Audience for This Book

This book is not an introduction to Oracle. To get the most out of this book, you already should be familiar with Oracle database administration. You should know how to create a database and how to create schema objects such as tables and views. You also need to have some understanding of SQL in order to fully appreciate Oracle’s parallel SQL features.

Tuning and space management are critical issues as well. You don’t need to be an expert tuner, but some familiarity with the V$ dynamic performance views will help you get the most out of the tuning chapters in this book. Similarly, it will help if you understand the basic concepts of space management: extents, segments, and tablespaces.

We don’t want to scare you off. You don’t have to be the DBA who walks on water in order to understand this book. If you have no Oracle experience at all, you still should be able to glean something from this book. To get the most benefit, though, you do need some prior knowledge. If you’re comfortable creating a database and if you’ve managed one for any length of time, then you should enjoy this book.

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