FileSystemObject.OpenTextFile Method (VB6)

Named Arguments



oFileSysObj.OpenTextFile(FileName[, IOMode[, Create[, _


Use: Required

Data Type: FileSystemObject object

Any object variable returning a FileSystemObject object.


Use: Required

Data Type: String

The path and filename of the file to open.


Use: Optional

Data Type: IOMode constant

A constant specifying the purpose for opening the file.


Use: Optional

Data Type: Boolean

A Boolean flag denoting if the file should be created if it can't be found in the given path.


Use: Optional

Data Type: Tristate constant

A constant specifying ASCII or Unicode format.

Return Value

A TextStream object.


Opens (and optionally first creates) a text file for reading or writing.

Rules at a Glance

  • File open (IOMode) constants are:

Constant Value Description
ForAppending 8 Opens the file for appending; that is, the current contents of the file are protected and new data written to the file is placed at the end of the file.
ForReading 1 Opens the file for reading; ForReading files are read-only.
ForWriting 2 Opens the file for writing; all previous file content is overwritten by new data.

  • Tristate (Format) constants:

Constant Value Description
TristateUseDefault –2 Open as System default
TristateTrue –1 Open as Unicode
TristateFalse 0 Open as ASCII

  • The path element of FileName can be relative or absolute.

  • The default IOMode setting is ForReading (1).

  • The default Format setting is ASCII (False).

  • If another process has opened the file, the method fails with a Permission Denied error.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • You can use the GetAbsolutePath and FileExists methods prior to calling the OpenTextFile method to ensure its success.

  • The value of IOMode can be only that of a single constant. For example, a method call such as the following:

    lMode = ForReading Or ForWriting
    oFileSys.OpenTextStream(strFileName, lMode)  ' WRONG

    generates runtime error 5, "Invalid procedure call or argument."

  • If the user has adequate rights, path element of FileName can be a network path or share name. For example:

    OpenTextFile "\NTSERV1d$RootTwomyFile.txt"

See Also

File.OpenAsTextStream Method, TextStream Object
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