood Lane, for adding your expertise to this project.

Thank you to Kelly, who always has brilliant ideas and when I am coming up a little short, and to Pat, for helping me find my way creatively for many moons.

To Linda, for drinking coffee with me, and for always understanding when I was trying to find my way. To Barb, who believed this was possible long before I ever believed it.

Thank you to my mom, Rosalie, for stepping in to help with the kids when I needed some focused work time, for your love and encouragement, and for keeping me caffeinated. Thank you to my Dad, Ray, and to Sandy, for your love and support. Thanks to my brother, Paul, for recommending Mindful Meditation a long time ago—I will have that tool forever. Thank you to my sister, Jill, for your constant encouragement and love. Thank you also to Ken and Pat, for your generosity—you have done so much to help us through the busiest times.

To Ryan, you are a wonderful husband and father, and this project would not have been possible without you. Thank you for your love, patience, and support. You are amazing, and I am grateful. Last, thank you to Tegan and Rocket, for your medicinal hugs. My hope is that you continue to find your calm through making art of all kinds.

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