EV.1. Introduction

The purpose of the distributed event interfaces specified in this document is to allow an object in one Java virtual machine (JVM) to register interest in the occurrence of some event occurring in an object in some other JVM, perhaps running on a different physical machine, and to receive a notification when an event of that kind occurs.

EV.1.1. Distributed Events and Notifications

Programs based on an object that is reacting to a change of state somewhere outside the object are common in a single address space. Such programs are often used for interactive applications in which user actions are modeled as events to which other objects in the program react. Delivery of such local events can be assumed to be well ordered, very fast, predictable, and reliable. Further, the entity that is interested in the event can be assumed to always want to know about the event as soon as the event has occurred.

The same style of programming is useful in distributed systems, where the object reacting to an event is in a different JVM, perhaps on a different physical machine, from the one on which the event occurred. Just as in the single-JVM case, the logic of such programs is often reactive, with actions occurring in response to some change in state that has occurred elsewhere.

A distributed event system has a different set of characteristics and requirements than a single-address-space event system. Notifications of events from remote objects may arrive in different orders on different clients, or may not arrive at all. The time it takes for a notification to arrive may be long (in comparison to the time for computation at either the object that generated the notification or the object interested in the notification). There may be occasions in which the object wishing the event notification does not wish to have that notification as soon as possible, but only on some schedule determined by the recipient. There may even be times when the object that registered interest in the event is not the object to which a notification of the event should be sent.

Unlike the single-address-space notion of an event, a distributed event cannot be guaranteed to be delivered in a timely fashion. Because of the possibilities of network delays or failures, the notification of an event may be delayed indefinitely and even lost in the case of a distributed system.

Indeed, there are times in a distributed system when the object of a notification may actively desire that the notification be delayed. In systems that allow object activation (such as is allowed by Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) in the Java), an object might wish to be able to find out whether an event occurred but not want that notification to cause an activation of the object if it is otherwise quiescent. In such cases, the object receiving the event might wish the notification to be delayed until the object requests notification delivery, or until the object has been activated for some other reason.

Central to the notion of a distributed notification is the ability to place a third-party object between the object that generates the notification and the party that ultimately wishes to receive the notification. Such third parties, which can be strung together in arbitrary ways, allow ways of off-loading notifications from objects, implementing various delivery guarantees, storing of notifications until needed or desired by a recipient, and the filtering and rerouting of notifications. In a distributed system in which full applications are made up of components assembled to produce an overall application, the third party may be more than a filter or storage spot for a notification; in such systems it is possible that the third party is the final intended destination of the notification.

EV.1.2. Goals and Requirements

The requirements of this set of interfaces are to:

  • Specify an interface that can be used to send a notification of the occurrence of the event

  • Specify the information that must be contained in such a notification

In addition, the fact that the interfaces are designed to be used by objects in different virtual machines, perhaps separated by a network, imposes other requirements, including:

  • Allowing various degrees of assurance on delivery of a notification

  • Support for different policies of scheduling notification

  • Explicitly allowing the interposition of objects that will collect, hold, filter, and forward notifications

Notice that there is no requirement for a single interface that can be used to register interest in a particular kind of event. Given the wide variety of kinds of events, the way in which interest in such events can be indicated may vary from object to object. This document will talk about a model that lies behind the system’s notion of such a registration, but the interfaces that are used to accomplish such a registration are not open to general description.

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