EV.3. Third-Party Objects

One of the basic reasons for the event design is to allow the production of third-party objects, or “agents,” that can be used to enhance a system built using distributed events and notifications. Now we will look at three examples of such agents, which allow various forms of enhanced functionality without changing the basic interfaces. Each of these agents may be thought of as distributed event adapters.

The first example we will look at is a store-and-forward agent. The purpose of this object is to act on behalf of the event generator, allowing the event generator to send the notification to one entity (the store-and-forward agent) that will forward the notification to all of the event listeners, perhaps with a particular policy that allows a failed delivery attempt to be retried at some later date.

The second example, which we will call a notification filter, is an object that may be local to either the event generator or the event listener. This agent gets the notification and spawns a thread that will respond, using a method supplied by the object that originally registered interest in events of that kind.

The final object is a notification mailbox. This mailbox will store notifications for another object (a remote event listener) until that object requests that the notifications be delivered. This design allows the listener object that registered interest in the event type to select the times at which a notification can be delivered without losing any notifications that would have otherwise have been delivered. Please note that complete specifications for such services do exist and may differ in some degree from this example.

EV.3.1. Store-and-Forward Agents

A store-and-forward agent enables the object generating a notification to hand off the actual notification of those who have registered interest to a separate object.

This agent can implement various policies for reliability. For example, the agent could try to deliver the notification once (or a small number of times) and, if that call fails, not try again. Or the agent could try and, on notification failure, try again at a preset or computed interval of time for some known period of time. Either way, the object in which the event occurred could avoid worrying about the delivery of notifications, needing to notify only the store-and-forward agent (which might be on the same machine and hence more reliably available).

From the point of view of the remote event listener, there is no difference between the notification delivered by a store-and-forward agent and one delivered directly from the object in which the event that generated the original notification occurred. This transparency allows the decision to use a store-and-forward agent to be made by the object generating the notification, independent of the object receiving the notification. There is no need for distributed agreement; all that is required is that the object using the agent know about the agent.

A store-and-forward agent is used by an object that generates notifications. When an object registers interest in receiving notifications of a particular event type, the object receiving that registration will pass the registration along to the store-and-forward agent. This agent will keep track of which objects need to be notified of events that occur in the original object.

When an event of interest occurs in the original object, it need send only a single notification to the store-and-forward agent. This notification can return immediately, with processing further happening inside the store-and-forward agent. The object in which the event of interest occurred will now be freed from informing those that registered interest in the event.

Notification is taken over by the store-and-forward agent. This agent will now consult the list of entities that have registered interest in the occurrence of an event and send a notification to those entities. Note that these might not be the same as the objects that registered interest in the event; the object that should receive the event notification is specified during the event interest registration.

The store-and-forward agent might be able to make use of network-level multicast (assuming that the RemoteEvent object to be returned is identical for multiple recipients of the notify call), or might send a separate notification to each of the entities that have registered interest. Different store-and-forward agents could implement different levels of service, from a simple agent that sends a notification and doesn’t care whether the notification is actually delivered (for example, one that simply caught RemoteExceptions and discards them) to agents that will repeatedly try to send the notification, perhaps using different fallback strategies, until the notification is known to be successful or some number of tries have been attempted.

The store-and-forward agent does not need to know anything about the kinds of events that are triggering the notifications that it stores and forwards. All that is needed is that the agent implement the RemoteEventListener interface and some interface that allows the object producing the initial notification to register with the agent. This combination of interfaces allows such a service to be offered to any number of different objects without having to know anything about the possible changes in abstract state that might be of interest in those objects.

Note that the interface used by the object generating the original notifications to register with the store-and-forward agent does not need to be standard. Different qualities of service concerning the delivery of notifications may require different registration protocols. Whether or not the relationship between the notification originator and the store-and-forward agent is leased or not is also up to the implementation of the agent. If the relationship is leased, lease renewal requests would need to be forwarded to the agent.

In fact, an expected pattern of implementation would be to place a store-and-forward agent on every machine on which objects were running that could produce events. This agent, which could be running in a separate JVM (on hardware that supported multiple processes) could off-load the notification-generating objects from the need to send those notifications to all objects that had registered interest. It would also allow for consistent handling of delivery guarantees across all objects on a particular machine. Since the store-and-forward agent is on the same machine as the objects using the agent, the possibilities of partial failure brought about by network problems (which wouldn’t affect communication between objects on the same machine) and server machine failure (which would induce total, rather than partial, failure in this case) are limited. This allows the reliability of notifications to be off-loaded to these agents instead of being a problem that needs to be solved by all of the objects using the notification interfaces.

A store-and-forward agent does require an interface that allows the agent to know what notifications it is supposed to send, the destinations of those notifications, and on whose behalf those notifications are being sent. Since it is the store-and-forward agent that is directing notification calls to the individual recipients, the agent will also need to hold the Object (if any) that was passed in during interest registration to be returned as part of the RemoteEvent object.

In addition, the store-and-forward agent could be the issuer of Lease objects to the object registering interest in some event. This could offload any lease renewal calls from the original recipient of the registration call, which would need to know only when there were no more interest registrations of a particular event kind remaining in the store-and-forward agent.

EV.3.2. Notification Filters

Similar to a store-and-forward agent is a notification filter, which can be used by either the generator of a notification or the recipient to intercept notification calls, do processing on those calls, and act in accord with that processing (perhaps forwarding the notification, or even generating new notifications).

Again, such filters are made possible because of the uniform signature of the method used to send all notifications and because of the ability of an object to indicate the recipient of a notification when registering for a notification. This uniformity and indirection allow the composition of third-party entities. A filter could receive events from a store-and-forward agent without the client of the original registration knowing about the store-and-forward agent or the server in which the notifications are generated knowing about the filter. This composition can be extended further; store-and-forward agents could use other store-and-forward agents, and filters can themselves receive notifications from other filters.

EV.3.2.1. Notification Multiplexing

One example of such a filter is one that can be used to concentrate notifications in a way to help minimize network traffic. If a number of different objects on a single machine are all interested in some particular kind of event, it could make sense to create a notification filter that would register interest in the event. When a notification was received by the filter, it would forward the notification to each of the (machine local) objects that had expressed interest.

EV.3.2.2. Notification Demultiplexing

Another example of such a filter is an object that generates an event in response to a series of events that it has received. There might be an object that is interested only in some particular sequence of events in some other object or group of objects. This object could register interest in all of the different kinds of events, asking that the notifications be sent to a filter. The purpose of the filter is to receive the notifications and, when the notifications fit the desired pattern (as determined by some class passed in from the object that has asked the notifications be sent to the filter), generate some new notification that is delivered to the client object.

EV.3.3. Notification Mailboxes

The purpose of a notification mailbox is to store the notifications sent to an object until such time as the object for which the notifications were intended desires delivery.

Such delivery can be in a single batch, with the mailbox storing any notifications received after the last request for delivery until the next request is received. Alternatively, a notification mailbox can be viewed as a faucet, with notifications turned on (delivering any that have arrived since the notifications were last turned off) and then delivering any subsequent notifications to an object immediately, until told by that object to hold the notifications.

The ability to have notification mailboxes is important in a system that allows objects to be deactivated (for example, to be saved to stable storage in such a way that they are no longer taking up any computing resource) and re-activated. The usual mechanism for activating an object is a method call. Such activation can be expensive in both time and computing resources; it is often too expensive to be justified for the receipt of what would otherwise be an asynchronous event notification. An event mailbox can be used to ensure that an object will not be activated merely to handle an event notification.

Use of a mailbox is simple; the object registering interest in receiving an event notification simply gives the mailbox as the place to send the notifications. The mailbox can be made responsible for renewing leases while an object is inactive, and for storing all (or the most recent, or the most recent and the count of other) notifications for each type of event of interest to the object. When the object indicates that it wishes to receive any notifications from the mailbox, those notifications can be delivered. Delivery can continue until the object requests storage to occur again, or storage can resume automatically.

Such a mailbox is a type of filter. In this case, however, the mailbox filters over time rather than over events. A pure mailbox need not be concerned with the kinds of notifications that it stores. It simply holds the RemoteEvent objects until they are wanted.

It is because of mailboxes and other client-side filters that the information returned from an event registration needs to include a way of identifying the event and the source of the event. Such client-side agents need a way of distinguishing between the events they are expected to receive and those that should generate an exception to the sender. This distinction cannot be made without some simple way of identifying the event and the object of origin.

EV.3.4. Compositionality

All of the above third-party entities work because of two simple features of the RemoteEventListener interface:

  • There is a single method, notify, that passes a single type of object, RemoteEvent (or a subtype of that object) for all notifications

  • There is a level of indirection in delivery allowed by the separate specification of a recipient in the registration method that allows the client of that call to specify a third-party object to contact for notifications

The first of these features allows the composition of notification handlers to be chained, beginning with the object that generates the notification. Since the ultimate recipient of the event is known to be expecting the event through a call to the single notify method, other entities can be composed and interposed in the call chain as long as they produce this call with the right RemoteEvent object (which will include a field indicating the object at which the notification originated). Because there is a single method call for all notifications, third-party handlers can be produced to accept notifications of events without having to know the kind of event that has occurred or any other detail of the event.

Compositionality in the other direction (driven by the recipient of the notification) is enabled by allowing the object registering interest to indicate the first in an arbitrary chain of third parties to receive the notification. Thus the recipient can build a chain of filters, mailboxes, and forwarding agents to allow any sort of delivery policy that object desires, and then register interest with an indication that all notifications should be delivered to the beginning of that chain. From the point of view of the object in which the notification originates, the series of objects the notification then goes through is unknown and irrelevant.

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