Understanding Projects

All DVD authoring work in Encore is done in the context of a project. Put more succinctly, a project collects the assets used to create a DVD, which you must import into Encore, as well as various elements, such as menus and timelines, which Encore generates from those assets. Note that you can have only one project open at a time in Encore.

In Chapter 1, we created a small project that brought together a simple menu with buttons and three video clips into a working DVD. Now, let’s take a closer look at the Project window. Start a new project by choosing File New Project, and selecting a default television standard (NTSC or PAL). Then, import a variety of assets, just like we did in the first chapter, by using File Import as Asset. Be sure to bring in video, audio, and still image files according to the constraints that we discussed earlier in this chapter.

The Project tab

By default, the Project window contains four tabs: Project, Menus, Timelines, and Disc. Let’s just concentrate on the Project tab for the moment—we’ll discuss the remaining tabs in later chapters. The Project tab lists each imported asset and generated element, and provides other useful information on them as well in subsequent columns. The Project tab also has a preview thumbnail window in the upper-left corner, and buttons for common operations along the bottom of the window. See Figure 3-9.

The Encore Project tab, listing each asset in the project.

Figure 3-9. The Encore Project tab, listing each asset in the project.

Asset name and information columns

These columns, which take up the lower two-thirds of the Project tab, identify the name of any project assets and elements, and provide additional information that is useful when creating DVDs. Note the headers at the top of the listing (e.g., “Name,” “Type,” “Duration,” etc.). As your project gets more complex, you can rearrange and sort the columns of information in the Project window to help review the contents and status of all the assets and elements in your project. You can do this by:

  • Clicking and dragging along the edge of a header to resize a column, much like a spreadsheet

  • Clicking on the column heading itself to re-sort the listing based on that column’s ascending or descending values

  • Right-clicking within the header to selectively show or hide columns

The information columns, as well as the purpose of each, are given in more detail in Table 3-9.

Table 3-9. The Project tab column names and descriptions

Column name



The name of the asset. If this is an imported asset, the filename is used by default. You can rename any asset, however, by right-clicking and choosing “Rename” from the pop-up menu. The name is placed side by side with an icon that identifies the asset type.


This identifies the type of the asset: AVI video, BMP images, WAV audio, Timeline, Menu, etc.


This tells how long the asset will play. This applies to video, audio, and timelines. The time listed uses either the NTSC semicolon-based drop-frame timecode format (e.g., hours;min utes;seconds;frames), or the PAL colon-based non-drop-frame timecode format (e.g. hours: minutes:seconds:frames).


This field indicates the pixel dimensions of the asset. This applies only if it is a still image or a video clip. The values are useful in identifying images that are not the correct size for the broadcast standard being used.

Transcode Status

This indicates whether the audio or video asset in question has been transcoded.

Transcode Settings

This column gives the settings used to transcode the media into a DVD-compliant format. It varies depending on the type of media and whether you choose to transcode the media yourself, or let Encore do it for you automatically. You can modify this value in the Properties tab.


The size of the asset, in bytes, on the local drive.


The bitrate of the asset, or an estimate of the bitrate if the asset has not yet been transcoded.

Media Category

Indicates whether the specified asset is either a still image, video, audio, or both video and audio.


A textual description of the asset, up to 254 characters, that mirrors the description set in the Properties palette.

Last Modified

The date that the resource was last modified on the disk. Encore takes this information from the Windows filesystem.

File Path

The physical location of the file on the disk. The field is left blank in the event that Encore cannot find the asset (e.g., it has moved since the last time the project was opened).

Each asset or element in the Project tab contains an icon just to the left of its name. The most common icons that you’re likely to find in the Project tab are shown in Figure 3-10.

Common icons in the Encore Project tab.

Figure 3-10. Common icons in the Encore Project tab.

You can select each item in the Project tab to make various modifications on it. If appropriate, you can select more than one item by either Shift-clicking, which will select everything between the last selection and the current selection, or Ctrl-clicking, which will add or remove the current item from the selected group. You can also drag a rectangle around the items you wish to select; this is often called rubberbanding.

Asset preview thumbnail

If only one item is selected, you can use the asset preview thumbnail at the top left corner of the Project tab to preview the asset. Click the Play/Pause button to play or pause the asset inside the thumbnail. You can also click or drag the slider to instantly skip forward or backward to various points in the media. If you want to hide the thumbnail viewer, click the small, blue disclosure triangle at the extreme upper left to hide the thumbnail; click it again to show the thumbnail viewer. Note that the text just to the right lists the asset’s filename and type, as well as other useful information such as the dimensions, duration, frame rate, and if it is a first-play element. Unfortunately, the asset preview thumbnail does not show the current timecode while the asset is playing, only the total length of the asset. The asset preview thumbnail is shown in Figure 3-11.

The asset preview thumbnail in the Project tab.

Figure 3-11. The asset preview thumbnail in the Project tab.

Toggle controls

Four buttons along the bottom of the window can be used to show or hide various assets inside of the Project window, as shown earlier in Figure 3-9. Unlike the list inside the Project tab itself, selecting one of the buttons will not deactivate the others (i.e., they are not mutually exclusive), so you do not have to Shift-click or Ctrl-click to select more than one.

Toggle display of Assets

Click to alternately show or hide all imported assets. When the assets are hidden, this will leave any Encore-generated elements (e.g., menus, playlists, and timelines), but will hide any video, audio, or still image files.

Toggle display of Menus

Click to alternately show or hide all menu elements.

Toggle display of Timelines

Click to alternately show or hide all timeline elements.

Toggle display of Playlists

Click to alternately show or hide all playlist elements.

Note that no matter which toggles are set, you will always be able to view folders in the Project tab. These cannot be hidden.

Creation controls

Five additional buttons, located just to the right of the toggle controls, also assist in creating or deleting assets or elements inside of the Project window.

Create a new folder

Click to create a new folder, nested at the current selection.

Create a new menu

Click to create a new blank menu, using the selected default of the current set in the Library palette.

Create a new timeline

Click to create a new timeline, using the currently selected audio and/or video clip in the Project tab, if any.

Create a new playlist

Click to create a new playlist of timelines.

Delete selected items

Delete the currently selected items.

Table 3-10 summarizes some of the more common tasks that you can do with the Project tab. Note that there is often more than one way to reach the same end.

Table 3-10. Common tasks with the project tab


How to do it

Import new asset files

Choose File Import as Asset (or use the right-click context menu) and then select one or more asset files in the Import as Asset dialog. You can also bring up the Import Asset dialog by double-clicking in an empty area of the Project window. Finally, you can drag-and-drop the asset files into the Project window, from either Windows Explorer or a specific folder.

Select multiple assets or elements

Ctrl-click or Shift-click to select additional items, or drag a selection rectangle to select a group of adjacent items.

Delete assets or elements

Select one or more items and choose Edit Clear (or use the right-click context menu), or press Delete. You can also use the Trash button at the bottom of the Project window.

Add a project folder

Choose New Folder from the right-click context menu, or click the New Folder button at the bottom of the window. The new folder is created nested at the level of the current selection, if any.

Rename a project folder

Choose Edit Rename (or use the right-click contextual menu). Note that at present, you cannot double-click the name field to rename an asset.

Sort columns

Click the column heading to sort the table by that column. Click again to alternately sort in ascending or descending order.

Reorganize columns

Drag the column heading laterally to a new position.

Show or hide columns

Right-click in the column heading and check/uncheck the desired heading under Columns. To hide a column heading, select Hide This, or uncheck the column name under Columns.

Managing assets with folders

As you work on your project, you can use the Project window to organize assets and elements by grouping them in folders. Folders are useful as your DVD projects become larger and the number of assets and elements in the project becomes more difficult to manage. See Figure 3-12.

Use folders to organize your project assets and elements in the Encore Project tab.

Figure 3-12. Use folders to organize your project assets and elements in the Encore Project tab.

To create a folder, click the Create Folder button at the bottom of the Project tab. Each folder can contain any number of assets and elements inside of it, the listing of which can be collapsed or expanded as necessary by clicking the small triangle next to the folder name. You can delete a folder by selecting it and choosing the Trash button at the bottom of the project tab. Note that if you remove a folder from a project, Encore will also remove all the nested contents from the project as well.

Here are two possible ways to organize your project assets in Adobe Encore DVD. The first is a relatively simple organization by asset and element category, useful for smaller projects. So, for example, if you were to create a DVD of video and photographs from a wedding, you might use a folder structure like this:

	Still Images
			Wedding Pictures
			Church and Reception
			DVD Credits
	Video and Audio
		Pre-Wedding Monday
		Tuesday Ceremony
		First Play Animation
			Pre-Wedding Monday
			Tuesday Ceremony
		Menu Transitions
			Initial Play
			Menu1 to Menu2
			Menu2 to Menu1
		Slide shows
			Reception Pictures
		Wedding and Honeymoon

Another way to organize your elements is to organize by menus and timelines and work down from there, leaving separate folders for your timelines, video, audio, and images. So, for example, if you were creating a DVD for a feature film, you might use a directory structure like this:

			Copyright Warning
			Opinions Warning
			Behind the Scenes
			Deleted Scenes
		Menu Transitions
			Initial Play
			Menu1 to Menu2
			Menu1 to Menu3
			Menu2 to Menu3
			Menu2 to Menu1
			Menu3 to Menu2
			Menu3 to Menu1
		Slide shows
		Legal Warnings
		Documentary and Credits
	Video Folder
		Feature Film
		Menu Animations
		Deleted Scenes
	Audio Folder
		Dolby Digital
		Director Commentary
	Still Images Folder
		Storyboard Images
		Legal Warnings
		DVD Credits
		Documentary Credits

Organizing your assets is largely a matter of two items: preference, and ease of use (or reuse) in a group environment. As your DVD authoring projects grow in complexity, you’ll quickly find that using the Library palette to reuse comments elements such as buttons, still images, layer sets, and shapes can become a life-saver.

Edit original

Encore is tightly integrated with Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects to allow you to easily re-edit video clips that you have imported into Encore. From the Encore Project window, select the video clip and choose Edit Edit Original. Encore will open the asset in the original application used to create it—Premiere Pro or After Effects—and, even better, open up the actual project used to export the asset.

In this way, you can jump directly from Encore back into the original project used to create the video clip, edit it further, and then save it again. When you switch back to Encore, it picks up the changed file and updates your Encore project accordingly.

This Edit Original integration does require that you save the project information with the video file when you export it. In Premiere Pro, you can export video in MPEG-2 format, which includes a project link, or export as AVI and then, under Settings General, set Embedding Options to Project. In After Effects, export at AVI, and in the Render Queue under Output Module set Embed to Project Link.

Offline assets

Assets listed in the Project window are linked to the physical file on the disk from which they were imported. If you delete the asset in the Project window, the original file is not affected. However, if the disk file is moved, deleted, or suddenly becomes inaccessible, Encore can no longer access it.

In this case, Encore still keeps track of the asset in the Project window, but marks it as offline, and no longer accessible. The asset is listed in italic, with missing information in the Project window and the Properties palette. In addition, the asset preview thumbnail window displays the icon shown in Figure 3-13.

Offline assets are marked in italicized text and display a special icon inside the asset preview thumbnail.

Figure 3-13. Offline assets are marked in italicized text and display a special icon inside the asset preview thumbnail.

When you preview a timeline with an offline asset, however, it does not appear. If the asset has moved to a known location, you can select the italicized asset in the Project tab and use the File Locate Asset option to designate its new location. If you want to designate a replacement for that asset (i.e., one with a new size or duration), use the File Replace Asset option instead.

Table 3-11 summarizes the Encore functionality for managing project assets and their associated files on disk.

Table 3-11. Managing project assets in Encore


How to do it

View an asset’s location on the filesystem

View the disk file location in the File Path column of the Project window, or the corresponding entry in the Properties palette.

Display the filesystem folder in which an asset resides

Click to select the asset in the Project window and choose Reveal In Explorer from the right-click context menu. Encore opens the asset’s folder in a Windows Explorer window.

Replace the file associated with an asset

Click to select the asset in the Project window and choose File Replace Asset (or from the right-click context menu). Encore opens the Open dialog to select the new asset file to be associated with the selected asset in the Project window.

Choose the file associated with an offline asset

Click to select the offline asset in the Project window and choose File Locate Asset (or from the right-click context menu). Encore opens the Open dialog to select the asset file to be associated with the offline asset.

The asset properties

As we mentioned in Chapter 1, each asset or element listed in the Project tab has a number of configurable properties. You can use the Properties tab, shown in Figure 3-14, to view information about each asset or element. Select the asset or element in the Project tab, and then open the Properties tab to view its attributes (choose Window Properties). The Properties tab includes a shaded header with bold type that describes the selected item, such as Asset or Menu or Button, as well as all the information listed in the columns of the Project window. You can also use the Properties tab to enter a text description of each asset or element, up to 254 characters.

Use the Properties tab to view all the information about a specific item in the Project window. Note that many fields mirror the Project tab information columns.

Figure 3-14. Use the Properties tab to view all the information about a specific item in the Project window. Note that many fields mirror the Project tab information columns.

As you know, it is possible to select more than one type of asset in the Project tab. In the event that this happens, the Properties tab will report that “Objects of Different Types are Selected” and the remaining entry fields will disappear. If that unintentionally happens, just unselect enough assets or elements in the Project tab until the fields reappear.

If more than one asset or element of the same type is selected in the Project window, Encore will do its best to present common information between both of them. This generally isn’t useful, but it does allow you to set a common description or transcode setting for each of them concurrently.

How Encore stores project data

When you save a project, Encore creates a project file with that name and the extension .ncor (phonetic for “Encore”) in the current directory. You might also be surprised to see that it also creates a folder with that same name that contains a number of subfolders. This subfolder structure is shown in Figure 3-15.

A graphical representation of how Encore stores project files in the Windows file system.

Figure 3-15. A graphical representation of how Encore stores project files in the Windows file system.

Encore stores quite a bit of data inside the Project folder. However, you really need to concern yourself with only two files and one folder (and its subfolders) here:

  • CurrWorkspace.xml—This XML file contains data on the current workspace, such as the location of the Project window, Menu Editor, and Property windows. This file exists only when the project is open.

  • ProjectPrefs.xml—This XML file contains the current preferences for the project. It includes data on how the Project window, Properties window, and Palette window were configured when you last closed the project.

  • Sources—This folder contains several subfolders. Any video- or audio-based subfolders contain links to untranscoded assets elsewhere on the filesystem. Any menus that are created are stored as Photoshop files within the Menu folder. (If the menus are motion menus, that data is stored within the Menu folder as well.) Finally, any transcoded files are stored within subfolders of the Transcodes folder.

You generally don’t need to concern yourself with any of the contents of the Encore Project folder. However, if you need to transfer a project from one computer to another, be sure to copy the .ncor file, any external assets, and the top-level project folder. If you do not, Encore will not be able to locate any elements or transcodes that it has generated, and will refuse to open the project.

In addition, if you make a copy of a project by using Save As, be aware that all of this information will be copied to the new project folders. This can be a substantial amount of data—for example, if your project includes hours of transcoded video. You also can search in the Transcodes folder to copy and save transcoded clips to reuse in later projects.

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