Chapter 13. Testing and Debugging


You can write the coolest Struts applications in the world, but if you don’t know how to test them, or you can’t seem to debug them, you might as well not have written them in the first place. Testing and debugging web applications can be a frustrating experience. If you test your application by deploying it to your application server and “banging on it,” then the recipes in this chapter will provide some techniques that are worth learning. If your only approach to debugging involves sticking System.out.println( ) in places where you think the problem might be, then you’ll definitely want to check out some of these solutions.

The key to debugging an application is visibility; the more information you have about the internal workings of the application, the easier it can be to pinpoint the problem. The chapter has solutions that show you how to monitor what your application is doing. This first half of this chapter presents some solutions related to logging and debugging that will help you understand what’s going on inside your application.

The heart of testing and debugging is the unit test. A unit test verifies that a specific portion of your application does what it is supposed to do. Java developers commonly think of the “unit” as a Java class. But the unit can be anything as long as it can be identified by discrete boundaries and isolated from code external to the unit. This chapter has two recipes that show you how to unit test your Struts actions.

In “traditional” software testing, the tester ensures that the application functions as the user expects. You can apply the concepts of unit testing to functional testing by considering a scenario as the “unit.” Use cases such as “Login,” “New User Registration,” or “Place an Order” to drive your unit tests. These functional unit tests are as valid as the low-level tests, though these tests can be more difficult to isolate from outside effects. If you follow the best practices of web application design—using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern supported by Struts—your most important unit tests will be testing your application’s model and business services. Struts-specific tests should comprise a small portion of your application’s entire unit test suite.

Without a doubt, the JUnit ( framework, developed by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck, provides an elegant, extensible framework that has become the de facto standard for Java unit testing. JUnit provides the base test class, TestCase, that you extend to create your specific unit test. You write test methods that exercise the unit under test and verify the unit behaves as expected for different inputs.

JUnit provides the test harness for running your tests. JUnit treats any method in your test class that begins with the word “test” as a method to run; your test methods will have names like testSearchByName(), testSuccess( ), etc. JUnit runs your test by instantiating your test class and calling these test methods. Within each test method, you exercise the class under test and verify the results using assertion methods defined in the TestCase base class. An assertion expresses a Boolean (true/false) relationship. For example, you may assert that a value returned from a method is not null, or that the returned value has a specific value. If an assertion fails, that particular test method will fail. You can run your tests using command-line and graphical test runners included with JUnit. Many popular Java development environments, such as Eclipse and IDEA, come with built-in JUnit test runners. You can also run your tests as part of your application’s Ant build script.

The second half of this chapter shows you some recipes that make it easier to write unit tests for your Struts application. The solutions make use of a number of excellent open source extensions to JUnit such as StrutsTestCase, Cactus, and JWebUnit.

13.1. Deploying an Application Automatically


You want to be able to test and retest your web application in Tomcat without having to redeploy the application whenever a change is made to a Java class or JSP page.


Use the development directories of your application as the actual directories that the application server uses for the deployed application. For Tomcat, you would create a Context element immediately before the </Host> end tag in the conf/server.xml file (under your CATALINA_HOME top-level directory).

   <Context path="/struts-cookbook" 


This recipe is not particular to Struts but is applicable to any J2EE-based web applications. However, the Solution is particular to Tomcat. If you aren’t using Tomcat, your application server most likely uses a similar mechanism. If you use the Solution, you won’t have to deploy your application when changes are made; your application will always be deployed.

The docBase attribute specifies a file path to your deployment directory. If you’re using Windows, you’ll need to include the drive letter on the path as shown here:

docBase="c:/Documents and Settings/My App/web"

The structure of this directory must match the structure of a valid J2EE web application. Its contents would look something like this:


By setting reloadable="true" Tomcat will monitor the WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib directories of your application. When changes occur in either of these directories, Tomcat will restart your application and the changes will get picked up. Setting reloadable to true will negatively impact performance and should only be used in development. If you’re making JSP changes, you don’t have to set reloadable to true. Tomcat detects changes to JSPs automatically, translating and recompiling on the fly. However, if you change configuration files, such as the struts-config.xml, web.xml, and validation.xml, you’ll need to restart the web application manually as these files are read on application initialization.

This deployment approach increases your productivity by reducing the code-compile-test cycle time. However, the Solution depends on the platform—both the application server and the operating system—and is not viable for production and QA deployments. Therefore, your application should include a platform-independent build script. Ant ( provides an excellent framework for these scripts.

See Also

Recipe 1.7 shows you how to define a repeatable process for the compile-deploy cycle.

Recipe 13.4 describes how to enable remote debugging of a web application running in a different JVM.

You can find additional details on configuring Tomcat at

13.2. Configuring Struts Logging


You need to set the severity level and details of the log messages generated by internal Struts components.


Configure Struts logging to use Log4J as its logging implementation:

  1. Download the Log4J jar file from

  2. Copy the jar file to your application’s WEB-INF/lib folder.

  3. Set the log level and log destination (referred to as an appender) for all Struts packages (org.apache.struts), as shown in Example 13-1 ( Place this file in your application’s WEB-INF/classes folder.

Example 13-1. Configuring Log4J for Struts packages
# The output information consists of relative time, log level, thread
# name, logger name, nested diagnostic context and the message in that
# order.
# For the general syntax of property based configuration files see the
# documentation of org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.


log4j.appender.Console.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n 

# File is set to be a FileAppender which outputs to struts-debug.log 

# File uses PatternLayout.

# The conversion pattern uses format specifiers. You might want to
# change the pattern an watch the output format change.
log4j.appender.File.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n
  1. Configure Commons Logging to use Log4J in the file shown in Example 13-2. Save this file in your WEB-INF/classes directory.

Example 13-2. Configuring the Commons Logging factory
# Set the commons logging factory to the Log4J implementation



If your application is misbehaving, the first thing to do is check the log files. If Struts is recording informational messages, then you will need to adjust the logging so you can see more detail. Struts records log messages using the Jakarta Commons Logging API. This API acts as a lightweight, generic façade around several popular Java logging packages. Most users employ the Log4J ( or JDK 1.4 Logging as the logging implementation. Many developers prefer Log4J even if they are using JDK 1.3. Log4J is more mature and feature-rich than JDK 1.4 Logging and is easily configured.

Log4J reads its settings from a configuration file, Classes write logging messages using a logger. In most cases, the logger name matches the fully qualified class name. For each logger, you can set the logging level and the destination of the log messages, known as an appender. With Log4J, you can set the log level and the appenders with one property. For example, you could configure the Struts RequestProcessor to log debug messages to the console with this property:,Console

Loggers are hierarchical; therefore, you can set the logging level for all Struts classes like this:,Console,File

Log4J supports the concept of a default logger, known as the root logger. The root logger is configured like this:


If a log4j.logger property isn’t set for a specific logger, the log messages will be written based on the root logger settings. In Example 13-1, the default logging level is set to WARN. Period messages that are warnings, or have a higher severity such as ERROR or FATAL, will be logged, and the messages will be written to the Console appender.

Appenders are configured using a log4j.appender property. The console and file appenders shown in Example 13-1 will work on any system. For more details on configuring appenders, see the Log4J documentation at

Figure 13-1 shows a sample of logging output when the Solution is applied to the struts-example.

Debug level logging messages
Figure 13-1. Debug level logging messages

The information displayed in each log message is based on the layout properties specified for the appender. In the Solution, a series of format specifiers are used:

log4j.appender.Console.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n

These format specifiers result in the display of the date (%d), thread (%t), priority (%-5p), class name (%c), log message (%m), and a carriage return (%n). For a complete list of all supported format specifiers, see the documentation for the Log4J PatternLayout class.

See Also

For additional details o n configuring Struts logging, check the Struts User’s Guide at

You can find information on Commons Logging at For more information on Log4J, point your browser to

13.3. Adding Logging to Your Own Classes


You want to log messages of varying severity from your own classes.


Use Commons Logging within your own classes, as shown in Example 13-3.

Example 13-3. Using Commons Logging in a custom class
package com.fooware.barapp;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

public class MyClazz {

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MyClazz.class);

    public void doSomething( ) {
        log.debug("About to do something.");
        try {
            //call something that throws an exception
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("An exception occured doing something.", e);
        }"Successfully did something.");


Any critical application should use logging of some kind. Relying on System.out.println( ) limits logging flexibility and can significantly downgrade application performance. You can roll your own logging mechanism, as many shops have done, or you can take advantage of frameworks and APIs such as Log4J and Commons Logging that make logging easy.

The Solution uses the Commons Logging API. Messages are logged to a logging category. If you use the class name as the category, you can control logging at the class level. In addition, you can use the package name as a hierarchy. The Commons Logging API supports the following logging levels in increasing order of severity:

  1. Trace

  2. Debug

  3. Info

  4. Warn

  5. Error

  6. Fatal

Using Commons Logging gives you the flexibility of choosing a logging implementation as desired. If you were using Log4J, you would configure logging for your package or classes as was done for the Struts packages in Recipe 13.2. Example 13-4 shows the file that enables console logging of errors and warnings for the class in the Solution.

Example 13-4. Log4J configuration for a custom class
# The output information consists of relative time, log level, thread
# name, logger name, nested diagnostic context and the message in that
# order.
log4j.appender.Console.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n

See Also

You can find information on Commons Logging at For more information on Log4J, point your browser to

13.4. Enabling Remote Debugging


You want to debug your Struts application running on a remote server.


Configure the JVM running your application server to use the Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA). You will need to add the following options to the java command that starts your application server.

JDK 1.3


JDK 1.4


You can use any IDE or tool that supports JPDA debugging such as Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and JSWAT.


The JPDA has made debugging Java applications much easier: You can use any debugging tool you want independently of the application being debugged. JPDA allows you to debug a Java application running in a separate JVM on a remote server on your network. Your local JVM, running the debugger, connects to the remote JVM across the network using the host name and a known port. In the Solution, the address specifies the port.

This approach works well when the two computers are the same—for example, your desktop machine. JPDA permits you to have two JVMs—one for your IDE or debugger and one for the application server—that can work together. You no longer have to run the application server and your IDE all within the same process.

If you’re using Tomcat as your application server, debugging is easier. Tomcat’s startup scripts include the JPDA options shown in the Solution. By default, Tomcat reserves port 8000 for the JPDA port. Figure 13-2 shows how to start Tomcat, on a Linux/Unix machine, using the shell script.

Starting Tomcat in debug mode (Linux/Unix)
Figure 13-2. Starting Tomcat in debug mode (Linux/Unix)

For Win32 machines, the catalina.bat startup script configures JPDA to use shared memory instead of TCP/IP sockets for the transport mechanism. The use of shared memory is only supported by Win32, and most IDEs don’t support connecting using this transport; you’re better sticking with the socket approach. If you’re using a Tomcat on a Win32 machine, you have two main options: You can use the Cygwin Unix emulator and execute the shell script, or you can modify the catalina.bat file to use sockets. Change the variables for the transport and address as follows:

rem set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_shmem
set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
rem set JPDA_ADDRESS=jdbconn

Of course, you can change the JPDA_ADDRESS to any available port you like and execute the catalina.bat file to start Tomcat in debug mode. Figure 13-3 shows the results.

Starting Tomcat in debug mode (Win32)
Figure 13-3. Starting Tomcat in debug mode (Win32)

Once the application server is started, you connect to the server’s JVM using your debugger. You only need to specify the host name and port for the remote JVM. As an example, here’s how you would configure Eclipse IDE for debugging. You start by selecting Run Debug . . . from the Eclipse menus. Figure 13-4 shows the window displayed for creating a new debug run configuration.

Configuring Eclipse for debugging
Figure 13-4. Configuring Eclipse for debugging

Clicking the Debug button will attach to the remote JVM. Figure 13-5 shows the Eclipse Debug perspective; here, the breakpoint has been set within the Struts RequestProcessor.

Eclipse debug perspective
Figure 13-5. Eclipse debug perspective

The latest IDEs have made debugging easier. If you debug using System.out.println( ) calls, logging messages, and educated guessing, learn how to use a debugger. It will save you hours, you’ll learn about your application’s internals, and you’ll probably have some fun in the process. And because you have free access to the Struts source code, you can step down into the Struts framework if needed.

See Also

JSWAT, a standalone, JPDA-compliant, open source debugger can be downloaded from

To learn more about using JPDA, see

13.5. Troubleshooting JSP Pages


You want to see a dump of the names and values of servlet request and HTTP session attributes and for a particular JSP page so you can troubleshoot rendering problems.


Include the debug.jsp file shown on the JSP page (see Example 13-5).

Example 13-5. JSP dump of request, session, and context data
<hr width="3px">
Debug Information:<br>
<table border="1" width="50%" class="debug">
        <th colspan="3" style="background:orange">
            <b>Request Parameters</b>
    <c:forEach items="${paramValues}" var="parameter">
            <td><c:out value="${parameter.key}"/></td>
            <td colspan="2">
                <c:forEach var="value" items="${parameter.value}">
                    <textarea rows="2" cols="50">
                        <c:out value="${value}"/>

        <th colspan="3" style="background:orange">
            <b>Header Values</b>
    <c:forEach items="${header}" var="h">
            <td><c:out value="${h.key}"/></td>
            <td colspan="2">
                <textarea rows="2" cols="50">
                    <c:out value="${h.value}"/>

        <th colspan="3" style="background:orange">
            <b>Initialization Parameters</b>
    <c:forEach items="${initParam}" var="parameter">
            <td><c:out value="${parameter.key}"/></td>
            <td colspan="2">
                <textarea rows="2" cols="50">
                    <c:out value="${parameter.value}"/>

        <th colspan="3" style="background:orange">
    <c:forEach items="${cookie}" var="mapEntry">
            <td rowspan="8"><c:out value="${mapEntry.key}"/></td>
            <td align="right">Name:</td>
            <td><c:out value="${}"/></td>
            <td align="right">Value:</td>
            <td><c:out value="${mapEntry.value.value}"/></td>
            <td align="right">Domain:</td>
            <td><c:out value="${mapEntry.value.domain}"/></td>
            <td align="right">Max Age:</td>
            <td><c:out value="${mapEntry.value.maxAge}"/></td>
            <td align="right">Path:</td>
            <td><c:out value="${mapEntry.value.path}"/></td>
            <td align="right">Secure:</td>
            <td><c:out value="${}"/></td>
            <td align="right">Version:</td>
            <td><c:out value="${mapEntry.value.version}"/></td>
            <td align="right">Comment:</td>
            <td><c:out value="${mapEntry.value.comment}"/></td>

        <th colspan="3" style="background:orange">
            <b>Page Scope Attributes</b>
    <c:forEach items="${pageScope}" var="itm">
        <c:if test="${itm.key != 'javax.servlet.jsp.jspResponse'}">
                <td><c:out value="${itm.key}"/></td>
                <td colspan="2">
                    <textarea rows="2" cols="50">
                        <c:out value="${itm.value}"/>

        <th colspan="3" style="background:orange">
            <b>Request Scope Attributes</b>
    <c:forEach items="${requestScope}" var="itm">
            <td><c:out value="${itm.key}"/></td>
            <td colspan="2">
                <textarea rows="2" cols="50">
                    <c:out value="${itm.value}"/>

        <th colspan="3" style="background:orange">
            <b>Session Scoped Attributes</b>
    <c:forEach items="${sessionScope}" var="itm">
        <td><c:out value="${itm.key}"/></td>
        <td colspan="2">
            <textarea rows="2" cols="50">
                <c:out value="${itm.value}"/>

        <th colspan="3" style="background:orange">
            <b>Application Scope Attributes</b>
    <c:forEach items="${applicationScope}" var="itm">
        <td><c:out value="${itm.key}"/></td>
        <td colspan="2">
                <c:when test="${itm.key eq 'org.apache.struts.action.
                     <c:forEach items="${itm.value}" var="subitm">
                         <textarea rows="2" cols="50">
                             <c:out value="${subitm}"/>
                    <textarea rows="2" cols="50">
                        <c:out value="${itm.value}"/>


During development, JSP pages commonly show incorrect data, to render halfway, or to throw an exception. Developers troubleshoot these problems by commenting out portions of the page that appear to be causing the problem, and then entering scriptlet to display the values of request and session attributes used on the page. This is the equivalent of commenting out troublesome Java code and adding System.out.println( ) statements.

This solution doesn’t replace this arcane approach but makes it easier to apply. You have to comment out the failing portion of the page, but you can use the JSP fragment in Example 13-5 to eliminate the handcoded scriptlet. This reusable JSP fragment, derived from work by James Mitchell, displays request headers, scoped attributes, and other Struts-specific information to help you debug your problem. You can include the fragment anywhere on the page though, typically, it would be placed near the bottom of the page using the include directive:

<!-- Debug Data -->
<%@ include file="debug.jsp" %>
<!-- End Debug Data -->

The debug.jsp displays the following data:

  • Request parameter values

  • Request header values

  • Application initialization parameters

  • Cookies

  • Page-scope attributes

  • Request-scope attributes

  • Session-scope attributes

  • Application-scope attributes

You can modify debug.jsp to display custom attributes that you may use in your application. Figure 13-6 shows a sample of the displayed information when debug.jsp is included at the bottom of the Registration.jsp file from the struts-example web application.

Request parameters and header values
Figure 13-6. Request parameters and header values

The debug.jsp page displays detailed information about cookies, as shown in Figure 13-7.

Cookie details and page-scoped attributes
Figure 13-7. Cookie details and page-scoped attributes

The debug.jsp page fragment should only be used in development; leaving this information displayed in production will make you look silly and will open a major security hole.

See Also

The debug.jsp page uses JSTL. You can use JSTL tags in your own application using the Solution shown in Recipe 3.1.

13.6. Testing Your Actions with Mock Objects


You want to unit test your Struts actions without running the application on an application server.


Use the StrutsTestCase framework to create a unit test, extending the StrutsTestCase MockStrutsTestCase base class, which verifies that your action does what it’s supposed to do.


The StrutsTestCase framework (, a JUnit extension, specifically targets the testing of Struts actions. You can download StrutsTestCase from If you are coding to the Servlet 2.2 specification, download the binary for 2.2,; for Servlet 2.3 or later, download You should also download the source code for StrutsTestCase; when you need to use a debugger, you can step into the StrutsTestCase code. Unzip the binary and source zip files into a directory.

Copy the strutstest-2.1.2.jar to a location on your application’s classpath. Separate your test source code, classes, and libraries from the rest of your application code. You should create a test directory for the application that contains the following:

  • A src folder your test source code

  • A classes folder to compile the test source into

  • A lib folder containing test-specific JAR files such as the StrutsTestCase Jar

When testing, place the test/classes directory and the JAR files in your test/lib directory on your classpath. When you build the actual distribution for your application (for example, the WAR file), you can easily exclude the test directory. Without a separate test directory, it’s much more cumbersome to separate test code from production code.


StrutsTestCase uses your application’s struts-config.xml file and web.xml file for performing the test, as well as verifying results. So Struts-TestCase can find these files, you must place the directory that contains your WEB-INF directory on your classpath.

With StrutsTestCase, you can create tests that run standalone outside of the servlet container. StrutsTestCase simulates the servlet container using mock objects that represent the servlet-related managed objects such as the HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, HttpSession, and ServletContext. This approach runs tests easier and faster and allows you to make your test immune to side effects of the servlet container and other external objects. Your test focuses exclusively on the Action being tested.

The Struts MailReader example application provides a good basis for demonstration. Say you wanted to create a test for the LogonAction shown in Example 13-6.

Example 13-6. Struts example (MailReader) LogonAction
package org.apache.struts.webapp.example;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages;

public final class LogonAction extends BaseAction {

     * Name of username field ["username"].
    static String USERNAME = "username";

     * Name of password field ["password"].
    static String PASSWORD = "password";

    // --------------------------------------------------- Protected Methods

     * <p>Confirm user credentials. Post any errors and return User object
     * (or null).</p>
     * @param database Database in which to look up the user
     * @param username Username specified on the logon form
     * @param password Password specified on the logon form
     * @param errors ActionMessages queue to passback errors
     * @return Validated User object or null
     * @throws ExpiredPasswordException to be handled by Struts exception
     * processor via the action-mapping
    User getUser(UserDatabase database, String username,
                           String password, ActionMessages errors)
         throws ExpiredPasswordException {

        User user = null;
        if (database == null){
                new ActionMessage("error.database.missing"));
        else {
            user = database.findUser(username);
            if ((user != null) && !user.getPassword( ).equals(password)) {
                user = null;
            if (user == null) {
                    new ActionMessage("error.password.mismatch"));

        return user;


     * <p>Store User object in client session.
     * If user object is null, any existing user object is removed.</p>
     * @param request The request we are processing
     * @param user The user object returned from the database
    void SaveUser(HttpServletRequest request, User user) {

        HttpSession session = request.getSession( );
        session.setAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY, user);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled( )) {
                "LogonAction: User '"
                    + user.getUsername( )
                    + "' logged on in session "
                    + session.getId( ));


    // ------------------------------------------------------ Public Methods

     * Use "username" and "password" fields from ActionForm to retrieve a User
     * object from the database. If credentials are not valid, or database
     * has disappeared, post error messages and forward to input.
     * @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance
     * @param form The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any)
     * @param request The HTTP request we are processing
     * @param response The HTTP response we are creating
     * @exception Exception if the application business logic throws
     *  an exception
    public ActionForward execute(
        ActionMapping mapping,
        ActionForm form,
        HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response)
        throws Exception {

        // Local variables
        UserDatabase database = getUserDatabase(request);
        String username = (String) PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(form,
        String password = (String) PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(form,
        ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages( );

        // Retrieve user
        User user = getUser(database,username,password,errors);

        // Report back any errors, and exit if any
        if (!errors.isEmpty( )) {
            this.saveErrors(request, errors);
            return (mapping.getInputForward( ));

        // Save (or clear) user object

        // Otherwise, return "success"
        return (findSuccess(mapping));



This Action is used by the /SubmitLogon action defined in the struts-config.xml file:

<!-- Process a user logon -->
<action    path="/SubmitLogon"

Now, you can create a test to verify that the LogonAction performs as expected. Example 13-7 presents a unit test that verifies the following:

  • If a valid username and password are entered, the correct User object is added to the session and control is forwarded to the “success” page.

  • If an invalid username and password are entered, an ActionError with the key of “error.password.mismatch” is generated and control is forwarded to the “logon” page.

Example 13-7. Unit test for the LogonAction
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch13;

import org.apache.struts.webapp.example.Constants;
import org.apache.struts.webapp.example.User;

import servletunit.struts.MockStrutsTestCase;

public class SubmitLogonActionTest extends MockStrutsTestCase {

    private static final String ACTION_PATH = "/SubmitLogon";
    public SubmitLogonActionTest (String theName) {

    public void testValidUserLogon( ) throws Exception {
        addRequestParameter("username", "user");
        addRequestParameter("password", "pass");

        actionPerform( );
        verifyNoActionErrors( );
        User user = (User) getSession( ).getAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY);
        assertNotNull("User", user);
        assertEquals("Username", "user", user.getUsername( ));


    public void testInvalidUserLogon( ) throws Exception {
        addRequestParameter("username", "junk");
        addRequestParameter("password", "bond");

        actionPerform( );
        verifyActionErrors(new String[] {"error.password.mismatch"});

Each test adds request parameters corresponding to the username and password. The ACTION_PATH constant contains the URL of the action being tested. The actionPerform( ) method processes the request through the mock container. Upon completion of this method, you can check that the Action did what you expected. Because the MockStrutsTestCase extends the JUnit TestCase class, your unit test has full access to all of the assertion methods that JUnit provides. On top of that, Struts-TestCase adds additional methods for verifying Struts-specific behavior:


Checks that specific errors were generated or that none were generated


Checks that a specific set of action messages, identified by key, were sent or that none were sent


Checks that the Action forwarded to a specific ActionForward identified by logical name


Checks that the Action forwarded to a specific URL


Checks that the controller forwarded to the path identified by the action mappings input attribute


Checks that the controller forwarded to a specified logical forward name from the Struts configuration and a Tiles definition name from the Tiles configuration


Checks that the controller forwarded to the defined input of a specified Tiles definition

My initial coding of the SubmitLogonActionTest used verifyInputForward( ), instead of verifyForward("logon"), to check that control was forwarded back to the appropriate page when invalid data was submitted. Unexpectedly, the verifyInputForward( ) assertion failed with the following message:

junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: was expecting '/logon' 
but received '/'

It took a second to realize that the struts-example configures the controller to treat the input attribute value as a local or global forward instead of a module-relative path:

<controller pagePattern="$M$P" inputForward="true"/>

Unfortunately, verifyInputForward( ) expects the value of the input attribute on the action element to be a module-relative path. Changing verifyInputForward( ) to verifyForward("logon") resolved the issue and the test passed.

You’ll find another wrinkle in testing the Struts MailReader example that’s worth exploring. Suppose you wanted to test an action related to the application’s registration features. These actions are declared in the struts-config-registration.xml file, and not the standard struts-config.xml file. When you use an alternate configuration file like this, you have to tell StrutsTestCase to use it. The setConfigFile( ) method gives you this ability:

setConfigFile(java.lang.String pathname);
setConfigFile(java.lang.String moduleName,java.lang.String pathname);

Use the first variation to specify the location of the nonstandard Struts configuration file if you aren’t using modules; for the default module, use the second variation to specify the nonstandard Struts configuration file for a specific module.

Your test’s setUp( ) method is the logical place to call this method. You can put other common code, required to initialize every test, in the setUp( ) method as well.


If you choose to override the setUp( ) method, you must call super.setUp( ). This base method performs some important initialization routines, and StrutsTestCase will not work if it isn’t called.

Example 13-8 shows a test case for the EditRegistrationAction.

Example 13-8. A test using an alternate Struts configuration file
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch13;

import org.apache.struts.Globals;
import servletunit.struts.MockStrutsTestCase;

public class EditRegistrationActionTest extends MockStrutsTestCase {

    private static final String ACTION_PATH = "/EditRegistration";
    public EditRegistrationActionTest (String theName) {

    public void setUp( ) throws Exception {
        super.setUp( );
    public void testCreateRegistration( ) throws Exception {
        addRequestParameter("action", "Create");

        actionPerform( );

        String token = (String) getRequest( ).getAttribute(
        assertNotNull(token, "Token was not saved");


This test shows how you can verify that attributes are stored, as expected, in the request. In this case, the EditRegistrationAction is supposed to store a Struts transaction token in the request.

See Also

StrutsTestCase provides two base classes for creating Action unit tests. MockStrutsTestCase is used for creating tests that can be run outside of a servlet container. The other base class, CactusStrutsTestCase, can be used for testing actions running in a live container using the Cactus ( test framework. Recipe 13.7 shows this approach.

If you need to verify the actual HTML generated by an Action or JSP, you can use HttpUnit ( HttpUnit provides an object-oriented Java API that allows you to inspect the returned HTTP response.

13.7. Testing Your Actions in the Container


You want to unit test an action as it’s running within your application server.


Use StrutsTestCase to create a test that can be run using the Cactus integration testing framework.


Recipe 13.6 shows you how to test an action independently from the servlet container using StrutsTestCase ( You can use Struts-TestCase, in conjunction with the Cactus testing framework (, to test Struts actions running in the servlet container. This type of testing is referred to as integration unit testing.

Integration unit testing isn’t unit testing in the pure sense. Unit tests isolate the unit from outside dependencies. This makes it easier to identify the cause of errors when a test fails. However, an integrated unit test may give you a more realistic view than a non-integrated test. If you are planning on deploying your application to different application servers (or different versions of the same application server), then you’ll find integration unit testing to be invaluable.

Cactus was developed to provide these types of unit tests. It was originally developed to test Enterprise JavaBeans but is equally up to the task of testing servlets, servlet filters, and JSPs. In fact, Cactus can be used to test any type of behavior that relies on a J2EE/Servlet container. However, these tests come at a cost of increased complexity and slower test performance. Using StrutsTestCase, Cactus-executed action tests are easy to write, but configuration and deployment can be complex. If you are running your unit tests frequently as part of your build process, you’ll find that the build script takes more time to run. The reason Cactus tests take longer is that Cactus starts your application server every time it runs its suite of tests. A good option is to run Cactus tests periodically, such as on nightly automated builds.

Start by downloading and extracting the StrutsTestCase and Cactus binary distributions. Each of these packages provides separates distributions for a Servlet 2.3 (or later) container or Servlet 2.2 container. For Cactus, these versions are identified by the J2EE version as 1.3 or 1.2.

Copy the strutstest.jar file and all the JAR files from Cactus’s lib directory to the WEB-INF/lib directory of your web application. Cactus uses a servlet to redirect HTTP requests to your test class. You’ll need to declare this servlet in your application’s web.xml file. Before the ActionServlet declaration, add this servlet declaration:

<!-- Cactus Servlet Redirector -->

Before the ActionServlet servlet mapping, add this servlet mapping:

<!-- Cactus Servlet Redirector mapping -->

It’s time to write the test using StrutsTestCase. StrutsTestCase provides two base classes for creating tests: MockStrutsTestCase and CactusStrutsTestCase. Figure 13-8 shows how the StrutsTestCase, Cactus, and JUnit base classes relate to each other.

Relationship between JUnit, Cactus, and StrutsTestCase
Figure 13-8. Relationship between JUnit, Cactus, and StrutsTestCase

You extend the MockStrutsTestCase (see Example 13-7) to create a standalone unit test for an Action. You can change a mock test into an in-container test by changing it to inherit from CactusStrutsTestCase instead of MockStrutsTestCase. Example 13-9 shows a Cactus test, identical to the excerpt in Example 13-7 of the parent class, that tests the LogonAction of the Struts MailReader example application.

Example 13-9. Cactus test for the Struts example LogonAction
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch13;

import org.apache.struts.webapp.example.Constants;
import org.apache.struts.webapp.example.User;

import servletunit.struts.CactusStrutsTestCase;

public class SubmitLogonActionCactusTest extends CactusStrutsTestCase {

    private static final String ACTION_PATH = "/SubmitLogon";

    public SubmitLogonActionCactusTest(String testName) {

    public void testValidUserLogon( ) throws Exception {
        addRequestParameter("username", "user");
        addRequestParameter("password", "pass");

        actionPerform( );
        verifyNoActionErrors( );
        User user = (User) getSession( ).getAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY);
        assertNotNull("User", user);
        assertEquals("Username", "user", user.getUsername( ));


    public void testInvalidUserLogon( ) throws Exception {
        addRequestParameter("username", "junk");
        addRequestParameter("password", "bond");

        actionPerform( );
        verifyActionErrors(new String[] {"error.password.mismatch"});


The CactusStrutsTestCase provides the same verification methods available with the MockStrutsTestCase. See Recipe 13.6 for a detailed explanation of these methods.

To run the test, you have to build and deploy your application and run your application server. You can run your test using any JUnit test runner. Cactus executes your test using a client Java virtual machine (the JUnit test runner’s JVM) and a server Java virtual machine (the application server’s JVM).

Before running your test, you have to tell Cactus how to find your application from the client side. You will need to create a file named and save it on your classpath. Example 13-10 shows the file used in this recipe.

Example 13-10. Client-side Cactus configuration file
# Configuration file for Cactus.

# Each project using Cactus need to have such a file put in the client side
# CLASSPATH (Meaning the directory containgin this file should be in the 
# client side CLASSPATH, not the file itself of course ... :) )

# Defines the URLs that will be used by Cactus to call it's redirectors
# (Servlet and JSP). You need to specify in these URLs the webapp context
# that you use for your application.

cactus.contextURL = http://localhost/jsc-ch13
cactus.servletRedirectorName = ServletRedirector

Like any kind of unit testing, it’s pretty boring (but satisfying) when the test passes. Interesting things happen when the test fails. For a Cactus test, though it’s executed from the client side, you get the failure information and stack trace from the server side. Figure 13-9 shows the results when the test was changed to send an invalid username for the testValidUserLogon( ) method.

Stack trace of a failed Cactus unit test
Figure 13-9. Stack trace of a failed Cactus unit test

See Also

Lu Jian has written an interesting article, “Unit Test Your Struts Application,” for ONJava. This article delves into the use of aspect-oriented programming for testing Struts applications. It can be found at

The StrutsTestCase web site,, has an active forum for posting questions and getting answers.

Cactus can be used in many different ways and a complete treatment is beyond the scope of this recipe. In addition to Struts actions, you can use Cactus to test servlets, servlet filters, JSP pages, and custom JSP tags. Cactus works best when it’s integrated in your Ant build process. You can find complete details on the Cactus web site (

13.8. Testing Application Functionality


You want to verify that your application, deployed and running on an application server, does what it’s supposed to do for a specific use case or scenario.


Use the JWebUnit acceptance testing framework.


JWebUnit, an extension of the JUnit testing framework, leverages JUnit and Http-Unit for web application acceptance testing. JUnit provides the test harness and basic assertion methods, and HttpUnit ( provides a mechanism for programmatically sending requests and reading responses from a web application. JWebUnit exercises a running web application by programmatically sending requests, clicking links, filling out and submitting forms, and inspecting the response.

To get started with JWebUnit, download it from the project site, The source distribution includes everything you need; the JWebUnit Jar file, dependent Jar files, documentation, and the JWebUnit source code. Create a test directory structure in your application’s project directory like that shown in Figure 13-10. You will need to copy the Jar files included with JWebUnit to your test/lib directory.

Project structure with “test” directory
Figure 13-10. Project structure with “test” directory

The easiest way to create a new JWebUnit test class is to subclass net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTestCase.


If you have been using your own extension of the JUnit TestCase and cannot subclass WebTestCase, you can delegate calls to the net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTester class. The source for the WebTestCase class shows how this is done.

Example 13-11 shows a simple test case verifying that the jsc-ch13 web application is up and running.

Example 13-11. Simple JWebUnit test case
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch13;

import net.sourceforge.jwebunit.TestContext;
import net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTestCase;

public class SimpleWebTest extends WebTestCase {
    public SimpleWebTest(String name) {

    public void setUp( ) throws Exception {
        TestContext testContext = getTestContext( );
        // Use the message resources properties file
    public void testAppAvailable( ) {
        // use the title text from the testContext resource bundle

You can run this test using any of the JUnit test runners. Like any other JUnit test, a successful test run is rather boring to look at; it’s more interesting to look at a failed test. Figure 13-11 shows the results from Eclipse’s JUnit test runner when the SimpleWebTest of Example 13-11 fails because the application server isn’t running.

Failed run of a JWebUnit test case
Figure 13-11. Failed run of a JWebUnit test case

Every JWebUnit test has a test context. This context, typically configured in the setUp( ) method, contains information applicable to the test case such as the base URL. In Example 13-11 this value was set to the web application’s context:


You can use JWebUnit to test the internationalization features of your web application. The test context allows you to specify the resource bundle for your localized text as well as the locale being tested. JWebUnit looks up properties from the resource bundle using that locale. The locale that you set in the test context is only used on the client side to look up resource bundle properties. To mimic the browser’s locale settings, you must set the Accept-Language header to the locale being tested. The Struts MailReader can be localized for Russian. Example 13-12 tests this localization by verifying that the response title has the correct value.

Example 13-12. Using JWebUnit to test internationalization
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch13;

import java.util.Locale;

import net.sourceforge.jwebunit.TestContext;
import net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTestCase;

public class LocaleWebTest extends WebTestCase {

    public LocaleWebTest(String name) {

    public void setUp( ) throws Exception {
        testContext = getTestContext( );
    public void testRussian( ) {
        testContext.setLocale(new Locale("ru"));
        testContext.getWebClient( ).setHeaderField("Accept-Language","ru");
    private TestContext testContext;

Want more you say? JWebUnit shines at testing application scenarios and use cases. Say you wanted to verify the registration process of the Struts MailReader. The following simple case illustrates this process:

  1. The users browse to the application’s welcome page.

  2. The users click the “Register” link.

  3. The registration form is displayed.

  4. The users fill out the registration form with their full name, username, password, and email information.

  5. The users submit the form.

  6. The main menu page is displayed with a heading message personalized for the users.

You can create a JWebUnit test case that implements this use case, as shown in Example 13-13.

Example 13-13. Testing user registration
package com.oreilly.strutsckbk.ch13;

import com.meterware.httpunit.HttpUnitOptions;

import net.sourceforge.jwebunit.TestContext;
import net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTestCase;

public class RegistrationWebTest extends WebTestCase {
    public RegistrationWebTest(String name) {

    public void setUp( ) throws Exception {
        // disable JavaScript handling
        TestContext testContext = getTestContext( );
    public void testRegistration( ) {
        // start at the welcome page

        // find the registration link and click it
        String regLinkText = getMessage("index.registration");

        // check that the registration form is displayed

        // use the current time as part of the username for repeatability
        long ts = System.currentTimeMillis( );

        // fill out the form
        String fullName = "George P. Burdell";
        setFormElement("fullName", fullName);
        setFormElement("fromAddress","[email protected]");
        setFormElement("replyToAddress","[email protected]");

        // submit the form
        submit( );
        // check that the main menu is displayed with the name included
        assertTextPresent(getMessage("mainMenu.heading")+' '+fullName);

    public void tearDown( ) {
        // logoff to clean up the session

This test shows off the power of JWebUnit and, though hidden from view, HttpUnit. For complete details, download JWebUnit and give it a try!

See Also

Other tools provide similar functionality as JWebUnit. Canoo WebTest ( uses an Ant-like XML file to describe a test scenario. If your test writers aren’t comfortable with Java, then take a look at this excellent open source tool.

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