Collection.Count Property




Use: Required

Data Type: Collection object

Object variable referring to a Collection object.


Returns the number of members in the collection.

Rules at a Glance

Collections are 1-based; that is, the index of the first element of a collection is 1. In contrast, arrays are 0-based; by default, the index of the first element of an array is 0.


For i = 1 To colMyCollection.Count
    Set colSubCollection = colMyCollection.Item(CStr(i))
    MsgBox colSubCollection.Item("Name")
    Set colSubCollection = Nothing
Next i

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Because collections are 1-based, you can iterate the members of a collection by using index values ranging from 1 to the value of objectvariable.Count.

See Also

Collection Object, Collection.Add Method, Collection.Count Property, Collection.Item Method
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