Considerations for Recruitment

It is very important when recruiting team members to impress upon them the extent of their participation. They may not expect that they are being recruited to actively help plan and manage a project as well as execute tasks—yet, that is precisely what they will be doing! The project manager must emphasize that IPM will not be successful without their cooperation and hard work.

This is where trust and respect become tremendously important. Team members must believe in their project manager if they are going to produce the kind of work that IPM demands. If they feel otherwise, the project will have little chance for success.

With the work breakdown structure and recruitment completed, the project manager is ready to schedule the kickoff meeting. This meeting should be held as soon as possible but at a time convenient to all team members. It is better to delay the meeting a day or two to accommodate everyone, than leave someone out. The project manager should prepare the kickoff meeting agenda and project specification (or a condensed version), and distribute copies to each team member beforehand, along with an invitation to the kickoff meeting.

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