Chapter 8. Justifying Business Intelligence Solutions

The topic of justifying Business Intelligence solutions is the most difficult to address because I have found few articles or tidbits regarding sensible ways to address and measure ROI for BI. Numerous formulae and justification-based articles are available. The problem lies in the many gray areas of BI solutions. They are very difficult to quantify, let alone justify. I am going to offer some suggestions, but the real work is up to you.

This is a good time to take out your definition of BI and see if you have incorporated any verbiage about cost justification, global savings, productivity, or other measurements of success in your definition. I suspect that you have not, because this is a very elusive and seldom quantified aspect of BI.

You can go to the web or pick up articles and books regarding the business justification for BI. Like anything else, it's only germane to the situation if you are the subject of the article. It's nice to hear about the successes of others, but does it matter much if you are not enjoying this success? Can you use another's success as a template for your own?

You cannot take another's profile (industry, databases, tools, etc.) and assume that you can replicate that environment. Many of the success factors for your BI solution will reside in your corporate culture.

One of the most compelling reasons anyone ventures into the BI waters is the huge potential that end users may use newly discovered information to change the business dramatically. I am always amused when I receive an RFI for review that is replete with references to ad-hoc usage, yet there is no strong request for definitive ROI criteria. How can I measure and predict what I don't know will come out of my adventures?

It is crucial to your efforts in BI to have some sort of mission statement or goal-oriented verbiage to which all involved agree. Determining the value of BI efforts can be elusive, so you must have a target to provide some measurement of success.

One way to develop confidence in the investment you will make in your BI solutions is to use the information you acquire during the end-user interviews and planning for analysis to set short-term targets for output. If you have identified new and significant BI output (reports or charts, etc.), create and deliver them first.

I have recommended using a POC as a means of early validation for vendor's offerings. Engaging in a POC is not always a reasonable approach to the creation and delivery of new, meaningful output. Typically, there simply isn't enough time. Any POC should be used to validate that a product or solution delivers the basic information to the users in a manner that they believe will benefit their efforts. If you have specific output in mind, I suggest that you make the most difficult one the critical success measurement of your POC.

After a POC, or if you have not done one and are just beginning the BI work, a phased approach with checkpoints along the way is a reliable way to validate the impact and changes that may emanate from this new effort. The only way to measure BI success is with a plan.

ROI: Return on Investment

This is the least used method of assessing BI success. Again, part of the problem lies in the ad-hoc nature of BI solutions. The other problem lies with the lack of a central point of control (e.g., the Information Center) where one might obtain statistics and usage results that could be rolled up into an ROI scenario.

If you need to use ROI as part of your justification, then you will need to provide several key elements and measures beginning with the associated costs.

  • The cost of the software proposed and annual maintenance

  • The cost of any hardware required (new server, PC upgrades, etc.)

  • The cost to train the IT staff and end users (including deployment costs)

  • Support costs for IT and any ancillary costs, such as charge-back rules and so on

  • The cost to the enterprise while little or no productivity is occurring (e.g., investment in time and more to perform a POC)

  • You have to factor in the associated benefits and weigh one versus the next. Here is where it is extremely important to get the user's expectations for all elements of the project. Start by asking these questions:

    • What new analyses will be provided? Can someone assign a benefit amount to it?

    • What is the primary benefit to completing the BI installation (productivity, better data, greater sales, or fewer expenses)?

    • What significant new business function or capability will be provided?

    • What is at risk if you do not do this?

    • Is this a corporate necessity with no choice, such as providing extranet services because the competition does so?

You can add more questions of your own, I am sure. One question you have to ask is “Why are we doing this, and what if we didn't?” If the only reason to provide new BI functionality is because someone is fussing about the need to do more reporting independently, then satisfy his or her itch and be done with it.

If the BI project is departmental in scope, then justification is probably established enough to sell the idea to management. What if the department is going to implement a vendor's tool that others within the organization aren't thrilled about? I hope that the project and its associated usage will be defined as a localized process. Small projects can, however, come back to bite you later if a decision is made to move to an enterprise-wide standard. Are the short-term solution proponents prepared to do this? Getting rid of an entrenched BI tool is a little bit like trying to get rid of the family cat—it usually cannot be done.

Business Impact Justification

This is the area where BI at the enterprise level will make the greatest sense within all levels of the enterprise. If we look back at the benefits that we assigned to our BI solution, we should be able to clearly state what this will provide the business.

As part of this approach, you really have an opportunity to look at how a BI solution spans the enterprise. Let's look at a simple sales and marketing example. Our theoretical current need is to provide rapid feedback and analysis for a campaign that we are going to run in a new geography. As a part of this effort, we will have a special promotion for new customers. At a minimum, we should have a logical tie among the sales, marketing, and advertising departments.

We should be able to quantify current sales in similar geographies and demographics. If we have run campaigns in the past, can we provide any predictive information about how useful we believe the results will be? Suppose that we cannot provide any of these items. Why would we not be able to provide them? Are we better served by putting the proper database in place before we begin, so that we are not always launching efforts and campaigns in the dark?

I am currently part of a global sales team. It would be invaluable to know when we are making specific, concentrated efforts to promote sales. Just as some other firms do, my company sometimes warns me in advance, but sometimes it does not. I am often unaware until a call comes in for assistance. Just like the theoretical example above, there is a need to provide pre-effort information so that we can maximize our investment.

If we are taking the business justification approach, there are several things we need to know. Write these things down:

  • What is the scope of the project, and what is the quantifiable business value that we know it will deliver?

  • If there is no specific quantifiable value, then what will happen if we do not complete the project?

  • Do we have historical data and information with which to measure our success?

  • If not, do we intend to provide the structure and database to support future efforts so that we can add to our information pool?

  • If we do not intend to create this infrastructure, do we have adequate information to justify and quantify to management?

  • Do we have information that spans several business areas such that our effort provides value in more than one business area?

Sometimes, an answer of “Why? Because we want to!” is the only honest one. There is nothing wrong with this. The problem is that when the rougher times come (and they will come), you look a bit silly complaining about not getting the results you wanted or the difficulty the users are having with the ease of use of the tools recently purchased.

Table 8-1 lists some topics and parts of an evaluation form once used by a customer to document and justify a BI solution. I have added a few bullets of my own. I submit that one should be able to complete this form in its entirety or pause for a moment and ask “Why not?”

It may provide a basis or template for your own justification and analysis of the impact of a BI solution in your organization.

Table 8-1. BI Project Outline

Project Information


Project name:


New project (y/n):




Executive sponsor:


Budget and cost owner:


Scope of the project (departments or key business areas):


Benefits expected from completion (new application, reporting, etc.):


Checkpoints established? Describe:


Incremental revenue expected:


Proof of concept involved (y/n)?


If yes, provide details


Total estimated ROI:

Vendor and Technology Cost Information


Vendor solution proposed:


Cost and type of software:




Cost and type of hardware:




Savings from displaced HW/SW:


Total estimated vendor costs:

IT and Support Cost Information


Implementation team:


Budgeted (y/n):


Time estimated to implement:


Estimated cost to implement:


Estimated ongoing support cost:


Total estimated IT costs:

End-User Cost Information


Implementation team:


Estimated cost of training per user:


Number of users:


Total cost of user training:


Support costs (departmental specialists, etc.):


Total estimated user costs:


Total ROI:


Total Costs:


Net Business Benefit:

Obviously, you would modify the document to suit your internal processes, and it's helpful to discuss with others why you are doing this. IT and the end users should spend a serious day or two discussing what they are trying to accomplish.

One project I worked on involved a unique internal approach. The end users and IT spent a day off-site developing a presentation that they would make to their key executives. The ultimate purpose was to convene a meeting and have both sides present the scope and benefits of the project to executives.

I was not involved in the final presentation, but I did hear back from the sponsor. He said the results surprised both the users and IT. Executives wanted to know the following things (if my memory serves me correctly):

  • Why was the scope of data analysis and delivery limited to middle management and below?

  • Why weren't two other departments/functional areas involved, since it spilled over into their span of control?

  • Why were the executives not polled and surveyed early on for their input? (I remember this one most of all because the assumption made in the meeting was that the executives wanted to “do their own thing.” Many of the key functions listed as requirements were there because the group made decisions about their executives that simply were not validated.)

  • There doesn't appear to be much in the way of new and significant business information. Why is the thrust of the project a replacement strategy for what we already have?

  • What is this thing really going to cost us? We see several key players involved in the project, and if we expand to the other areas as is suggested, then this situation gets worse by tying up personnel.

One of the key aspects of this meeting was that the scope of the “good news” about the project was far too narrow. The executives asked for a broader range of thinking and for the inclusion of some other key areas in the project. The final item, cost, is one that is usually misrepresented in most BI planning scenarios. Why is this?

The True Costs of BI

The real cost of any of this end-user computing “stuff” lies in the many hours that no one will quantify or track. When you set out to engage in the typical query and reporting activities, you will hit the same brick walls every time, regardless of the tool you are using. Those brick walls are as follows:

  • Initial use will be somewhat ambiguous until you finally establish some comfort with the GUI and navigation style.

  • Some things will be easy, such as attaching to a database and dragging some columns over for inclusion in a query. Then you will start to grapple with formatting the output the way you want. If you are trying to match existing reports, this could prove to be impossible.

  • You will struggle a bit on saving objects and sharing them depending upon what library system and infrastructure is used. Getting users to access the central pool of objects and keeping the library “clean” will be a problem.

  • The first really difficult technical hurdle you will likely face involves finding and understanding some of the more powerful functions, such as how to insert substitution variables into a query or how to define a drop-down list for picking selections.

  • Now we get into the really sticky aspect of playing with a tool. We are entering the world of if-then-else and are into the meaty part of the tool. You have questions that need to be answered that are not easily delivered from the form of the data as structured in the database. Solving this typically requires someone with skills in programming logic or expertise in writing macros. Validation of results to ensure that your math is correct can be a substantial effort.

  • What if most of the work that needs to be done falls into the previous category and most users simply do not have the skills required? There will be a surprising amount of “heavy lifting” required for most BI output. This is typically the stage at which, for many, the honeymoon will be over. The “I thought it would be easy” crowd normally drops out here.

So how much do you make per hour? How many hours are you willing to spend or can you spend learning a tool? What if your requirements are heavy in calculations outside the scope of your data as delivered, but you have minimal time to spend producing the results?

Hourly rate x number of hours playing at BI = $?

Every moment that you spend working with a tool without obtaining the results you need costs you and your company money. If you never obtain the correct results, then every moment that you spent is a waste and is pure cost with no return to the business. That goes for every user who invests time in “playing” BI without getting to the end of the job. If you have not identified the specific users and expected usage in advance, then it is guaranteed that you will end up with a select few who can do the math and many hangers-on and significant dropouts.

After you have identified the population that intends to use the BI tools, it is important to track them and see how they are faring. Let's assume that a single user copy of a tool that you have selected has cost you $500 after a discount. There are 15 users in Department XYZ who are slated to work with this tool. Your software outlay would be $7,500. You have no expectation or ROI numbers at this time. There are five users in particular that you believe would receive the greatest benefit from this tool.

After 30 days, you go back to see how everyone is doing and discover that three of the 15 really like the tool, and seven others use some of the items created by the three new “mavens.” There are five people who gave it a decent run and simply couldn't get the job done. The seven who get ancillary benefit also are rendered pretty well useless for doing anything with the tool on their own.

So is the cost of the 15 users greater than the overall benefit to the three heavy users and the seven casual users? How do we know? There are some costs that we can associate with this effort, regardless of the benefit. Let's assume the five unhappy and unproductive users make the equivalent of $15 per hour and that they tried to work with the tool for 20 hours each. These are some costs that will net a return of zero.

5 users x $15 per hour x 20 hours each = $1,500

5 users x $500 per copy = $2,500

Net cost: $4,000

So in our hypothetical scenario, the net cost of this experiment for the failed participants was not bad. However, there are some nuances regarding cost factors, and I suggest that you consider them as well. The cost of the seven semi-productive users should be factored in because they mostly sit around and wait for the three creators to deliver. (Remember the chapter on end-user types?)

If we assume that the seven also spent 20 hours each (at the same hourly rate), we have an additional cost.

7 users x $15 per hour x 20 hours each = $2,100

We now have a non-productive outlay of $4,000 + $2,100, which equals $6,100. We haven't factored in any of the IT staff's work, the setup, and any other costs associated with the effort. We are just looking at some basic costs. Most of the cost/benefit analyses I've seen for BI stick to those costs that can be seen. In most cases, only software, hardware, and IT-related costs are used.

What if you had performed a reasonable user survey and knew that the five disgruntled users were the key to most of the expected return that we had targeted? In such a case, we haven't realized much on our return at all. It all boils down to knowing as much in advance as you can and having a plan to begin with.

These numbers we've tossed around present a very simplistic set of metrics, and the actual dollar amounts are irrelevant. By now, you should be wondering about the loss in productivity and whatever business impact the non-productive might have made had they not been diverted by their involvement in the BI “experiment.” Or what if a different tool had been selected? Might they have been rendered more productive with a different set of products?

Big Purchase with No Plan

You can also fall into a trap of purchasing an enterprise license at such a tremendous discount that all sense of justification flies out the window. There simply is no justification for this if there is no deployment plan.

The thought in most cases is that the per-seat charge is so small compared to what might have been spent that a company can afford to carry the “shelf ware” of all the extra licenses. Eventually, people begin to question what has been done to deploy and use the software, and seldom will the answers be to anyone's liking.

Many BI vendors will discount every potential sale even when there is no volume involved. Why do vendors provide such huge discounts if their products are so superior to their competition? Heck, they told you this in the demo and presentation, didn't they? I have some unverified reasons why this is a common tactic. One of the greatest equalizers is competition.

There are several large and highly competitive vendors in the BI space. Unlike a diverse software company like IBM, their smaller portfolio is all they have to sell. They often feel that they have one crack at you on this go-round, so they are going to do all they can the win the business. Because BI is a bit more mainstream, many industry pundits pontificate as to who and what is #1, and customers and vendors use this news as well.

However, the #1 vendor will still gleefully engage in “discount wars” because you may not have read about their elevated status—and you may not care anyway. So we go to battle over price.

Another tactic I have seen from BI vendors is to throw in everything but a butter churn and new spats when they are bidding on a large deal. I recently was involved in a deal with a large IBM customer looking at some BI software from another vendor. It was a product that we did not compete against, but one about which I know a fair amount. The total package was valued in the millions of dollars. The discount was extremely high.

I had an opportunity to chat with some individuals on the customer side about the proposed outlay for the BI tools. I was fortunate to find a customer who actually knew the vendor's product and how it might be used within his organization. When we discussed the potential usage for some of the myriad products being thrown into the pot, as well as who would use the package, it became very clear that the customer had nowhere near the requirement for this volume of product, but the deal was certainly impressive. Was the vendor being dishonest, or was this a typical ploy to cement the deal? I do not know and do not care to speculate. It did, however, lend a bit of credence to my insistence that BI be considered at the enterprise level. Why?

Vendor discounts are a reality. The larger the deal you are looking at, the more they will want to sweeten the pot to get your business. In many cases, you are looking at server-based software, not a zillion individually shrink-wrapped boxes of user product. The material cost to the vendor is often quite small. So let's assume the following:

  • You believe that a reduced set of BI tools is the best way to perform and provide BI within your enterprise.

  • You know your user population very well and feel comfortable with what levels of skills and interaction they will provide on any tool.

  • You believe in enterprise-wide BI deployment, albeit with adequate controls and monitoring to ensure that the users are getting what they want from the products and that resources involved are maximized.

  • You have reviewed some BI tools and believe that a couple of them have the greatest potential features and functions to fit your needs.

  • You have reviewed and identified the potential costs for all facets of your enterprise BI plan and now wish to acquire the lowest cost solution with the best tools available.

If you have such ammunition, you can walk into your vendor meetings with confidence and a plan to utilize the large wads of software that they are probably going to throw in the box. I would suggest that you keep your plans to yourself and do not disclose your justification scheme. Why?

One area that is not factored into the equation in many cases is the annual maintenance fee that you will have to pay. If I were selling you a large box of stuff and had to support it knowing full well that you will attempt to use it all, I would not be very generous in my discounting. This would be especially true if I had been known to discount maintenance.

Maintenance fees vary, but 20 percent of the list price is quite common. Look at a situation in which a customer is going to buy $4 million in BI software discounted 75 percent, which would result in a net sale of $1 million. The vendor charges 20 percent of the list price for annual maintenance. The calculations look like this:

  • $4,000,000.00 list software cost

    • 3,000,000.00 discount

    • 1,000,000.00 actual cost of software

      • 800,000.00 annual maintenance on list price

    • 4,000,000.00 five-year maintenance costs

    • 5,000,000.00 five-year cost outlay for discounted products and annual maintenance

    • 1,000,000.00 annual outlay for the BI solution over five years

In my business case, I have seemingly saved the company $3 million in software. But what if we deployed only 15 percent of the software in the first 24 months of our operation, and we were already getting a little disgruntled with this vendor and their products? What would 15 percent of the original product package have cost us?

  • $ 600,000 ($4,000,000 * 15%) adjusted product costs assuming zero discount

    • 120,000 annual maintenance fee

    • 840,000 costs of products and maintenance over 24 months

  • 1,200,000 total cost over five years if no changes occur

    • 240,000 annual cost over five years

The only factors in this equation are software costs and maintenance. If we went with plan B, does this mean we save $3.8 million by not going with the larger deal? If you had no tight plan to begin with, the answer is probably “yes.” If, however, you had a large scale, well-oiled BI scheme in mind and knew that large volumes would be needed, utilized, and put into action, then you would want to “go long.” Take advantage of the market and competitive environment to get the largest deployment, lowest cost BI solution that you can muster.

I believe that BI solutions have been so nebulous in providing proven value metrics and so difficult to quantify that low cost is about the only way that many customers can be enticed into jumping over the stick and taking a chance.

Bringing in the “Hired Guns”

Can you imagine someone purchasing $1,000,000 in BI tools on an enterprise basis but not having a plan to deploy and track the usage? I can because I have seen these situations many times. I know that many of these firms can afford to throw away this much money and more without feeling the loss. I do have to ask, however, what was the point? Can you have a decent justification model and still fail or come up short? Oh, yes, most assuredly, yes.

I recall very vividly a customer company that had spent a fortune on BI implementation based on recommendations from a major consulting firm. The customer wanted a solid BI plan and seemed incapable of producing one of its own. Internal politics and in-fighting were killing the customer.

The customer had a mainframe-centric IT organization and a significant investment in older but very productive BI tools. The consultant's model included some workstation-based query and reporting tools. These tools had been touted as a sure-fire replacement for the existing host-based suite. There was no validation that the proposed tools could replace and enhance what was already in place, but the consultant said the new software could do the job. Mind you, this was not a firm that provided significant work fulfillment; their job was to pontificate and counsel, not to get their hands dirty, except at astronomical prices.

The customer stepped into an environment of perpetual churn and confusion. The company couldn't attain what it had already developed; it couldn't begin to explore new solutions and functions. The worst part of this was the executives developed a mantra whereby they could not let go of the money they had already spent. There was an attitude of “We paid over $5 million for this advise, and we are going to follow it!”

The BI consulting firm I helped manage at the time had several people on-site and was directly involved in supporting and delivering a quality BI environment. We sat in seemingly endless meetings trying to develop a credible BI plan with the customer. Our consultants had been involved with this customer for literally thousands of hours over several years. We knew, and tried to articulate, that a totally new data warehouse was the only possible means of implementing the changes that the customer wanted to put into effect. We also tried to point out that the customer and the impressive pundit firm had never validated the ability of the proposed new tools to replace what the customer already had in-house.

We actually proved beyond a reasonable doubt that our ideas were the best for the customer. We developed an extranet solution at no cost to help the company stop some significant customer abandonment problems at no expense to the customer—just to prove a point. However, we were a small firm with nowhere near the presence and prestige of the large firm that had already drained the customer of significant funds.

The ultimate outcome for this customer was not pretty. I do not wish to share any more specifics, lest the customer be identified. The customer rejected our extranet solution because it required external customers to access their mainframe. Security and data-related issues were all totally addressed, but the customer's technical committee had rejected the plan strictly based on the committee's preconceived notions and some heavy biases. The real solution was attempted later and was a dismal failure, and a few heads rolled in the process. I have heard less and less about this customer over time, and although it is still a major player in its industry, I suspect this customer's annual revenue is a shadow of what it once was.

The reality is that the successful deployment of BI solutions has been well documented and written about for quite some time. The failures or half-hearted efforts seldom make the press. I submit to you that all the justification scenarios and documentation will make sense only if you successfully implement the plan you set out to accomplish.

Your Justification Scenario

Sit down and ask yourself “Why are we doing this?” If your scope of BI spans the enterprise, then you will have answers at your fingertips. You will have your answers because such an approach can be determined only in a committee setting. It takes a more global agreement to satisfy the enterprise.

Create an outline similar to the BI Project Outline shown earlier in Table 8-1 and discuss it with executives in the organization. Part of the preparation for this should have been the meeting with end users and IT in which both sides identified what they believe they will accomplish and how.

If you are of a mind that defies such justification and are within an organization that does not want to put in the time and effort to develop a plan for BI, you can opt to purchase a set of tools and provide access to data for a set of users and wish them the best. In many cases, this is the norm for BI.

If you have concerns about your enterprise plans for BI and you lack a mission or plans, then this may be a good thing. If you are not ready for the enterprise view and approach, try identifying a set of users who have some potential interest and who you believe could provide significant new business value.

Assuming that you decide to do this, what kind of support structure and processes should you consider when implementing a BI solution? If you can develop a solid end-to-end plan for one part of the enterprise, you will have a model for expanding this success and creating an enterprise BI environment that can grow and permit all facets of the enterprise to work cooperatively.

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