Getting a Document

The first task in any process involving JDOM is to obtain a JDOM Document object. The Document object in JDOM is the core class that represents an XML document.


Like all other objects within the JDOM model, the org.jdom.Document class is detailed in Appendix A, and all its method signatures are listed. Additionally, complete Javadoc on JDOM is available at

There are two ways to obtain a JDOM Document object: create one from scratch, when no existing XML data must be read, and build one from existing XML data.

Starting from Scratch

When no existing XML data is needed as a starting point, creating a JDOM Document is simply a matter of invoking a constructor:

Document doc = new Document(new Element("root"));

As we mentioned earlier, JDOM is a set of concrete classes, not a set of interfaces. This means that the more complicated code using factories to create objects as needed to create an org.w3c.dom.Element in DOM is unnecessary in JDOM. We simply perform the new operation on the Document object, and we have a viable JDOM Document that can be used.

This Document is not tied to any particular parser, either. XML often needs to be created from a blank template, rather than an existing XML data source, so there is a JDOM constructor for org.jdom.Document that requires only a root Element as a parameter. Example 8.3 builds an XML document from scratch using JDOM.

Example 8-3. Building a Document

import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;

 * <p>
 * Demonstrate building a JDOM Document from scratch.
 * </p>
 * @version 1.0
public class FromScratch {

     * <p>
     * Build a simple XML document in memory.
     * </p>
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Document doc = new Document(new Element("root"));
        System.out.println("Document successfully built");


This creates a new JDOM Document object with a new Element as its root (using the name “root” for the Element). This Document can be used for any purpose, manipulated in memory, and later output to a stream.

Building a Document from XML

As simple as creating a JDOM Document from no previous data is, it is more common to have existing data that needs to be read. Because JDOM documents may be created from many sources, a separate package is provided with classes for generating a JDOM Document object from these various forms of input. This package, org.jdom.input , defines the Builder interface, whose methods are shown in Example 8.4.

Example 8-4. The org.jdom.input.Builder Interface

public interface Builder {

    // Create a JDOM Document from an InputStream
    public Document build(InputStream in) throws JDOMException;

    // Create a JDOM Document from a File
    public Document build(File file) throws JDOMException;

    // Create a JDOM Document from a URL
    public Document build(URL url) throws JDOMException;

This provides a mechanism for a JDOM Document to be created from various input sources, and for different implementations to be built for various input formats. Currently, JDOM provides two builder implementations, SAXBuilder and DOMBuilder.[6] These allow current standards-based parsers to be used for creating JDOM Document objects, without those parsers having to provide additional support to their current DOM and SAX offerings.


Using the org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder class to create a JDOM document from an existing XML input source is fairly simple. The SAXBuilder constructor can take in two optional parameters: the name of the SAX parser class to use (which should implement org.xml.sax.XMLReader), and a flag indicating whether validation should occur. If neither is supplied, the default parser is used (currently Apache Xerces), and validation does not occur. We can create a simple SAXTest class to allow entry of a file on the command line, and then create a JDOM Document object using the SAXBuilder class and the supplied filename:


import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.input.Builder;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;

public class SAXTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (args.length != 1) {
            System.out.println("Usage: SAXTest [filename to parse]");

        try {
            // Request document building without validation
            Builder builder = new SAXBuilder(false);
            Document doc = File(args[0]));
            System.out.println("Document successfully read");
        } catch (JDOMException e) {
            e.printStackTrace(  );

Seems simple, doesn’t it? This is because the SAXBuilder handles the chores of creating the various SAX handler classes, registering those with the XMLReader implementation, and building the JDOM Document. This is similar to how many DOM parsers might build a DOM Document object using SAX; however, to keep things simple, JDOM’s SAXBuilder handles all SAXExceptions and converts them to JDOMExceptions. This isolates the SAX code from your Document building, and JDOM ensures the converted exceptions contain information about the specific problems that occurred in parsing and the line on which they occurred.


The org.jdom.input.DOMBuilder class is almost identical in function to the SAXBuilder class. Like SAXBuilder, it provides a means of producing a JDOM Document, but uses DOM and DOM parsers to accomplish the task. Because DOM does not define a standard parser interface, the org.jdom.adapters package supplies an abstraction level over vendor-specific parsers, providing a standard means of obtaining a DOM Document object. The constructor of a DOMBuilder takes in a flag indicating whether validation should occur, as well as the name of the adapter class to use. This can be any class (including user-defined ones), as long as it implements the DOMAdapter interface defined in org.jdom.adapters.


While the org.jdom.adapters package was created for use with JDOM, it can also be used in pure DOM applications as a flexible JAXP alternative. It provides a complete abstraction over the DOM parsing process, allowing the input of an InputStream or filename, as well as a validation flag, and will return a constructed DOM Document object. In other words, you could use these adapter classes in your applications to prevent having to import DOM-specific parser implementations. Additionally, the adapter classes are all built on reflection, so they do not require any parser implementations to be in your classpath at compile-time. This allows complete configurability and portability of an application with regard to the DOM parser implementation used.

Once the DOMBuilder has been created, it functions exactly the same as the SAXBuilder. The following example shows how to build a Document using DOM:


import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.input.Builder;
import org.jdom.input.DOMBuilder;

public class DOMTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (args.length != 1) {
            System.out.println("Usage: DOMTest [filename to parse]");

        try {
            // Request document building without validation, using Oracle parser
            Builder builder =
                new DOMBuilder("org.jdom.adapters.OracleV2DOMAdapter");
            Document doc = File(args[0]));
            System.out.println("Document successfully read");
        } catch (JDOMException e) {
            e.printStackTrace(  );

This uses the Oracle V2 XML parser to create a DOM tree, and then build a JDOM Document object from that DOM tree. To use the default parser, simply call Builder builder = new DOMBuilder( ).


All current DOM parser implementations actually use SAX to create a DOM tree. For this reason, using DOMBuilder to create a JDOM Document object does not make much sense; it will always be slower than SAXBuilder (as SAX is used in both cases), and will always consume more memory, as the complete DOM tree exists for the duration of the conversion process into JDOM. DOMBuilder, then, should rarely be used. Its main value is the method it provides to create a JDOM Document object from an existing DOM tree (such as one received as input to your application from a non-JDOM application). This method, build(org.w3c.dom.Document), is detailed in Appendix A.

Once the JDOM Document object has been created, there is no difference in the Document operation and functionality between varying builders.

[6] By the time you are reading this, it is possible that JDOM 1.0 will have additional Builder implementations available. While the 1.0 core API was frozen at the time of this writing, the helper packages (org.jdom.input, org.jdom.output, and org.jdom.adapters) were not. This allows for enhancements that do not affect the core API to be added during the book’s publication cycle. Check http://www.jdom.orgfor updates.

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