Chapter 33. Study Guide

This chapter includes the following sections, which address various topics covered on the Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure MCSE exam:

Planning Network Security

Discusses the basics of network security and the tasks you should perform to begin designing a secure network

Designing Basic Security

Introduces the basic security features of Windows 2000 and the process of creating a security baseline

Encrypted Filesystem (EFS)

Presents information about the Encrypted Filesystem, Windows 2000’s system for storing encrypted files within the NTFS

Designing Auditing

Discusses Windows 2000’s auditing features and how they can be used to monitor network security

Securing Network Services

Presents methods of adding security to Windows 2000’s network services, including DNS, RIS, and Terminal Services

Designing Secure Connectivity

Discusses methods of securing connectivity to public networks, VPNs, and SMB (file sharing)

Planning IP Security

Presents the details of how IPSec (IP Security) can create secure communication channels between Windows 2000 computers

Planning Network Security

Security is an important consideration in any network, whether it means keeping highly confidential files private or simply allowing users access to the files and other resources they need. Windows 2000 adds a number of security features to those of Windows NT:

  • Active Directory replaces the SAM database in NT 4.0 for domain-level security, but retains SAM for workstation security.

  • More sophisticated IP filtering allows any computer to receive only specific types of packets, or packets from trusted addresses.

  • IP Security (IPSec) uses encrypted network traffic to increase the security of TCP/IP networks.

The following sections explore the basics of Windows 2000 security and discuss the analysis and planning you should perform to begin designing a secure network.

Windows 2000 Security Overview

A secure network requires more than a secure operating system -- it requires a consistent design and plan followed by network administrators as well as other employees. The basic tasks involved in maintaining a secure network are discussed in the following sections.


Authentication is what most users immediately recognize as a form of security -- the logon dialog box that is presented when Windows 2000 starts. This process involves verifying that the password and user account are correct and then allowing access to the network.

The authentication process is far more complex than it appears, because it provides security by not sending passwords directly across the network. The Windows 2000 authentication process uses Kerberos authentication, an Internet standard specified by RFC 1510. This is explained in detail later in this chapter.

Controlling access to resources

Although authentication identifies a specific, authorized user, this does not in itself provide security. The next key component of a security design is the control of user access to such resources as files, printers, and modems.

Using the NTFS, you can control a user’s ability to access files. Using Active Directory, you can control the user’s ability to access printers and other resources, referred to as objects, as well as access to the Active Directory itself.

Auditing resource access

A third component of a secure network is auditing. Windows 2000’s auditing features allow user actions (such as logon or file access) to be logged in whatever level of detail you desire.

Although a perfectly secure network would not require auditing, no network is perfectly secure. An audit trail and regular analysis allow you to determine whether unauthorized access is happening and to further analyze problems that do occur so as to prevent future problems.


A network is only as secure as the wires its data is carried on, and in large networks, an immense amount of wire is involved -- from the local building’s cabling to WAN connections and modem lines. In many networks, this is complicated further by the use of VPNs (virtual private networks). These networks use the Internet -- which is inherently very insecure -- as their transport.

Encryption is a way to prevent unauthorized access to data in these networks. Although the cabling may be relatively insecure (and the Internet even more so), encrypted data is useless without the ability to decrypt it. Of course, the quality of the encryption scheme is critical. Windows 2000’s available encryption methods are explained later in this chapter.

Analyzing Business Requirements

Before you begin to configure Windows 2000 for a secure network, you should look at the company itself. To begin designing a secure network, analyze the company’s security needs -- which can vary widely within the company:

  • Users need to access their personal files and certain shared files.

  • Management needs to restrict access to certain areas.

  • The IS department needs simple methods of adding users to the network or changing privileges.

Your security design should begin with a list of requirements for all users, managers, and departments, from general items like those listed above to specific names of files, directories, and printers. The following sections discuss the information you should examine.

Company structure

The company’s organizational structure is an important element of a security design. It specifies which managers should assign the privileges to certain users and, ideally, describes the different departments and divisions that will require different security settings.

Size and locations

The scope of a company is a critical factor in a security design. For tiny companies, for example, a design may simply define three types of users and the resources they have access to. An example of this would be creating three user groups for customer service representatives, database programmers, and network administrators. Customer service employees may have Read access to billing information, the database programmers may have Read and Write access, and the network administrators might have full control over the customer database. For a company with multiple locations, each location may have a different organizational structure and different security requirements.

At the extreme, international companies may have different requirements for each location and for different organizations and may even have separate security administrators and IS departments to manage separate locations. With some companies, the locations can be treated similarly; with others, there is more similarity to a group of companies with certain communication channels than to a single, cohesive organization.

Analyzing Technical Requirements

Although business requirements are an essential part of a security design, technical requirements are also important. You should work with the IS department to determine technical needs and factor these into the design. The following sections describe typical technical considerations.

Connectivity and bandwidth

Although not strictly a security issue, the connectivity and bandwidth available between departments or locations is an important consideration. Methods of connectivity are part of the network infrastructure design, but they may also have an impact on security:

  • Some types of WAN links are more secure than others.

  • Internet links in particular require strong encryption to ensure security.

  • Several security methods (such as encryption) may have an impact on the bandwidth or response time available to users.

Performance requirements

Performance effects of security measures are another consideration. Although heavy use of IP filtering and encryption can provide strong security, they can also slow down the performance of servers and the network. You may need to plan to use faster machines or multiple servers to meet the performance and security needs of the company.

Mapping Company Information

To continue your security design, you should map the flow of information in the company. This includes information transmitted across the network, as well as information that travels through other channels. The following section describes aspects of information you should map.

Information flow

Whether the company currently uses the network for communication, you should map the flow of information in the company. This includes information sent through memos, email, or phone conversations.

This can facilitate setting up improved communication systems, and it is also important to security; for example, if several users work as a team at adjacent stations, it would be pointless to give them different access privileges. On the other hand, if a user has to repeatedly ask a supervisor to look up information, the user may need more privileges to be efficient.

Product life cycle

The life cycle of a company’s product can also affect information flow. For example, a company that produces physical products would have different communication needs during the processes of design, production, inventory management, sales, and service.

By contrast, a software company might divide its product life cycle into design, feasibility testing, programming, debugging, alpha testing, beta testing, production, sales, shipping, and support. During different phases, users may require different types of network access, and different aspects of security may be important.

In a well-organized company, its organizational chart may already divide the components of the product life cycle into departments: for example, the Testing department handles all testing, and the Sales department handles all sales. This makes it easy to assign security by department. On the other hand, in a smaller company these roles may be shared by one or more departments.

Decision-making structure

To complete your map of company information flow, you should document how decisions relating to security will be made. Will a single administrator have complete discretion to grant privileges to users? Will a single manager direct the IS department for all security needs? Or are several people or departments involved in the decision-making process?

Mapping Network Roles

Your security design should also include a list of network roles . These are the various types of users that will require network access. Rather than listing current users and their security needs, the design should focus on the roles the users hold, such as Payroll Administrator or Backup Administrator.

These roles can be given the appropriate privileges for their responsibilities, and the users who currently handle the job can be assigned to the roles. The following sections discuss different types of roles you may wish to include in your security design.

End-user roles

End-user roles are those that apply to a specific user or group of users, such as Payroll Administrator or Accounts Payable Manager. These roles should be based on the company’s organizational chart, and each should have specific needs.

Resource ownership

In the Windows 2000 security system, such resources as files are typically owned by a user. Your design should specify which user role owns each resource and thus has control over it.

Administrative roles

Administrative roles include tasks usually performed by the IS department: for example, Backup Administrator, Security Manager, or Internet Access Manager. You should define a list of roles and specify the resources that each will need to access.

Service roles

Service roles do not usually represent actual users. These represent user accounts that will be used by applications and network services: for example, IIS (Internet Information Server) uses a user account to define its access to files, and automated backup routines use a user role that has limited access to a large number of files.

Analyzing Security Risks

Securing a network always involves some degree of risk : the chance that security will be compromised. No matter how secure the operating system or how secure your security policies, there is always a certain element of risk. The key to good security lies in determining the level of risk that is acceptable and eliminating unacceptable risks.

Finding current security risks

Whether you are dealing with a company currently running a previous version of Windows NT, a different operating system, or no computers at all, there is a potential for security risks. These range from the highly technical (OS bugs that allow a determined cracker to gain access) to the logistical (secure documents left in easily accessible or public locations).

A vital part of your security design is a list of current security risks and the ways your design can correct them. The following are typical examples of common security risks:

  • Employees using easy-to-guess passwords or keeping written notes of their passwords

  • Poorly managed file security allowing employees to read, modify, or delete (either deliberately or accidentally) inappropriate files

  • Physical security that makes network security useless: for example, an unlocked door to the room containing the file server or printouts of confidential information in trash cans

  • The potential for malicious attacks from crackers, current or former employees, or competitors

These are only a few examples. The best way to find security risks is to attempt to attack the network yourself, without using administrative passwords, and to see how easy or difficult this task is.

Determining acceptable risks

It’s impossible to eliminate all security risks. Rather than attempt to, you should determine the level of risk that is acceptable. This may vary wildly, depending on the type of company you are working with: a small company may tolerate a great number of unlikely risks, while a bank or government organization may need to guarantee that very few or no significant risks exist.

You may wish to deem a risk acceptable if it is difficult to prevent and has a relatively small risk of serious impact (for example, employees taking printouts of their own files home) or if the cost of preventing it is greater than the potential cost of the data lost or compromised due to the risk.

Analyzing new systems

Every new component you add to the network, or to the company’s infrastructure in general, adds new security risks. This includes major changes, such as a new operating system, as well as small changes, such as installing new software or creating new user accounts.

You should analyze your security design at every step to determine whether the added components will introduce new risks, and then decide on the best way to prevent those risks.

Planning for Change

Network security is an ongoing task, and your security design should include a plan to regularly reevaluate the security of the existing network, hardware, and software and make necessary changes. Security can also be affected by incidental changes to the network.

The following sections discuss these changes and other final issues you should consider when planning a secure network.

Identifying upgrades and patches

In most networks, upgrades are regularly performed. These may include any or all of the following:

  • New software versions

  • New operating system versions

  • New hardware

  • New WAN or LAN infrastructure equipment

Any of these upgrades may cause changes to the security of the network, and you should review the security design and assess the impact before making any changes. In particular, new versions of operating systems always create new security holes.

Another upgrade you should regularly perform is to check for updated security patches for operating systems (such as Windows 2000) and other software you may have on the network (web browsers, email programs, etc.).

Technical support

Supporting users with technical problems is necessary in all but the simplest networks, and your network design should include a plan for managing the technical support personnel with security in mind. If technical support personnel are not mindful of security, they can cause more harm to the network’s security than mere users.

System administration

Last but not least, your security design should consider the impact security will have on the system administrators. Here are some potential problems to watch out for:

  • If too many security measures are used, the administrative work to set up users, grant access, and perform other tasks becomes overwhelming.

  • If users are forced to deal with complicated security mechanisms, administrators and technical support personnel will have to spend time training users and correcting any problems they encounter.

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