Post RSS Headlines on Your Site

Place other sites’ syndicated headlines on your own pages, periodically.

Including syndicated newsfeeds is a nice way of adding some compelling content to your site. The problem is that sometimes the news feed gets overrun during heavy news days, goes offline, and/or suffers a host of other connectivity issues. These problems make your site load slowly, because the software holds your user hostage while the feed retrieval portion of the application waits to time out.

A simple way around this problem is to use a program that periodically retrieves the feed and slices and dices it into an easy-to-include file on your host. Doing this achieves five goals:

  • User page loads are not penalized when feeds go down.

  • Failures to connect do not harm the existing include file.

  • Multiple attempts to read the feed do not penalize the user.

  • Feeds can be mirrored for local/private use.

  • Content can be formatted to taste.

The Code

This is a little program ( I wrote to repurpose news from an AP Wire feed:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# copyright Dean Peters © 2003 - all rights reserved
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# is free software. You can redistribute and modify it
# freely without any consent of the developer, Dean Peters, if and
# only if the following conditions are met:
# (a) The copyright info and links in the headers remains intact.
# (b) The purpose of distribution or modification is non-commercial.
# Commercial distribution of this product without a written
# permission from Dean Peters is strictly prohibited.
# This script is provided on an as-is basis, without any warranty.
# The author does not take any responsibility for any damage or
# loss of data that may occur from use of this script.
# You may refer to our general terms & conditions for clarification:
# For more info. about this code, please refer to the following article:
# combine this code with crontab for best results, e.g.:
# 59 * * * * /path/to/ > /dev/null
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

use XML::RSS;
use LWP::Simple;

# get content from feed -- using 10 attempts.
# replace the URL with whatever feed you want to get. 
my $content = getFeed("".
                       "section?Category=RSS04&mime=xml", 10);

# save off feed to a file -- make sure you
# have write access to file or directory.
saveFeed($content, "newsfeed.xml");

# create customized output.
my $output = createOutput($content, 8);

# save it to your include file.
saveFeed($output, "");

# download the feed in question.
# accepts two inputs, the URL, and
# the number of times you wish to loop.
sub getFeed {
    my ($url, $attempts) = @_;
    my $lc = 0; # loop count
    my $content;
    while($lc < $attempts) {
        $content = get($url);
        return $content if $content;
        $lc += 1; sleep 5;

    die "Could not retreive data from $url in $attempts attempts";

# saves the converted data ($content)
# to final destination ($outfile).
sub saveFeed {
    my ($content, $outfile) = @_;
    open(OUT,">$outfile") || die("Cannot Open File $outfile");
    print OUT $content; close(OUT);

# parses the XML file and returns
# a string of custom content. You
# can pass the number of items you'd
# like as the second argument.
sub createOutput {
    my ($content, $feedcount) = @_;

    # new instance of XML::RSS
    my $rss = XML::RSS->new;

    # parse the RSS content into an output
    # string to be saved at end of parsing.
    my $title = $rss->{channel}->{title};
    my $output  = '<div class="title">GoUpstate/AP NewsWire</div>';
       $output .= '<div class="newsfeed">

    my $i = 0; # begin our item loop.
    foreach my $item (@{$rss->{items}}) {
        next unless defined($item->{title}) && defined($item->{link});
        $i += 1; next if $i > $feedcount; # skip if we're done.
        $output .= "<a href="$item->{link}">$item->{title}</a><br />

    # if a copyright and link exists, then post it.
    my $copyright = $rss->{channel}->{copyright};
    my $link = $rss->{channel}->{link};
    my $description = $rss->{channel}->{description};
    $output .= "<a href="$link" title="$description" >".
" if($copyright && $link);
    $output .= "</div>";
    return $output;

Running the Hack

Running this code creates two new files in the current directory: newsfeed.xml is the raw data we’ve downloaded, and is our repurposed data for use on our own site. Using the following crontab syntax, the program is executed every hour:

59 * * * * /path/to/ > /dev/null

The nice thing about this approach is that this particular feed does get busy from time to time and, at one point on a Friday, it went offline. My users did not notice because, in most cases, I was able to get by the “busy signal” on the second or third attempt out of 10. In the case where the entire remote site went offline, my users merely viewed an older include file without interruption or delay.

Dean Peters and Tara Calishan

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