Project Managers as Trainers and Teachers

Training the Team

IPM team members must be trained to do the many tasks expected of them, and they must have their questions about the project answered. Because several meetings are necessary, the question, “Why do I have to attend all these meetings?” is sure to be asked.

The project manager should explain that decisions concerning the project plan will be made at every meeting and that each team member must be there tocontribute his or her unique body of knowledge and experience to such decisions. In addition, each team member's project role also will be clarified at the meetings.

Team meetings are limited to two hours so as not to overwhelm team members' other commitments, and they are scheduled collaboratively for the same reason.

This information, which was spelled out to each team member during recruitment, is repeated at the kickoff meeting in more detail. In addition, the project manager will explain action items and will offer assistance for getting outside help for them by identifying useful resource people to query.

Although usually not sufficiently skilled to mentor team members on technical matters involving tasks, the project manager must know who can help and must assist team members to gain access.

The project manager performs team training at the kickoff meeting. Consequently, a concise lesson plan and a clear objective for each teaching unit are absolutely essential. The object of the first teaching unit is to encourage team member attendance at every meeting. The lesson plan also must include the basics of what, why, and how, and also check on team-member understanding. (Skilled project managers will use brief examples, called memory markers, to emphasize such points.) A project manager cannot be expected to be a master trainer but must be conscious of the trainer/mentor role and plan to deliver whatever training is needed.

Training Resource Managers

It is rare that resource managers who control the people and resources needed for the project fully understand project planning and management. Explaining to resource managers the IPM planning process of plan first and then execute the plan, falls to the project manager when he or she recruits workers and resources for the team. Many resource managers benefit from this explanation, which is made by explaining the project planning Gantt chart to them. They discover how their people will be involved in the project and recognize the need for their time commitments.

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