Chapter 10. Connecting to the Data


You often hear Struts referred to as a model-view-controller (MVC) framework for web applications. Struts can help you build web applications that separate the data (model) from the presentation (view); however, Struts doesn’t provide a framework for the model. Rather, it supports custom Actions which broker the interaction between the view and model.

This chapter contains several recipes that offer different approaches to interacting with your application’s model. You will find solutions related to accessing relational data by using JDBC and the popular Hibernate object/relational mapping framework. This chapter shows you ways to create pluggable interfaces for your business services. Finally, this chapter demonstrates some techniques for working with XML-based data stored in flat files.

10.1. Accessing JDBC Data Sources from an Action


You want to access a data source directly from a Struts Action.


Don’t do it! Only access the data source from within your application’s model.


Though Struts is referred to as an MVC framework for web applications, Struts doesn’t attempt to provide the model of that paradigm. Struts provides only the bridge between the view and the model, Struts Actions. An Action shouldn’t access the database; an Action shouldn’t need to know how the data is stored and accessed. Instead, an Action acts as a thin façade to your business services, marshalling data from the view to the model and back. The following FAQ from the Struts web site puts it quite succinctly:

Ideally, all the database access code should be encapsulated behind the business API classes, so Struts doesn’t know what persistence layer you are using (or even if there is a persistence layer). It passes a key or search String and gets back a bean or collection of beans. This lets you use the same business API classes in other environments, and lets you run unit tests against your business API outside of Struts or a HTTP environment.

While Struts does support the data-source element for configuring JDBC data sources, the Struts release notes state that this element may not be supported in the future. According to the Struts documentation, you should use the data-source element when you need to pass a javax.sql.DataSource to a legacy API. This results in a dependency between the Action and the persistence layer as illustrated in Figure 10-1.

Data source access by an Action
Figure 10-1. Data source access by an Action

A better approach in this situation is to create a façade around the legacy API. The façade provides a data-independent implementation of the legacy API. Internally, the façade is responsible for acquiring the required data source and delegating calls to the legacy service, passing the data source as needed. Your Actions can interact with the façade without needing to be bound to the persistence details. This (better) model is shown in Figure 10-2.

Data source by a service façade
Figure 10-2. Data source by a service façade

The façade-based architecture results in a more flexible system that can adapt from low-level changes to legacy systems without requiring you to rewrite your Actions.

See Also

The Struts FAQ on database-related issues can be found at For more information on accessing databases, see Java Database Best Practices by George Reese (O’Reilly).

10.2. Displaying Relational Data


You want to display data from a relational database, but you don’t know the structure of the data.


Use the RowSetDynaClass class (org.apache.commons.beanutils.RowSetDynaClass) provided by the Jakarta Commons BeanUtils project.


The JAR files for BeanUtils are included with the Struts distribution so no additional download is needed.

Start by creating a data access object, like the one shown in Example 10-1, which performs the database query and returns a BeanUtils RowSetDynaClass created from a JDBC result set.

Example 10-1. RowSetDynaClass-based data access object
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch05;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.DriverManager;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.RowSetDynaClass;

public class UserDao {

    public RowSetDynaClass getUsersRowSet( ) throws Exception {
        Connection conn = null;
        Statement stmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        RowSetDynaClass rowSet = null;
        try {
            conn = getConnection( );
            stmt = conn.createStatement( );
            rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from users");
            rowSet = new RowSetDynaClass(rs);            
        finally {
            if (conn != null) conn.close( );
        return rowSet;

    private Connection getConnection( ) throws Exception {
        return DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/test");


Create an Action that retrieves the RowSetDynaClass from the data access object and stores it in the servlet request. The Action shown in Example 10-2 retrieves a row set from the data access object of Example 10-1.

Example 10-2. Retrieving a RowSetDynaClass from an Action
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch05;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.RowSetDynaClass;
import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;

public class ViewUsersAction extends Action {

    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, 
                                 ActionForm form,
                                 HttpServletRequest request, 
                                 HttpServletResponse response) 
                         throws Exception {
        UserDao dao = new UserDao( );
        RowSetDynaClass rowSet = dao.getUsersRowSet( );
        request.setAttribute("rowSet", rowSet);
        return mapping.findForward("success");

Then create a JSP page, such as the one shown in Example 10-3, that iterates through the RowSetDynaClass stored in the request, first retrieving the column names, and then the data itself.

Example 10-3. JSP page that renders a RowSetDynaClass
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ page import="org.apache.commons.beanutils.*" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="logic" %>
  <title>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 5 : Viewing Row Sets</title>
  <h2>Viewing Row Sets</h2>
  <bean:define id="cols" name="rowSet" property="dynaProperties"/>
  <table border="2">
      <logic:iterate id="col" name="cols">
        <th><bean:write name="col" property="name"/></th>
    <logic:iterate id="row" name="rowSet" property="rows">
        <logic:iterate id="col" name="cols">
            <bean:write name="row" property="<%=((DynaProperty)col).
                                                      getName( )%>"/>

Of course, you tie the Action to the JSP using an action element in the struts-config.xml:

<action    path="/ViewUsers"
    <forward name="success" path="/view_users.jsp"/>


A sizeable percentage of web applications use a relational database for storing data. In an architecture that emphasizes separation of concerns, controller actions interact with the model through business objects, data transfer objects, and service-oriented interfaces. But sometimes it makes more sense to provide direct views of data in the database.

The RowSetDynaClass provides an effective mechanism for accessing and retrieving data from JDBC result sets. This class, provided in the Jakarta Commons BeanUtils package, maps a JDBC result set—rows and columns retrieved from a relational database—to a JavaBean which can be accessed on a JSP page.

Figure 10-3 shows the results of executing the “select * from users” query from Example 10-1 against a MySQL test database.

Query results from MySQL
Figure 10-3. Query results from MySQL

You construct a RowSetDynaClass by passing the JDBC ResultSet to the RowSetDynaClass’s constructor. Because the data is copied, you can safely close the ResultSet and JDBC Connection without losing data. The RowSetDynaClass includes the data and contains the name and type of each column. In Example 10-3, the dynaProperties array property is used to render the table column headers. Then, the rowSet property is used to access a List of DynaBeans. Each DynaBean represents a row. Each field of the row is retrieved by name from each DynaBean.

Figure 10-4 shows the generated page for the /ViewUsers action.

JSP displaying data from a RowSetDynaClass
Figure 10-4. JSP displaying data from a RowSetDynaClass

See Also

The API documentation for the BeanUtils packages is the best source of additional information for the RowSetDynaClass. The BeanUtils API can be found at

You can consult the chapter on BeanUtils in the Jakarta Commons Cookbook by Tim O’Brien (O’Reilly).

If you’re familiar with JSTL, you can use the SQL tags instead of the RowSetDynaClass to display relational data However, you need to be judicious in using these tags since you will be coupling your application’s view to the model. You can find a tutorial on the JSTL SQL tag library at

10.3. Mapping SQL Data to Java Objects


You want to map SQL statements to Java objects without having to employ a full-blown object-relational mapping framework.


Use iBATIS SQL maps.


There is a middle-ground in Java database access, a shadowy land that lies between straight JDBC and full-blown ORM, a place known as the iBATIS zone. iBATIS (pronounced “eye-bay-tis”), created by Clinton Begin, provides an elegant framework for mapping SQL statements and results to Java objects. It offers the simplicity and control of straight JDBC, yet it supports data mapping, caching, and transactions, features usually available from complex object-relational mapping tools. This recipe introduces you to the core feature of iBATIS: SQL maps. It doesn’t delve into the full-functionality of iBATIS; you can find additional reference documentation and tutorials online at

SQL maps allow you to specify how Java objects map to the inputs and outputs of an SQL statement. The inputs traditionally take the form of parameters bound to an SQL where clause. SQL maps let you map object properties to statement parameters. For output, SQL maps let you specify a Java object that maps to the result set returned by an SQL statement.

You can use iBATIS to access and display the data used in Recipe 10-2. Start by downloading iBATIS from For this example, iBATIS Version 2.0.7 was used. Extract the distribution into a directory such as /ibatis-2.0.7. Copy the ibatis-sqlmap-2.jar and ibatis-common-2.jar files to your WEB-INF/lib folder.

Next, you create the configuration files that specify how you connect to your database. iBATIS, by default, searches for its configuration files in the application’s class path. This example stores these files in the application’s top-level src directory; when the application is compiled, the configuration files are copied to the WEB-INF/classes directory.

iBATIS reads database connection settings from a properties file. Example 10-4 shows the used to connect to a MySQL database.

Example 10-4. iBATIS database configuration properties

iBATIS reads and uses these properties in its XML configuration file. Example 10-5 shows the sqlMapConfig.xml used in this recipe.

Example 10-5. iBATIS SQL map configuration file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMapConfig 
  PUBLIC "-// SQL Map Config 2.0//EN" 
    <properties resource=""/>
    <transactionManager type="JDBC">
        <dataSource type="SIMPLE">
            <property name="JDBC.Driver" value="${driver}"/>
            <property name="JDBC.ConnectionURL" value="${url}"/>
            <property name="JDBC.Username" value="${username}"/>
            <property name="JDBC.Password" value="${password}"/>            
    <sqlMap resource="UserSqlMap.xml"/>

The properties element makes the configuration properties of Example 10-4 available as variables (${ propertyName }) that can be used throughout the rest of the XML configuration file. The sqlMap element references an SQL Map configuration file for use by this application. Typically, you’ll have one SQL map file for each table.

For this example, you want to map the results of selecting all rows from the users table into a collection of objects. Figure 10-5 shows the structure of the users table.

Schema of the users table
Figure 10-5. Schema of the users table

Example 10-6 shows the UserSqlMap.xml file that enables this mapping.

Example 10-6. iBATIS SQL map for the users table
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap 
  PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN" 
<sqlMap namespace="UserSqlMap">
    <select id="getAllUsers" resultClass="com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10.User">
        SELECT user_name  as username,
               first_name as firstName,
               last_name  as lastName
          FROM users

The select element defines how a select SQL select statement, contained in the element’s body, maps to a Java class. When the query is executed, iBATIS will return a collection of Java objects of the type specified by the resultClass attribute. Example 10-7 shows the User object. By using the "column as name" syntax in the query, you automatically map a column to JavaBean property.

Example 10-7. Plain old User object
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

public class User {
    public String getUsername( ) {
        return username;
    public void setUsername(String username) {
        this.username = username;

    public String getPassword( ) {
        return password;
    public void setPassword(String password) {
        this.password = password;
    public String getFirstName( ) {
        return firstName;
    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
    public String getLastName( ) {
        return lastName;
    public void setLastName(String lastName) {
        this.lastName = lastName;
    private String username;
    private String password;
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

Now you need to create the data access object that retrieves the collection of users. Example 10-8 shows the action used in this recipe that uses the SQL Maps API to execute the query and map the results.

Example 10-8. Data access object that utilizes iBATIS
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;

import com.ibatis.common.resources.Resources;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClientBuilder;

public class MyUserDao {

    private static final SqlMapClient sqlMapClient;
    static {
        try {
            Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader("sqlMapConfig.xml");
            sqlMapClient = SqlMapClientBuilder.buildSqlMapClient(reader);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            e.printStackTrace( );
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create iBATIS sql map 
                                       client.", e);

    public List getAllUsers( ) throws SQLException {
        return sqlMapClient.queryForList("getAllUsers", null);

This data access object provides a getAllUsers( ) method to retrieve the results returned by the “getAllUsers” SQL map statement shown in Example 10-6. The SqlMapClient serves as a façade over the iBATIS API. This object is thread-safe; you can define and initialize it in a static block and use it throughout your action.

Example 10-9 shows the data access object which utilizes the iBATIS API.

Example 10-9. Simple action that calls the DAO
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

import java.util.List;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;

public class ViewMyUsersAction extends Action {

    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, 
                                 ActionForm form,
                                 HttpServletRequest request, 
                                 HttpServletResponse response) throws 
                                 Exception {
        MyUserDao dao = new MyUserDao( );
        List users = dao.getAllUsers( );
        request.setAttribute("users", users);
        return mapping.findForward("success");

The actual JSP page to render the users object is shown in Example 10-10. Unlike the solution for Recipe 10.2, the object used on the page is a well-known custom business object. You access its properties using run-of-the-mill Struts bean:write or JSTL c:out tags.

Example 10-10. Iterating through the list of users
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="logic" %>
  <title>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 10 : Using iBATIS</title>
  <h3>Using iBATIS</h3>
  <table border="2">
      <th>First Name</th>
      <th>Last Name</th>
    <logic:iterate id="user" name="users">
          <bean:write name="user" property="username"/>
          <bean:write name="user" property="firstName"/>
          <bean:write name="user" property="lastName"/>

This results in a display like that shown in Figure 10-6.

Rendered data retrieved using iBATIS
Figure 10-6. Rendered data retrieved using iBATIS

This recipe hints at the capabilities of iBATIS SQL maps. If your application needs some means of mapping objects to data and back, you should consider iBATIS. It may be exactly what you were looking for.

See Also

Documentation, examples, and tutorials for iBATIS can be found at You will also find the iBATIS data access object (DAO) framework. This framework is highly extensible yet provides a simple means of getting started with iBATIS. This DAO layer can even be used against non-iBATIS mapped data.

10.4. Integrating Struts with Hibernate


You want to use Hibernate for object/relational mapping in your Struts application.


Use a servlet filter such as the Persistence class shown in Example 10-11.

Example 10-11. Servlet filter for Hibernate sessions
package com.jadecove.util;

import javax.servlet.*;
import net.sf.hibernate.*;
import net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;

 * Filter which manages a ThreadLocal hibernate session.  Obtain the session
 * by calling Persistance.getSession( ).
public class Persistence implements Filter {

     * Holds the current hibernate session, if one has been created.
    protected static ThreadLocal hibernateHolder = new ThreadLocal( ); 
    protected static SessionFactory factory;
    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
        // Initialize hibernate
        try {
            doInit( );
        catch (HibernateException ex) { 
            throw new ServletException(ex); 
     * This method should only be called when this class is used directly - 
     * that is, when using this class outside of the servlet container.
     * @throws HibernateException
    public static void doInit( ) throws HibernateException {
        factory = new Configuration( ).configure( ).buildSessionFactory( );

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, 
                         ServletResponse response, 
                         FilterChain chain) 
                 throws IOException, ServletException {
        if (hibernateHolder.get( ) != null)
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "A session is already associated with this thread!  "
                + "Someone must have called getSession( ) outside of 
                                                        the context "
                + "of a servlet request.");
        try {  
            chain.doFilter(request, response);
        finally {
            Session sess = (Session)hibernateHolder.get( );
            if (sess != null) {
                try {
                    sess.close( );
                catch (HibernateException ex) { 
                    throw new ServletException(ex);
     * ONLY ever call this method from within the context of a servlet request
     * (specifically, one that has been associated with this filter).  If you
     * want a Hibernate session at some other time, call getSessionFactory( )
     * and open/close the session yourself.
     * @return an appropriate Session object
    public static Session getSession( ) throws HibernateException {
        Session sess = (Session)hibernateHolder.get( );
        if (sess == null) {
            sess = factory.openSession( );
        return sess;
     * @return the hibernate session factory
    public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory( ) {
      return factory;
     * This is a simple method to reduce the amount of code that needs
     * to be written every time hibernate is used.
    public static void rollback(net.sf.hibernate.Transaction tx) {
        if (tx != null) {
            try {
                tx.rollback( );
            catch (HibernateException ex) {
                // Probably don't need to do anything - this is likely being
                // called because of another exception, and we don't want to
                // mask it with yet another exception.

    public void destroy( ) {
        // Nothing necessary

Declare the filter in your web.xml file with a filter mapping configured for all URLs that need access to persistent data. Here the filter mapping is set to all URLs:


You get a session from the filter by calling the static getSession( ) method. Here’s an example method that you can use in your own DAOs:

protected Session getSession(  ) throws PersistenceException {
    Session session = null;
    try {
        session = Persistence.getSession( );
    } catch (HibernateException e) {
        log.error("Exception accessing persistence session");
        throw new PersistenceException(
              "Exception accessing persistence session", e);
    return session;


If you haven’t heard of Hibernate, then you’ve obviously been sleeping in a cave. Hibernate is one of the most popular object/relational mapping frameworks in use today. It can be used to provide transparent persistence for Java objects, populating and storing object properties using data stored in a relational database.

The Persistence filter shown in Example 10-11 provides a Hibernate session for every servlet request that goes through the filter. It uses a ThreadLocal variable to hold the Hibernate session (see Sidebar 10-1). Each HTTP request is a separate thread; therefore, each request has its own Hibernate session. The Hibernate session is automatically closed when the request is complete—that is, immediately before the HTTP response is sent. The finally block in the doFilter( ) method closes the Hibernate session and sets the value for the session in the ThreadLocal variable to null.

A class that needs to load or store persistent data gets a Hibernate session by calling the static Persistence.getSession( ) method.

Hibernate can defer the loading of specific object properties from the database. The database won’t be accessed until that property’s accessor method is explicitly called. This feature is known as lazy-loading. Since Hibernate persists a graph of objects, lazy-loading can allow you to retrieve a complex object without necessarily paying the performance price of retrieving all the data from the database. The one caveat to this feature is that a lazy-loaded property can only be retrieved if that object is associated with an open Hibernate session.

Without using the Persistence filter, a Hibernate session would have to remain open if you needed to lazy-load a property on a JSP page. However, it is dangerous to leave a Hibernate session—essentially a database connection—open between user requests. If you close the Hibernate session before forwarding to a JSP page, attempting to access a lazy-loaded property will fail because an open Hibernate session isn’t available. The Persistence filter solves this problem. Because the Hibernate session is opened by a filter; the session remains open until the request is complete. JSP pages and other web resources can successfully read persistent object properties, even if they are lazy-loaded.

For unit testing, the Persistence filter can be used outside of the application server. In this case, you use the Persistence class to initialize Hibernate and retrieve a Hibernate session factory. Example 10-12 shows an abstract JUnit test base class that uses the Persistence class.

Example 10-12. Abstract persistence base test case
package com.jadecove.facet;

import junit.framework.TestCase;
import net.sf.hibernate.Session;

import com.jadecove.util.Persistence;

public abstract class PersistenceTestCase extends TestCase {

    public PersistenceTestCase(String name) {

    protected void setUp( ) throws Exception {
        super.setUp( );
        Persistence.doInit( );
        openSession( );
        doSetUp( );
     * Override this method to provide test-specific set-up
    protected void doSetUp( ) throws Exception {

     * Override this method to provide test-specific tear-down
    protected void doTearDown( ) throws Exception {

    protected void tearDown( ) throws Exception {
        super.tearDown( );
        session.close( );
        doTearDown( );

    protected void openSession( ) throws Exception {
        session = Persistence.getSessionFactory( ).openSession( );

    protected void closeSession( ) throws Exception {
        session.close( );
    protected Session session;


See Also

The Persistence filter of the Solution is based on a recommended practice presented on the Hibernate web site. The relevant page can be found at

If you were to search the Internet for “Struts Hibernate” you’d probably come upon the HibernatePlugin for Struts. This class can be used as a Hibernate session factory; however, it doesn’t have the advantages afforded by the Persistence filter. This class can also be found on the Hibernate web site at

10.5. Decoupling Your Application from External Services


You want to decouple your Struts application from a specific implementation of an external business service.


Create an interface that provides an API for the business service. Then use a ServiceFactory class like the one shown in Example 10-13 to provide access to the service.

Example 10-13. Service factory
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

public class ServiceFactory {

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ServiceFactory.class);
    public SecurityService createSecurityService( ) {
        SecurityService service = null;
        try {
            service = (SecurityService)
                Class.forName(securityServiceImpl).newInstance( );
        } catch (Exception e) {
               "Unable to create SecurityService for impl:"+
        return service;

    protected void setSecurityServiceImpl(String securityServiceImpl) {
        this.securityServiceImpl = securityServiceImpl;
    private String securityServiceImpl;

You can use a Struts PlugIn, like the one shown in Example 10-14, to bind a service implementation to the interface, and store a reference to the service in the servlet context.

Example 10-14. Service factory plug-in
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet;
import org.apache.struts.action.PlugIn;
import org.apache.struts.config.ModuleConfig;

public class ServiceFactoryPlugin implements PlugIn {

    public void init(ActionServlet servlet, ModuleConfig config) throws 
                     ServletException {
        ServiceFactory factory = new ServiceFactory( );
        servlet.getServletContext( ).setAttribute("APP_SERVICE_FACTORY", 

    public void destroy( ) {

    public void setSecurityService(String securityService) {
        this.securityService = securityService;
    private String securityService;


In corporate environments, it’s more likely that a web application will be used as a private intranet application than as a public site on the World Wide Web. These internal applications commonly interface to existing corporate software-based services. These services could be Java-based applications, Enterprise JavaBeans, or web services to name a few. Your web application will have little control of the interface to the legacy system; likewise, you’re likely to receive little notice when the interface changes. You can mitigate these risks by decoupling your application from the underlying service using the approach shown in the Solution. Using the Solution, you can easily replace the interface to the implementation with a simplified implementation for testing and development.

Suppose your corporation provides a security service that authenticates existing users and allows the addition of new users. The current service is based on a legacy in-house developed application, but future plans are to move to a system based on Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Your Struts application that will interface to this system needs to be able to support the current and future implementations of the security service.

You can apply techniques in the Solution to this problem. The first thing you will want to do is define an interface for this service like the one shown in Example 10-15.

Example 10-15. Security service interface
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

public interface SecurityService {
    public void authenticate(String username, 
                             String password) 
        throws UnknownUserException, PasswordMatchException;

    public void add(User user) throws DuplicateUsernameException;    

For development and testing purposes, you can create an implementation of the SecurityService, like that shown in Example 10-16, that uses an in-memory Map of user data.

Example 10-16. In-memory security service implementation
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class MemorySecurityService implements SecurityService {
    public void authenticate(String username, 
                             String password) 
            throws UnknownUserException, PasswordMatchException {
        if (users.get(username) == null) { 
            throw new UnknownUserException( );
        } else if (!users.get(username).equals(password)) {
            throw new PasswordMatchException( );

    public void add(User user) throws DuplicateUsernameException {
        if (users.containsKey(user.getUsername( ))) 
            throw new DuplicateUsernameException( );
        users.put(user.getUsername( ),user.getPassword( ));
    private static Map users;
    static {
        users = new HashMap( );

Now you can use a ServiceFactory (Example 10-13) that knows how to create a new SecurityService given the name of a class that implements the SecurityService interface.

A Struts Plug-In (Example 10-14) can be used to create, configure, and store an instance of the ServiceFactory in the servlet context. The plug-in is configured in the struts-config.xml to create instances of the SecurityService interface using the specified implementation:

<plug-in className="com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10.ServiceFactoryPlugin">
    <set-property property="securityService" 

It’s a good idea to create a BaseAction (Example 10-17) that accesses the servlet context to retrieve the service factory and returns an implementation of the service interface.

Example 10-17. Base action that provides a security service
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.apache.struts.action.Action;

public class BaseAction extends Action {
    public SecurityService getSecurityService(HttpServletRequest request) {
        ServletContext ctx = request.getSession(true).getServletContext( );
        ServiceFactory factory = (ServiceFactory)
        return factory.createSecurityService( );

As you add more types of services, you can add corresponding methods to the ServiceFactory and ServiceFactoryPlugin. Alternatively, the ServiceFactory and ServiceFactoryPlugin could be made to return any type of service by some agreed on name. Regardless of your preferred approach, this Service Locator pattern yields code that is more flexible and easier to test than more tightly coupled systems.

See Also

Struts plug-ins are discussed in Recipe 2.1. The Spring Framework takes pluggability like this to the nth degree. Recipe 10.6 shows you how to integrate an existing Struts application with the Spring Framework.

The Service Locator pattern is considered a Core J2EE Pattern. A page that documents this and other related patterns can be found at

Martin Fowler compares the Service Locator pattern to the Inversion of Control/Dependency Injection pattern in his must-read article at

10.6. Integrating Spring with Struts


You’ve heard about the Spring framework and want to use it with your Struts application.


There is no better way of learning than by doing. This recipe shows you how to apply Spring to the struts-example web application.


There are many ways to use Spring. The Solution shown here uses Spring for two main purposes:

  • To configure portions of the model

  • To inject model dependencies into Struts Actions


    Spring is an active project. You may find that APIs, filenames, and XML schemas have changed since this book was published; however, the basic process should be about the same.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Download the Spring framework from At the time of this writing, Version 1.1 had just been released.

  2. Download the Struts 1.2.4 source distribution.

  3. Copy the Struts libraries, struts-example classes, struts-example web resources, and struts-example configuration files into a web application directory structure.

  4. Copy the spring.jar file from the downloaded Spring framework into the web-application’s WEB-INF/lib folder.

Now that you’ve got these mundane preliminaries out of the way, you can get to the gist of Spring. The first thing you are going to do is change the MemoryDatabase used by the struts-example to be managed and loaded by Spring instead of by a Struts plug-in.

In the struts-example, the MemoryDatabasePlugIn loads and opens the MemoryUserDatabase. To use Spring instead of this plug-in, you need to make a minor change to the MemoryUserDatabase source. Change the open( ) method to read the input file from the classpath instead of the filesystem. This makes the solution easier to deploy. Here’s the revised open() method with the two modified lines shown in bold.

public void open(  ) throws Exception {

    InputStream fis = null;
    BufferedInputStream bis = null;

    try {

        // Acquire an input stream to our database file
        if (log.isDebugEnabled( )) {
            log.debug("Loading database from '" + pathname + "'");
        fis = this.getClass( ).getResourceAsStream(pathname);
        bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);

        // Construct a digester to use for parsing
        Digester digester = new Digester( );
             new MemoryUserCreationFactory(this));
             new MemorySubscriptionCreationFactory( ));

        // Parse the input stream to initialize our database
        bis.close( );
        bis = null;
        fis = null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Loading database from '" + pathname + "':", e);
        throw e;
    } finally {
        if (bis != null) {
            try {
                bis.close( );
            } catch (Throwable t) {
            bis = null;
            fis = null;

This change enables the MemoryUserDatabase to require the MemoryDatabasePlugin no longer. With this revised version of the MemoryUserDatabase, all you have to do is relocate the database.xml file from the WEB-INF directory to the web application’s classes folder. Move database.xml to the subdirectory of WEB-INF/classes that contains the MemoryUserDatabase.class file (WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/struts/webapp/example/memory).

Change the MemoryUserDatabase to be managed by Spring instead of the plug-in. Remove the MemoryDatabasePlugIn configuration from the struts-config.xml; it’s no longer needed. Create the applicationContext-struts.xml file in the WEB-INF folder as shown in Example 10-18.

Example 10-18. Spring configuration for the MemoryUserDatabase
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

    <bean  id="userDatabase" 
        <property name="pathname">

This spring-beans configuration file is the heart of Spring. The first bean element, shown in Example 10-18, configures the MemoryUserDatabase. The nested property element specifies a dependency that will be injected after the MemoryUserDatabase class is constructed. In this case, the pathname property is set to the path of the XML file containing the list of users for the struts-example application. After Spring instantiates the class (using its default constructor), property values are set based on the nested property elements. The init-method and destroy-method attributes allow you to control the lifecycle of the class. The init-method attribute specifies the name of a method that will be called once property values have been set. The method, named by the destroy-method attribute, will be called when the object is evicted from Spring’s application context.

For Spring to work, it has to load the XML files that it will use to create the managed bean objects. In addition, each created object must be stored in Spring’s application context. For Struts applications, Spring comes with a Struts plug-in that performs these tasks. Here’s the plug-in element used for this Solution:

<plug-in className="org.springframework.web.struts.ContextLoaderPlugIn">
    <set-property property="contextConfigLocation" 

Like other plug-ins, the ContextLoaderPlugin can be passed through a comma-separated list of configuration files. For the Solution, only a single configuration file is used, the XML file shown in Example 10-18.

Recall that the MemoryDatabasePlugin instantiated and opened the MemoryUserDatabase, storing the created instance in the servlet context under a well-known key value. Since you are no longer using the plug-in, you can change how the Actions acquire a reference to the MemoryUserDatabase.

The “Spring-way” of doing this is to let Spring control the creation of the Actions. In a non-Spring Struts application, Actions are created by the RequestProcessor. When the RequestProcessor receives a request for a given path, it determines your corresponding action configuration, instantiates the specified Action class, and calls Action.execute( ). So, how do you let Spring control the creation of the Actions instead of the RequestProcessor?

The answer is the DelegatingActionProxy. This class, originally created as part of the original Struts Spring Plug-in effort led by Don Brown, is a general-purpose Action that proxies requests to custom Actions. The proxy action determines your custom Action associated with a request by matching the action path with a bean name in Spring’s configuration file. At runtime, Spring instantiates your custom Action and injects any required dependencies.

The Actions provided in the struts-example extend from a BaseAction that provides a helper method for acquiring the UserDatabase:

protected UserDatabase getUserDatabase(HttpServletRequest request) {
    return (UserDatabase) servlet.getServletContext(  ).getAttribute(

This method retrieves the UserDatabase from the servlet context, placed there by the MemoryDatabasePlugin. This is the kind of dependency that Spring was made to handle. Since the UserDatabase is a Spring-managed object, you can replace this method, which requires the servlet request, with a common property getter method. The getter method returns the UserDatabase from an instance variable of the the BaseAction. You will create a setter method that sets the value of that instance variable.


Hold the phone! Did I say create an instance variable in a Struts Action? Doesn’t this violate thread safety (see Recipe 6.4)? If you use the DelegatingActionProxy shown here, you don’t need to worry about thread safety for the Actions. Spring will create a new Action instance for every request; alleviating thread-safety concerns.

Spring calls the setter method when an Action instance is created. Subclasses of the BaseAction call the getter method to retrieve the UserDatabase. Each Action that needs the UserDatabase is configured with this dependency via a Spring configuration file. The complete applicationContext-struts.xml file with the new entries for each Action is shown in Example 10-19.

Example 10-19. Spring configuration including Actions
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


    <bean  id="userDatabase" 
        <property name="pathname">

    <bean name="/Welcome" 
        <property name="userDatabase">
            <ref bean="userDatabase"/>

    <bean name="/SaveSubscription" 
        <property name="userDatabase">
            <ref bean="userDatabase"/>

    <bean name="/SaveRegistration" 
        <property name="userDatabase">
            <ref bean="userDatabase"/>
    <bean name="/SubmitLogon" 
        <property name="userDatabase">
            <ref bean="userDatabase"/>


The last step is to change the action elements in the struts-config.xml file to use the DelegatingActionProxy instead of the Actions directly. For example, here’s the new action mapping for the /SubmitLogon path. The only thing that changed was the type attribute, which refers to the Spring-provided DelegatingActionProxy:

<action  path="/SubmitLogon"
    <exception key="expired.password"

Once you understand how Spring works, it makes programming easier. In fact, it’s probably harder to convert existing code to use Spring than writing new code. When you write new Actions and business services, you won’t need to worry about breaking out dependencies like you had to do with the UserDatabase in this recipe. Most of your objects will be plain-old-Java-objects (POJOs) that won’t have any hardcoded dependencies on other objects. You wire your objects together in your spring-beans.xml file, and you’re ready.

See Also

The original web site for the Struts Spring plug-in can be found at For the latest on the Spring framework, including its built-in support for Struts, go to

10.7. Loading XML Data into Your Application


You want an easy way to load XML data into application-scoped objects when your application starts up.


Use the DigestingPlugIn provided in Struts 1.2.

First, decide on the class that will represent the data. If the data will be used in drop-down lists, a convenient option is to use use the Struts-provided LabelValueBean (org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean). Next, create the XML-formatted datafile. The struts-example includes a file called server-types.xml that represents types of electronic mail server types:

    <lv-bean label="IMAP Protocol" value="imap" />
    <lv-bean label="POP3 Protocol" value="pop3" />

Create the rules file that controls how the Digester will parse the data into objects. The lvb-digester-rules.xml file shown in Example 10-20, from the struts-example, specifies the parsing rules to create an ArrayList of LabelValueBeans from the server-types.xml file.

Example 10-20. Label value bean Digester rules
    <object-create-rule pattern="lv-beans" 
    <pattern value="lv-beans/lv-bean">
        <object-create-rule classname="org.apache.struts.util.
        LabelValueBean" />
        <set-properties-rule />
        <set-next-rule methodname="add" />

Finally, add a plug-in declaration to your struts-config.xml for each file to be parsed and loaded:

<plug-in className="org.apache.struts.plugins.DigestingPlugIn">
    <set-property property="key" 
    <set-property property="configPath" 
    <set-property property="digesterPath" 

You can now access the data from an Action or JSP page. The DigestingPlugIn stores the data as a servlet context attribute where the attribute name is the value of the key property.


The DigestingPlugIn, a new feature of Struts 1.2, provides an easy way to load static, XML-formatted lookup data into the servlet context. The struts-example application, included with the Struts 1.2 source distribution, uses this plug-in. The examples shown in the Solution are taken from the struts-example. If the data you are loading will be used in drop-down lists, you can store the data as a List of LabelValueBeans. In fact, you can use the lvb-digester-rules.xml shown in Example 10-20 to load any set of XML data that conforms to the following format:

    <lv-bean label="
" />
    <lv-bean label="
" />
    <lv-bean label="
" />

But you are by no means limited to this format. Using custom Digester rules, you can translate any XML file into an object representation. For example, suppose that you wanted to keep a list of Canadian provinces, including province capitals and date established as an application-scoped object. The object that you want to hold data about each province in is shown in Example 10-21.

Example 10-21. Value object for a province
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

public class Province {
    public String getCapital( ) {
        return capital;
    public void setCapital(String capital) { = capital;
    public int getEstablished( ) {
        return established;
    public void setEstablished(int established) {
        this.established = established;
    public String getName( ) {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    private String name;
    private String capital;
    private int established;

The XML file, WEB-INF/canadian-provinces.xml, containing the data to load is shown in Example 10-22.

Example 10-22. XML InfoSet of Canadian provinces
    <province name="Alberta" capital="Edmonton" 
    <province name="British Columbia" capital="Victoria" 
    <province name="Manitoba" capital="Winnipeg" 
    <province name="New Brunswick" capital="Fredericton" 
    <province name="Newfoundland and Labrador" capital="St. John's"
    <province name="Nova Scotia" capital="Halifax" 
    <province name="Ontario" capital="Toronto" 
    <province name="Prince Edward Island" capital="Charlottetown" 
    <province name="Quebec" capital="Quebec City" 
    <province name="Saskatchewan" capital="Regina" 

You create the Digester rules file that will parse the XML data into objects. The WEB-INF/province-digester-rules.xml file is shown in Example 10-23.

Example 10-23. Digester rules for parsing province list
    <object-create-rule pattern="provinces" 
    <pattern value="provinces/province">
                classname="com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10.Province" />
            <alias attr-name="founded" prop-name="established"/>
        <set-next-rule methodname="add" />

First, the object-create-rule element tells the Digester the type of object to create when it encounters a certain pattern. In this case, when the Digester encounters the provinces element, it creates an ArrayList. The next pattern specifies nested province elements. For each of these, the Digester creates an instance of the Province class.

The Digester uses the values of XML attributes to set object property values. The set-properties-rule element defines how XML attributes map to object properties. Unless specified, the Digester maps attributes to properties based on name. If you have an XML attribute with a different name than its corresponding object property, the alias element explicitly defines the mapping. In Example 10-23, all of the attribute names of the province element match the property names of the Province class (except for the founded attribute, which maps to the established property).

You configure the DigestingPlugIn by setting properties that define the servlet context key for the created object, the location of the XML datafile, and the location of the Digester rules file. Table 10-1 shows the properties you can set on the DigestingPlugIn.

Table 10-1. DigestingPlugIn configuration properties


The name of the servlet context attribute that the created object will be stored under.


Indicates how the configPath is interpreted. Accepted values are:


The configPath is relative to the classpath and will be resolved by the web application’s ClassLoader. Practically, this means the file will be stored under the WEB-INF/classes directory.


The configPath is relative to the filesystem, typically meaning that the path will be relative to the directory from with the application server was run. If you are running Tomcat, for example, the path will be relative to ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin.


The configPath is relative to the servlet context. This source can be used when loading the data from a URL. In practice, this allows the file to be collocated with the other configuration files stored in the WEB-INF directory.

The value defaults to servlet if not specified.


Path to the datafile to be loaded. This value is resolved based on the setting for the configSource element.


Indicates how the digesterPath is interpreted. Accepted values are:


The digesterPath is relative to the classpath and will be resolved by the web application’s ClassLoader. Practically, this means the file will be stored under the WEB-INF/classes directory.


The digesterPath is relative to the filesystem, typically meaning the path will be relative to the directory from with the application server was run. If you are running Tomcat, for example, the path will be relative to ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin.


The digesterPath is relative to the servlet context. This source can be used when loading the data from a URL. In practice, this allows the file to be collocated with the other configuration files stored in the WEB-INF directory.

The value defaults to servlet if not specified.


Path to the XML datafile containing the Digester rules. This value is resolved based on the setting for the digesterSource element.

The loaded data can be accessed from the application-scope. For example, the html:optionsCollection tag can be used to set the label and value for a drop-down as shown in this snippet from the subscription.jsp file of the struts-example:

<html:select property="type">
    <html:options collection="serverTypes" property="value"

See Also

Recipe 10.8 demonstrates how to use the Digester to refresh application-scoped data on demand.

The JavaDocs for the DigestingPlugIn can be found at

The homepage for the Digester can be found at

O’Reilly’s has a good article called “Learning and Using Jakarta Digester” by Phillip K. Janert, Ph.D. at

10.8. Refreshing Application Data


You want the ability to refresh application-scoped objects cached in the servlet context.


Provide an interface, such as the one shown in Example 10-24, which indicates if an object can be refreshed.

Example 10-24. Interface used to refresh cached objects
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

 * An object that can be refreshed from its original source.
public interface Refreshable {

    public void refresh( ) throws CacheException;

Create an Action, such as the one shown in Example 10-25, which refreshes objects in the servlet context. Alternatively, you could create a base Action that provides a protected method for refreshing a named object. This may be necessary to avoid chaining to the ContextRefreshAction whenever you need to refresh data.

Example 10-25. Context refresh action
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

import java.util.Enumeration;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;

public class ContextRefreshAction extends Action {

    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws Exception {
        String name = request.getParameter("name");
        ServletContext ctx = servlet.getServletContext( );
        if (name != null && !"".equals(name)) {
            refreshObject(name, ctx);
        else {
            Enumeration names = ctx.getAttributeNames( );
            while (names.hasMoreElements( )) {
                name = (String) names.nextElement( );
                refreshObject(name, ctx);
        return mapping.findForward("success");
    private void refreshObject(String name, ServletContext ctx) 
            throws CacheException {
        Object obj = ctx.getAttribute(name);
        if (obj != null && obj instanceof Refreshable) {
            ((Refreshable) obj).refresh( );            


Action chaining should be avoided in a Struts application. For an explanation, see Sidebar 6-1 in Chapter 6.

You can define an action in your struts-config.xml file for the ContextRefreshAction:

<action    path="/ContextRefresh"
    <forward name="success" path="/index.jsp"/>


The Solution shows a flexible approach for refreshing application-scoped data. The Refreshable interface indicates if an object can be refreshed and provides a method that implementers use to reload cached data.

You need to use the Solution if the data in question isn’t cached by some other mechanism. Data backed by a database or persistence layer is probably cached. For these data, it’s better to access the data and not worry about caching.

For data not backed by persistence layer—for example, a flat file of Java properties or XML-formatted information—it’s common to store those data in the servlet context. The data can be retrieved via the Servlet API or JSP tags. Data can be loaded into the servlet context using a ServletContextListener (Recipe 7.1) or a Struts PlugIn (Recipe 2-1). If the data seldom changes and you don’t mind periodic application restarts, then bouncing the application will reload the data from its original source.

On the other hand, if the data may change more frequently and you don’t want to restart the application, then you can use a mechanism such as the one shown in the Solution. To illustrate how this interface would be used, you can apply the Solution to the data loaded by the DigestingPlugIn shown in Recipe 10.7.

The basic approach is to provide a class that knows how to refresh itself using the Digester. First, create the RefreshableList abstract base class shown in Example 10-26.

Example 10-26. Abstract refreshable list
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

import java.util.*;

public abstract class RefreshableList implements Refreshable, List {

    public void add(int arg0, Object arg1) {
        backingList.add(arg0, arg1);
    public boolean add(Object arg0) {
        return backingList.add(arg0);
    public boolean addAll(Collection arg0) {
        return backingList.addAll(arg0);
    public boolean addAll(int arg0, Collection arg1) {
        return backingList.addAll(arg0, arg1);
    public void clear( ) {
        backingList.clear( );
    public boolean contains(Object arg0) {
        return backingList.contains(arg0);
    public boolean containsAll(Collection arg0) {
        return backingList.containsAll(arg0);
    public Object get(int arg0) {
        return backingList.get(arg0);
    public int indexOf(Object arg0) {
        return backingList.indexOf(arg0);
    public boolean isEmpty( ) {
        return backingList.isEmpty( );
    public Iterator iterator( ) {
        return backingList.iterator( );
    public int lastIndexOf(Object arg0) {
        return backingList.lastIndexOf(arg0);
    public ListIterator listIterator( ) {
        return backingList.listIterator( );
    public ListIterator listIterator(int arg0) {
        return backingList.listIterator(arg0);
    public Object remove(int arg0) {
        return backingList.remove(arg0);
    public boolean remove(Object arg0) {
        return backingList.remove(arg0);
    public boolean removeAll(Collection arg0) {
        return backingList.removeAll(arg0);
    public boolean retainAll(Collection arg0) {
        return backingList.retainAll(arg0);
    public Object set(int arg0, Object arg1) {
        return backingList.set(arg0, arg1);
    public int size( ) {
        return backingList.size( );
    public List subList(int arg0, int arg1) {
        return backingList.subList(arg0, arg1);
    public Object[] toArray( ) {
        return backingList.toArray( );
    public Object[] toArray(Object[] arg0) {
        return backingList.toArray(arg0);
    protected List backingList;

This class decorates the List interface with the Refreshable interface. The only abstract method is refresh( ). You can extend this class to provide different ways of refreshing list contents. An implementation that uses the Digester is shown in Example 10-27.

Example 10-27. Using the Digester to refresh a list
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.digester.Digester;
import org.apache.commons.digester.xmlrules.DigesterLoader;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

public class DigestedList extends RefreshableList {

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DigestedList.class);

    public DigestedList(List list, URL sourceUrl, URL rulesUrl) {
        this.sourceUrl = sourceUrl;
        this.rulesUrl = rulesUrl;
        this.backingList = list;

    public synchronized void refresh( ) throws CacheException {
        Digester digester = DigesterLoader.createDigester(rulesUrl);
        try {
            List list = (List) digester.parse(sourceUrl.openStream( ));
            if (list != null) 
                backingList = list;
            else {
                log.error("Returned list was null due to unknown error");
                throw new CacheException("Backing list was null.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Unable to redigest list.", e);
            throw new CacheException("Unable to redigest list.");

    private URL sourceUrl;
    private URL rulesUrl;

This class maintains instance variables for the original URL of the data source file and the URL of the Digester rules used to parse the source file. In the refresh( ) method, an instance of a Digester is created. The data in the source file is parsed, and the results are cast into a java.util.List. If the returned data is null or any other exception occurs, a CacheException is thrown.

Now that you have the classes that implement the Refreshable interface, you need to create a mechanism for loading the data on the application startup. The DigestingListPlugIn in Example 10-28 extends the DigestingPlugIn for the purpose of creating refreshable lists and storing them in the servlet context. It overrides storeGeneratedObject()to provide this functionality.

Example 10-28. Plug-in for reloading a Digester-based refreshable list
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.struts.plugins.DigestingPlugIn;

public class DigestingListPlugin extends DigestingPlugIn {

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DigestingPlugIn.class);

    public DigestingListPlugin( ) {

    protected void storeGeneratedObject(Object obj) {
        if (!(obj instanceof List)) 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Digested object must be a list but is:"+obj);
        List list = (List) obj;
        URL sourceUrl =  null;
        URL rulesUrl =  null;
        try {
            sourceUrl = getConfigURL(configPath, configSource);
            rulesUrl = getConfigURL(digesterPath, digesterSource);
            DigestedList digestedList = new DigestedList(list, 
                                                         rulesUrl );
            servlet.getServletContext( ).setAttribute(key, digestedList);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Unable to create URL.", e);

You configure a DigestingListPlugIn plug-in in the struts-config.xml file like the DigestingPlugIn:

<plug-in className="com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch10.DigestingListPlugIn">
    <set-property property="key" 
    <set-property property="configSource" 
    <set-property property="configPath" 
    <set-property property="digesterPath" 

To see the refreshable lists in action, you need to modify the data source. You can modify the file using a text editor, the hard part is finding the file. The DigestingListPlugIn, like the DigestingPlugIn (Recipe 10.7), uses the configSource property to treat the data source file (identified by the configPath property) as relative to the classpath (classpath), the filesystem (file), or the web application context (servlet). The default value is servlet. If you were to deploy the Solution to Tomcat 5, you would find the file located at $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/jsc-ch10/WEB-INF/server-types.xml. Once you modify the file, you can use your browser to post a request to a URL that triggers the ContextRefreshAction:


If you wanted only to refresh a specific object, you can specify it by name:


Now that you’ve got a generic mechanism for refreshing data, you can extend this mechanism for reloading property files, comma-separated value files, and other types.

See Also

The subject of caching data comes up often on the struts-user mailing list. If you search the archives for caching, you will find a number of threads related to this topic.

The DigestingPlugIn is specifically discussed in Recipe 10.7.

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