Appendix A. Appendix: Case Studies

Throughout this book we have discussed the concepts and architecture behind Oracle’s parallel execution and parallel server features. We also discussed various aspects of administering, monitoring, and tuning these features. This appendix takes the discussion of Oracle’s parallel support to its logical conclusion by talking about the types of applications that can benefit from parallelism.

The three case studies chosen for this appendix cover the three most common hardware architectures used for parallel systems: SMP, MPP, and cluster. The case studies also cover two common types of applications: online transaction processing (OLTP) systems and decision support system (DSS) applications. The case studies include:

  • An OLTP application on a Sun SMP platform

  • An OLTP application on an IBM RS/6000 HACMP cluster

  • A DSS application on an IBM SP, which is an MPP platform

Although these case studies discuss only Sun and IBM platforms, they are equally applicable to all platforms that support Oracle’s parallel processing features.

Application Suitability

When you consider an application’s suitability for use with Oracle’s parallel feature set, you really need to consider two things separately. First, you need to look at your application with respect to Oracle Parallel Server (OPS). Not all applications are well-suited for OPS, and in some cases switching to OPS could drastically hurt performance and throughput. Second, you need to consider whether your application can benefit from the use of parallel execution features, such as parallel query and parallel DML. As with the use of OPS, use of Oracle’s parallel execution features does not always result in a performance increase.

Application Suitability for OPS

Oracle Parallel Server databases offer a variety of advantages, such as high availability, better scalability, improved performance, load balancing, and so forth. However, not every application is suitable for OPS. In many cases, taking an application not designed for OPS and switching it to use an OPS database can result in serious performance problems caused by inter-instance contention. Chapter 8, discusses the issue of contention between instances on an OPS system.

The types of applications that can benefit from OPS are those that can be designed and partitioned in a way that minimizes contention for the same data by more than one instance; for example:

  • OLTP applications using disjoint data

  • OLTP applications using random data access patterns

  • High-availability applications

  • Departmental applications

  • Collaborative applications

  • DSS applications

The following sections discuss the suitability of OPS for each of these types of applications.

OLTP applications using disjoint data

Online transaction processing applications that modify disjoint sets of data are suitable for OPS. A good example of this type of application is a banking application in which each bank branch accesses its own accounts information and very rarely needs to access information from a different branch. In such a situation, each branch can access an OPS instance that is specific to that branch. Each instance then accesses its own set of data, for the branch that it supports. Since each instance is accessing data for a different bank branch, conflicts between the instances will be almost nonexistent.

OLTP applications using random data access patterns

Some OLTP applications access very large databases, but in a relatively random pattern. Income tax applications are a good example of this type, in which individual records accessed by one instance are highly unlikely to be accessed by another instance at the same time. These applications can exploit the benefits of Oracle Parallel Server without incurring the overhead costs of lock conversion and pinging that result when multiple instances contend for the same data.

High-availability applications

In today’s globally competitive business environment, there is a growing need for high availability. Companies can’t afford extended downtime for databases supporting mission-critical applications. The cost of downtime in a stock brokerage application, for example, can be extremely high. Applications requiring high availability can benefit from the application failover capability built into Oracle Parallel Server. When a connection to the database through one instance fails, an application can reconnect to the database through another instance (as we described in Chapter 12).

Departmental applications

Departmental applications sometimes are suitable for use against an OPS database. If you have multiple departmental applications each modifying a different set of tables, you can set up an OPS database with one instance for each application. Common reference data can be accessed (in read-only mode) by all the applications. For example, an organization can put its Sales application on one node, its Human Resource application on another, its Project Accounting application on a third, and so forth. All of these applications modify different sets of tables but occasionally access some common data (such as employee data, for example) in read-only mode. Because the applications do not modify the same data, conflicts between the OPS instances are minimized.

Collaborative applications

Collaborative applications involve messaging services, directory services, workflow, and document management services in which multiple-user groups work together to share, exchange, and manage information. These applications often are suitable for OPS. Each user group can connect to one instance, and the chance that the same information will be updated by multiple instances is very low. Multiple instances can conveniently share the common directory information and documents in read-only mode without causing any locking conflicts.

DSS applications

DSS applications, such as those accessing a data warehouse or a data mart, execute large, complex queries but comparatively few updates, inserts, and deletes. In most DSS applications, data is queried throughout the day, and any insert, update, and delete activities take place during off-peak hours. Because they are primarily read-only, DSS applications are well suited to OPS. Multiple OPS instances can simultaneously read the same data without causing contention between those instances. DSS applications can employ the processors on multiple nodes to improve the performance of large and complex queries.

Scalability is a very important requirement of DSS applications. With growth in the database size and increase in user population, you can conveniently add another node to the system and run an additional OPS instance to support that growth.

Application Suitability for Parallel Execution

You can use Oracle’s parallel execution features with many applications and thereby significantly improve performance. Parallel execution involves the use of intra-query parallelism, in which multiple processors share in the task of executing a SQL statement, to speed up query execution. The following types of applications can benefit from parallel execution:

  • DSS applications

  • Reporting applications

  • OLTP applications with large batch jobs

  • Applications using advanced replication

DSS applications

DSS applications involve large and complex queries against a very large database. The databases used by DSS applications require regular feeds from transactional systems, and these feeds can be quite large. Parallel execution features such as parallel query, parallel data loading, and parallel table and index creation can very effectively improve the performance of DSS applications.

Reporting applications

Many organizations have large reporting requirements and use copies of transactional databases as reporting databases. Some companies may need to generate reports that run to hundreds of pages or that crunch gigabytes of data. Other organizations may need hundreds of reports generated on a regular basis. In either of these cases, you can use separate reporting databases to eliminate the reporting load from the transactional database. Reporting applications involve large queries with aggregate, summary, and sorting requirements. Oracle’s parallel execution features can help improve the performance for these types of queries.

OLTP applications with large batch jobs

Many OLTP applications require large batch jobs to be run at off-peak hours. Some of these batch jobs are used to upload and download data to and from other databases, maintain indexes, and purge old data. You can use parallel DML and parallel DDL very effectively to reduce the runtime of these batch jobs.

Applications using advanced replication

Many organizations use replicated databases for disaster recovery. Oracle’s advanced replication can help maintain multiple copies of database objects at multiple sites. The replicated database is a real-time copy of the operational database. In case of a hardware failure, database failure, or other disaster, the replicated database becomes the operational database. Maintaining a replicated database involves constantly updating the replicated database as changes are made to the operational database. Oracle’s parallel replication propagation can be used to improve replication performance.

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