Chapter 16. VESA

In this chapter…

In the future, data for audio, video, telephony, printing, and control will be transported through the home over a digital network. This network will allow connection of devices, such as computers, digital TVs, digital VCRs, digital telephones, printers, stereo systems, and remotely controlled appliances so that they may all interoperate and talk to each other. The Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) home network committee is developing an interoperability standard for the following components:

  • Physical media

  • Data link layers

  • Midlayer protocols and associated services such as directories, control, network management, and security

The standard uses a long-distance version of IEEE 1394 as the digital backbone and Internet Protocols for internetworking. External access networks, such as telephone, cable TV, broadcast TV, and direct-broadcast satellite, will interface with the VESA Home Network (VHN) via access devices such as residential gateways, xDSL modems, or cable modems.

This chapter begins by giving you some background on the VESA group, then explains the technical architecture and features of VESA.

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