Chapter 2. A Quick Review of the Basics

This chapter provides a review of the Unix system, including the file system, basic commands, filename substitution, I/O redirection, and pipes.

Some Basic Commands

Displaying the Date and Time: The date Command

The date command tells the system to print the date and time:

$ date
Sat Jul 20 14:42:56 EDT 2002

date prints the day of the week, month, day, time (24-hour clock, the system's time zone), and year. Throughout this book, whenever we use boldface type like this, it's to indicate what you, the user, types in. Normal face type like this is used to indicate what the Unix system prints. Italic type is used for comments in interactive sequences.

Every Unix command is ended with the pressing of the Enter key. Enter says that you are finished typing things in and are ready for the Unix system to do its thing.

Finding Out Who's Logged In: The who Command

The who command can be used to get information about all users currently logged in to the system:

$ who
pat       tty29    Jul 19 14:40
ruth      tty37    Jul 19 10:54
steve     tty25    Jul 19 15:52

Here, three users are logged in: pat, ruth, and steve. Along with each user id, the tty number of that user and the day and time that user logged in is listed. The tty number is a unique identification number the Unix system gives to each terminal or network device that a user has logged into.

The who command also can be used to get information about yourself:

$ who am i
pat       tty29   Jul 19 14:40

who and who am i are actually the same command: who. In the latter case, the am and i are arguments to the who command.

Echoing Characters: The echo Command

The echo command prints (or echoes) at the terminal whatever else you happen to type on the line (there are some exceptions to this that you'll learn about later):

$ echo this is a test
this is a test
$ echo why not print out a longer line with echo?
why not print out a longer line with echo?
$ echo
                                                           A blank line is displayed
$ echo one           two   three           four  five
one two three four five

You will notice from the preceding example that echo squeezes out extra blanks between words. That's because on a Unix system, the words are important; the blanks are merely there to separate the words. Generally, the Unix system ignores extra blanks (you'll learn more about this in the next chapter).

Working with Files

The Unix system recognizes only three basic types of files: ordinary files, directory files, and special files. An ordinary file is just that: any file on the system that contains data, text, program instructions, or just about anything else. Directories are described later in this chapter. As its name implies, a special file has a special meaning to the Unix system and is typically associated with some form of I/O.

A filename can be composed of just about any character directly available from the keyboard (and even some that aren't) provided that the total number of characters contained in the name is not greater than 255. If more than 255 characters are specified, the Unix system simply ignores the extra characters.[1]

The Unix system provides many tools that make working with files easy. Here we'll review many basic file manipulation commands.

Listing Files: The ls Command

To see what files you have stored in your directory, you can type the ls command:

$ ls

This output indicates that three files called READ_ME, names, and tmp are contained in the current directory. (Note that the output of ls may vary from system to system. For example, on many Unix systems ls produces multicolumn output when sending its output to a terminal; on others, different colors may be used for different types of files. You can always force single-column output with the –l option.)

Displaying the Contents of a File: The cat Command

You can examine the contents of a file by using the cat command. The argument to cat is the name of the file whose contents you want to examine.

$ cat names

Counting the Number of Words in a File: The wc Command

With the wc command, you can get a count of the total number of lines, words, and characters of information contained in a file. Once again, the name of the file is needed as the argument to this command:

$ wc names
         5        5        27 names

The wc command lists three numbers followed by the filename. The first number represents the number of lines contained in the file (5), the second the number of words contained in the file (in this case also 5), and the third the number of characters contained in the file (27).

Command Options

Most Unix commands allow the specification of options at the time a command is executed. These options generally follow the same format:


That is, a command option is a minus sign followed immediately by a single letter. For example, to count just the number of lines contained in a file, the option -l (that's the letter l) is given to the wc command:

$ wc -l names
         5 names

To count just the number of characters in a file, the -c option is specified:

$ wc -c names
         27 names

Finally, the -w option can be used to count the number of words contained in the file:

$ wc -w names
         5 names

Some commands require that the options be listed before the filename arguments. For example, sort names -r is acceptable, whereas wc names -l is not. Let's generalize by saying that command options should precede filenames on the command line.

Making a Copy of a File: The cp Command

To make a copy of a file, the cp command is used. The first argument to the command is the name of the file to be copied (known as the source file), and the second argument is the name of the file to place the copy into (known as the destination file). You can make a copy of the file names and call it saved_names as follows:

$ cp names saved_names

Execution of this command causes the file named names to be copied into a file named saved_names. As with many Unix commands, the fact that a command prompt was displayed after the cp command was typed indicates that the command executed successfully.

Renaming a File: The mv Command

A file can be renamed with the mv command. The arguments to the mv command follow the same format as the cp command. The first argument is the name of the file to be renamed, and the second argument is the new name. So, to change the name of the file saved_names to hold_it, for example, the following command would do the trick:

$ mv saved_names hold_it

When executing an mv or cp command, the Unix system does not care whether the file specified as the second argument already exists. If it does, the contents of the file will be lost.[2] For example, if a file called old_names exists, executing the command

cp names old_names

would copy the file names to old_names, destroying the previous contents of old_names in the process. Similarly, the command

mv names old_names

would rename names to old_names, even if the file old_names existed prior to execution of the command.

Removing a File: The rm Command

To remove a file from the system, you use the rm command. The argument to rm is simply the name of the file to be removed:

$ rm hold_it

You can remove more than one file at a time with the rm command by simply specifying all such files on the command line. For example, the following would remove the three files wb, collect, and mon:

$ rm wb collect mon

Working with Directories

Suppose that you had a set of files consisting of various memos, proposals, and letters. Further suppose that you had a set of files that were computer programs. It would seem logical to group this first set of files into a directory called documents, for example, and the latter set of files into a directory called programs. Figure 2.1 illustrates such a directory organization.

Example directory structure.

Figure 2.1. Example directory structure.

The file directory documents contains the files plan, dact, sys.A, new.hire, no.JSK, and AMG.reply. The directory programs contains the files wb, collect, and mon. At some point, you may decide to further categorize the files in a directory. This can be done by creating subdirectories and then placing each file into the appropriate subdirectory. For example, you might want to create subdirectories called memos, proposals, and letters inside your documents directory, as shown in Figure 2.2.

Directories containing subdirectories.

Figure 2.2. Directories containing subdirectories.

documents contains the subdirectories memos, proposals, and letters. Each of these directories in turn contains two files: memos contains plan and dact; proposals contains sys.A and new.hire; and letters contains no.JSK and AMG.reply.

Although each file in a given directory must have a unique name, files contained in different directories do not. So, for example, you could have a file in your programs directory called dact, even though a file by that name also exists in the memos subdirectory.

The Home Directory and Pathnames

The Unix system always associates each user of the system with a particular directory. When you log in to the system, you are placed automatically into a directory called your home directory.

Although the location of users' home directories can vary from one Unix version to the next, and even one user to the next, let's assume that your home directory is called steve and that this directory is actually a subdirectory of a directory called users. Therefore, if you had the directories documents and programs, the overall directory structure would actually look something like Figure 2.3. A special directory known as / (pronounced slash) is shown at the top of the directory tree. This directory is known as the root.

Hierarchical directory structure.

Figure 2.3. Hierarchical directory structure.

Whenever you are “inside” a particular directory (called your current working directory), the files contained within that directory are immediately accessible. If you want to access a file from another directory, you can either first issue a command to “change” to the appropriate directory and then access the particular file, or you can specify the particular file by its pathname.

A pathname enables you to uniquely identify a particular file to the Unix system. In the specification of a pathname, successive directories along the path are separated by the slash character /. A pathname that begins with a slash character is known as a full pathname because it specifies a complete path from the root. So, for example, the pathname /users/steve identifies the directory steve contained under the directory users. Similarly, the pathname /users/steve/documents references the directory documents as contained in the directory steve under users. As a final example, the pathname /users/steve/documents/letters/AMG.reply identifies the file AMG.reply contained along the appropriate directory path.

To help reduce some of the typing that would otherwise be required, Unix provides certain notational conveniences. Pathnames that do not begin with a slash character are known as relative pathnames. The path is relative to your current working directory. For example, if you just logged in to the system and were placed into your home directory /users/steve, you could directly reference the directory documents simply by typing documents. Similarly, the relative pathname programs/mon could be typed to access the file mon contained inside your programs directory.

By convention, the directory name .. always references the directory that is one level higher. For example, after logging in and being placed into your home directory /users/steve, the pathname .. would reference the directory users. And if you had issued the appropriate command to change your working directory to documents/letters, the pathname .. would reference the documents directory, ../.. would reference the directory steve, and ../proposals/new.hire would reference the file new.hire contained in the proposals directory. Note that in this case, as in most cases, there is usually more than one way to specify a path to a particular file.

Another notational convention is the single period ., which always refers to the current directory.

Now it's time to examine commands designed for working with directories.

Displaying Your Working Directory: The pwd Command

The pwd command is used to help you “get your bearings” by telling you the name of your current working directory.

Recall the directory structure from Figure 2.3. The directory that you are placed in after you log in to the system is called your home directory. You can assume from Figure 2.3 that the home directory for the user steve is /users/steve. Therefore, whenever steve logs in to the system, he will automatically be placed inside this directory. To verify that this is the case, the pwd (print working directory) command can be issued:

$ pwd

The output from the command verifies that steve's current working directory is /users/steve.

Changing Directories: The cd Command

You can change your current working directory by using the cd command. This command takes as its argument the name of the directory you want to change to.

Let's assume that you just logged in to the system and were placed inside your home directory, /users/steve. This is depicted by the arrow in Figure 2.4.

Current working directory is steve.

Figure 2.4. Current working directory is steve.

You know that two directories are directly “below” steve's home directory: documents and programs. In fact, this can be verified at the terminal by issuing the ls command:

$ ls

The ls command lists the two directories documents and programs the same way it listed other ordinary files in previous examples.

To change your current working directory, issue the cd command, followed by the name of the directory to change to:

$ cd documents

After executing this command, you will be placed inside the documents directory, as depicted in Figure 2.5.

cd documents.

Figure 2.5. cd documents.

You can verify at the terminal that the working directory has been changed by issuing the pwd command:

$ pwd

The easiest way to get one level up in a directory is to issue the command

cd ..

because by convention .. always refers to the directory one level up (known as the parent directory; see Figure 2.6).

$ cd ..
$ pwd
cd ..

Figure 2.6. cd ..

If you wanted to change to the letters directory, you could get there with a single cd command by specifying the relative path documents/letters (see Figure 2.7):

$ cd documents/letters
$ pwd
cd documents/letters.

Figure 2.7. cd documents/letters.

You can get back up to the home directory by using a single cd command to go up two directories as shown:

$ cd ../..
$ pwd

Or you can get back to the home directory using a full pathname rather than a relative one:

$ cd /users/steve
$ pwd

Finally, there is a third way to get back to the home directory that is also the easiest. Typing the command cd without an argument always places you back into your home directory, no matter where you are in your directory path:

$ cd
$ pwd

More on the ls Command

When you type the ls command, the files contained in the current working directory are listed. But you can also use ls to obtain a list of files in other directories by supplying an argument to the command. First let's get back to your home directory:

$ cd
$ pwd

Now let's take a look at the files in the current working directory:

$ ls

If you supply the name of one of these directories to the ls command, you can get a list of the contents of that directory. So, you can find out what's contained in the documents directory simply by typing the command ls documents:

$ ls documents

To take a look at the subdirectory memos, you follow a similar procedure:

$ ls documents/memos

If you specify a nondirectory file argument to the ls command, you simply get that filename echoed back at the terminal:

$ ls documents/memos/plan

An option to the ls command enables you to determine whether a particular file is a directory, among other things. The -l option (the letter l) provides a more detailed description of the files in a directory. If you were currently in steve's home directory as indicated in Figure 2.6, the following would illustrate the effect of supplying the -l option to the ls command:

$ ls –l
total 2
drwxr-xr-x    5 steve    DP3725     80 Jun 25 13:27 documents
drwxr-xr-x    2 steve    DP3725     96 Jun 25 13:31 programs

The first line of the display is a count of the total number of blocks (1,024 bytes) of storage that the listed files use. Each successive line displayed by the ls -l command contains detailed information about a file in the directory. The first character on each line tells whether the file is a directory. If the character is d, it is a directory; if it is -, it is an ordinary file; finally, if it is b, c, l, or p, it is a special file.

The next nine characters on the line tell how every user on the system can access the particular file. These access modes apply to the file's owner (the first three characters), other users in the same group as the file's owner (the next three characters), and finally to all other users on the system (the last three characters). They tell whether the user can read from the file, write to the file, or execute the contents of the file.

The ls -l command lists the link count (see “Linking Files: The ln Command,” later in this chapter), the owner of the file, the group owner of the file, how large the file is (that is, how many characters are contained in it), and when the file was last modified. The information displayed last on the line is the filename itself.

$ ls -l programs
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x    1 steve    DP3725     358 Jun 25 13:31 collect
-rwxr-xr-x    1 steve    DP3725    1219 Jun 25 13:31 mon
-rwxr-xr-x    1 steve    DP3725      89 Jun 25 13:30 wb

The dash in the first column of each line indicates that the three files collect, mon, and wb are ordinary files and not directories.

Creating a Directory: The mkdir Command

To create a directory, the mkdir command must be used. The argument to this command is simply the name of the directory you want to make. For example, assume that you are still working with the directory structure depicted in Figure 2.7 and that you want to create a new directory called misc on the same level as the directories documents and programs. If you were currently in your home directory, typing the command mkdir misc would achieve the desired effect:

$ mkdir misc

Now if you execute an ls command, you should get the new directory listed:

$ ls

The directory structure now appears as shown in Figure 2.8.

Directory structure with newly created misc directory.

Figure 2.8. Directory structure with newly created misc directory.

Copying a File from One Directory to Another

The cp command can be used to copy a file from one directory into another. For example, you can copy the file wb from the programs directory into a file called wbx in the misc directory as follows:

$ cp programs/wb misc/wbx

Because the two files are contained in different directories, it is not even necessary that they be given different names:

$ cp programs/wb misc/wb

When the destination file has the same name as the source file (in a different directory, of course), it is necessary to specify only the destination directory as the second argument:

$ cp programs/wb misc

When this command gets executed, the Unix system recognizes that the second argument is the name of a directory and copies the source file into that directory. The new file is given the same name as the source file. You can copy more than one file into a directory by listing the files to be copied before the name of the destination directory. If you were currently in the programs directory, the command

$ cp wb collect mon ../misc

would copy the three files wb, collect, and mon into the misc directory, under the same names.

To copy a file from another directory into your current one and give it the same name, use the fact that the current directory can always be referenced as '.':

$ pwd
$ cp ../programs/collect .

The preceding command copies the file collect from the directory ../programs into the current directory (/users/steve/misc).

Moving Files Between Directories

You recall that the mv command can be used to rename a file. However, when the two arguments to this command reference different directories, the file is actually moved from the first directory into the second directory. For example, first change from the home directory to the documents directory:

$ cd documents

Suppose that now you decide that the file plan contained in the memos directory is really a proposal and not a memo. So you want to move it from the memos directory into the proposals directory. The following would do the trick:

$ mv memos/plan proposals/plan

As with the cp command, if the source file and destination file have the same name, only the name of the destination directory need be supplied.

$ mv memos/plan proposals

Also like the cp command, a group of files can be simultaneously moved into a directory by simply listing all files to be moved before the name of the destination directory:

$ pwd
$ mv wb collect mon ../misc

This would move the three files wb, collect, and mon into the directory misc. You can also use the mv command to change the name of a directory. For example, the following renames the directory programs to bin.

$ mv programs bin

Linking Files: The ln Command

In simplest terms, the ln command provides an easy way for you to give more than one name to a file. The general form of the command is

ln from to

This links the file from to the file to.

Recall the structure of steve's programs directory from Figure 2.8. In that directory, he has stored a program called wb. Suppose that he decides that he'd also like to call the program writeback. The most obvious thing to do would be to simply create a copy of wb called writeback:

$ cp wb writeback

The drawback with this approach is that now twice as much disk space is being consumed by the program. Furthermore, if steve ever changes wb, he may forget to make a new copy of writeback, resulting in two different copies of what he thinks is the same program.

By linking the file wb to the new name, these problems are avoided:

$ ln wb writeback

Now instead of two copies of the file existing, only one exists with two different names: wb and writeback. The two files have been logically linked by the Unix system. As far as you're concerned, it appears as though you have two different files. Executing an ls command shows the two files separately:

$ ls

Look what happens when you execute an ls -l:

$ ls -l
total 5
-rwxr-xr-x    1 steve    DP3725     358 Jun 25 13:31 collect
-rwxr-xr-x    1 steve    DP3725    1219 Jun 25 13:31 mon
-rwxr-xr-x    2 steve    DP3725      89 Jun 25 13:30 wb
-rwxr-xr-x    2 steve    DP3725      89 Jun 25 13:30 writeback

The number right before steve is 1 for collect and mon and 2 for wb and writeback. This number is the number of links to a file, normally 1 for nonlinked, nondirectory files. Because wb and writeback are linked, this number is 2 for these files. This implies that you can link to a file more than once.

You can remove either of the two linked files at any time, and the other will not be removed:

$ rm writeback
$ ls -l
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x    1 steve    DP3725     358 Jun 25 13:31 collect
-rwxr-xr-x    1 steve    DP3725    1219 Jun 25 13:31 mon
-rwxr-xr-x    1 steve    DP3725      89 Jun 25 13:30 wb

Note that the number of links on wb went from 2 to 1 because one of its links was removed.

Most often, ln is used to link files between directories. For example, suppose that pat wanted to have access to steve's wb program. Instead of making a copy for himself (subject to the same problems described previously) or including steve's programs directory in his PATH (described in detail in Chapter 11, “Your Environment”), he can simply link to the file from his own program directory; for example:

$ pwd
/users/pat/bin                       pat's program directory
$ ls -l
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822    1358 Jan 15 11:01 lcat
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822     504 Apr 21 18:30 xtr
$ ln /users/steve/wb .   link wb to pat's bin
$ ls -l
total 5
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822    1358 Jan 15 11:01 lcat
-rwxr-xr-x    2 steve    DP3725      89 Jun 25 13:30 wb
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822     504 Apr 21 18:30 xtr

Note that steve is still listed as the owner of wb, even though the listing came from pat's directory. This makes sense, because really only one copy of the file exists—and it's owned by steve.

The only stipulation on linking files is that for ordinary links, the files to be linked together must reside on the same file system. If they don't, you'll get an error from ln when you try to link them. (To determine the different file systems on your system, execute the df command. The first field on each line of output is the name of a file system.)

To create links to files on different file systems (or perhaps on different networked systems), you can use the -s option to the ln command. This creates a symbolic link. Symbolic links behave a lot like regular links, except that the symbolic link points to the original file; if the original file is removed, the symbolic link no longer works. Let's see how symbolic links work with the previous example:

$ rm wb
$ ls -l
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822    1358 Jan 15 11:01 lcat
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822     504 Apr 21 18:30 xtr
$ ln -s /users/steve/wb ./symwb   Symbolic link to wb
$ ls -l
total 5
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822    1358 Jan 15 11:01 lcat
lrwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822      15 Jul 20 15:22 symwb -> /users/steve/wb
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822     504 Apr 21 18:30 xtr

Note that pat is listed as the owner of symwb, and the file type is l, which indicates a symbolic link. The size of the symbolic link is 15 (the file actually contains the string /users/steve/wb), but if we attempt to access the contents of the file, we are presented with the contents of its symbolic link, /users/steve/wb:

$ wc symwb
         5        9        89 symwb

The -L option to the ls command can be used with the -l option to get a detailed list of information on the file the symbolic link points to:

$ ls -Ll
total 5
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822    1358 Jan 15 11:01 lcat
-rwxr-xr-x    2 steve    DP3725      89 Jun 25 13:30 wb
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822     504 Apr 21 18:30 xtr

Removing the file that a symbolic link points to invalidates the symbolic link (because symbolic links are maintained as filenames), although the symbolic link continues to stick around:

$ rm /users/steve/wb    Assume pat can remove this file
$ ls -l
total 5
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822    1358 Jan 15 11:01 lcat
lrwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822      15 Jul 20 15:22 wb -> /users/steve/wb
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pat      DP3822     504 Apr 21 18:30 xtr
$ wc wb
Cannot open wb: No such file or directory

This type of file is called a dangling symbolic link and should be removed unless you have a specific reason to keep it around (for example, if you intend to replace the removed file).

One last note before leaving this discussion: The ln command follows the same general format as cp and mv, meaning that you can link a bunch of files at once into a directory using the format

ln files directory

Removing a Directory: The rmdir Command

You can remove a directory with the rmdir command. The stipulation involved in removing a directory is that no files be contained in the directory. If there are files in the directory when rmdir is executed, you will not be allowed to remove the directory. To remove the directory misc that you created earlier, the following could be used:

$ rmdir /users/steve/misc

Once again, the preceding command works only if no files are contained in the misc directory; otherwise, the following happens:

$ rmdir /users/steve/misc
rmdir: /users/steve/misc not empty

If this happens and you still want to remove the misc directory, you would first have to remove all the files contained in that directory before reissuing the rmdir command.

As an alternate method for removing a directory and the files contained in it, you can use the -r option to the rm command. The format is simple:

rm -r dir

where dir is the name of the directory that you want to remove. rm removes the indicated directory and all files (including directories) in it.

Filename Substitution

The Asterisk

One powerful feature of the Unix system that is actually handled by the shell is filename substitution. Let's say that your current directory has these files in it:

$ ls

Suppose that you want to print their contents at the terminal. Well, you could take advantage of the fact that the cat command allows you to specify more than one filename at a time. When this is done, the contents of the files are displayed one after the other:

$ cat chapt1 chapt2 chapt3 chapt4

But you can also type in

$ cat *

and get the same results. The shell automatically substitutes the names of all the files in the current directory for the *. The same substitution occurs if you use * with the echo command:

$ echo *
chapt1 chapt2 chapt3 chapt4

Here the * is again replaced with the names of all the files contained in the current directory, and the echo command simply displays them at the terminal.

Any place that * appears on the command line, the shell performs its substitution:

$ echo * : *
chapt1 chapt2 chapt3 chapt4 : chapt1 chapt2 chapt3 chapt4

The * can also be used in combination with other characters to limit the filenames that are substituted. For example, let's say that in your current directory you have not only chapt1 through chapt4 but also files a, b, and c:

$ ls

To display the contents of just the files beginning with chapt, you can type in

$ cat chapt*

The chapt* matches any filename that begins with chapt. All such filenames matched are substituted on the command line.

The * is not limited to the end of a filename; it can be used at the beginning or in the middle as well:

$ echo *t1
$ echo *t*
chapt1 chapt2 chapt3 chapt4
$ echo *x

In the first echo, the *t1 specifies all filenames that end in the characters t1. In the second echo, the first * matches everything up to a t and the second everything after; thus, all filenames containing a t are printed. Because there are no files ending with x, no substitution occurs in the last case. Therefore, the echo command simply displays *x.

Matching Single Characters

The asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters, meaning that x* matches the file x as well as x1, x2, xabc, and so on. The question mark (?) matches exactly one character. So cat ? prints all files with one-character names, just as cat x? prints all files with two-character names beginning with x.

$ ls
$ echo ?
a b c
$ echo a?
$ echo ??
aa bb cc
$ echo ??*
aa aax alice bb cc report1 report2 report3

In the preceding example, the ?? matches two characters, and the * matches zero or more up to the end. The net effect is to match all filenames of two or more characters.

Another way to match a single character is to give a list of the characters to use in the match inside square brackets [ ]. For example, [abc] matches one letter a, b, or c. It's similar to the ?, but it allows you to choose the characters that will be matched. The specification [0-9] matches the characters 0 through 9. The only restriction in specifying a range of characters is that the first character must be alphabetically less than the last character, so that [z-f] is not a valid range specification.

By mixing and matching ranges and characters in the list, you can perform some complicated substitutions. For example, [a-np-z]* matches all files that start with the letters a through n or p through z (or more simply stated, any lowercase letter but o).

If the first character following the [ is a !, the sense of the match is inverted. That is, any character is matched except those enclosed in the brackets. So


matches any character except a lowercase letter, and


matches any file that doesn't end with the lowercase letter o.

Table 2.1 gives a few more examples of filename substitution.

Table 2.1. Filename Substitution Examples



echo a*

Print the names of the files beginning with a

cat *.c

Print all files ending in .c

rm *.*

Remove all files containing a period

ls x*

List the names of all files beginning with x

rm *

Remove all files in the current directory (Note: Be careful when you use this.)

echo a*b

Print the names of all files beginning with a and ending with b

cp ../programs/* .

Copy all files from ../programs into the current directory

ls [a-z]*[!0-9]

List files that begin with a lowercase letter and don't end with a digit

Standard Input/Output and I/O Redirection

Standard Input and Standard Output

Most Unix system commands take input from your terminal and send the resulting output back to your terminal. A command normally reads its input from a place called standard input, which happens to be your terminal by default. Similarly, a command normally writes its output to standard output, which is also your terminal by default. This concept is depicted in Figure 2.9.

Typical Unix command.

Figure 2.9. Typical Unix command.

Recall that executing the who command results in the display of the currently logged-in users. More formally, the who command writes a list of the logged-in users to standard output. This is depicted in Figure 2.10.

who command.

Figure 2.10. who command.

If a sort command is executed without a filename argument, the command takes its input from standard input. As with standard output, this is your terminal by default.

When entering data to a command from the terminal, the Ctrl and d keys (denoted Ctrl+d in this text) must be simultaneously pressed after the last data item has been entered. This tells the command that you have finished entering data. As an example, let's use the sort command to sort the following four names: Tony, Barbara, Harry, Dick. Instead of first entering the names into a file, we'll enter them directly from the terminal:

$ sort

Because no filename was specified to the sort command, the input was taken from standard input, the terminal. After the fourth name was typed in, the Ctrl and d keys were pressed to signal the end of the data. At that point, the sort command sorted the four names and displayed the results on the standard output device, which is also the terminal. This is depicted in Figure 2.11.

sort command.

Figure 2.11. sort command.

The wc command is another example of a command that takes its input from standard input if no filename is specified on the command line. So the following shows an example of this command used to count the number of lines of text entered from the terminal:

$ wc -l
This is text that
is typed on the
standard input device.

Note that the Ctrl+d that is used to terminate the input is not counted as a separate line by the wc command. Furthermore, because no filename was specified to the wc command, only the count of the number of lines (3) is listed as the output of the command. (Recall that this command normally prints the name of the file directly after the count.)

Output Redirection

The output from a command normally intended for standard output can be easily diverted to a file instead. This capability is known as output redirection.

If the notation > file is appended to any command that normally writes its output to standard output, the output of that command will be written to file instead of your terminal:

$ who > users

This command line causes the who command to be executed and its output to be written into the file users. Notice that no output appears at the terminal. This is because the output has been redirected from the default standard output device (the terminal) into the specified file:

$ cat users
oko   tty01  Sep 12 07:30
ai    tty15  Sep 12 13:32
ruth  tty21  Sep 12 10:10
pat   tty24  Sep 12 13:07
steve tty25  Sep 12 13:03

If a command has its output redirected to a file and the file already contains some data, that data will be lost. Consider this example:

$ echo line 1 > users
$ cat users
line 1
$ echo line 2 >> users
$ cat users
line 1
line 2

The second echo command uses a different type of output redirection indicated by the characters >>. This character pair causes the standard output from the command to be appended to the specified file. Therefore, the previous contents of the file are not lost, and the new output simply gets added onto the end.

By using the redirection append characters >>, you can use cat to append the contents of one file onto the end of another:

$ cat file1
This is in file1.
$ cat file2
This is in file2.
$ cat file1 >> file2    Append file1 to file2
$ cat file2
This is in file2.
This is in file1.

Recall that specifying more than one filename to cat results in the display of the first file followed immediately by the second file, and so on:

$ cat file1
This is in file1.
$ cat file2
This is in file2.
$ cat file1 file2
This is in file1.
This is in file2.
$ cat file1 file2 > file3  Redirect it instead
$ cat file3
This is in file1.
This is in file2.

Now you can see where the cat command gets its name: When used with more than one file, its effect is to catenate the files together.

Incidentally, the shell recognizes a special format of output redirection. If you type

> file

not preceded by a command, the shell creates an empty (that is, zero character length) file for you. If file previously exists, its contents will be lost.

Input Redirection

Just as the output of a command can be redirected to a file, so can the input of a command be redirected from a file. And as the greater-than character > is used for output redirection, the less-than character < is used to redirect the input of a command. Of course, only commands that normally take their input from standard input can have their input redirected from a file in this manner.

To redirect the input of a command, you type the < character followed by the name of the file that the input is to be read from. So, for example, to count the number of lines in the file users, you know that you can execute the command wc -l users:

$ wc -l users
      2 users

Or, you can count the number of lines in the file by redirecting the standard input of the wc command from the file users:

$ wc -l < users

Note that there is a difference in the output produced by the two forms of the wc command. In the first case, the name of the file users is listed with the line count; in the second case, it is not. This points out the subtle distinction between the execution of the two commands. In the first case, wc knows that it is reading its input from the file users. In the second case, it only knows that it is reading its input from standard input. The shell redirects the input so that it comes from the file users and not the terminal (more about this in the next chapter). As far as wc is concerned, it doesn't know whether its input is coming from the terminal or from a file!


As you will recall, the file users that was created previously contains a list of all the users currently logged in to the system. Because you know that there will be one line in the file for each user logged in to the system, you can easily determine the number of users logged in by simply counting the number of lines in the users file:

$ who > users
$ wc -l < users

This output would indicate that currently five users were logged in. Now you have a command sequence you can use whenever you want to know how many users are logged in.

Another approach to determine the number of logged-in users bypasses the use of a file. The Unix system allows you to effectively connect two commands together. This connection is known as a pipe, and it enables you to take the output from one command and feed it directly into the input of another command. A pipe is effected by the character |, which is placed between the two commands. So to make a pipe between the who and wc -l commands, you simply type who | wc -l:

$ who | wc -l

The pipe that is effected between these two commands is depicted in Figure 2.12.

Pipeline process: who | wc -l.

Figure 2.12. Pipeline process: who | wc -l.

When a pipe is set up between two commands, the standard output from the first command is connected directly to the standard input of the second command. You know that the who command writes its list of logged-in users to standard output. Furthermore, you know that if no filename argument is specified to the wc command, it takes its input from standard input. Therefore, the list of logged-in users that is output from the who command automatically becomes the input to the wc command. Note that you never see the output of the who command at the terminal because it is piped directly into the wc command. This is depicted in Figure 2.13.

Pipeline process.

Figure 2.13. Pipeline process.

A pipe can be made between any two programs, provided that the first program writes its output to standard output, and the second program reads its input from standard input.

As another example of a pipe, suppose that you wanted to count the number of files contained in your directory. Knowledge of the fact that the ls command displays one line of output per file enables you to use the same type of approach as before:

$ ls | wc -l

The output indicates that the current directory contains 10 files.

It is also possible to form a pipeline consisting of more than two programs, with the output of one program feeding into the input of the next.


The term filter is often used in Unix terminology to refer to any program that can take input from standard input, perform some operation on that input, and write the results to standard output. More succinctly, a filter is any program that can be used between two other programs in a pipeline. So in the previous pipeline, wc is considered a filter. ls is not because it does not read its input from standard input. As other examples, cat and sort are filters, whereas who, date, cd, pwd, echo, rm, mv, and cp are not.

Standard Error

In addition to standard input and standard output, there is another place known as standard error. This is where most Unix commands write their error messages. And as with the other two “standard” places, standard error is associated with your terminal by default. In most cases, you never know the difference between standard output and standard error:

$ ls n*                 List all files beginning with n
n* not found

Here the “not found” message is actually being written to standard error and not standard output by the ls command. You can verify that this message is not being written to standard output by redirecting the ls command's output:

$ ls n* > foo
n* not found

So, you still get the message printed out at the terminal, even though you redirected standard output to the file foo.

The preceding example shows the raison d'être for standard error: so that error messages will still get displayed at the terminal even if standard output is redirected to a file or piped to another command.

You can also redirect standard error to a file by using the notation

command 2> file

No space is permitted between the 2 and the >. Any error messages normally intended for standard error will be diverted into the specified file, similar to the way standard output gets redirected.

$ ls n* 2> errors
$ cat errors
n* not found

More on Commands

Typing More Than One Command on a Line

You can type more than one command on a line provided that you separate each command with a semicolon. For example, you can find out the current time and also your current working directory by typing in the date and pwd commands on the same line:

$ date; pwd
Sat Jul 20 14:43:25 EDT 2002

You can string out as many commands as you want on the line, as long as each command is delimited by a semicolon.

Sending a Command to the Background

Normally, you type in a command and then wait for the results of the command to be displayed at the terminal. For all the examples you have seen thus far, this waiting time is typically short—maybe a second or two. However, you may have to run commands that require many seconds or even minutes to execute. In those cases, you'll have to wait for the command to finish executing before you can proceed further unless you execute the command in the background.

If you type in a command followed by the ampersand character &, that command will be sent to the background for execution. This means that the command will no longer tie up your terminal, and you can then proceed with other work. The standard output from the command will still be directed to your terminal; however, in most cases the standard input will be dissociated from your terminal. If the command does try to read any input from standard input, it will be stopped and will wait for you to bring it to the foreground (we'll discuss this in more detail in Chapter 15, “Interactive and Nonstandard Shell Features”).[3]

$ sort data > out &    Send the sort to the background
[1] 1258                 Process id
$ date                        Your terminal is immediately available to do other work
Sat Jul 20 14:45:09 EDT 2002

When a command is sent to the background, the Unix system automatically displays two numbers. The first is called the command's job number and the second the process id. In the preceding example, 1 was the job number and 1258 the process id. The job number is used by some shell commands that you'll learn more about in Chapter 15. The process id uniquely identifies the command that you sent to the background and can be used to obtain status information about the command. This is done with the ps command.

The ps Command

The ps command gives you information about the processes running on the system. ps without any options prints the status of just your processes. If you type in ps at your terminal, you'll get a few lines back describing the processes you have running:

$ ps
   195    01   0:21 sh       The shell
  1353    01   0:00 ps       This ps command
  1258    01   0:10 sort     The previous sort

The ps command prints out four columns of information: PID, the process id; TTY, the terminal number that the process was run from; TIME, the amount of computer time in minutes and seconds that process has used; and COMMAND, the name of the process. (The sh process in the preceding example is the shell that was started when you logged in, and it has used 21 seconds of computer time.) Until the command is finished, it shows up in the output of the ps command as a running process. Process number 1353 in the preceding example is the ps command that was typed in, and 1258 is the sort from the preceding example.

When used with the -f option, ps prints out more information about your processes, including the parent process id (PPID), the time the processes started (STIME), and the command arguments:

$ ps -f
   steve   195     1  0 10:58:29 tty01    0:21 -sh
   steve  1360   195 43 14:54:48 tty01    0:01 ps -f
   steve  1258   195  0 14:45:04 tty01    3:17 sort data

Command Summary

Table 2.2 summarizes the commands reviewed in this chapter. In this table, file refers to a file, file(s) to one or more files, dir to a directory, and dir(s) to one or more directories.

Table 2.2. Command Summary



cat file(s)

Display contents of file(s) or standard input if not supplied

cd dir

Change working directory to dir

cp filel file2

Copy filel to file2

cp file(s) dir

Copy file(s) into dir


Display the date and time

echo args

Display args

ln file1 file2

Link file1 to file2

ln file(s) dir

Link file(s) into dir

ls file(s)

List file(s)

ls dir(s)

List files in dir(s) or in current directory if dir(s) is not specified

mkdir dir(s)

Create directory dir(s)

mv file1 file2

Move file1 to file2 (simply rename it if both reference the same directory)

mv file(s) dir

Move file(s) into directory dir


List information about active processes


Display current working directory path

rm file(s)

Remove files(s)

rmdir dir(s)

Remove empty directory dir(s)

sort file(s)

Sort lines of file(s) or standard input if not supplied

wc file(s)

Count the number of lines, words, and characters in file(s) or standard input if not supplied


Display who's logged in



Given the following files in your current directory:

$ ls

What would be the output from the following commands?

echo *                           echo *[!0-9]
echo m[a-df-z]*                  echo [A-Z]*
echo jan*                        echo *.*
echo ?????                       echo *02
echo jan?? feb?? mar??           echo [fjm][ae][bnr]*


What is the effect of the following command sequences?

ls | wc -l                       rm ???
who | wc -l                      mv progs/* /users/steve/backup
ls *.c | wc -l                   rm *.o
who | sort                       cd; pwd
cp memo1 ..                      plotdata 2>errors &

[1] Modern Unix and Microsoft Windows systems support long filenames; however, some older Unix and Windows systems only allow much shorter filenames.

[2] Assuming that you have the proper permission to write to the file.

[3] Note that the capability to stop a command when it reads from standard input may be missing on non-Unix implementations of the shell or on older shells that do not conform to the POSIX standard. On these implementations, any read from standard input will get an end-of-file condition as if Ctrl+d were typed.

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