

background lock process (LCK0), Lock processes (LCKn)
BSP (Block Server Process), Synchronization Between Instances, Block Server process (BSP)
bulk data loading, Parallel Execution
performance of, Tuning Tips for Parallel Execution


cache coherency
database blocks, Synchronization Between Instances
OPS environment in, Cache Coherency
cache fusion
benefits, Cache Fusion Benefits
Oracle8i in, Cache Fusion in Oracle8i
case studies, Appendix: Case Studies, Parallel Processing Features Used
DSS application on MPP platform, Case Study 3: A DSS Application on an MPP Platform
OLTP application on a cluster, Case Study 2: An OLTP Application on a Cluster
OLTP application on SMP platform, Case Study 1: An OLTP Application on an SMP Platform
changing your partitioning scheme, Changing Your Partitioning Scheme
architectures, Parallel Hardware Architectures, Clustered Systems
advantages/disadvantages, Disadvantages of clustered systems
interconnects, High-Speed Interconnect
free lists group parameters, Free Lists for Indexes and Clusters
columns, common
performance views, Important V$ View Columns
control files
databases, Control Files
COUNT(*), query, Examples of Parallelism’s Impact on Performance
instances, Crash Failure and Recovery
create databases
command, OPS-Specific, Writing the OPS-Specific CREATE DATABASE Command
standalone instance as, Creating the Database as a Standalone Instance
groups of free lists, The FREELIST GROUP Parameter: Creating Groups of Free Lists


Data Definition Language (DDL), Terminology
data flow operation (DFO), The V$PQ_TQSTAT View
data loading, Parallel Execution
Data Manipulation Language (see DML)
data partitioning
horizontal partitioning, Data Partitioning
data structures
IDLM (Integrated Distributed Lock Manager), Tuning IDLM
data warehouse
applications, Parallel Execution
size, Speedup
database architecture
shared disk, Shared Disk
shared everything, Shared Everything
shared nothing, Shared Nothing
control files, Control Files
converting to OPS, Converting the Database to OPS
create command
OPS-Specific, Writing the OPS-Specific CREATE DATABASE Command
standalone instance, Creating the Database as a Standalone Instance
exclusive mode,starting, Starting an OPS Database in Exclusive Mode
OPS impact on, OPS Impact on Database Files
names, instances, Multiple Oracle Instances
backing up, Backing Up an OPS Database
datafiles configuration, Datafiles
standby for, Standby Database for OPS
starting shared mode, Starting an OPS Database in Shared Mode
starting/stopping, Starting and Stopping an OPS Database
stopping, Stopping an OPS Database
parallel processing for, Parallel Processing for Databases, Intra-query parallelism
statistics on, The V$SYSSTAT and V$SESSTAT Views
DDL (Data Definition Language), Terminology
statements, parallelized, The V$SYSSTAT and V$SESSTAT Views
storage issues, Storage Issues for Parallel DDL
tables/indexes, Parallel DDL
Decision Support System (DSS), Intra-query parallelism, Tuning Tips for Parallel Execution
DEGREE keywords, Examples of Parallelism’s Impact on Performance, The Degree of Parallelism
degree of parallelism, Application requirements
instance level at, Tuning Tips for Parallel Execution
setting, Setting the Degree of Parallelism, Setting the Degree of Parallelism
setting the degree, Setting the Degree of Parallelism
specify, Specifying the degree of parallelism at the statement level, The actual degree of parallelism
DFO (data flow operation), The V$PQ_TQSTAT View
affinity, OPS instance, Disk Affinity
striping over multiple devices, Tuning Tips for Parallel Execution
disk writes
lock-related, Lock-related disk writes
distributed lock area
locking status, Integrated Distributed Lock Manager
distributed memory
architecture, Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) Systems
DML (Data Manipulation Language), Terminology
features, enabling, Deciding to Parallelize a DML Statement, Enabling Parallel DML
operations, Parallel DML
restrictions, Restrictions on Parallel DML
parallelized, The V$SYSSTAT and V$SESSTAT Views
transactions, Parallel DML Transactions
DSS (Decision Support System), Intra-query parallelism, Tuning Tips for Parallel Execution
dynamic performance views, The V$PX_SESSION View, Automatic Tuning of Parallel Execution in Oracle8i


grouped PMC locks, Enqueues
parallel execution, viewing, Using EXPLAIN PLAN to View Parallel Execution
preallocating, Preallocating Extents


Failback, Failback
application, Application Failover , Failover in a Three-Tier Architecture
capacity/workload issues, Capacity and Workload Issues
complexity, Failover Complexity
maintaining a, Maintaining a Failover Database
OPS database for
using an, Using an OPS Database for Failover
performance under OPS, Failover Performance Under OPS
planning for, Planning for Failover with OPS
replicated database
using a, Using a Replicated Database for Failover
standby database
using a, Using a Standby Database for Failover
three-tier architectures, Failover in a Three-Tier Architecture
transparent application
with Net8 and OCI8, Transparent Application Failover with Net8 and OCI8
false pinging
multiple instances, False Pinging
FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interchange), High-Speed Interconnect
Fiber Distributed Data Interchange (FDDI), High-Speed Interconnect
fine-grained locking
one lock protecting, Fine-grained locking
free lists
and free list groups, Using Free Lists and Free List Groups, Guidelines for Managing Free List Groups
creating groups, The FREELIST GROUP Parameter: Creating Groups of Free Lists
indexes/clusters, Free Lists for Indexes and Clusters
managing groups, guidelines, Guidelines for Managing Free List Groups
master, The Master Free List
free space, reserving, The PCTFREE Parameter: Reserving Free Space


GMS (Group Membership Services), Group Membership Service
create database, Creating the Database as a Standalone Instance
failure/recovery, GMS Failure and Recovery
starting OPS database, Starting and Stopping an OPS Database
status, ogmsctl utility, The ogmsctl Utility
using, Using Group Membership Services
blocks in PCM lock, Lock Granularity
lock, Lock Granularity
Group Membership Services (see GMS)


HA (high availability)
clustered architecture, Advantages of clustered systems
hardware architectures, Hardware Architectures
hashed locking
lock type, Hashed locking
high availability (HA)
clustered architecture, Advantages of clustered systems
high water mark (see HWM)
high-performance switch (HPS), High-Speed Interconnect
high-speed interconnects, High-Speed Interconnect
horizontal partitioning
data partitioning, Data Partitioning
HPS (high-performance switch), High-Speed Interconnect
HWM (high water mark), How Parallel Data Loading Works, The Master Free List
PCM lock blocking and, Preallocating Extents


bottlenecks, When Parallel Execution Is Beneficial
performance degradation, Improving the Performance of Parallel Loads
controller, Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) Systems
performance improve, Tuning Tips for Parallel Execution
IDLM (Integrated Distributed Lock Manager), Oracle Parallel Server Overhead, Oracle Parallel Server Architecture, Synchronization Between Instances, Integrated Distributed Lock Manager
data structures, Tuning IDLM
failure/recovery, IDLM Failure and Recovery
Lock Manager Daemon (LMD), Integrated Distributed Lock Manager
Lock Monitor (LMON), Integrated Distributed Lock Manager
tuning and, Monitoring and Tuning IDLM
Oracle Components, interaction, Interaction of IDLM with Other Oracle Components
free lists, Free Lists for Indexes and Clusters
maintenance while loading data, Tuning Tips for Parallel Execution
reverse key, using, Using Reverse Key Indexes
initialization parameters
ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT =1 two node, Exclusive Failover Instance in OPS
ARCHIVELOG mode for, Setting initialization parameters for ARCHIVELOG mode
changing, Tuning Overview
impact of OPS, Managing Initialization Parameters
managing, Managing Initialization Parameters
alert log and trace files, Alert Log and Trace Files
alter session set, ALTER SESSION SET INSTANCE command
background processes for
failure/recovery, Instance Failure and Recovery
database names, Multiple Oracle Instances
failure, Crash Failure and Recovery
groups, managing, Managing Instance Groups
keywords, The Degree of Parallelism
locks, Oracle DBMS requirements
multiple (pinging), Pinging
Integrated Distributed Lock Manager (see IDLM)
inter-operational parallelism, Intra-Operation and Inter-Operation Parallelism
producers/consumers, layers, The V$PQ_TQSTAT View
inter-query parallelism, Inter-query parallelism, Shared Everything
parallel execution overhead, Interference
intra-operational parallelism, Intra-Operation and Inter-Operation Parallelism
intra-query parallelism, Intra-query parallelism, Shared Everything


data structures, Latches
LCKO (background lock processes)
parameter controls, Lock processes (LCKn)
limitations, parallel processing, Why Parallel Processing?
LMDO (Lock Manager Daemon process), Lock Manager Daemon process (LMDn)
LMON (Lock Monitor process), Lock Monitor process (LMON)
lock acquisition and retention, PCM Lock Types, Lock Acquisition and Retention
lock blocking, PCM
high water mark and, Preallocating Extents
lock granularity
protecting data blocks, PCM Lock Types
lock mode
conversion in pinging, Lock Mode Conversion in Pinging
users/readers for, Lock Modes
lock types
PCM, PCM Lock Types
disk writes, Lock-related disk writes
ping rate, Lock-related disk writes
locking mechanisms in OPS, Locking Mechanisms in OPS, Non-PCM Locks
locking PCM
monitoring, Monitoring PCM Locking
allocation, fine-tuning, Fine-Tuning Lock Allocation
grouped enqueues as, Enqueues
instance/global, Instance Locks
Parallel Cache Management (PCM), Parallel Cache Management
PCM, allocation parameters, PCM Lock Allocation Parameters and Verification
transaction, Transaction Locks
types, Lock Types in OPS
verifying allocation, Verifying Lock Allocation
Logical Volume Manager (LVM), Shared Disk
loosely coupled architecture, Clustered Systems
LVM (Logical Volume Manager), Shared Disk


Massively Parallel Processing (see MPP)
master free list, The Master Free List
maxinstances parameter
mapping free list groups/instances, The MAXINSTANCES Parameter: Mapping Free List Groups to Instances
failure/recovery, Media Failure and Recovery
for SMP groups, Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) Systems
memory requirements, Parallel systems improve scalability
and tuning IDLM, Monitoring and Tuning IDLM
and tuning OPS, Monitoring and Tuning OPS , Oracle Performance Manager
overall statistics, Monitoring Overall Statistics, The V$FILESTAT View
PCM locking, Monitoring PCM Locking
MPP (Massively Parallel Processing), Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) Systems, What Is Parallel SQL?
advantages/disadvantages, Advantages of MPP systems
architecture, Parallel Hardware Architectures, Parallel systems improve scalability
MTS (multithreaded server), Parallel Execution in an MTS Environment
multinode parallel system, High Availability
instances, Oracle Parallel Server Overhead
processors, Inter-query parallelism, Hardware Architectures
managing, About Parallel Processing
sharing disk and memory, Software Architectures of Parallel Database Systems
multithreaded server (MTS) environment, A Standalone Oracle Instance
parallel execution, Parallel Execution in an MTS Environment


failure/recovery, Node Failure and Recovery
Non Uniform Memory Access (see NUMA)
NUMA (Non Uniform Memory Access)
advantages and disadvantages, Advantages of NUMA systems
architecture, Parallel Hardware Architectures, Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) Systems


OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager), Oracle Performance Manager
OFA (Optimal Flexible Architecture), OPS requirements
ogmsctl utility
GMS status, The ogmsctl Utility
OLTP (Online Transaction Processing), Inter-query parallelism
online redo log files, Online Redo Log Files
Online Transaction Processing (see OLTP)
OPS (Oracle Parallel Server), Terminology, Oracle Parallel Server, Oracle’s Parallel Processing Architecture, Parallel Execution Concepts
architecture, Oracle Parallel Server Architecture, How Many Rollback Segments?
instance, disk affinity, Disk Affinity
instance, rollback segments, Rollback Segments in OPS
overhead, Oracle Parallel Server Overhead
requirements, Oracle Parallel Server Requirements
user environment, Users in an OPS environment
OPS configuration
datafiles, Datafiles
OPS databases
administering, Administering an OPS Database, Media Failure and Recovery
backing up, Backing Up an OPS Database
cold/hot backup, Cold Backup
creating, Creating an OPS Database
exclusive mode, starting, Starting an OPS Database in Exclusive Mode
instances, redo log threads, Redo log threads
recovering, Recovering an OPS Database
shared mode, starting, Starting an OPS Database in Shared Mode
standby, Standby Database for OPS
starting/stopping, Starting and Stopping an OPS Database
stopping, Stopping an OPS Database
Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA), OPS requirements
components/IDLM interaction, Interaction of IDLM with Other Oracle Components
DBMS requirements, Oracle DBMS requirements
Instances, OPS and Oracle Instances
OPS database, OPS and Oracle Instances
Parallel Server (OPS)
enabling/disabling, OPS characteristics
history, How Many Rollback Segments?
multinode environment, Group Membership Service
processing architecture, Oracle’s Parallel Processing Architecture
Oracle database
Oracle instances
comparing standalone, Comparing OPS and standalone configurations
multiple, Multiple Oracle Instances
OPS characteristics, OPS characteristics
standalone, A Standalone Oracle Instance
synchronization, Synchronization Between Instances
Oracle Parallel Server (see OPS)
Oracle Performance Manager (OEM), Oracle Performance Manager
ORDERS table, Parallel Execution
overhead of pinging, The Overhead of Pinging


subtasks, Skew
specifying, Specifying the PARALLEL Clause
parallel computing
requirements, About Parallel Processing
parallel data loading, Parallel Execution
initiating, Initiating Parallel Data Loading
restrictions, Restrictions on Parallel Data Loading
using the direct path
direct path loading, How Parallel Data Loading Works
parallel execution, Parallel Processing in Oracle, Parallel Execution Overhead
automatic tuning, Automatic Tuning of Parallel Execution in Oracle8i
parameters, Automatic Tuning of Parallel Execution in Oracle8i
benefits, When Parallel Execution Is Beneficial
concepts, Parallel Execution Concepts
in OPS, Parallel Execution in OPS , Instance Groups for Parallel Execution
instance groups for, Instance Groups for Parallel Execution
monitoring/tuning, Monitoring and Tuning Parallel Execution, Automatic Tuning of Parallel Execution in Oracle8i
multithreaded server (MTS), Parallel Execution in an MTS Environment
parallel coordinator, The actual degree of parallelism
processes, How Parallel Execution Works
requirements, Parallel Execution Requirements
statements, How Parallel Execution Works
statistics, The V$PX_PROCESS_SYSSTAT View
tuning tips, Tuning Tips for Parallel Execution
using, Using Parallel Execution, Parallel Replication Propagation
Parallel Query option (PQO), Parallel Query
working with OPS, How Parallel Execution Works with OPS
parallel processing, About Parallel Processing, Oracle Parallel Server Overhead
advantages, Do You Need Parallel Processing?
architectures, Architectures for Parallel Processing, Oracle’s Parallel Processing Architecture
features requirements, Requirements for Oracle’s Parallel Features
overhead, Overhead for Oracle Parallel Processing , Application requirements
physical limitations, Why Parallel Processing?
recovery, Parallel Execution
server, Parallel Processing in Oracle
slave processes, The Pool of Parallel Slave Processes, The V$PX_PROCESS View
requested/used, The V$PQ_SESSTAT View
SQL, Terminology, Parallel Execution Concepts
Parallel Query Option, Parallel Execution
parallel replication propagation, Parallel Replication Propagation
parallel server failures, Recovering an OPS Database
parallel slave processes
parallel DML, Parallel DML Transactions
parallel execution, Parallel Execution
pool of, The Pool of Parallel Slave Processes
degree of, The Degree of Parallelism
inter-operational, Intra-Operation and Inter-Operation Parallelism, The V$PQ_TQSTAT View
intra-operational, Intra-Operation and Inter-Operation Parallelism
DDL statements, The V$SYSSTAT and V$SESSTAT Views
DML statement (cannot be), Restrictions on Parallel DML
DML statements, The V$SYSSTAT and V$SESSTAT Views
index/table, Parallel Execution
operations, Operations That Can Be Parallelized
query, restrictions on, Restrictions on Parallel Query
partitioned tables on, UPDATE and DELETE statements
common, file, Managing Initialization Parameters
free list groups, creating, The FREELIST GROUP Parameter: Creating Groups of Free Lists
initialization, Converting the Database to OPS
impact of OPS, Managing Initialization Parameters
managing, Managing Initialization Parameters
instance_groups, Managing Instance Groups
parallel slave processes, The Pool of Parallel Slave Processes
free space, reserving, The PCTFREE Parameter: Reserving Free Space
process free lists, The FREELISTS Parameter: Creating Process Free Lists
application, Application Partitioning, Read/write tables
for OPS, Partitioning for OPS, Changing Your Partitioning Scheme
changing, Changing Your Partitioning Scheme
tables/ indexes, Tuning Tips for Parallel Execution
techniques, Partitioning Techniques
transaction, Transaction Partitioning
when needed?, When Is Partitioning Needed?
PCM (Parallel Cache Management) locks, Parallel Cache Management
PCM locks
allocating, How Many Locks to Allocate?
allocation guidelines, PCM Lock Allocation Guidelines
allocation parameters, PCM Lock Allocation Parameters and Verification
monitoring, Monitoring PCM Locking
types, What Kind of Locks to Use?
impact of parallelism on, Examples of Parallelism’s Impact on Performance
improving, parallel loads, Improving the Performance of Parallel Loads
reducing overhead, Cache Fusion in Oracle8i
performance views
dynamic, Dynamic Performance Views
tuning, OPS Performance Views, The V$FILESTAT View
ping rate disk writes
lock-related, Lock-related disk writes
lock mode conversion, Lock Mode Conversion in Pinging
multiple instances, Pinging
overhead, The Overhead of Pinging
reduce, OPS Performance Views
reducing the number, Reducing the Number of Pings
soft, Soft Pings
PQO (Parallel Query Option), What Is Parallel SQL?
preallocating extents, Preallocating Extents
process free lists, creating
freelists parameter, The FREELISTS Parameter: Creating Process Free Lists
parallel execution, How Parallel Execution Works
performance levels, scalability, Scalability
requirements, Parallel systems improve scalability
output, Intra-Operation and Inter-Operation Parallelism


RDBMS software, Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) Systems
Recovery Manager (RMAN)
database backup, Backup Using Recovery Manager
recovery operations, Parallel Recovery
RECOVERY_PARALLELISM parameter, specifying, Specifying the RECOVERY_PARALLELISM Parameter
redo log
archived, Archived Redo Log Files
online, Online Redo Log Files
OPS instances, Redo log threads
replication mechanisms, Parallel Replication Propagation
reverse key
indexes, Using Reverse Key Indexes
RMAN (Recovery Manager)
database backup, Backup Using Recovery Manager
rollback segments
creating, Additional rollback segments
OPS instance, Rollback Segments in OPS
public/private, Public and Private Rollback Segments


scalability, processor performance levels, Scalability
scalable coherent interconnect (SCI), High-Speed Interconnect
SCI (scalable coherent interconnect), High-Speed Interconnect
server statistics, Servers Busy
session statistics, parallel execution, The V$PX_SESSTAT View
SGA (System Global Area), Oracle Parallel Server
OPS instance in, Multiple Oracle Instances
shared memory, A Standalone Oracle Instance
shared disk
database architecture, Shared Disk
subsystem, Oracle Parallel Server
shared memory architecture, Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) Systems
shared nothing, database architecture, Shared Nothing
Single-Processor Machine, Parallel Hardware Architectures
skew, parallel subtasks, Skew
slave processes, When Parallel Execution Is Beneficial
parallel, The actual degree of parallelism, The V$PQ_SLAVE View
SMON background process, Parallel Execution, Parallel Recovery
SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessing), Parallel Hardware Architectures, Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) Systems, What Is Parallel SQL?
groups, Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) Systems
nodes, multiple CPUs, Multiple Oracle Instances
scalability, Advantages of MPP systems
systems, advantages and disadvantages, Disadvantages of SMP systems
soft pings, Soft Pings
speedup, query in parallel, Speedup
monitoring/tuning, Dynamic Performance Views
keywords, The Degree of Parallelism
statements, When Parallel Execution Is Beneficial, The V$PQ_SESSTAT View
examples, Intra-Operation and Inter-Operation Parallelism
parallel execution, How Parallel Execution Works
PARALLEL_INDEX hint, Setting the Degree of Parallelism
partitioned tables/indexes, The V$PQ_SLAVE View
extents, How Parallel Data Loading Works
sessions, Improving the Performance of Parallel Loads
utility, Parallel Data Loading
startup costs, Startup cost
analyzing table/index, Tuning Tips for Parallel Execution
parallel execution, The V$PQ_SYSSTAT View, The V$PX_PROCESS_SYSSTAT View
measured performance, Tuning Overview
monitoring overall, Monitoring Overall Statistics, The V$FILESTAT View
query, parallel SQL statement, The V$PQ_SESSTAT View
summary, The V$PQ_SESSTAT View
types/value, The V$PQ_SYSSTAT View
storage management
OPS in, Storage Management in OPS, Using Reverse Key Indexes
subtasks, intra-query parallelism, Intra-query parallelism
switch architecture, High-Speed Interconnect
Symmetric Multiprocessing (see SMP)
System Change Number (SCN), Parallel Replication Propagation
System Global Area (see SGA)


table queues (TQs), The V$PQ_TQSTAT View
tables, temporary, Parallel Execution
three-tier architectures
failover, Failover in a Three-Tier Architecture
TQs (table queues), The V$PQ_TQSTAT View
partitioning, Transaction Partitioning
volume, Scaleup
Transparent Application Failover (TAF)
with Net8 and OCI8, Transparent Application Failover with Net8 and OCI8
and monitoring OPS, Monitoring and Tuning OPS , Oracle Performance Manager
parallel execution, Tuning Overview, Tuning Tips for Parallel Execution
performance views, OPS Performance Views, The V$FILESTAT View


UNRECOVERABLE option, specifying, Tuning Tips for Parallel Execution


Very Large Databases (VLDBs), Speedup
view columns
dynamic performance, Important V$ View Columns
dynamic performance, The V$PX_SESSION View, Automatic Tuning of Parallel Execution in Oracle8i
V$SESSTAT, Dynamic Performance Views, The V$SYSSTAT and V$SESSTAT Views
Virtual Shared Disk (VSD), Shared Disk
VLDBs (Very Large Databases), Speedup
volume, transaction, Scaleup
VSD (Virtual Shared Disk), Shared Disk


Windows NT support, Disadvantages of SMP systems
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