EtherPEG and DriftNet

Get a compelling visual representation of what people are looking at on your network.

While tools like tcpdump [Hack #37] or Ethereal [Hack #38], and ngrep [Hack #41] give you detailed information about what people are doing on your network, the information they provide just isn’t interesting to most people. They might understand that their wireless data is vulnerable to eavesdroppers, but somehow they still have an attitude of “it’s hard to do, so it won’t happen to me.”

For some reason, this attitude is quickly cured when people are shown the following tools. While they are really simple utilities, I think of them as revolutionary to network monitoring as the Mosaic browser was to the Internet. Rather than make logs for later analysis, they simply show you what people are looking at online, in real time.


EtherPEG ( is a very clever hack for OS X that combines all of the modern conveniences of a packet sniffer with the good old-fashioned friendliness of a graphics-rendering library. It watches the local network for traffic, reassembles out-of-order TCP streams, and scans the results for data that looks like a GIF or JPEG. It then simply displays that data in a random fashion in a large window. As you can see in Figure 3-33, it’s sort of a real-time meta-browser that dynamically builds a view of other people’s browsers, built up as other people look around online.

EtherPEG in action.

Figure 3-33. EtherPEG in action.

EtherPEG is decidedly not a commercial app designed for extensive eavesdropping. It is a simple but effective hack that indiscriminately shows all image data that it can assemble. It makes no attempt to display where the images have been downloaded from, or who requested them. It doesn’t even save a local copy for later perusal; once you quit the app, all collected data is lost.

The source code is freely available, and compiles easily with a simple make from the Terminal window. If you are looking for a similar (and even more functional) application that will run on an OS other than OS X, read on.


Inspired by EtherPEG, DriftNet ( is an image grabber for X11. In addition to decoding image files from sniffed network data, it has a couple of other nifty features. It can save all decoded images for later processing (say, by a screensaver app), and has experimental support for decoding an mpeg audio stream.

As you can see in Figure 3-34, DriftNet’s interface is just as simple as EtherPEG. You can click on individual images to save them to disk, or if you want to save all grabbed images, start up driftnet with the -a switch. This starts DriftNet in adjunct mode, which doesn’t open a window, but simply saves all image data to a temporary directory (which can also be specified with the -d switch). Other applications can then use this ever-growing collection of images as a data source for its own ends.

DriftNet decoding image data.

Figure 3-34. DriftNet decoding image data.

DriftNet has received a surprising amount of bad press as being the worst sort of “spyware” utility, and is sometimes billed as usable only for invading other people’s privacy. On the contrary, I think that tools like this are tremendously useful. Not only can a systems administrator use such a tool to discourage inappropriate use of a corporate network (by simply leaving it running on a monitor in a public place), it can provide an amazing insight into the mood of a crowd of wireless users. What better way to find out what is going on in the minds of wireless users than to see what they are looking at on their screens? (For the results of one of my experiments in sampling the group subconscious, see my original weblog on the subject at If nothing else, tools such as DriftNet and EtherPEG help to remind people of the importance of good wireless security practices, and of the use of discretion when using wireless networks in general.

This sort of eavesdropping is only possible because people use insecure protocols and unknowingly broadcast their network traffic in the clear for all to hear. If you are using strong application layer encryption (as described extensively in Chapter 7), this sort of tool is completely useless. If you are concerned about privacy, you should encourage your friends to use freely available encryption tools to protect yourself from wireless voyeurs. I’ve found that few things encourage them so effectively as running DriftNet or EtherPEG to show them what they themselves are looking at.

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