LU.1. Introduction

The Jini lookup service is a fundamental part of the federation infrastructure for a djinn, the group of devices, resources, and users that are joined by the Jini technology infrastructure. The lookup service provides a central registry of services available within the djinn. This lookup service is a primary means for programs to find services within the djinn, and is the foundation for providing user interfaces through which users and administrators can discover and interact with services in the djinn.

Although the primary purpose of this specification is to define the interface to the djinn’s central service registry, the interfaces defined here can readily be used in other service registries.

LU.1.1. The Lookup Service Model

The lookup service maintains a flat collection of service items. Each service item represents an instance of a service available within the djinn. The item contains the RMI stub (if the service is implemented as a remote object) or other object (if the service makes use of a local proxy) that programs use to access the service, and an extensible collection of attributes that describe the service or provide secondary interfaces to the service.

When a new service is created (for example, when a new device is added to the djinn), the service registers itself with the djinn’s lookup service, providing an initial collection of attributes. For example, a printer might include attributes indicating speed (in pages per minute), resolution (in dots per inch), and whether duplex printing is supported. Among the attributes might be an indicator that the service is new and needs to be configured.

An administrator uses the event mechanism of the lookup service to receive notifications as new services are registered. To configure the service, the administrator might look for an attribute that provides an applet for this purpose. The administrator might also use an applet to add new attributes, such as the physical location of the service and a common name for it; the service would receive these attribute change requests from the applet and respond by making the changes at the lookup service.

Programs (including other services) that need a particular type of service can use the lookup service to find an instance. A match can be made based on the specific data types for the Java programming language implemented by the service as well as the specific attributes attached to the service. For example, a program that needs to make use of transactions might look for a service that supports the type net.jini.core.transaction.server.TransactionManager and might further qualify the match by desired location.

Although the collection of service items is flat, a wide variety of hierarchical views can be imposed on the collection by aggregating items according to service types and attributes. The lookup service provides a set of methods to enable incremental exploration of the collection, and a variety of user interfaces can be built by using these methods, allowing users and administrators to browse. Once an appropriate service is found, the user might interact with the service by loading a user interface applet, attached as another attribute on the item.

If a service encounters some problem that needs administrative attention, such as a printer running out of toner, the service can add an attribute that indicates what the problem is. Administrators again use the event mechanism to receive notification of such problems.

LU.1.2. Attributes

The attributes of a service item are represented as a set of attribute sets. An individual attribute set is represented as an instance of some class for the Java platform, each attribute being a public field of that class. The class provides strong typing of both the set and the individual attributes. A service item can contain multiple instances of the same class with different attribute values, as well as multiple instances of different classes. For example, an item might have multiple instances of a Name class, each giving the common name of the service in a different language, plus an instance of a Location class, an Owner class, and various service-specific classes. The schema used for attributes is not constrained by this specification, but a standard foundation schema for Jini technology-enabled systems is defined in the Jini Lookup Attribute Schema Specification.

Concretely, a set of attributes is implemented with a class that correctly implements the interface net.jini.core.entry.Entry, as described in Section DJ “Entry”. Operations on the lookup service are defined in terms of template matching, using the same semantics as in Section DJ “Entry”, but the definition is augmented to deal with sets of entries and sets of templates. A set of entries matches a set of templates if there is at least one matching entry for every template (with every entry usable as the match for more than one template).

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