Proxim, Inc., is a leading vendor in the worldwide wireless LAN industry. Headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, Proxim has more than 15 years of experience in the wireless LAN market. Today Proxim is the world's leading supplier of spread-spectrum wireless LAN products to OEMs and wireless solutions providers. Proxim is a founding member of the Wireless LAN Interoperability Forum (WLI Forum), established to deliver and test interoperable wireless LAN products and services ( Proxim is also a core member of HomeRF, which is committed to providing a broad range of interoperable cordless consumer devices. In 1994, Proxim was first to market with its industry-leading RangeLAN2 2.4 GHz frequency-hopping wireless LAN product family, which has attracted more than 100 OEMs and wireless solutions providers worldwide. In 1998, the company introduced its high-performance RangeLAN802 product line, which operates at 2 Mbps and is fully compliant with the IEEE 802.11 standard. In 1999, Proxim has established itself as a leader in the emerging home networking market with its award-winning Symphony×suite of cordless networking products for home and small office environments.

Symphony Technologies

Symphony emulates an Ethernet network. However, instead of using wire to connect the computers, Symphony products use radio technology. The technology is similar to that of a cordless telephone.

Proxim's Symphony Cordless Networking Suite operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency band and uses frequency-hopping spread-spectrum radio frequency technology, which is both highly secure and exceptionally immune to interference. It delivers data rates of 1.6 Mbps in a single-cell environment with an indoor coverage radius of up to 150 feet, or enough area to cover nearly any single family home or small office. Up to 10 Symphony-enabled computers can communicate simultaneously.

Symphony includes device driver software for the Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 operating systems. For a more detailed description of Proxim home networking technologies, we suggest that you visit:

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