RmDir Statement

Named Arguments



RmDir path


Use: Required

Data Type: String

The path of the folder to be removed.


Removes a folder.

Rules at a Glance

  • You may include a drive letter in path ; if you don't specify a drive letter, the folder is assumed to be on the current drive.

  • If the folder contains files or other folders, RmDir will generate runtime error 75, "Path/File access error."


The following subroutine deletes all the files in a folder and removes its subfolders. If those contain files or folders, it deletes those too by calling itself recursively until all child folders and their files are removed.

Private Sub RemoveFolder(ByVal strFolder As String)

Static blnLowerLevel As Boolean    ' A recursive call - no
                                   '   need to prompt user
Dim blnRepeated As Boolean   ' Use Dir state info on
                             ' repeated calls
Dim strFile As String     ' File/Directory contained in
                          ' strFolder

' Delete all files
   strFile = Dir(strFolder & "*.*", _
                 vbNormal Or vbHidden Or vbSystem)
   If strFile <> "" Then
      If Not blnLowerLevel Then
         If MsgBox("Delete files in directory " & _
                   strFolder & "?", _
                   vbQuestion Or vbOKCancel, _
                   "Confirm File Deletion") _
                   = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
      End If
      strFile = strFolder & "" & strFile
      Kill strFile
   End If
Loop While strFile <> ""
' Delete all directories
   If Not blnRepeated Then
      strFile = Dir(strFolder & "*.*", vbDirectory)
      blnRepeated = True
      strFile = Dir(, vbDirectory)
   End If
   If strFile <> "" And _
      strFile <> "." And strFile <> ".." Then
      If Not blnLowerLevel Then
         blnLowerLevel = True
         If MsgBox("Delete subdirectories of " & _
                   strFolder & "?", _
                   vbQuestion Or vbOKCancel, _
                   "Confirm Directory Deletion") _
                   = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
      End If
      RemoveFolder strFolder & "" & strFile
      blnRepeated = False
   End If
Loop While strFile <> ""

RmDir strFolder

End Sub

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • Use the Kill statement to delete any remaining files from the folder prior to removing the folder.

  • To remove folders, you can call the Dir function recursively to navigate downward into a folder's subfolders. Note that because it saves state information between invocations, the documentation incorrectly indicates that the Dir function can't be called recursively. The previous example indicates how this might be done.

  • The effects of using Kill and RmDir are irreversible, since these statements don't move deleted files to the Recycle Bin.

  • Visual Basic Version 6 introduces the File System object model, which contains Folders and Folder objects and gives much greater control and flexibility that the intrinsic MkDir and RmDir statements. Removing a folder using the FileSystemObject.DeleteFolder method is similar to deleting a folder using the Windows Explorer: i.e., all files, subfolders, and their contents are removed.

See Also

MkDir Statement, ChDir Statement, Kill Statement, File System Object Method
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