LE.1. Introduction

The purpose of the leasing interfaces defined in this document is to simplify and unify a particular style of programming for distributed systems and applications. This style, in which a resource is offered by one object in a distributed system and used by a second object in that system, is based on a notion of granting a use to the resource for a certain period of time that is negotiated by the two objects when access to the resource is first requested and given. Such a grant is known as a lease and is meant to be similar to the notion of a lease used in everyday life. As in everyday life, the negotiation of a lease entails responsibilities and duties for both the grantor of the lease and the holder of the lease. Part of this specification is a detailing of these responsibilities and duties, as well as a discussion of when it is appropriate to use a lease in offering a distributed service.

There is no requirement that the leasing notions defined in this document be the only time-based mechanism used in software. Leases are a part of the programmer’s arsenal, and other time-based techniques such as time-to-live, ping intervals, and keep-alives can be useful in particular situations. Leasing is not meant to replace these other techniques, but rather to enhance the set of tools available to the programmer of distributed systems.

LE.1.1. Leasing and Distributed Systems

Distributed systems differ fundamentally from non-distributed systems in that there are situations in which different parts of a cooperating group are unable to communicate, either because one of the members of the group has crashed or because the connection between the members in the group has failed. This partial failure can happen at any time and can be intermittent or long-lasting.

The possibility of partial failure greatly complicates the construction of distributed systems in which components of the system that are not co-located provide resources or other services to each other. The programming model that is used most often in non-distributed computing, in which resources and services are granted until explicitly freed or given up, is open to failures caused by the inability to successfully make the explicit calls that cancel the use of the resource or system. Failure of this sort of system can result in resources never being freed, in services being delivered long after the recipient of the service has forgotten that the service was requested, and in resource consumption that can grow without bounds.

To avoid these problems, we introduce the notion of a lease. Rather than granting services or resources until that grant has been explicitly cancelled by the party to which the grant was made, a leased resource or service grant is time based. When the time for the lease has expired, the service ends or the resource is freed. The time period for the lease is determined when the lease is first granted, using a request/response form of negotiation between the party wanting the lease and the lease grantor. Leases may be renewed or cancelled before they expire by the holder of the lease, but in the case of no action (or in the case of a network or participant failure), the lease simply expires. When a lease expires, both the holder of the lease and the grantor of the lease know that the service or resource has been reclaimed.

Although the notion of a lease was originally brought into the system as a way of dealing with partial failure, the technique is also useful for dealing with another problem faced by distributed systems. Distributed systems tend to be long-lived. In addition, since distributed systems are often providing resources that are shared by numerous clients in an uncoordinated fashion, such systems are much more difficult to shut down for maintenance purposes than systems that reside on a single machine.

As a consequence of this, distributed systems, especially those with persistent state, are prone to accumulations of outdated and unwanted information. The accumulation of such information, which can include objects stored for future use and subsequently forgotten, may be slow, but the trend is always upward. Over the (comparatively) long life of a distributed system, such unwanted information can grow without upper bound, taking up resources and compromising the performance of the overall system.

A standard way of dealing with these problems is to consider the cleanup of unused resources to be a system administration task. When such resources begin to get scarce, a human administrator is given the task of finding resources that are no longer needed and deleting them. This solution, however, is error prone (since the administrator is often required to judge the use of a resource with no actual evidence about whether or not the resource is being used) and tends to happen only when resource consumption has gotten out of hand.

When such resources are leased, however, this accumulation of out-of-date information does not occur, and resorting to manual cleanup methods is not needed. Information or resources that are leased remain in the system only as long as the lease for that information or resource is renewed. Thus information that is forgotten (through either program error, inadvertence, or system crash) will be deleted after some finite time. Note that this is not the same as garbage collection (although it is related in that it has to do with freeing up resources), since the information that is leased is not of the sort that would generally have any active reference to it. Rather, this is information that is stored for (possible) later retrieval but is no longer of any interest to the party that originally stored the information.

This model of persistence is one that requires renewed proof of interest to maintain the persistence. Information is kept (and resources used) only as long as someone claims that the information is of interest (a claim that is shown by the act of renewing the lease). The interval for which the resource may be consumed without a proof of interest can vary, and is subject to negotiation by the party storing the information (which has expectations for how long it will be interested in the information) and the party in which the information is stored (which has requirements on how long it is willing to store something without proof that some party is interested).

The notion of persistence of information is not one of storing the information on stable storage (although it encompasses that notion). Persistent information, in this case, includes any information that has a lifetime longer than the lifetime of the process in which the request for storage originates.

Leasing also allows a form of programming in which the entity that reserves the information or resource is not the same as the entity that makes use of the information or resource. In such a model, a resource can be reserved (leased) by an entity on the expectation that some other entity will use the resource over some period of time. Rather than having to check back to see if the resource is used (or freed), a leased version of such a reservation allows the entity granted the lease to forget about the resource. Whether used or not, the resource will be freed when the lease has expired.

Leasing such information storage introduces a programming paradigm that is an extension of the model used by most programmers today. The current model is essentially one of infinite leasing, with information being removed from persistent stores only by the active deletion of such information. Databases and filesystems are perhaps the best known exemplars of such stores—both hold any information placed in them until the information is explicitly deleted by some user or program.

LE.1.2. Goals and Requirements

The requirements of this set of interfaces are:

  • To provide a simple way of indicating time-based resource allocation or reservation

  • To provide a uniform way of renewing and cancelling leases

  • To show common patterns of use for interfaces using this set of interfaces

The goals of this chapter are:

  • To describe the notion of a lease and show some of the applications of that notion in distributed computing

  • To show the way in which this notion is used in a distributed system

  • To indicate appropriate uses of the notion in applications built to run in a distributed environment

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