Chapter 7. Execution Control


This chapter presents problems related to controlling execution of your web application. Some of the solutions use listener features provided by the Servlet container. These classes and interfaces allow your application to receive notification of servlet container events. Servlet listeners can be used on any Java web application and container that supports the Servlet 2.3 API.

Managing workflow in a web application can be a challenge due to the stateless nature of HTTP. This chapter covers some approaches for handling navigation within a Struts application. Finally, this chapter will look at some specific problems and solutions you’ll encounter when working with files. You’ll find solutions for enabling and processing file uploads as well as displaying content—in varying formats—from files on the server.

7.1. Performing Tasks at Application Startup


You want to be notified when your web application is initialized so you can preload application-scope data or execute other startup functions.


Create a class that implements the ServletContextListener interface. The class shown in Example 7-1 stores the current date and time in the servlet context when the application is started.

Example 7-1. Servlet context data loader
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch07;

import java.util.Date;

import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener;

public class ContextLoader implements ServletContextListener {
    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
        ServletContext ctx = event.getServletContext( );
        ctx.setAttribute("dateStarted", new Date( ));
    public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) {
        // clean up here

Declare the class with a listener element in your web application’s web.xml file. The listener element is supported by Version 2.3 or 2.4 of the Servlet specification; the DTD must specify Version 2.3 or 2.4:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
  <display-name>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 7 Examples</display-name>
  ... rest of web.xml


Every Java web application has one single servlet context. This context is the place where application-scoped attributes are stored. The servlet container creates the servlet context for a web application when the application is started. You can create a class that gets notified when this context is created (or destroyed) by implementing the ServletContextListener interface. Your listener class receives notifications immediately after the servlet context is created and immediately before the context is destroyed. These events coincide with the startup and shutdown of the web application.

The ServletContextListener interface defines two methods: contextInitialized( ) and contextDestroyed( ). The container passes a ServletContextEvent to these methods. This class provides access to the ServletContext itself. With the servlet context, you can add, remove, and replace application-scope objects as servlet context attributes. The class in Example 7-1 uses the ServletContext.setAttribute( name,value ) method to store the current a Date object in the servlet context. You could access this data from a JSP page as an application-scoped object:

Running since: <bean:write name="dateStarted" 

Servlet context listeners make an excellent choice for this kind of data loading, but for a Struts application you may prefer to use a Struts plug-in. A plug-in can do anything a context listener can do, and a plug-in gives you access to your entire application’s Struts configuration through the ActionServlet. You can pass parameters to a plug-in using the set-property element, making plug-ins more flexible and reusable than listeners. Because you declare plug-ins in the struts-config.xml file, you get a side benefit as your application’s configuration will be centralized in one place.

See Also

Recipe 2.1 gives complete details on writing and configuring Struts plug-ins. Recipe 7.2 describes how to create classes that monitor HTTP sessions.

If you are unfamiliar with servlet programming, then you should check out Java Servlet Programming by Jason Hunter (O’Reilly). This classic work will give you all the information you need to create highly functional servlets and servlet-related classes.

7.2. Tracking Client Sessions


You need to keep track of the number of clients currently using your application.


Create a class that implements the HttpSessionListener interface, like the one shown in Example 7-2, that keeps count of the total number of active sessions.

Example 7-2. Session-counting listener
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch07;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionEvent;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener;

public class SessionCounter implements HttpSessionListener {
    public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent event) {
        ServletContext ctx = event.getSession( ).getServletContext( );
        Integer numSessions = (Integer) ctx.getAttribute("numSessions");
        if (numSessions == null) {
            numSessions = new Integer(1);
        else {
            int count = numSessions.intValue( );
            numSessions = new Integer(count + 1);
        ctx.setAttribute("numSessions", numSessions);
    public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent event) {
        ServletContext ctx = event.getSession( ).getServletContext( );
        Integer numSessions = (Integer) ctx.getAttribute("numSessions");
        if (numSessions == null) {
            numSessions = new Integer(0);
        else {
            int count = numSessions.intValue( );
            numSessions = new Integer(count - 1);
        ctx.setAttribute("numSessions", numSessions);

Declare your class in a listener element of your application’s web.xml file. The listener element is supported by Version 2.3 or 2.4 of the Servlet specification—the DTD must specify Version 2.3 or 2.4:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
  <display-name>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 7 Examples</display-name>
  ... rest of web.xml


In the Solution, any time a session is created, a counter—stored in the servlet context—is incremented. Every time a session is destroyed, that counter is decremented. In practical terms, this custom class tracks the number of users currently using your application.

Web applications use HTTP sessions to maintain state between requests. The Servlet 2.3 specification added support for session listeners that receive notifications when any session is created or destroyed. You can write a class that receives these events by implementing the HttpSessionListener interface.

This interface defines two methods: sessionCreated( ) and sessionDestroyed( ). The container calls sessionCreated( ) after a session is created and sessionDestroyed( ) before the session is destroyed or invalidated. The container passes an HttpSessionEvent to each of these methods. This event object has a getSession( ) method that gives you a handle to the particular session.

Once you’ve got the HttpSession, you can do anything you want to with it. If the session was just created, you can add objects as session-scoped attributes. If destroyed, then you have the opportunity to dispose of session objects that require special handling. The HttpSession provides the getAttribute(), setAttribute( ), and removeAttribute( ) methods for manipulating session attributes. You can get a reference to your application’s servlet context via the getServletContext( ) method.

See Also

While session listeners receive notification of session lifecycle events, servlet context listeners receive notification of application life-cycle events. These listeners are discussed in Recipe 7.1. If you want notifications specifically when objects are added to or removed from the session, use a session attribute listener discussed in Recipe 7.3.

If you are unfamiliar with servlet programming, you should check out Java Servlet Programming by Jason Hunter (O’Reilly). This classic work will give you all the information you need to create highly functional servlets and servlet-related classes.

7.3. Monitoring User Logins


You want to know when a user has logged into your application.


Create a class that implements the HttpSessionAttributeListener for session-scoped objects. The class shown in Example 7-3 tracks the number of logged-in users of an application by listening for the addition and removal of a User object to or from the session.

Example 7-3. Session attribute listener
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch07;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent;

public class UserCounter implements HttpSessionAttributeListener {

    public void attributeAdded(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) {
        if (attributeIsUser(event)) 
            adjustUserCounter(event.getSession( ).getServletContext( ), 

    public void attributeRemoved(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) {
        if (attributeIsUser(event)) 
            adjustUserCounter(event.getSession( ).getServletContext( ), 

    public void attributeReplaced(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) {

    private boolean attributeIsUser(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) {
        String name = event.getName( );
        Object value = event.getValue( );
        return "user".equals(name) && 
               value instanceof com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch07.User;

    private void adjustUserCounter(ServletContext ctx, boolean userAdded) {
        Integer counterObj = (Integer) ctx.getAttribute("numUsers");
        int counter = (counterObj == null ? 0 : counterObj.intValue( ));
        if (userAdded) {
        else {
            if (counter > 0) counter--;
        ctx.setAttribute("numUsers", new Integer(counter));

Like the other servlet listeners, you declare the class as a listener element in your web application’s web.xml file. The listener element is supported by Version 2.3 or 2.4 of the Servlet specification; the DTD must specify Version 2.3 or 2.4:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
  <display-name>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 7 Examples</display-name>
  ... rest of web.xml


The Servlet 2.3 specification added support for various listener types. Attribute listeners allow you to receive event notifications when an object is added, removed, or replaced in the session and application scopes. A class that implements the HttpSessionAttributeListener interface monitors session-scope objects.

The Solution shown in Example 7-3 shows how an attribute listener can track the number of users logged into your application. When an attribute is added to the session under the name “user,” a counter object—maintained in the servlet context—is incremented. Likewise, when the user object is removed from the session, the counter is decremented. The session listener of Recipe 7.2 provided a similar function. However, using an attribute listener gives you finer-grained monitoring.

The HttpSessionAttributeListener specifies three methods: attributeAdded( ), attributeReplaced( ), and attributeRemoved( ). The servlet container calls attributeAdded( ) when an object is added to the session or servlet context under a new name. If an attribute is added using the name of an existing attribute, the attributeReplaced( ) method is called. When an object is removed from the session or servlet context, the container calls attributeRemoved( ). When an HttpSession is invalidated, the servlet container will call the removeAttribute( ) method of any HttpSessionAttributeListeners for each object in the session. This allows you to perform any necessary cleanup on those objects before the session is destroyed.


Objects can be added, replaced, or removed from the HttpSession and ServletContext using the setAttribute( ) and removeAttribute( ) methods. You can manipulate these objects from a JSP page using custom tags like the standard jsp:useBean, Struts’ bean:define, and JSTL’s c:set.

The session attribute that caused the event is accessible via the HttpSessionBindingEvent object passed to each notification method. The getValue( ) method retrieves the object and the getName( ) retrieves the attribute’s name.

See Also

You can monitor attributes added to the ServletContext using a ServletContextAttributeListener. Furthermore, the Servlet 2.4 specification adds a ServletRequestAttributeListener and lets you monitor objects added to any servlet request.

The HttpSessionBindingListener interface allows objects being managed as session attributes to be notified when they’re bound or unbound from the session. The methods of this interface are triggered by the same events as the HttpSessionAttributeListener. The JavaDocs for the session binding listener can be found at

If you are unfamiliar with servlet programming, you should check out Java Servlet Programming by Jason Hunter (O’Reilly). This classic work will give you all the information you need to create highly functional servlets and servlet-related classes.

7.4. Forwarding Users to Alternate Destinations


You want to define locations, such as other servlets, JSPs, or Struts components that you can forward users to from your application code.


Define the global forwards in the struts-config.xml file. If the forward is for a specific module, define it in that module’s struts-config.xml file:

  <!-- snipped ... -->
    <forward name="main" path="/index.jsp" 
    <forward name="logon" path="/" 
         contextRelative="true" redirect="true"/>
    <forward name="logoff" path="/" 
         contextRelative="true" redirect="true"/>
  <!-- snipped ... -->


The URL paths you use in your application commonly evolve and change as your application develops. You can create logical references to application paths using a Struts forward. Global forwards—defined using forward elements nested in the global-forwards element—create logical destinations that can be accessed from anywhere in your application. The Struts html:link, html:rewrite, and html:frame tags all support the forward attribute that accepts the name of a global forward. The tag uses the logical path for that forward to generate the actual URL.

Local forwards are specific to a given action. Local forwards are specified as nested elements of an action element:

<action    path="/LoadData"
    <forward name="success" path="/show_data_form.jsp"/>

Local forwards are used by action classes to specify a logical destination. The ActionMapping.findForward( ) method retrieves a forward by name. This method finds a matching local forward for the given name. If none can be found, it searches the global forwards. Here’s how a typical custom Action uses the findForward( ) method to retrieve and return an ActionForward:

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws Exception {
    // perform action here

        // forward to the logical "success" location
    return mapping.findForward("success");

The forward element, whether global or local, accepts the attributes shown in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1. Forward attributes




Fully qualified Java class name of the ActionForward subclass to use for this object. If unspecified, the class org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward is used. You only need to use this if you extend the Struts ActionForward to provide unique behavior.


Set this to true if the path is relative to the entire application and not this module. This attribute, added in Struts 1.1, is deprecated in Struts 1.2. The default value is false; that is, the path is considered module-relative.


The module prefix to use with this path. This value begins with a slash (for example, /adminModule) . If unspecified, the module prefix defaults for the current module will be used. A single slash (/) indicates the root module.


A module-unique logical identifier for this forward. This value is used to retrieve the forward using the ActionMapping.findForward(String name) method.


The module-relative or context-relative URI path to the resource for this ActionForward. This value begins with a slash (for example, /somePage.jsp).


Set this to true if a redirect instruction should be issued to the browser so a new request is issued to the resource for this forward. The default value is false.

The URI generated for the forward is determined by the contextRelative, module, and path attributes. For Struts 1.1 applications, the contextRelative attribute lets you create forwards between modules. For Struts 1.2, use the module attribute instead of contextRelative. Specifying a module value of / is the same as setting contextRelative to true.

The path attribute contains the location to the desired resource. You can include request parameters by appending a query string. Just be sure to use the ampersand character entity (&amp) to separate name-value pairs. Table 7-2 contains some example global forwards and the resulting URIs.

Table 7-2. Sample forwards

Forward definition

Resultant URL

<forward name="home" path="/index.jsp" redirect="true"/>


<forward name="goToModule1" module="/mod1" path="/module1.jsp"/>


<forward name="goToDefaultModule" contextRelative="true" path="/default_module.jsp"/>


<forward name="goToDefaultModule2" module="/" path="/default_module.jsp"/>


See Also

Using a global forward specifically to switch to a page in a different module is covered in Recipe 7.5. More information on switching between modules can be found in Recipe 6-7. Global forwards can be used like bridges between workflows as described in Recipe 6.5.

The Struts User Guide provides additional information on configuring and using global and local forwards. The relevant section can be found at

7.5. Forwarding Users to a Module


You want to forward control from one module to a page in another module.


If the link is for a JSP page and not an action, create an action of type ForwardAction for that page in the target module’s struts-config.xml file. Specify the path to the JSP page as the value of the parameter attribute:

<action   path="/module1Menu"

Then define a global forward, in the struts-config.xml file of the source module, with the module attribute set to the target module prefix and the path attribute set to the name of the action you just created:

<forward name="goToModule1" module="/mod1" path="/"/>

If the link is for an action in the other module, then specify the path to the action, making sure to include the Struts ActionServlet prefix or suffix (for example, .do):

<html:link forward="goToModule1">Go To Module 1</html:link>


You would think that you could create a link to a page in another module by specifying the module attribute on the global forward:

<forward name="goToModule1" module="/mod1" path="/module1.jsp"/>

Unfortunately, this will not work. The URL to the page is correctly generated as http://localhost/jsc-ch07/mod1/module1.jsp; however, internally Struts still thinks that you are in the source module. Module-specific Struts entities such as global forwards and message resources will not be available on the target page because Struts has not switched the module context. In short, you can’t link between pages in a module but only between actions.

To force Struts to switch the module context, the URL must go through the Struts controller, which is the ActionServlet. To achieve this, create an action in the Struts configuration XML file of the target module that uses the ForwardAction. Specify the name of the JSP page as the value for the parameter attribute. Then define a global forward, setting the module attribute to the target module and the path attribute to the path to the forwarding action. Make sure to include the extension (for example, /

See Also

Module support has been enhanced in Struts 1.2. Check the online user’s guide for the latest updates. The Struts User Guide can be found at Some other recipes that relate are Recipes Section 6.7 and Section 7.4.

7.6. Creating a Wizard-Style Page Flow


You want users to have a wizard-style page flow experience.


Implement a subclass of LookupDispatchAction that supports operations for the navigational functions—previous, next, and finish—and template methods for the business logic. For each discrete step of the workflow, extend this subclass, placing the business logic for each step in the provided template methods. (See Example 7-4.)

Example 7-4. LookupDispatchAction for wizards
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch07;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.actions.LookupDispatchAction;

public class WizardLookupDispatchAction extends LookupDispatchAction {    

    public WizardLookupDispatchAction( ) {
        keyMethodMap = new HashMap( );
        keyMethodMap.put("button.previous", "doPrevious");
        keyMethodMap.put("", "doNext");
        keyMethodMap.put("button.finish", "doFinish");
    public ActionForward doPrevious( ActionMapping mapping, 
            ActionForm form,
            HttpServletRequest request, 
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        processPrevious(mapping, form, request, response);
        return mapping.findForward("previous");

    protected void processPrevious( ActionMapping mapping, 
            ActionForm form,
            HttpServletRequest request, 
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
    public ActionForward doNext( ActionMapping mapping, 
            ActionForm form,
            HttpServletRequest request, 
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
       processNext(mapping, form, request, response);
       return mapping.findForward("next");

    protected void processNext( ActionMapping mapping, 
            ActionForm form,
            HttpServletRequest request, 
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

    public ActionForward doFinish( ActionMapping mapping, 
           ActionForm form,
           HttpServletRequest request, 
           HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
      processFinish(mapping, form, request, response);
      return mapping.findForward("finish");

    protected void processFinish( ActionMapping mapping, 
            ActionForm form,
            HttpServletRequest request, 
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

    protected Map getKeyMethodMap( ) {
        return keyMethodMap;

Specify the workflow for the wizard in the struts-config.xml file:

<!-- Wizard mappings -->
<!-- Step 1 -->
<action    path="/ViewStep1"
<action    path="/ProcessStep1"
    <forward name="next" path="/"/>

<!-- Step 2 -->
<action    path="/ViewStep2"
<action    path="/ProcessStep2"
    <forward name="previous" path="/"/>
               <forward name="next" path="/"/>

<!-- Step 3 -->
<action    path="/ViewStep3"
<action    path="/ProcessStep3"
    <forward name="previous" path="/"/>
               <forward name="finish" path="/wizard_done.jsp"/>


The topic of wizard-style applications comes up frequently on the Struts mailing lists. Struts doesn’t have a silver bullet solution for this problem. Wizard interfaces can be built many ways; there is no “right way” to do it. The Solution leverages the ability of the LookupDispatchAction and the use of a session-scoped form to pass data from page to page. If it doesn’t meet your needs, it will at least provide the basis of a custom solution.

The WizardLookupDispatchAction subclasses LookupDispatchAction, implementing the getKeyMethodMap( ) method to map a button label key to the corresponding method. Methods are provided for handling previous, next, and finish buttons. Each of these methods delegates processing to a no-op protected method. The business logic for processing the form from each JSP would be added to the processNext( ) method. Business logic required when clicking previous would be implemented in the processPrevious( ) and logic to be handled when clicking finish is implemented in the processFinish( ) method.

A benefit of this Solution is you can see the flow from page to page in the struts-config.xml. You can look at the mappings and follow the steps in the flow:

<forward name="previous" path="/"/>
<forward name="next" path="/"/>

The solution works even if the user clicks the browser’s back or forward buttons instead of using the navigation buttons.

One common gripe about the LookupDispatchAction is it doesn’t work well if you are using images for buttons. In this case, you may want to extend DispatchAction and set the dispatch action using JavaScript.

See Also

Use of the LookupDispatchAction is presented in Recipe 6.9. The DispatchAction is shown in Recipe 6.8. The basic approach shown here is similar to that presented in the Struts Newbie FAQ at

An extension to Struts for complex workflows has been developed by Matthias Bauer and can be found at This extension utilizes a custom ActionMapping and RequestProcessor. In addition to the basic workflow steps discussed in this recipe, it supports workflow branching and custom authentication.

7.7. Determining the Action Based on User Input


You want to change the target action for a form based on user input.


Call a JavaScript function, like the one shown in Example 7-5, from an event handler on the HTML control that determines the action.

Example 7-5. JavaScript function to change a form’s action
      function swapAction(control) {
        formAction = document.getElementById("empForm").action;
        if (control.checked)
          newAction = '<html:rewrite page="/"/>';
          newAction = '<html:rewrite page="/"/>';
        document.getElementById("empForm").action = newAction;
<html:form styleId="empForm" action="/UpdateEmployee">
    New Employee: <html:checkbox property="create" 
      onclick='swapAction(this)"'/><br />
    ... rest of the page


JavaScript makes this problem easy to solve. You might be tempted to hardcode the new value for the action in the function. However, the function will be a lot more robust if you use the html:rewrite tag. Using this tag ensures the action URI includes the appropriate application context prefix. It generates the session token if cookies are disabled. You can verify this works by disabling cookies on your browser. If you clicked the “New Employee” checkbox and submit the form you’d see a URL like the following:


If you had hardcoded the action, you’d lose the session. The drawback to this solution is you must specify the Struts ActionServlet mapping prefix or extension (for example, /action or .do). Unlike the html:link tag, the Struts 1.1 html:rewrite tag doesn’t support the action attribute, which would eliminate this problem. Struts 1.2 corrects this annoyance; the html:rewrite tag supports the action attribute like the html:link tag.

See Also

An interesting thread on this discussion from the struts-user mailing list can be found at

7.8. Using Wildcards in Action Paths


You want to reduce the number of action mappings by combining similar action mappings into a single generic mapping.





Many developers find that their action mappings start to follow similar patterns. In fact, many applications use standard conventions for naming action paths, Action classes, and ActionForms, making their application easier to organize and maintain. Struts 1.2 allows you to leverage these conventions in your struts-config.xml file. Create your action elements using an asterisk (*) as a wildcard in the path attribute. When Struts finds the action mapping for a given request path, it attempts to find an exact match. If an exact match is not found, it attempts a match using the wildcards.

In the Solution, for example, when a request comes in for /, the action mapping with the path of /Edit* will match. The {1} notation represents the part of the request URL value that matches the wildcard, minus any extension. In this case, {1} has the value of Employee.

Wildcard mappings reduce the number of action elements you have to write and can enforce a workflow of your own design. Figure 7-1 illustrates the workflow for the Solution when applied to editing employee data.

Common workflow applied to editing employee data
Figure 7-1. Common workflow applied to editing employee data

Suppose you need to edit and save different information, such as vendor data. Without wildcard mappings, you would create action mappings such as the following:



But with the wildcard mappings shown in the Solution, you can use one common set of action elements for employee and vendor data. Of course, you need to create the JSPs, Actions, and ActionForms specific to vendor data.

The action element attributes that can use wildcard-matched strings via the { n } notation are the following:

  • type

  • name

  • roles

  • parameter

  • attribute

  • forward

  • include

  • input

You can use the placeholders in the path attribute of nested local forward elements.

If the mappings for a particular application feature no longer fit the pattern, create standard action mappings without wildcards that exactly match the request path. An exact-match mapping takes precedence over a wildcard mapping.


The algorithm and code used for wildcard matching was derived from similar features in the Apache Cocoon project.

You can use other wildcard characters in addition to the “*” in your path attribute. Table 7-3 shows the complete set of supported characters.

Table 7-3. Supported wildcard characters


Matches zero or more characters, excluding the slash (/) character.


Matches zero or more characters, including the slash (/) character.


The backslash character is used as an escape sequence. Thus, * matches the character asterisk (*), and \ matches the character backslash ().

As was shown in the Solution, the wildcard-matched values can be accessed with the { n } notation. n is a number from 1 to 9 that indicates the position of the wildcard-matched value to substitute. The entire request URI can be accessed with the {0} token.

See Also

The Struts User’s guide discusses wildcard mapping. The specific section can be found at If you’re using Struts 1.1 and want to use wildcard mapping, earlier versions are available. Consult for details, documentation, and downloads.

As mentioned, the DispatchAction can be used to provide a single action that serves multiple purposes. The DispatchAction and its related subclasses are discussed in Chapter 6.

7.9. Preventing Double Form Submissions


You need to stop users from inadvertently submitting a form twice.


Use the Struts token facility to reject a duplicate request. First, as shown in Example 7-6, save a token in the HTTP request in the Action which precedes the JSP containing the form.

Example 7-6. Action that saves token
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch06;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;

public class SaveTokenAction extends Action {
    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws Exception {
        // save a token

        // load the data to view
        BusinessService.loadData( );
        return mapping.findForward("success");

You don’t have to make any changes to the JSP that displays the form as long as you create the form using the html:form tag (as shown in Example 7-7).

Example 7-7. JSP page for token handling
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="html" %>

  <title>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 7 : Token Test</title>
<body bgcolor="white">
<h2>Token Test</h2>
  <html:form action="/SaveData">
      <html:text property="name"/>
  <html:link action="/SaveData" transaction="true">Save</html:link>

In the Action that processes the form, shown in Example 7-8, check the token. If the token is invalid, reject the request by throwing an exception or returning errors; otherwise, continue normal processing.

Example 7-8. Action that checks token validity
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch06;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.struts.Globals;
import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionError;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;

public class CheckTokenAction extends Action {
    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws Exception {
        if (isTokenValid(request)) {
            // reset the token

            // save data
            BusinessService.saveData( );
        else {
            ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors( );
                       new ActionError("Invalid token"));
            saveErrors(request, errors);
            return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput( ));
        return mapping.findForward("success");


Inadvertent or duplicate form submissions cause real problems with many web applications. When the form being submitted results in financial transactions, real dollars can be erroneously lost or gained. A couple of common scenarios result in double form submission. If the server’s form processing takes several seconds, the user may be tempted to resubmit the form, thinking the first submit wasn’t received. Users get in the habit of refreshing a page when the browser isn’t responding. The typical user may not realize that pressing Refresh resubmits the form.

Another common problem is double-clicks. Users are conditioned by the operating system to use double-click to open applications. Users unaccustomed to web browsing commonly use double-click when they need to single-click. The double-click problem happens because users have a “loose trigger finger.”

Struts provides a mechanism for managing these problems. This mechanism can’t prevent a user from submitting a form twice (see the Sidebar 7-1), but it does allow for an Action to check if the request was received as expected. If the request wasn’t expected, the action can reject the request and generate an appropriate error or exception.

The Solution shows the basic pattern for utilizing tokens. You need an Action that forwards to the JSP page containing the form. Usually this pre-form Action is responsible for loading the data to be displayed. In this Action, call the saveToken(HttpServletRequest request) method provided by the base Struts Action class (org.apache.struts.action.Action). This method generates a unique String value, as a token for the current transaction and saves that value under a known attribute name in the HTTP request.

When the form is rendered on the JSP page, Struts generates an HTML hidden field containing the token value. You can generate the token value as request parameter on a hyperlink by setting transaction=true on the html:link tag. The token value, whether rendered as a hidden field or a request parameter, is only generated if a token is found in the current request for the JSP. The generated page source from the JSP is shown in Example 7-9.

Example 7-9. Generated form with Struts token
  <title>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 7 : Token Test</title>
<body bgcolor="white">
<h2>Token Test</h2>
<form name="TestForm" method="post" action="/jsc-ch07/">
  <input type="hidden" name="org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN"
  <input type="text" name="name" value="">
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">
<a href="/jsc-ch07/
  Save Data
  <hr />
  <a href="/jsc-ch07/index.jsp">Home</a>

You check the token value in the Action that is the target of the form or link using the isTokenValid( ) method of the base Struts Action. If the token is invalid, you can generate an appropriate error or throw an exception. If it is, then you should clear the token using the resetToken( ) method.

See Also

The methods for generating, saving, checking, and resetting tokens are all defined in the Struts Action class. JavaDocs for this class can be found at

The JavaWorld online magazine has a good article on the Struts token handling and can be found at The topic comes up frequently on the struts-user mailing list; search for “token” and you’ll find a number of discussions.

The “Introduce Synchronizer Token” refactoring presented in the book Core J2EE Patterns by Deepak Alur, John Crupi, and Dan Malks (Sun Microsystems Press) was based, in part, on the Struts token facility.

7.10. Allowing Users to Upload Files


You need to allow users to upload file content to a web application.


Create an ActionForm that uses the Struts FormFile object as a property as shown in Example 7-10.

Example 7-10. ActionForm with FormFile property
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch04;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile;

public class UploadForm extends ActionForm {
    private FormFile content;

    public FormFile getContent( ) {
        return content;
    public void setContent(FormFile content) {
        this.content = content;

Then use the html:file tag on the JSP page (upload_test.jsp) that contains the form as shown in Example 7-11. For file uploads, the enctype attribute of the html:form tag must be set to multipart/form-data and the method attribute set to POST.

Example 7-11. JSP for file upload
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="html" %>
  <title>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 4 : Upload Test</title>
  <html:form action="/ProcessUpload"
    <html:file property="content"/>


The default value for the method attribute of the html:form tag is POST, so the attribute isn’t required here. In this case, however, explicitly setting the value reduces the risk of the method type being changed by another developer.

When the form is processed, use the FormFile object to retrieve the uploaded file content. The ProcessUploadAction shown in Example 7-12 retrieves the file contents in an InputStream and writes this data to a file.

Example 7-12. Action that processes uploaded file
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch04;


import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile;

public class ProcessUploadAction extends Action {

  public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
      ActionForm form,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

    // Get the form file property from the form
    UploadForm uploadForm = (UploadForm) form;        
    FormFile content = uploadForm.getContent( );

    InputStream in = null;
    OutputStream out = null;
    try {
      // Get an input stream on the form file
      in = content.getInputStream( );
      // Create an output stream to a file
      out = new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream("temp.txt"));
      byte[] buffer = new byte[512];
      while ( != -1) {
    finally {
      if (out != null) out.close( );
      if (in != null) in.close( );          

    return mapping.findForward("success");


Handling a file upload for a Java-based web application can be critical and downright intimidating for many developers. Thankfully, Struts provides an API for file uploads that simplifies this task. The API is accessed primarily through a single class (FormFile) you can use as a property on your ActionForm.

You can handle file uploads by using the FormFile class as the type for a property of an ActionForm. On the JSP page that displays the form, use the html:file tag to refer to the FormFile property. The html:file tag generates the HTML that lets a user upload a file:

<input type="file">.

The FormFile object encapsulates the uploaded file. It contains information about the name and type of the uploaded file as well as the actual file contents. The getFileName() method returns the actual filename from the client’s machine. This filename may have been keyed in by the user directly, or, more commonly, the filename was set when the user chose the file using the “Browse...” button. Figure 7-2 shows the displayed JSP page after the user picked a file from his local system.

File upload page
Figure 7-2. File upload page

If you’re going to save the uploaded file to the server’s filesystem, don’t make the mistake of using this filename. The filename and path won’t be correct for the server and will probably not be valid for the server’s operating system. However, you may want to preserve the filename and other information about the file as metadata. You could include the name of the user that uploaded the file as well as the date and time it was uploaded.

The ProcessUploadAction, shown in Example 7-12, handles the FormFile property. The uploadForm.getContent( ) method returns the FormFile property. The getInputStream( ) method of FormFile returns an input stream for reading the file contents. Data is read from the stream in 512-KB chunks and written using an output stream to the temp.txt file.

So where does this file get saved to when it is written? The answer varies by application server. On Tomcat, the filename is relative to the directory from which Tomcat was started, usually <CATALINA_HOME>/bin. Check your application server’s documentation for more information.

See Also

The underlying implementation of the Struts file upload capability is provided by the Jakarta Commons FileUpload project. Details can be found at The API documenaton for the Struts html:file tag can be found online at

The Struts source distribution includes a file upload example, similar to this recipe, contained within the struts-examples sample web application.

7.11. Displaying a File from the Server


You need to display the contents of a file on your server’s filesystem that isn’t part of your web application.


Use a servlet, similar to the one shown in Example 7-13, to read the file from the filesystem and write the file contents to the HTTP response.

Example 7-13. File viewer servlet
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch07;


import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

public class FileViewerServlet extends HttpServlet {
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, 
            HttpServletResponse response)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        doPost(request, response);
    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, 
            HttpServletResponse response)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        String fileName = (String) request.getAttribute("fileName");
        fileName = "temp.txt";
        FileReader in = null;
        PrintWriter out = null;
        File dir = (File) getServletContext( ).getAttribute("javax.
        File f = new File(dir, "test.tmp");
        try {
            // Get an input stream on the form file
            in = new FileReader(f);

            // Get an output stream for the response 
            out = response.getWriter( );
            // Write from the input stream to the output stream
            char[] buffer = new char[512];
            int chars = 0;
            while ((chars = != -1) {
                out.write(buffer, 0, chars);
        finally {
            if (out != null) out.close( );
            if (in != null) in.close( );     


This servlet reads a file from the filesystem and writes it out to the response; it’s written to handle a file uploaded using the Solution from Recipe 7.10. The file is read from the servlet’s temp directory; however, the location of the file could be any place accessible to the server, even a database.


The servlet shown in Example 7-13 can be used for any Java web application and not just a Struts application.

Here are the primary steps to render content from a servlet, regardless of where the file is located:

  1. Determine the file to retrieve.

  2. Set the HTTP response content type to the correct MIME type for the file.

  3. Acquire a on the file.

  4. Acquire a on the response.

  5. In a buffered fashion, read the data from the Reader and write to the Writer.

  6. Ensure the Reader and Writer are always closed on completion.

See Also

Jason Hunter’s classic text, Java Servlet Programming (O’Reilly), is the bible of servlet programming. This text has loads more information on the details and nuances of rendering content in this fashion.

Recipe 6.5 shows a good technique for integrating a servlet like this into a Struts application.

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