Chapter 3. User Interface


Face it: you can create the most architecturally pure, elegant, and robust web application, but if the users don’t like the looks of the interface, you are doomed to failure. Some Java developers consider themselves above the use of such mundane technologies as HTML and JavaScript. Whether you like it or not, however, knowledge of these technologies—particularly HTML—can make all the difference when it comes to presentation and usability. If you don’t know how to use them to your advantage, you will find it challenging for your application to be endorsed by the user community.

This chapter will introduce some recipes to help you get the most out of your application’s presentation. The recipes here don’t eliminate the need for a good graphics/user interface designer. However, they do go a long way in helping you leverage HTML via the dynamic capability of Struts. In addition, this chapter will provide alternative solutions based on complementary technologies, such as JSTL.

Some scenarios when working with HTML forms are always challenging. Checkboxes, for example, cause no end of headaches because of the way that unchecked controls are handled. This chapter includes a recipe that specifically tackles this problem. Another common issue in form processing is how to handle date fields. There are many ways to do them and they all have their pros and cons. A recipe that highlights these different approaches is included in this chapter as well.

You’ll find various other recipes that address issues such as setting form tab order, generating URLs for use in JavaScript, and working with frames. All in all, if you’ve got a user interface problem, there is a good chance that you’ll find some help in these pages.

3.1. Using JSTL


You want to use the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) tags in your Struts application.


Download the Jakarta Taglibs JSTL reference implementation from Copy the jstl.jar and standard.jar files from the lib folder into your applications WEB-INF/lib folder. Then copy the c.tld, fmt.tld, sql.tld, and x.tld files from the tlds folder into your applications WEB-INF/lib folder.

Use the appropriate taglib directives on JSP pages where you want to use JSTL:

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

Table 3-1 lists the JSTL tag libraries and the corresponding URIs.


JSTL is a powerful set of tag libraries that should be a part of any Struts developer’s toolkit. JSTL contains tags for outputting JavaBean properties, looping, conditional logic, and URL formatting. There are tags for formatting and parsing dates and numbers. The XML tag library can be used to parse and process XML on a JSP page. The tags of the SQL tag library interact with a relational database. The Functions tag library provides useful functions that can be used in expressions, primarily for string manipulation.

By far the most important of these to have in your bag of developer tricks is the Core tag library. This library contains tags that can be used instead of many of the Struts bean logic tags. Why would you want to use these tags instead of the Struts tags? The answer is a practical one: These tags are more powerful and easier to use than the Struts tags. Make no mistake, however; the folks on the Struts project are not offended by this. Quite the contrary. JSTL has allowed Struts to focus on what it does best: providing the controller glue for robust JSP-based web applications.

Take a look at how you would implement a loop and display output using JSTL tags compared to the Struts tags. First, here’s the Struts version:

    <logic:iterate id="cust" name="branch" property="customers">
            <bean:write name="cust" property="lastName"/>, 
            <bean:write name="cust" property="firstName"/>

In JSTL, this becomes a lot simpler:

    <c:forEach var="cust" items="${branch.customers}">
            <c:out value="${cust.lastName}, ${cust.firstName}"/>

The cool part is that you don’t have to choose one over the other. JSTL tags can be introduced into an application as you learn it. The JSP Expression Language (EL) enables easy access to data in ActionForms and objects available in the various JSP scopes (page, request, session, and application). The hardest decision you will have to make is not whether to use JSTL, but which version of JSTL to use. If you are using a JSP 2.0/Servlet 2.4 container such as Tomcat 5, you should use JSTL 1.1. Otherwise, you’ll need to use JSTL 1.0.

Throughout this book, where appropriate, JSTL examples will be provided along with the pure Struts-based examples. In many cases, examples are provided that use the capabilities of both Struts and JSTL.

See Also

Recipe 3.2 shows how you can use EL expressions with the Struts tags. JavaServer Pages by Hans Bergsten (O’Reilly) covers JSTL in great detail and is an invaluable source. Sun provides an excellent tutorial on JSTL that can be found at

I’ve created a handy quick reference guide for JSTL. This guide can be found in PDF format at

3.2. Using the Struts-EL Tags


You want to be able to use JSTL expressions for attribute values on Struts tags.


Use the tag libraries supplied with the Struts distribution in the contrib/struts-el/lib directory. You will need to copy all the JAR and TLD files from this directory to your application’s WEB-INF/lib directory. Use the appropriate taglib directives on JSP pages where you want to use expressions:

<%@ taglib uri="" 
        prefix="html-el" %>

Table 3-2 lists the Struts-EL tag libraries and the corresponding taglib URIs.


JSTL-style expressions, such as ${[4].baz}, are not supported by the base Struts tags. For example, it would be nice if you could format a tag using an expression like the following:

<html:text value="${[3]}"/>

Instead, these tags require runtime expressions, which is just Java code:


Getting the Java code out of your JSP pages makes your pages less brittle and more maintainable. This lack of EL support was identified and the Struts-EL tag libraries were created. These libraries extend the html, bean, and logic Struts tag libraries to add support for EL expressions. If an attribute of a Struts tag supports a runtime expression, the corresponding Struts-EL tag will allow a JSTL expression. It is possible to use the regular Struts tags and the Struts-EL tags in the same application and even on the same JSP page. Just be sure to define unique prefixes in the taglib directive for each library.

The Struts-EL tags are not a replacement, however, for JSTL. The Struts-EL tags only provide unique tags for Struts. If a Struts tag can be replaced by a JSTL tag, that tag is not implemented in the Struts-EL tag libraries.

See Also

Recipe 3.1 details how to configure your application to use JSTL.

3.3. Displaying Indexed Properties


On a JSP page, you need to access data from an indexed property of an object.


Use[ index ] to access the indexed value, as shown in Example 3-1.

Example 3-1. Accessing indexed properties
<@taglib uri=" prefix="bean"%>

  <li><bean:write name="foo" property="bar.baz[0]"/></li>
  <li><bean:write name="foo" property="bar.baz[1]"/></li>
  <li><bean:write name="foo" property="bar.baz[2]"/></li>

JSTL supports access to indexed properties, as shown in Example 3-2.

Example 3-2. Accessing indexed properties (JSTL)
<@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>

  <li><c:out value="${[0]}"/></li>
  <li><c:out value="${[1]}"/></li>
  <li><c:out value="${[1]}"/></li>


Indexed properties are one of the most misunderstood aspects of the Struts tags. An indexed property is a JavaBean property that represents a set of values, not a single scalar value. Indexed properties are accessed using a getter method of the following form:

public Foo getSomeProperty (int index) { ... }

Likewise, indexed properties are set using a setter method of this form:

public void setFoo(int index, Foo someProperty) { ... }

Consider a JavaBean representing a calendar. The CalendarHolder class shown in Example 3-3 has a nested property representing the months in a calendar named monthSet.

Example 3-3. Calendar JavaBean
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk;

public class CalendarHolder {
    private MonthSet monthSet;

    public CalendarHolder( ) {
        monthSet = new MonthSet( );
    public MonthSet getMonthSet( ) {
        return monthSet;

The MonthSet class, shown in Example 3-4, is a class that has an indexed property, month representing the month names (“January,” “February,” and so forth).

Example 3-4. Class with indexed property
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk;

public class MonthSet {
    static String[] months = new String[] {
            "January", "February", "March", "April",
              "May", "June", "July", "August",
              "September", "October", "November", "December"
    public String[] getMonths( ) {
        return months;

    public String getMonth(int index) {
        return months[index];
    public void setMonth(int index, String value) {
        months[index] = value;

The goal is to access the indexed property month of the monthSet property of the CalendarHolder instance in a JSP page as shown in the following snippet from a JSP:

<jsp:useBean id="calendar" class="com.oreilly.strutsckbk.CalendarHolder"/>

    <li><bean:write name="calendar" property="monthSet.month[0]"/></li>
    <li><bean:write name="calendar" property="monthSet.month[1]"/></li>
    <li><bean:write name="calendar" property="monthSet.month[2]"/></li>    

If the specific indexed property to display was determined dynamically—that is, the index to use was set using a JSP scripting variable—you would need to use scriptlet to generate the property value as follows:

You have selected month number <bean:write name="monthIndex"/>: 
<bean:write name="calendar" 
        property='<%= "monthSet.month[" + monthIndex + "]" %>'

Using the scriptlet approach makes for an extremely hard to read and even harder to maintain JSP page. If you were using JSTL, however, this becomes much cleaner:

You have selected month number <c:out value="${monthIndex}"/>: 

                  <c:out value="${calendar.monthSet.month[monthIndex]}"/>

More commonly, indexed properties are accessed dynamically in a loop. Say you want to display the list of months using the Struts logic:iterate tag. This tag iterates over Collections and arrays. Here’s how you would display all the months in an ordered list:

<logic:iterate id="monthName" name="calendar" property="monthSet.months">
    <li><bean:write name="monthName"/></li>

Again, JSTL can be used as an alternative. The JSTL c:forEach tag is a bit easier to use than the Struts logic:iterate tag. Here’s how you would generate the same ordered list using JSTL:

<c:forEach var="monthName" items="${calendar.monthSet.months}">
    <li><c:out name="${monthName}"/></li>

See Also

Problems come in when you need to create form fields that correspond to indexed properties using the Struts html tags. Recipe 3.4 addresses these particular issues. Recipe 3.5 provides more details on using indexed properties in JSTL looping constructs.

3.4. Using Indexed Properties on Forms


You want to create a set of input fields on a form that corresponds to the indexed properties of a bean.


Use the indexed attribute on tags in the Struts html tag library to generate the property value:

<html:form action="TestOneAction"><p>
  <logic:iterate name="MyForm" property="stringArray" 
                   id="stringValue" indexId="ctr">
    <html:text property="stringArray" indexed="true"/>


As shown in Recipe 3.3, accessing indexed properties for display purposes is easy. However, using indexed properties in a form can be tricky. If the name of the generated input field is not formatted correctly, Struts can’t populate the ActionForm when the HTML form is submitted. Struts populates the ActionForm with values from the HTTP request using the Jakarta Commons BeanUtils package. Specifically, the BeanUtils.populate( ) method loads the ActionForm from the HTTP request data sent when the form is submitted.

For indexed properties, BeanUtils.populate( ) uses the name of the request parameter to determine the proper setter method to call on the ActionForm. Table 3-3 illustrates how different form input field names are processed. The table shows the HTML tag, the corresponding HTTP request name/value pair, and the method that is called on the ActionForm when the request is processed.

Table 3-3. ActionForm population samples

HTML form input tag

Generated request pair

Resulting method call

<input type="text" name="bar">



<input type="text" name="sna.fug">


Form.getSna( ).setFug("blah");

<input type="text" name="baz[0]">



<input type="text" name="glub[1].waf">



<input type="text" name="dog.leg[2]">


Form.getDog( ).setLeg(2, "lame");

Consider a form that allows a user to enter a list of favorite things such as colors and web sites. The ActionForm to hold this data contains a String property for the user’s name, a String array representing the user’s favorite colors, and a List of WebLink objects representing the user’s favorite web sites. The WebLink class, shown in Example 3-5, defines a simple JavaBean with properties for the site name and URL.

Example 3-5. WebLink JavaBean
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk;

public class WebLink {
    public String getName( ) {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    public String getUrl( ) {
        return url;
    public void setUrl(String url) {
        this.url = url;
    private String url;
    private String name;

The form bean, FavoritesForm, containing properties for the user’s name, favorite colors, and favorite links is shown in Example 3-6.

Example 3-6. FavoritesForm form bean
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;

public final class FavoritesForm extends ActionForm  {
    public FavoritesForm( ) {
        webLinks = new ArrayList( );
        for (int i=0; i<5; i++) webLinks.add(new WebLink( )); 
        colors = new String[3];
    public String getName( ) {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    public String getColor(int index) {
        return colors[index];
    public void setColor(int index, String color) {
        colors[index] = color;
    public String[] getColor( ) {
        return colors;
    public List getWebLinks( ) {
        return webLinks;
    public WebLink getWebLink(int index) {
        return (WebLink)webLinks.get(index);
    public void setWebLink(int index, WebLink webLink) {
        webLinks.set(index, webLink);
    public void reset( ) {
        webLinks.clear( );
        colors = new String[3];
    private List webLinks;
    private String name;        
    private String[] colors;    

Now you can create a JSP page (favorites.jsp) that allows a user to input corresponding data on a form, as shown in Example 3-7.

Example 3-7. FavoritesForm JSP
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

<html:html locale="true">
<title><bean:message key="index.title"/></title>
<body bgcolor="white">
<h2>Favorites Poll</h2>
<html:form action="/admin/ViewFavorites">
        What is your name:
        <br/><html:text property="name"/>
        What are your three favorite colors:
        <br/><html:text property="color[0]"/>
        <br/><html:text property="color[1]"/>
        <br/><html:text property="color[2]"/>
      What are your favorite links?
            <td><html:text property="webLink[0].name"/></td>
            <td><html:text property="webLink[0].url"/></td>

Since the index values in Example 3-7 are hardcoded and not dynamic, the html:text tag property values are easily constructed, so the generated HTML tags have the appropriate name attribute values. However, suppose you wanted to use the logic:iterate tag to generate the repeated input fields. To do this for the color property, you might be tempted to try some JSP code like this:

What are your three favorite colors:
  <logic:iterate name="FavoritesForm" id="theColor">
    <br/><html:text property="color" indexed="true"/>

This will not generate the needed HTML markup. The indexed attribute applies an index (i.e., [n]) to the value specified for the name attribute of the particular Struts html tag (in this case, html:text). If you were to deploy a JSP using the snippet above, the generated HTML would look something like the following:

What are your three favorite colors:
<br/><input type="text" name="org.apache.struts.taglib.html.
BEAN[0].color" value="[Ljava.lang.String;@5f1ba8">
<br/><input type="text" name="org.apache.struts.taglib.html.
BEAN[1].color" value="[Ljava.lang.String;@5f1ba8">
<br/><input type="text" name="org.apache.struts.taglib.html.
BEAN[2].color" value="[Ljava.lang.String;@5f1ba8">

The index is not applied to the value for the property. Instead, the value is applied to the internal Struts name for the form bean. Additionally, the value attribute contains the results of calling toString( ) on the array, and not a specific element in the array.

What this means in the long run is that the indexed attribute is useful when you need to set a nested simple property of an indexed property that is a complex object—e.g., a JavaBean. You can generate the input fields for a non-nested property in a logic:iterate tag, but you must resort to scriptlet to generate the array index:

What are your three favorite colors:
  <logic:iterate name="FavoritesForm" id="theColor" indexId="ctr">
    <br/><html:text property='<%="color["+ctr+"]"%>'/>

Suppose you wanted to use the logic:iterate tag to generate input fields for the favorite links (the WebLink objects). In this case, the indexed attribute will do exactly what you want:

What are your favorite links?
  <logic:iterate id="webLink" name="FavoritesForm" property="webLinks">
      <td><html:text name="webLink" property="name" indexed="true"/></td>
      <td><html:text name="webLink" property="url" indexed="true"/></td>

Using the indexed attribute with the html tag library can be confusing. This confusion generally stems from the name attribute’s new importance. In most cases, when using the html tags, the name attribute can be left off as the value will be based on the form-bean that is declared for the action mapping. However, when using the indexed attribute, the name attribute refers to the nested indexed property of the corresponding ActionForm.

Going back to the problem with the color property, you have alternatives other than using scriptlet. You can use the Struts html-el tags or JSTL. Both of these alternatives essentially do the same thing as the scriptlet, but they do so using EL (expression language). The cleanest approach utilizes the html-el tags:

What are your three favorite colors:
  <logic:iterate name="FavoritesForm" id="theColor" indexId="ctr">
    <br/><html-el:text property='color[${ctr}]>'/>

If you prefer JSTL, you can generate the required input tag directly instead of using the Struts html tags:

What are your three favorite colors:
<logic:iterate id="color" name="FavoritesForm" property="color" indexId="ctr"> 
  <br/><input type="text" name="color[<c:out value='${ctr}'/>]"
                  value="<c:out value='${FavoritesForm.color[ctr]}'/>"/>

This JSTL version is about as ugly as the original version using scriptlet. In addition, since neither the Struts html:text nor html-el:text tag is used, the HTML input tag’s value attribute must be explicitly coded. If you were to use the Struts html:text tag, the value would be set automatically.


The Struts-EL tags extend the Struts base tags but are not part of the Struts core. Bug fixes and new features for the base Struts tag take time to find their way to the Struts-EL tags.

See Also

Recipe 3.3 discusses techniques to use when displaying values from indexed properties outside of a form. Recipe 3.5 discusses how to use indexed properties in a JSTL c:forEach loop.

The BeanUtils package of the Jakarta Commons project defines how the indexed properties are resolved. The package description provides additional details and can be found at

3.5. Using Indexed Properties in a JSTL Loop


You want to use indexed bean properties with the Struts html tags in a JSTL c:forEach loop instead of Struts logic:iterate loop.


To create fields for a simple indexed property, use the bean:define tag to expose the loop counter as a scripting variable that can be used in a runtime expression:

<c:forEach var="theItem" items="${MyForm.myItems}" varStatus="loopStatus">
  <bean:define id="itemIndex">
    <c:out value="${loopStatus.index}"/>
  <br/><html:text property='<%="myItem["+itemIndex+"]"%>'/>

If the indexed property is a nested bean and you are using the indexed="true" property, then replace the Struts logic:iterate tag with the JSTL c:forEach:

<c:forEach var="theNestedItem" items="${MyForm.myNestedItems}">
  <br/><html:text name="theNestedItem" 


The c:forEach tag provided by JSTL provides additional functionality and can be easier to use than the logic:iterate tag. The items to loop through can be specified using EL. The JSTL tag permits greater control for looping over a subset of the collection, and details on the loop status are easily obtained. However, as is common to all JSTL tags, no scripting variables are created. As was shown in other recipes in this chapter, runtime expressions may have to be used when dealing with indexed properties. This is particularly true if you are not using the struts-el tag libraries.

The bean:define tag can create a scripting variable from a JSTL-created scoped variables. This bean:define tag creates a new scoped variable and a corresponding scripting variable based on the value taken from the value attribute or the body of the tag. This latter facility provides a useful bridge between JSTL and the Struts tags. In the Solution, the bean:define tag is used to create a variable containing the index to use for accessing the indexed property. You can apply this technique to the form for selecting the favorite colors from Recipe 3.4:

What are your three favorite colors:
<c:forEach var="theColor" items="${FavoritesForm.color}"
    <bean:define id="ctr">
        <c:out value="${loopStatus.index}"/>
    <br/><html:text property='<%="color["+ctr+"]"%>'/>

As shown in Recipe 3.4, you can use the Struts-El tags to eliminate the scriptlet altogether:

What are your three favorite colors:
<c:forEach var="theColor" items="${FavoritesForm.color}" 
  <br/><html-el:text property='color[${ctr}]'/>

If you need to create an HTML input field for the nested property of an object, which is an indexed property, then specify the indexed="true" attribute on the Struts html tags. The usage of the indexed attribute is identical when used in a JSTL c:forEach loop as when using the logic:iterate tag. Here is an example of how this would be done for the Favorite Links portion of the form from Recipe 3-4:

What are your favorite links?
    <c:forEach var="webLink" items="${FavoritesForm.webLinks}">
                <html:text name="webLink" 
                       property="name" indexed="true"/>
                <html:text name="webLink" 
                       property="url" indexed="true"/>

The rendered index values are generated correctly even when using the begin, end, and step attributes to control the loop. The following use of the c:forEach tag demonstrates how to generate input fields for the first and third elements of a collection:

<c:forEach var="webLink" items="${FavoritesForm.webLinks}"
         begin="1" end="3" step="2">
            <html:text name="webLink" property="name" indexed="true"/>
            <html:text name="webLink" property="url" indexed="true"/>

This results in the following generated HTML:

    <td><input type="text" name="webLink[1].name" value=""></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="webLink[1].url" value=""></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="webLink[3].name" value=""></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="webLink[3].url" value=""></td>

For rendering dynamic data in a loop for display, JSTL works well and should be easier to use than the corresponding Struts tags. As you have seen, JSTL has better support for accessing indexed properties than the Struts tags. For example, the following shows how the favorite colors could be displayed:

<c:forEach var="color" items="${favs.color}">
    <li><c:out value="${color}"/></li>

See Also

Recipe 3.4 demonstrates similar usages of indexed properties. You should consult the JSTL documentation if needed. The specification provides additional details on the tags mentioned here. The specification can be found at

3.6. Submitting a Form from an Image


You want the user to be able to submit a form by clicking an image that isn’t contained within the HTML form tags.


Use a link with a JavaScript URL to submit the form:

<html:link href="javascript:document.MyForm.submit(  )">
    <html:img page="/submit-form.gif" 
               alt="Submit" border="0"/> 


Web sites frequently use clickable images instead of HTML submit buttons to trigger form submission. The Struts html:image tag can be used to generate an HTML input type="image" tag that creates such an image. However, with complex HTML layouts, it is not always possible to nest the image within the <form> . . . </form> tags. In some cases, an HTML page may have multiple forms in one section of a page, with the images for submitting the forms in a separate region of the page.

The Solution above can be used to submit a form from an image located outside of the form tags. The image to display is nested in an html:link tag. The link submits the form by executing a line of JavaScript. In the Solution, the JavaScript will submit the form named MyForm. The form name must match the name attribute from the corresponding action element in the struts-config.xml. Here is the HTML that gets generated using the Solution:

<a href="javascript:document.MyForm.submit(  )">
    <img src="/myApp/struts-power.gif"
         border="0" alt="Submit">

Though you could directly use the above HTML markup instead of the Struts html tags, you would lose the features provided by those tags. By using the Struts tags, you don’t have to specify the context name, and you have the ability for the image name and alternate text to be retrieved from a resource bundle (if needed).

Another alternative is to use the onclick attribute of the html:img tag:

<html:img page="/submit-form.gif"
       onclick="document.MyForm.submit( );"
           alt="Submit" border="0"/>

The disadvantage of this approach is that most browsers won’t provide a visual clue that the image is clickable. Since the image is nested in a link, most browsers change the mouse pointer to indicate that the image can be clicked as shown in the Solution.


If you want to ensure that your web application will function for clients that have disabled JavaScript, a conventional submit button should be provided somewhere on the form.

See Also

Recipe 3.9 describes how to submit a form to an alternate URL from the one specified in the form’s action attribute.

3.7. Generating JavaScript on the Fly


You want to generate JavaScript dynamically using data retrieved from your application’s Model.


Use the Struts tags to render data within the JavaScript code just as you would within HTML:

<script language="JavaScript">
    function showMessage(  ) {
        alert( "Hello, <bean:write name='myForm' property='name'/>!" );


The Solution above generates a JavaScript function that pops up a message box with the text “Hello, name!” The value for name is generated using the bean:write tag. The Solution shows how the Struts tags can be used to create JavaScript just as easily as they create HTML.


JSTL can be used in the same manner.

While this solution seems obvious, it is surprising how many times this question comes up. Often the question is posed as, “How do I call a JavaScript function in HTML from Struts?” Technically, you can’t call a JavaScript function on an HTML page from Struts. Struts—and the underlying JSP technology—runs on the server-side. JavaScript, in contrast, is processed by the browser on the client-side. However, with the dynamic generation capabilities of Struts as shown in the Solution, you can approximate this behavior.

Another important concept that this recipe hinges on is the JSP translation process. A JSP page is composed of JSP declarations, standard JSP tags (such as jsp:useBean), custom JSP tags (such as the Struts and JSTP tags), runtime expressions, and scriptlets. Everything else in the page is template text. The template text is anything that isn’t processed as part of the JSP translation. People commonly think of template text as the HTML markup, but it is JavaScript or any other non-JSP processed text. The JSP translator does not care what form the template text takes. Therefore, you can as easily generate text into a JavaScript function as you can into an HTML element.


If you are using JSP documents to generate well-formed XHTML, then dynamic JavaScript template text must be specified using a combination of jsp:text elements and CDATA sections. See Hans Bergsten’s ONJava article at for more details.

The Solution presents a simple scenario. If the model data being accessed require the use of complex JavaScript data structures, such as Arrays, you could use iteration tags such as logic:iterate and c:forEach to populate those structures.

See Also

Recipe 3.8 uses iteration tags to generate client-side JavaScript arrays.

3.8. Dynamically Changing Select Options Using JavaScript


You want to use JavaScript to dynamically change the items displayed in an HTML select element based on data retrieved from your application’s model.


Use the Struts logic:iterate tag to create JavaScript arrays for the different option sets. Then use a JavaScript onchange event handler to change the options set at runtime. Example 3-8 shows a complete JSP page where the JavaScript arrays are dynamically created using Struts tags. The changeOptions event handler function resets the options for the select control using the JavaScript arrays.

Example 3-8. Generating DHTML using Struts
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>

    <title>Struts - JavaScript Example</title>
    <script language="JavaScript">
        // Create the array for the first set of options
        fooArray = new Array( );
        <logic:iterate id="fooValue" indexId="ctr" 
                     name="MyForm"  property="fooList">
            fooArray[<bean:write name="ctr"/>] = 
                new Option("<bean:write name='fooValue'/>",
                           "<bean:write name='fooValue'/>",
                           false, false);

        // Create the array for the second set of options
        barArray = new Array( );
        <logic:iterate id="barValue" indexId="ctr" 
                     name="MyForm"  property="barList">
            fooArray[<bean:write name="ctr"/>] = 
                new Option("<bean:write name='barValue'/>",
                           "<bean:write name='barValue'/>",
                           false, false);

        function changeOptions(var control) {       
            // control is the triggering control
            // baz is the select control
            baz = document.MyForm.baz;

            if (control.value == 'Foo') 
                bazArray = fooArray;
                bazArray = barArray;

            for (i=0; i < bazArray.length; i++)
               baz.options[i] = bazArray[i];
    <html:form name="MyForm" action="processMyForm">
        <html:radio property="fooBar" value="Foo" 
                     onclick="changeOptions(this);"/> Foo<br/>
        <html:radio property="fooBar" value="Bar" 
                     onclick="changeOptions(this);"/> Bar<br/>
        Baz: <html:select property="baz">         


You can use Struts to generate JavaScript as you can use it to generate HTML. Some developers consider JavaScript “evil”; in reality, it’s only “slightly wicked.” Take a pragmatic approach: If JavaScript makes your application better and your users happier, then use it. But, use it in such a way that your business logic stays in the business layer, and not slapped on the web page. Struts helps you do just this.

A concrete example can illustrate this approach. Suppose you want to ask a user to select his favorite programming language and, subsequently, favorite Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the selected language. The language will be chosen using radio buttons, and the IDE will be selected from a drop-down menu. If the language is Java, then the IDE drop-down will display options such as Eclipse, Net Beans, IDEA, etc. If the language is C#, then the drop-down will display Visual Studio and SharpDevelop.

Example 3-9 shows the action form that holds this data.

Example 3-9. ActionForm for favorite language/IDE
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;

public final class MyForm extends ActionForm  {
    private static String[] javaIdes = 
        new String[] {"Eclipse", "IDEA", "JBuilder", 
                       "JDeveloper", "NetBeans"};
    private static String[] csharpIdes = 
        new String[] {"SharpDevelop", "Visual Studio"};
    public String[] getJavaIdes( ) {return javaIdes;}
    public String[] getCsharpIdes( ) {return csharpIdes;}
    public String getLanguage( ) {
        return language;
    public void setLanguage(String language) {
        this.language = language;

    public String getIde( ) {
        return ide;
    public void setIde(String ide) {
        this.ide = ide;
    private String language;
    private String ide;

Example 3-10 shows the JSP (favorite_language.jsp) that renders the input page. This example is similar to the Solution.

Example 3-10. JSP Page using Struts-rendered DTHML
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
  <title>Struts - JavaScript Example</title>
  <script language="JavaScript">
     // Create the array for the first set of options
     javaIdesArray = new Array( );
     <logic:iterate id="ide" indexId="ctr" 
                  name="MyForm"  property="javaIdes">
          javaIdesArray[<bean:write name="ctr"/>] = 
             new Option("<bean:write name='ide'/>",
                        "<bean:write name='ide'/>",
                        false, false);

     // Create the array for the second set of options
     csharpIdesArray = new Array( );
     <logic:iterate id="ide" indexId="ctr" 
                  name="MyForm"  property="csharpIdes">
          csharpIdesArray[<bean:write name="ctr"/>] = 
             new Option("<bean:write name='ide'/>",
                        "<bean:write name='ide'/>",
                        false, false);

     function changeOptions(control) {       
       ideControl = document.MyForm.ide;

       if (control.value == 'Java') 
         ideArray = javaIdesArray;
         ideArray = csharpIdesArray;

       for (i=0; i < ideArray.length; i++)
           ideControl.options[i] = ideArray[i];
  <html:form action="/admin/ViewFavoriteLanguage">
      What's your favorite programming language?<br/>
      <html:radio property="language" value="Java" 
                   onclick="changeOptions(this);"/> Java<br/>
      <html:radio property="language" value="C-Sharp" 
                   onclick="changeOptions(this);"/> C-Sharp<br/>
      <p>What's your favorite development tool?<br/>
      IDE: <html:select property="ide"/>

The script block nested in the head element contains the JavaScript. The logic:iterate tags loop over JavaBean properties to create two JavaScript arrays: one for the Java IDEs and one for the C# IDEs. Each array contains a set of Option JavaScript objects. The Option object represents an option of an HTML select control. This object takes four parameters in the constructor: the text value to display, the value to pass when the form is submitted, a Boolean indicating if the value is the default selected value, and another Boolean indicating if the value is currently selected.

The JavaScript function for changing the options comes after the logic:iterate loop. This function is pure static JavaScript. The radio button that triggers the change is passed as the parameter to the function. If the current value of the radio button control is Java, then the select control is populated with the Option objects representing the Java IDEs. Otherwise, the control is populated with the Option objects representing the C# IDEs.

The HTML body contains the form, rendered using the Struts html tags. The Struts tags support the JavaScript change listeners via the on function attributes. For radio buttons, the onclick listener works well. The single parameter passed to the function, this, is a reference to the HTML radio button. When the page is initially rendered, the display should look something like Figure 3-1.

Form using DHTML and Struts
Figure 3-1. Form using DHTML and Struts

Once you click one of the radio buttons, the options in the drop-down list for the IDE field are populated with the data originally from the form bean. Figure 3-2 shows the display when you click the Java radio button.

Dynamically rendered drop-down menu
Figure 3-2. Dynamically rendered drop-down menu

Similarly, if you click the C-Sharp radio button, the values in the drop-down list change to reflect the values from the corresponding JavaScript array.

JSTL can be used instead of the Struts bean and logic tags. In this case, you use the JSTL c:forEach and c:out tags instead of logic:iterate and bean:write. These tags generate the JavaScript array in the same manner as the Struts tags:

javaIdesArray = new Array(  );
<c:forEach var="ide" varStatus="status" 
   javaIdesArray[<c:out value="${status.index}"/>] = 
   new Option("<c:out value='${ide}'/>",
              "<c:out value='${ide}'/>",
              false, false);

JavaScript programming can be frustrating, particularly for the Java developer used to strong typing and compile-time checks. However, providing this type of dynamic

client-side interaction can lead to a much richer end-user experience.

See Also

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan (O’Reilly) is invaluable when it comes to JavaScript programming. If business logic is required to determine the dynamic data, then Recipe 3.9 provides a better approach.

3.9. Generating Dynamic Select List Options


You want to dynamically change the options displayed in a select element based on a change in another field in the same form, without having to render the set of options in client-side JavaScript.


This problem isn’t about avoiding JavaScript altogether; instead, it shows how to call a Struts action from a client-side JavaScript event listener.


Use an onchange or onclick JavaScript listener to call a JavaScript function that submits the form to a Struts Action. In the Action, perform the necessary business logic to construct a new collection for the select options, and forward control back to the original JSP page. Example 3-11 shows a JSP page that submits the form to an Action when the user clicks a radio button. The value of the radio button is passed to the Action as a request parameter.

Example 3-11. Submitting a form using JavaScript
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
  <title>Struts - JavaScript Example</title>
  <script language="JavaScript">
     function getOptions(control) {
        form = control.form;
        form.action = "";
        form.action += control.value;
        form.submit( );
  <html:form action="ProcessMyForm">
      <html:radio property="someProp1" value="val1" 
                   onclick="getOptions(this);"/> Value 1<br/>
      <html:radio property="language" value="val2" 
                   onclick="getOptions(this);"/> Value 2<br/>
      <html:select property="someProp2">
         <html:optionsCollection property="prop2Values"/>


When the requirements for the dynamic interaction of a web page are driven by business logic, then it’s best to use an Action, not JavaScript, to perform this function. Encoding business rules into JavaScript functions leads to hard-to-maintain, nonreusable code. A better approach is to execute the behavior on the server-side.

This recipe addresses the same problem as described in Recipe 3.8. However, the Solution here doesn’t rely on the incorporation of the data in a JavaScript function. Instead, the function called by the onclick event handler submits the form to a different URL and Action than specified by the form’s action attribute. This alternative URL directs control to an Action whose sole purpose is to determine the new set of options to display in the select control. This Action forwards control back to the original JSP page at which point the drop-down menu is populated based on the new values.

Creating a separate Action for changing the values in an HTML control may seem like overkill. However, the technique demonstrated here provides a flexible solution that puts the full power of the server behind the dynamic HTML. Consider the case where you are computing financial data for one field based on the values from another input field on the same form. The service for performing the calculation should be called by an Action. The Solution shown here works well for this scenario.

For a concrete example, the approach used in Recipe 3.8 will be replaced with the approach detailed in this recipe. This example provides an input form where a user can input information about his favorite programming language and IDE. The options for the IDE are contingent upon the selected programming language. Example 3-12 shows the JSP page (favorite_language2.jsp) that displays the form.

Example 3-12. Submitting a form to an alternate URL
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
  <title>Struts - JavaScript Example</title>
  <script language="JavaScript">
     function getOptions(control) {
        form = control.form;
        form.action = "";
        form.action += control.value;
        form.submit( );
   <html:form action="ViewFavoriteLanguage">
      What's your favorite programming language?<br/>
      <html:radio property="language" value="Java" 
                   onclick="getOptions(this);"/> Java<br/>
      <html:radio property="language" value="C-Sharp" 
                   onclick="getOptions(this);"/> C-Sharp<br/>
      <p>What's your favorite development tool?<br/>
      <html:select property="ide">
         <html:optionsCollection property="ides"/>

The action elements in the struts-config.xml file specifies the URL paths used by the form. The first mapping, /FavoriteLanguage2, specifies the action that forwards to the JSP in Example 3-12. The second mapping, /GetIdeOptions, specifies the action that’s called when the user clicks the radio button. The last mapping, /ViewFavoriteLanguage, specifies the action that processes the form when Submit is pressed:

<action    path="/FavoriteLanguage2"

<action    path="/GetIdeOptions"
     <forward name="success" path="/"/>

<action    path="/ViewFavoriteLanguage"

The last piece of the puzzle is the GetIdeOptionsAction itself, shown in Example 3-13.

Example 3-13. Action for alternate URL
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean;

public final class GetIdeOptionsAction extends Action {

    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
                 ActionForm form,
                 HttpServletRequest request,
                 HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
        MyForm myForm = (MyForm) form;
        String language = myForm.getLanguage( );
        ArrayList ides = new ArrayList( );
        if (language.equals("Java")) {
            ides.add(new LabelValueBean("Net Beans","Net Beans"));
            ides.add(new LabelValueBean("Eclipse", "Eclipse"));
            ides.add(new LabelValueBean("jEdit", "jEdit"));            
        else if (language.equals("C-Sharp")) {
            ides.add(new LabelValueBean("Sharp Develop", "Sharp Develop"));
            ides.add(new LabelValueBean("Visual Studio", "Visual Studio"));
      myForm.setIdes( ides );

        // Forward control to the specified success URI
        return (mapping.findForward("success"));

This class is responsible for retrieving the selected language from MyForm. The Action then sets the collection containing the corresponding IDE names into the form. For simplicity, this Action creates the collections directly. In a real-world application, these values would probably come from the business layer, perhaps from a database. Finally, the Action returns the success forward, looping back to the initial Action.


A consequence of using this approach is that you may need to define the ActionForm to be in session scope. This will allow the main JSP page to reflect the changed data when the form is resubmitted back to the original page from the alternate Action.

For this example, the built-in ForwardAction processes the form, forwarding the request directly to the JSP page. If instead you were using a custom Action, consider extending the DispatchAction and implementing the ancillary action as a method of the DispatchAction. This approach allows you to keep related code together, making the application easier to maintain.

See Also

Recipe 3.8 provides an alternative solution to this problem that utilizes dynamically generated JavaScript arrays. The DispatchAction is covered in Recipe 6-8.

3.10. Filtering Text Input


You want to render data containing HTML tags, and you want that data to be interpreted and processed by the browser as HTML markup.


This is about as simple as it gets:

<bean:write name="myForm" property="freeText" filtered="false"/>

You can allow unfiltered values when using JSTL:

<c:out value="${myForm.freeText}" escapeXml="false"/>


When you use the Struts bean:write tag to generate text, by default any special characters sensitive to HTML processing are replaced with their entity equivalents. For example, the greater than character (>) is replaced with the &gt; character entity. This feature is known as response filtering and is enabled by default. In most cases, the filtering is desired, as an unfiltered response can be misinterpreted by the browser. Table 3-4 shows the characters and the corresponding replacement entities that are filtered by the bean:write tag.

Table 3-4. Filtered characters

Character name

Character value

Replacement entity

Less than



Less than






Double quote





Sometimes, however, you want rendered text to include HTML tags. Suppose you had an online journaling application that allows a user to enter text that will be displayed on a page. Allowing HTML permits the user to use tags that make text appear in bold or italics. The text could contain hyperlinks, different font sizes, and images. In other situations, your application may be retrieving HTML template text from some other source such as another URL, an XML file, a web service, or a database.

By setting the filtered attribute of the bean:write tag to false, you instruct the Struts tag not to replace the special characters with the corresponding entities. First, take a look at how the filtering works. Say a user enters the following text into a form:

Struts <b>rocks</b>!

Now this text is rendered using the bean:write tag. The text with the character entities replacing the special characters—when the filtered attribute is set to true (the default value)—looks like this:

Struts &lt;b&gt;rocks&lt;/b&gt;!

This is most likely not what the user wanted. He wanted it to look something like “Struts rocks!”. However, since the intent was to allow the user to enter embellishing HTML tags, then setting the filtered attribute to false yields the correct rendering:

Struts <b>rocks</b>!

The browser will recognize the tags and apply the HTML markup as desired.

This is a useful mechanism when rendering a web page. However, care must be taken when using this approach. If the data are not filtered, then the layout of the rendered HTML can be compromised, and the entire page could appear mangled. For example, suppose the following text was entered:

Struts <b>rocks<b>!

At first glance, this looks fine. However, notice that the forward slash is missing on what should be the closing b (bold) element. This mistake is easily overlooked, and it could make all the text on the rest of the page appear bolded!

Unfortunately, avoiding this error is difficult. The best you can do is to try to ensure that the entered data is valid HTML. One option is to process the data through an XML parser. This will detect problems such as unbalanced tags. Another alternative is to process the data through a parser that will attempt to fix any errors, such as JTidy. Finally, if the data are coming from an uncontrolled source such as a user, you may want to disallow HTML altogether. If you still want the user to be able to enter text enhancements such as bold and italic, and hyperlinks, then you may want to consider using an alternative form of markup such as WikiText or UBB Code.

See Also

JTidy provides a command-line interface and Java API for parsing and tidying up HTML. Details on JTidy can be found at UBBCode is a markup form natively supported by PHP. It is possible to process UBBCode using Java. A PHP function for parsing UBBCode that could be rewritten in Java can be found at

3.11. Generating a Set of Related Radio Buttons


You want to generate a set of related radio buttons whose values are dynamically based on values retrieved from a Collection.


Expose the set of values for the radio buttons as a Collection that can be iterated over using the logic:iterate tag. The idName attribute of the html:radio tag should be the same as the value of the id attribute of the iterate tag. Use the value attribute of the html:radio tag to specify a property of the idName object. The value of this property will be the value for the generated input type="radio" HTML control:

<logic:iterate id="loopVar" name="MyForm" property="values">
  <html:radio property="beanValue" idName="loopVar" value="value"/>
  <bean:write name="loopVar" property="name"/>
  <br />


Radio buttons are HTML controls in which one button can be selected at a time. Radio buttons are grouped together based on the name attribute of the HTML input tag. Like other HTML form input elements, the label for the control isn’t part of the control itself. Developers label the control however they want using regular text. Typically, radio buttons are labeled with the text to the right of the input tag:

<input type="radio" name="skill" value="1"/> Beginner <br />  
<input type="radio" name="skill" value="2"/> Intermediate <br />  
<input type="radio" name="skill" value="3"/> Advanced <br />

In some cases, the set of radio buttons in a group is dynamic. In other words, the radio buttons to render varies. Say you are taking a poll on programming languages and developer tools using a wizard-style interface. On the first page, you display a set of radio buttons where the poll takers pick their favorite language. On the second page, you present a set of related radio buttons where the poll takers pick their favorite IDE. The set of radio buttons for the IDE choices is dynamic, based on the language chosen on the first page.

First, you need to define the form that will be used to hold the selected language and IDE. Since these are simple String properties, you can use a DynaActionForm:

<form-bean name="DevPollForm" 
  <form-property name="language" type="java.lang.String" />
  <form-property name="ide" type="java.lang.String" />

Next, create the Java class that holds the set of programming languages and corresponding IDEs, as shown in Example 3-14. The values are hardcoded here for demonstration purposes. The Struts LabelValueBean is used to hold the name/value pairs for the data.

Example 3-14. Language choices JavaBean
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk;

import java.util.*;
import org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean;

public class LanguageChoices {
    public LanguageChoices( ) {
        // create the set of languages
        languages = new ArrayList( );

        languageIdeMap = new HashMap( );

        // create the set of Java IDEs
        LabelValueBean[] javaIdes =  new LabelValueBean[] {
                createBean("IDEA") };

        // create the set of C# IDEs
        LabelValueBean[] csharpIdes =  new LabelValueBean[] {
                createBean("Visual Studio") };

        // relate the language and IDEs
        languageIdeMap.put("Java", javaIdes);
        languageIdeMap.put("C#", csharpIdes);                

    private LabelValueBean createBean(String name) {
        return new LabelValueBean(name, name);
    public Map getLanguageIdeMap( ) {
        return languageIdeMap;

    public List getLanguages( ) {
        return languages;

    private List languages;
    private Map languageIdeMap;

The first JSP page (lang_poll_1.jsp), shown in Example 3-15, renders the form containing the radio buttons for the language choice.

Example 3-15. Generating related radio buttons via Struts tags
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
  <title>Struts Cookbook - Developer Poll</title>
   <jsp:useBean id="languageChoices" 
   <html:form action="ProcessLanguageChoice">
      What's your favorite programming language?
      <logic:iterate id="lang" name="languageChoices" property="languages">
         <html:radio property="language" idName="lang" value="value"/>
         &nbsp;<bean:write name="lang" property="label"/><br />
      <html:submit value="Next >>"/>

The LanguageChoices object is placed in application scope using the jsp:useBean standard JSP tag. Alternatively, this object could have been placed in scope using an Action or with a Struts plug-in.

After the bean is instantiated, the form is created. The logic:iterate tag loops over the Language property of the LanguageChoices bean. This property is a java.util.List of org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBeans. The LabelValueBean class mates a String label and a String value. The label is accessed by the label property and the value by the value property. In this example, the label and value are the same. In a real-world application, the value would probably be some sort of identity value, usually different from the displayed text.

The logic:iterate tag exposes each LabelValueBean in the list as a scoped variable specified by the id attribute: "lang“. The html:radio tag creates the actual input type="radio" HTML element. The property attribute identifies the name of the property of the ActionForm that will receive the value of the radio button. The idName attribute identifies the bean that contains the radio button value; in other words, the value exposed by the logic:iterate tag: "lang“.


The idName attribute was added with the release of Struts 1.1. With Struts 1.0, the value for the radio button had to be rendered using a runtime expression:

<html:radio property="language" value="<%= lang.getValue(  ) %>"/>

After creating the radio button, the label for the button is generated using the bean:write tag. This tag is used to render the label property from the LabelValueBean (lang).

Example 3-16 shows the source that is generated from the JSP page in Example 3-15.

Example 3-16. Generated source for lang_poll_1.jsp
  <title>Struts Cookbook - Developer Poll</title>
   <form name="DevPollForm" method="post" 
      What's your favorite programming language?
         <input type="radio" name="language" value="Java">
         &nbsp;Java<br />      
         <input type="radio" name="language" value="C#">
         &nbsp;C#<br />
      <input type="submit" value="Next >>">

The second page of the poll asks the poll taker to choose a favorite IDE. The choices are based on the programming language selected on the first page. Like the first page, the choices are rendered as a set of radio buttons. Though the second page, shown in Example 3-17, is similar to the first page, this page uses a JSTL c:forEach loop.

Example 3-17. Generating related radio buttons via JSTL
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
  <title>Struts Cookbook - Developer Poll</title>
   Favorite Language: <b><c:out value="${DevPollForm.language}"/></b>
   <html:form action="ProcessIdeChoice">
      What's your favorite IDE?
      <c:forEach var="langIde"
         <html:radio property="ide" idName="langIde" value="value"/>
         &nbsp;<c:out value="${langIde.label}"/><br />
      <html:submit value="Next >>"/>

The html:radio tag is used just as it was on the first page shown in Example 3-15. Though c:forEach is used instead of logic:iterate, you can use the idName attribute of the radio tag. When using JSTL in this way, the idName should be the same as the value for the var attribute of the JSTL c:forEach tag.

See Also

Ted Husted has some great Struts tips at Specifically, a discussion on the intricacies of the using radio buttons can be found at

3.12. Handling Unchecked Checkboxes


You need to ensure that a Boolean ActionForm property, corresponding to an HTML checkbox, is set to false when the checkbox is unchecked.


Create a checkbox input field that uses JavaScript to set the value of a hidden Boolean field. Use the logic:equal tag to set the checked property of the checkbox if the value for the hidden field is true. The JSP page (checkbox_test.jsp) in Example 3-18 uses this approach to guarantee a true or false value is always submitted.

Example 3-18. Guaranteeing checkbox settings
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" 
language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" 
prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" 
prefix="logic" %>
  <title>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 4 : Checkbox Test</title>
  <html:form method="get" action="/ProcessCheckbox">
    <input type="checkbox" name="foo_"
      <logic:equal name="CheckboxForm" property="foo" value="true"> 
    <html:hidden property="foo"/>


For such a common little field, the HTML checkbox can cause trouble. If a checkbox is unchecked and the form is submitted, no value for that field will be sent in the request. Suppose you have a form with one checkbox on it:

<html:form method="get" action="ProcessFoo">
  <html:checkbox property="foo"/>

If the checkbox is checked, then the resultant request URL looks something like this:


When processed by Struts, your ActionForm is populated by BeanUtils.populate( ) method. If foo is a boolean property, its value is set to true.

The problem occurs when you uncheck the checkbox with the intention of setting the property value to false. If the checkbox is unchecked, the resultant URL looks something like this:


Where did the property value go? One would expect the request query string to contain “foo=off” or “foo=”. Unfortunately, no request parameter is generated for an unchecked checkbox. When BeanUtils.populate( ) is called, it doesn’t know to set the property value.

This problem can usually be handled by implementing the reset() method in your ActionForm. The Struts request processor calls this method before the ActionForm is populated. The method gives you a chance to set the form properties to desired default values. If the HTTP request doesn’t contain a name/value pair for a property, then the property retains the value set in the reset( ) method. For checkboxes, set the value to false, as shown here:

public void reset( ActionMapping mapping, 
                   HttpServletRequest request ) 
    foo = false;

However, the reset( ) method can’t always solve the problem. If you’re using a form in session scope in a wizard-style interface, then implementing reset() will clear the form when you don’t want it to. You need an alternative that guarantees that a value will be sent when the form is submitted. The Solution does that by implementing two fields on the form. The actual form field corresponding to the Boolean ActionForm property isn’t the checkbox, but is a hidden field generated using the html:hidden tag. The checkbox is then created using normal HTML (input type="checkbox“). A JavaScript onclick event handler is defined for this control:


When a user clicks the checkbox, the value of the hidden field is set. If the checkbox is checked, the value is set to true; otherwise, it is set to false. To ensure that the checkbox renders correctly when the form is initially displayed, the logic:equal tag is used to render the checked attribute for the field.

See Also

This topic comes up fairly frequently on the struts-user mailing list. A good thread that discusses this topic is archived at[email protected]/msg93525.html.

If you are using the Struts html:multibox control to render a set of checkboxes, a similar problem can occur when the user clears all the values. An archived discussion on this topic can be found at[email protected]/msg96487.html.

3.13. Handling Date Input Fields


You want to allow a user to input a value for a calendar date.


First, only use String form fields to hold the input date values. If the user can manually type in the date, it helps if you provide graphical Calendar control, either client- or server-based, that can populate the date input fields automatically. When the date value is submitted, validate the input using the Struts Validator.

Here’s a DynaActionForm, JSP page, and Action that demonstrate this approach. The DynaActionForm is declared with the following form-bean element:

<form-bean name="DateForm" 
    <!-- Date 1 -->
    <form-property name="month" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <form-property name="day" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <form-property name="year" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <!-- Birth Date-->
    <form-property name="birthDateString" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <!-- Date 3 -->
    <form-property name="monthOpt" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <form-property name="dayOpt" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <form-property name="yearOpt" type="java.lang.String"/>

The JSP page shown in Example 3-19 (date_test.jsp) renders fields for inputting data for these three variations of date formats. The first variation uses three numeric fields to accept the month, day, and year. The second variation accepts the date as a single value in mm/dd/yyyy format. This variation utilizes a JavaScript calendar that can be used to pick the value. The third variation uses drop-down menus for selecting the month, day, and year.

Example 3-19. Date input methods and formatting
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
  <title>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 4 : Date Test</title>
  <script language="JavaScript" src="scripts/CalendarPopup.js"></script>
  <!-- This prints out the default stylehseets used by the 
    DIV style calendar. Only needed if you are using the DIV style popup -->
  <script language="JavaScript">document.write(getCalendarStyles( ));
  <html:form action="/ProcessDate">
    Date 1 (mm|dd|yyyy):
    <html:text size="2" property="month"></html:text>
    <html:text size="2" property="day"></html:text>
    <html:text size="4" property="year"></html:text>
    <br />
  <c:if test="${not empty date1}">
    Date 1: <b><fmt:formatDate dateStyle="full" value="${date1}"/></b>.
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" id="jscal1x">
      var cal1x = new CalendarPopup("testdiv1");
      cal1x.showNavigationDropdowns( );
    Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy):
    <html:text size="8" property="birthDateString"/>
    <a href="" onClick="[0].birthDateString,
     'anchor1x','MM/dd/yyyy'), return false;" TITLE="
     forms[0].birthDateString,'anchor1x','MM/dd/yyyy'), return false;" 
     NAME="anchor1x" ID="anchor1x">select</A>
    <br />
  <c:if test="${not empty birthDate}">
    Birth Date: <b><fmt:formatDate dateStyle="full" 
    Date 3 (month day, year):
    <html:select property="monthOpt">
      <option value="1">January</option>
      <option value="2">February</option>
      <option value="3">March</option>
      <option value="4">April</option>
      <option value="5">May</option>
      <option value="6">June</option>
      <option value="7">July</option>
      <option value="8">August</option>
      <option value="9">September</option>
      <option value="10">October</option>
      <option value="11">November</option>
      <option value="12">December</option>
    <html:select property="dayOpt">
    </html:select>, &nbsp;
    <html:select property="yearOpt">
  <c:if test="${not empty date3}">
    Date 3: <b><fmt:formatDate dateStyle="full" value="${date3}"/></b>.
  <DIV ID="testdiv1" STYLE="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;

The generated page should look something like Figure 3-3.

Sample date fields
Figure 3-3. Sample date fields

The “select” link beside the Birth Date field displays a JavaScript calendar pop up. The birth date input field is populated with a correctly formatted value when the user selects a date from the pop up. Figure 3-4 shows the pop up.

JavaScript calendar
Figure 3-4. JavaScript calendar


There are four primary rules of thumb that apply to handling dates. The first two are considered Struts best practices that apply to all form fields:

  • ActionForms should only contain String properties.

  • Validate all input fields, always on the server side and optionally on the client side.

  • Make the date format apparent to the user by showing an accepted format pattern or example beside the field.

  • For Date fields, use a Calendar control for better usability and to minimize typographical errors.

Working with dates can be aggravating; if you’re not careful, it’s easy for the user to input bad data. As a developer, using separate fields for the month, day, and year components of the date would seem to be a good approach. But users don’t like having to move from field to field to enter a date; they would prefer entering the date in a single field. This mismatch of requirements can be frustrating for developers and users alike.

A compromise can be made by using a client-side calendar. (The calendar in the Solution was written by Matt Kruse.) This excellent calendar tool can be used to populate a single field with specific formatting as with the Birth Date field, or multiple fields as in the first and third date inputs shown in the Solution. If users have JavaScript turned off, then they can still manually key in the date.

Regardless of what approach you take, you should always validate the data. Recipe 8.6 provides all the details on date validation using the Struts Validator.

See Also

Recipe 8.6 shows the different ways you can validate date fields using the Validator’s built-in rules, regular expressions, or your own custom rules.

Matt Kruse’s awesome calendar pop up can be found at While some web purists may frown on the use of JavaScript, the pragmatic developer can see how helpful a tool like this can be.

3.14. Setting Tab Order


You want to control the tab order of the elements on a page.


Use the tabindex attribute of the Struts html tags to sequence the fields:

<html:form action="/SomeAction">
      <td><html:text property="field1" tabindex="1"/></td>
      <td><html:text property="field4" tabindex="4"/></td>
      <td><html:text property="field2" tabindex="2"/></td>
      <td><html:text property="field5" tabindex="5"/></td>
      <td><html:text property="field3" tabindex="3"/></td>
      <td><html:text property="field6" tabindex="6"/></td>


On most most browsers, users can use the Tab and Backtab keys to set the form input fields, buttons, and hyperlinks that have the current focus. By default, the browser changes focus from field to field in the order that the elements appear in the source HTML document. This generally equates to a top-to-bottom, left-to-right sequencing. While this default ordering works fine in most cases, sometimes you need to control the tab ordering manually. Struts provides the tabindex attribute on most tags in the Struts html tag library for manually controlling the ordering. This attribute takes a positive integer value that indicates the sequence of the element.

In the Solution, an HTML table lays out the text fields of the form in a two-column fashion. You want the user to be able to tab down the fields in the first column and then down the fields in the second column. This newspaper-style column interface is more common than you might think. A web page that allows a user to enter a billing address on the left and the shipping address on the right could use such a layout.

The default tab sequencing won’t provide the desired navigation. To override the browsers default ordering, the tabindex attribute is used. This attribute is a pass-through attribute to the actual HTML element rendered. In other words, the value of the attribute passes through unaltered to the value of the corresponding attribute of the rendered HTML element. The value for the tabindex should be a non-negative integer. Its value represents the relative tab ordering sequence of the element. The first element in a form might have a tabindex equal to “1,” the second field “2,” and so forth.

The browser determines the tab sequence of the fields using the tabindex. If an element does not have a tabindex attribute, then its position in the sequence is based on its order in the source document. If the tabindex is 0, the element will be skipped when tabbing. The browser starts navigation with the element that has the lowest nonzero tabindex value. As you press Tab, the browser changes focus to the element with the next highest value.


The tab indices don’t have to be sequential; you can skip values.

On a JSP page, the value for the tabindex can be dynamically generated using a scriptlet, or if you are using the Struts-EL libraries, a JSP 2.0 expression. This capability could be used, for example, if you were generating a dynamic set of fields in an iteration loop. A beneficial technique when using tab indices is to use non-sequential values. Instead of using 1, 2, 3, etc., use 5, 10, 15, and so on. With this approach, if you need to add a new field to the page, you won’t have to re-sequence the tabindex values for all the elements. Add the field and set the sequence to an unused value so the fields are ordered as desired.

See Also

HTML: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan (O’Reilly) is the quintessential reference for HTML.

3.15. Generating URLs


You want to generate a hyperlink URL for use in a JavaScript function, using the same mechanisms available to the Struts html:link tag.


Use the Struts html:rewrite tag to generate the URL in the function as needed:

<script language="JavaScript">
  function popupHelp(  ) {'<html:rewrite forward="showHelp"/>'),


The Struts html:link tag can be used to generate hyperlinks that are based on a Struts action (Struts 1.2), a global forward, the name of a JSP page, or any other URL. Sometimes, however, you need to generate a URL for uses other than as the value of the href attribute of an HTML anchor (a) element. The Struts html:rewrite tag addresses this issue.

A common example of this usage occurs when a URL is needed within JavaScript. In the Solution, the html:rewrite tag generates the URL for the JavaScript function. This function opens a new browser window using the URL—the first argument of the function—as the browser location. Without the html:rewrite tag, you would have to hardcode the real path for the URL. Furthermore, if you needed to use URL rewriting to maintain the session ID, you would have to hardcode this as well. The html:rewrite tag properly handles URL rewriting just like the html:link tag. Like the Struts html:link tag, the html:rewrite tag can refer to a global forward, an action, a context-relative page, or an absolute URL. Exactly one of the following attributes must be specified:


The value of this attribute is the name of a global ActionForward specified as a forward element in the Struts configuration file .


The value of this attribute is the name of an action element in the Struts configuration file. This attribute is only available in Struts 1.2.


The value of this attribute, taken as a module-relative path, is used to generate a server-relative URI, including the context path and module prefix.


The value of this attribute is passed through unchanged.

Request parameters can be added to the query string of the URL using the paramId, paramName, and paramProperty elements as with the html:link tag. If you need to add more than one parameter, use the technique shown in Recipe 3.16.

See Also

The Struts documentation for the rewrite tag can be found at Recipe 3.7 shows some other techniques for generating dynamic JavaScript using the Struts tags.

3.16. Adding Request Parameters to a Link


You want to add an arbitrary set of request parameters to a hyperlink or URL created using the Struts html:link or html:rewrite tags.


Create a java.util.HashMap as a page-context bean using the jsp:useBean tag. Populate the map using the JSTL c:set tag. Then reference the created map using the name attribute of the html:link and html:rewrite tags:

<%@ taglib prefix="c"    uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="html" uri="" %>

<!-- header stuff here -->

<jsp:useBean id="params" class="java.util.HashMap"/>

<c:set target="${params}" property="user" value="${user.username}"/>
<c:set target="${params}" property="product" value="${product.productId}"/>
<html:link action="/BuyProduct" name="params">Buy Product Link</html:link>
<a href=" 
        <html:rewrite action='/BuyProduct' name='params'/>)">
    Buy Product Popup


The Struts html:link and html:rewrite tags allow you to add name/value parameters to the generated URL by referring to a Map property of a JavaBean. The map key is the parameter name and the map value is the parameter value.

While this approach is functional, it smells like a hack. You are forced to create Java code to represent something used only used to create an HTML link. Granted, the data comes from your business objects—which is the Model—but the parameter names are purely part of the View. A more practical problem with this approach is that the values for the parameters may come from different objects. Forcing developers to cobble together a class on the serverside to render a link reeks of a bad technique.

The Solution avoids this problem by utilizing the JSP, Struts, and JSTL tag libraries in concert. The jsp:useBean tag creates a java.util.HashMap as a page-scoped variable, and the JSTL c:set tag populates the map with name/value pairs. The property attribute is the map key and the value is the map value. The JSTL c:set tag provides an added benefit so you have the full power of the JSTL expression language to retrieve the value.

You can avoid the Struts tags altogether and use the JSTL c:url tag to create the URL:

<c:url="/" var="buyLink">
  <c:param name="user" value="${user.username}"/>
  <c:param name="product" value="${product.productId}"/>
<a href='<c:out value="${buyLink}"/>'>
Buy Product Link
<a href="'<c:out value="${buyLink}"/>')">
    Buy Product Popup

Nesting the c:param tags within the c:url feels more natural than the HashMap approach supported by Struts. This approach, however, has a major disadvantage compared with the Struts tags: You cannot refer to your Struts actions or global forwards defined in your struts-config.xml. The Struts tags allow you to render the links with a transaction token. You surrender these features when you don’t use the Struts html:link and html:rewrite tags.

See Also

If you are unfamiliar with JSTL, refer to Recipe 3.1. It has all the details you need to get started using these powerful tags. Another important source is the Struts documentation for the html tag library, which can be found at The Struts transaction token handling facility is discussed in Recipe 7-9.

3.17. Using Frames


You need to reference an Action or JSP page from within one frame to another.


Use the Struts html:frame tag to create frame elements with the proper URLs for your Struts application, as in Example 3-20 (frame_test.jsp).

Example 3-20. Generating a frame set with Struts
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="html" %>
<frameset cols="50%,*">
  <html:frame frameName="_frame1" 
  <html:frame frameName="_frame2" 

Within the individual frame’s source JSP, use the target attribute on the html:link and html:form tags to refer to the other frame. The JSP in Example 3-21 (frame1.jsp) demonstrates this approach.

Example 3-21. Frame with link to other frame
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

  <title>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 04: Frame Test</title>
<body bgcolor="white">
<h2>Frame 1</h2>
  <html:link href="frame2.jsp?calledBy=FRAME_1" target="_frame2">
    Call Frame2
  Message received:&nbsp;
  <c:out value="${}"/>

Likewise, frame2.jsp shown in Example 3-22 defines a form that submits to an Action and directs the result to _frame1 using the target attribute.

Example 3-22. Frame that submits to other frame
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

  <title>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 04: Frame Test</title>
<body bgcolor="white">
<h2>Frame 2</h2>
  Send a message to frame 1!
  <html:form action="CallFrame1" target="_frame1">
    <html:text property="message"/>
  <c:forEach var="paramValue" items="${paramValues}">
    <br />
    Parameter: <c:out value="${paramValue.key}"/><br />
    <c:forEach var="theValue" items="${paramValue.value}">
      <c:out value="${theValue}"/><br />


There are two key concerns when using HTML frames within a Struts application. First, the URLs of the frame elements within the frameset tag should be generated using the same rules used by the Struts html:link and html:rewrite tags—i.e., enter the html:frame tag. It supports the same action, page, and href attributes as the html:link and html:rewrite tags. The html:frame tag supports additional attributes specific to the HTML frame element. Most of these attributes are pass-throughs, and the attribute value is passed through without modification to the generated frame element.

Second, with frame-to-frame interaction, you will probably need a user request, made on one frame, to affect the display of another frame displayed on the same page. The key to making this communication work is the use of the target attribute on the html:form and html:link tags.

The target attribute specifies the window or frame that receives the results of a request. The request can come from a form submission or link. In the Solution, a frameset is created that contains two frames—_frame1 and _frame2—positioned on the left and right, respectively. Frame 1, as shown in Example 3-21, defines a link with the page attribute set to frame2.jsp and the target set to _frame2. Parameters are passed on the query string that will be displayed by frame2.jsp:

<html:link href="frame2.jsp?calledBy=FRAME_1" target="_frame2">
    Call Frame2

Similarly, frame2.jsp, shown in Example 3-22, defines a form where the target is specified as _frame1:

<html:form action="CallFrame1" target="_frame1">

The form-bean and action for this example are defined in the struts-config.xml file:

<form-bean name="FrameForm" type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm">
  <form-property name="message" type="java.lang.String"/>
<action    path="/CallFrame1"

When you first access frame_test.jsp and click the link on the lefthand frame, you’ll see the data displayed in Frame 2. Likewise, when you submit the form on the righthand frame, you will see the results displayed in Frame 1. Figure 3-5 shows the frames after this series of interaction.

Figure 3-5. frame_test.jsp

If the target attribute was omitted, the output would be displayed in the same frame from where the request was made. Think of a frame as a browser within a browser. The Solution works the way it does because _frame1 and _frame2 are both part of the same frameset.

Other specially named targets are relevant to frames that are handled in specific ways by the browser. These special targets in described in Chapter 3.

Table 3-5. Special frame target values




The browser loads the received request into a new browser window. This target is useful for creating pop ups.


The browser loads the received request into the current window or frame. This is the default setting when the target is not specified.


The browser loads the received request into the parent window or frameset directly containing this frame. If the current reference is a top-level frame or window, this is equivalent to _self.


The browser loads the received request into the window at the top of the hierarchy. This results in the request being displayed in the entire browser window.

Frames can get complicated, particularly if you use frames within frames as well as hidden frames. Many people prefer to steer clear of frames because of this complexity. Carefully consider your requirements when using frames. You may find that you can get similar behavior without the complexity of inter-frame communication using JSP includes or Tiles.

See Also

The Struts documentation for the html tag library provides complete details on the html:frame tag as well as the use of the target attribute. You can find this at

A great reference for details on frames can be found in HTML and XHTML: The Definitive Guide by Chuck Musciano and Bill Kennedy (O’Reilly).

Recipe 14.1 provides the basics of setting up Tiles for your application.

3.18. Defeating Browser Caching


You want to force the browser to display an up-to-date JSP page instead of showing the page from the browser’s cache.


Set the nocache attribute to true for the controller element in your struts-config.xml file.

<controller nocache="true"/>


To speed processing, browsers frequently keep a copy of a visited page on the client’s local system. If an identical URL for the original page is requested and that page hasn’t expired, the browser may display the page from the local cache instead of issuing a new request. This caching reduces network traffic and improves the user experience significantly. However, this can cause problems for dynamically generated pages. Consider a JSP page that renders data retrieved from the HTTP session. If data stored in the session changes, the browser won’t be aware of the change. When the browser receives a new request for the page, it serves up the old page instead.

The easiest means of solving this problem for a Struts application is to configure the Struts RequestProcessor to generate a nocache header entry for every generated HTTP response. Set the nocache attribute to true on the controller element, as shown in the Solution. If the nocache attribute is not specified, the default value is false.

While this solves the problem, a consequence of its use is that every page accessed through a Struts Action results in a new request being sent to the server, even if the data haven’t changed. One alternative solution is to generate a dummy request parameter with some unique value, such as the current time in milliseconds. This guarantees that the browser issues a new request. This technique works when the request uses the HTTP GET method; however, it may fail if the URL is accessed via an HTTP POST, or the URL is the result of a servlet forward to the URL.

Given these conditions, it would be nice if there were a way to indicate selectively which actions should be cached or not. You can delve into this by taking a look at how the Struts RequestProcessor handles the nocache attribute. The code below shows the actual implementation of the processNocache( ) method from the org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor class:

 * Set the no-cache headers for all responses, if requested.
 * <strong>NOTE</strong> - This header will be overridden
 * automatically if a <code>RequestDispatcher.forward( )</code> call is
 * ultimately invoked.
 * @param request The servlet request we are processing
 * @param response The servlet response we are creating
protected void processNoCache(HttpServletRequest request,
                              HttpServletResponse response) {

    if (moduleConfig.getControllerConfig( ).getNocache( )) {
        response.setHeader("Pragma", "No-cache");
        response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
        response.setDateHeader("Expires", 1);

You can provide a similar response handling on a per-Action basis by utilizing a custom action mapping. The custom action mapping, shown in Example 3-23, allows specification of the nocache attribute on a per-action basis.

Example 3-23. A custom action mapping for avoiding browser caching
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;

public class NocacheActionMapping extends ActionMapping {

    private String nocache;
    private boolean nocacheEnabled = false;
    public String getNocache( ) {
        return nocache;

    public void setNocache(String nocache) {
        this.nocache = nocache;
        nocacheEnabled = new Boolean(nocache).booleanValue( );
    public boolean isNocacheEnabled( ) {
        return nocacheEnabled;

A custom RequestProcessor evaluates the nocache setting for each request. Example 3-24 shows the custom RequestProcessor that checks the caching property of the custom ActionMapping, setting the HTTP response headers as appropriate.

Example 3-24. Nocache request processor
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk;


import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor;

public class NocacheRequestProcessor extends RequestProcessor {
    protected ActionForward processActionPerform(HttpServletRequest 
           HttpServletResponse response, Action action,ActionForm form, 
            ActionMapping mapping) throws IOException, ServletException {
      ActionForward forward = null;
      if (mapping instanceof NocacheActionMapping) {
        NocacheActionMapping customMapping = 
                  (NocacheActionMapping) mapping;
        if (customMapping.isNocacheEnabled( )) {
          response.setHeader("Pragma", "No-cache");
          response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
          response.setDateHeader("Expires", 1);
      forward = super.processActionPerform( request, response, 
                                            action, form, mapping);
      return forward;

To complete the solution, you need to define the custom action mapping and request processor in your struts-config.xml file (see Example 3-25).

Example 3-25. Struts Config for action-based response caching
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
          "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN"
  <action-mappings type="com.oreilly.strutsckbk.NocacheActionMapping">
    <action   path="/main"
      <set-property property="nocache" value="true"/>

See Also

The Struts documentation for the controller element can be found at Recipe 2.8 demonstrates another way that you can use custom action mappings.

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