Home audio and video consumer appliances are rapidly moving to the digital world, giving rise to new technologies for connecting diverse components into an integrated home A/V environment. Every person dreams of needing only one remote control for the stereo, VCR, television, and DVD player. HAVi, a specification for home audio/ video interoperability, allows consumers to build a home environment to coordinate the control of several devices, simplify operations, and deliver content wherever it needs to go. As described in Chapter 13, the HAVi specification uses Java technology, so it works well with any services based on Jini technology. Add a high-speed cable modem and a set-top box with Jini software and a HAVI-to-Jini technology bridge, and you have instant access to a whole range of high-bandwidth services, such as video-on-demand or live broadcast viewing. Download a movie to the living room television set, and then transfer it to the TV in the kitchen so you can make popcorn without missing a single minute of action. Use the TV remote as a control for your home security system, or to turn off the ringer on the telephone. In addition, you can use Jini technology and the Internet to upgrade the software in your HAVi-compatible devices. Earlier this year Philips, Sony, and Sun announced plans to collaborate in connecting the HAVi architecture with Sun's Jini technology. The companies aim to provide a solution that links HAVi-compliant digital electronic appliances in the home to services provided by Jini technology over a network.

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