Chapter 2. Using TOAD’s Schema Browser

Whether you’re a DBA or a developer, TOAD’s Schema Browser is a powerful and functional interface for exploring all your database objects. Not only does the Schema Browser enable you to quickly and easily navigate the complex structures within the database, but it also enables you to both manage and control all those structures (where your granted Oracle privileges permit). This screen is so extremely useful that when you’re not coding or debugging, you’ll most likely be exploring your database with the TOAD Schema Browser. It is accessible from the main toolbar and from the main menu at Database, Schema Browser.

Although many of today’s Windows tools utilize tree views for their explorer GUI design, TOAD has pioneered and adopted a tabbed GUI design. The problem with tree views is that you end up scrolling too much when lots of information must be displayed. For example, opening a tree-view node for a user’s tables might well display dozens of nodes and cause the tree view to scroll numerous other items of interest out of the main viewing area. By contrast, with the tabbed approach, less scrolling is generally required. Returning to the prior example, choosing a user’s tables from the Tables tab does not cause your other main object categories (that is, tabs) to scroll off anywhere. Although it may initially take some getting used to, TOAD’s tabbed GUI design is infinitely more productive in terms of wasted scrolling efforts. And time is money.

Finally, you might think you can skip this chapter because the Schema Browser is just another explorer and people use those every day. But the TOAD Schema Browser has so many features and capabilities you might never find that skipping this one chapter could make your overall TOAD usage much less productive. In fact, during the TOAD User Groups when “Tips and Tricks” are discussed, this one area alone seems to generate the most comments like “I did not know TOAD could do that.” So please read on to learn how to fully utilize TOAD’s Schema Browser and all its advanced capabilities.

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