Chapter 13. The Executive E-Procurement Strategy Workshop


There is nothing more important to a successful e-procurement intitiative than executive sponsorship. Completing an executive strategy workshop can help to ensure that your organizational leaders understand the key features of an e-procurement strategy, and reach an early consensus on approach, sponsorship responsibilities, and on the need to take action.

  • The executive e-procurement strategy workshop should be attended by key organizational leaders, including company officers.

  • Use the workshop as an opportunity to educate the group on broad aspects of e-procurement.

  • Get the group to come to a consensus on key areas such as the case for action, guiding principles, project timescales, and who will be the program manager.

  • Capture all resolutions and decisions in real-time in order to create a “constitution” for the project.

As we have seen, in order to avoid the problems and pitfalls that so many organizations encounter with e-procurement projects, it is important to take the time with the executives to debate and reach agreement on e-procurement in the context of your overall business strategy—what it is, who it affects, why it is important, and what you should do as an organization to implement it.

As the first and most important step in your change management program, conduct a strategic alignment workshop with senior executives and important organizational leaders.

As the first and most important step in your change management program, conduct a strategic alignment workshop with senior executives and important organizational leaders at the beginning of any major e-procurement initiative to get consensus on the scope of the project, the case for action, the likely approach, and the necessary level of resources, time, and money.

Even if (especially if) such a gathering is likely to result in strong opinions being voiced and the project put at risk until agreement is reached, it is better to surface and resolve contentious issues at the beginning of the initiative than to have to fight those battles six months into the project plan, when there is much less flexibility of action.

The advantages of this type of workshop approach are twofold. First, it is a unique and logical forum for educating all the executives to the same level on e-procurement themes, allowing them an opportunity to thoroughly discuss and come to a consensus on crucial issues concerning the e-procurement initiative—dealing in a structured way with key issues, from business justification to project approach and staffing. Getting all your key organizational leaders to the same level of understanding and consensus at the beginning of the project is not only the first key step in project management, but a first crucial step in change management, as well.

Second, the ultimate output of the workshop becomes a foundation-planning document—essentially a “constitution”—which serves as the charter for the entire e-procurement initiative. This constitution is valuable not only in providing critical guidance to the project team, but also as a communication tool for the rest of the organization.

The executive e-procurement workshop should be held in a comfortable working area, usually off-site and away from distractions and interruptions, with plenty of whiteboard space and flip charts available. Your key organization leaders—usually between 10 and 12 people in all—should attend, including the Chief Executive, Chief Financial Officer, Director of MIS, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Procurement Officer, and other senior leaders who will be crucial to the project’s success. The group should include representatives from key areas of the process, including central purchasing, accounting and finance, MIS, sales, and customer service. If yours is a manufacturing or distribution company considering a direct materials project, representatives from your supply chain—forecasting and planning, maintenance purchasing, replenishment, and supplier management—should attend as well.

You will also require an effective, independent facilitator and a “scribe” to take down information real-time on a laptop.

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