Name Resolution

Hostname Resolution Order

  1. Comparison with the local hostname

  2. The HOSTS file

  3. Any configured DNS servers

  4. NetBIOS name resolution

NetBIOS Name Resolution Order

  1. Local name cache

  2. WINS Server

  3. B-node broadcast

  4. LMHOSTS file

  5. Hostname resolution

DNS (Domain Name Service)

Internet standard for hostname resolution; requires a DNS server.
Windows 2000 Server includes DNS Server software.
Zone: Defined group of names and IP addresses.
At least one zone must be defined for use.
Configure with DNS Manager snap-in.

WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service)

Uses a dedicated server; WINS Server included with Windows 2000 Server.
Used with P-node, M-node, and H-node resolution.
Configure with WINS snap-in.
Clients require WINS server address.
Server address can be set with DHCP.
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