IP Telephony Issues

VoIP’s integration with the TCP/IP protocol has brought about immense security challenges because it allows malicious users to bring their TCP/IP experience into this relatively new platform, where they can probe for flaws in both the architecture and the VoIP systems. Also involved are the traditional security issues associated with networks, such as unauthorized access, exploitation of communication protocols, and the spreading of malware. The promise of financial benefit derived from stolen call time is a strong incentive for most attackers, as we mentioned in the section on PBXs earlier in this chapter. In short, the VoIP telephony network faces all the flaws that traditional computer networks have faced. Moreover, VoIP devices follow architectures similar to traditional computers—that is, they use operating systems, communicate through Internet protocols, and provide a combination of services and applications.

SIP-based signaling suffers from the lack of encrypted call channels and authentication of control signals. Attackers can tap into the SIP server and client communication to sniff out login IDs, passwords/PINs, and phone numbers. Once an attacker gets a hold of such information, he can use it to place unauthorized calls on the network. Toll fraud is considered to be the most significant threat that VoIP networks face. VoIP network implementations will need to ensure that VoIP–PSTN gateways are secure from intrusions to prevent these instances of fraud.

Attackers can also masquerade identities by redirecting SIP control packets from a caller to a forged destination to mislead the caller into communicating with an unintended end system. Like in any networked system, VoIP devices are also vulnerable to DoS attacks. Just as attackers would flood TCP servers with SYN packets on an IP network to exhaust a device’s resources, attackers can flood RTP servers with call requests in order to overwhelm its processing capabilities. Attackers have also been known to connect laptops simulating IP phones to the Ethernet interfaces that IP phones use. These systems can then be used to carry out intrusions and DoS attacks. In addition to these circumstances, if attackers are able to intercept voice packets, they may eavesdrop onto ongoing conversations. Attackers can also intercept RTP packets containing the media stream of a communication session to inject arbitrary audio/video data that may be a cause of annoyance to the actual participants.

Attackers can also impersonate a server and issue commands such as BYE, CHECKSYNC, and RESET to VoIP clients. The BYE command causes VoIP devices to close down while in a conversation, the CHECKSYNC command can be used to reboot VoIP terminals, and the RESET command causes the server to reset and reestablish the connection, which takes considerable time.


NOTE    Recently, a new variant to traditional e-mail spam has emerged on VoIP networks, commonly known as SPIT (Spam over Internet Telephony). SPIT causes loss of VoIP bandwidth and is a time-wasting nuisance for the people on the attacked network. Because SPIT cannot be deleted like spam on first sight, the victim has to go through the entire message. SPIT is also a major cause of overloaded voicemail servers.

Combating VoIP security threats requires a well-thought-out infrastructure implementation plan. With the convergence of traditional and VoIP networks, balancing security while maintaining unconstrained traffic flow is crucial. The use of authorization on the network is an important step in limiting the possibilities of rogue and unauthorized entities on the network. Authorization of individual IP terminals ensures that only prelisted devices are allowed to access the network. Although not absolutely foolproof, this method is a first layer of defense in preventing possible rogue devices from connecting and flooding the network with illicit packets. In addition to this preliminary measure, it is essential for two communicating VoIP devices to be able to authenticate their identities. Device identification may occur on the basis of fixed hardware identification parameters, such as MAC addresses or other “soft” codes that may be assigned by servers.

The use of secure cryptographic protocols such as TLS ensures that all SIP packets are conveyed within an encrypted and secure tunnel. The use of TLS can provide a secure channel for VoIP client/server communication and prevents the possibility of eavesdropping and packet manipulation.

WAN Technology Summary

We have covered several WAN technologies in the previous sections. Table 4-14 provides a snapshot of the important characteristics of each.



Table 4-14    Characteristics of WAN Technologies

Remote Connectivity

Remote connectivity covers several technologies that enable remote and home users to connect to networks that will grant them access to resources needed for them to perform their tasks. Most of the time, these users must first gain access to the Internet through an ISP, which sets up a connection to the destination network.

For many corporations, remote access is a necessity because it enables users to access centralized network resources; it reduces networking costs by using the Internet as the access medium instead of expensive dedicated lines; and it extends the workplace for employees to their home computers, laptops, or mobile devices. Remote access can streamline access to resources and information through Internet connections and provides a competitive advantage by letting partners, suppliers, and customers have closely controlled links. The types of remote connectivity methods we will cover next are dial-up connections, ISDN, cable modems, DSL, and VPNs.

Dial-up Connections

Since almost every house and office had a telephone line running to it already, the first type of remote connectivity technology that was used took advantage of this in-place infrastructure. Modems were added to computers that needed to communicate with other computers over telecommunication lines.

Each telephone line is made up of UTP copper wires and has an available analog carrier signal and frequency range to move voice data back and forth. A modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device that modulates an outgoing digital signal into an analog signal that will be carried over an analog carrier, and demodulates the incoming analog signal into digital signals that can be processed by a computer.

While the individual computers had built-in modems to allow for Internet connectivity, organizations commonly had a pool of modems to allow for remote access into and out of their networks. In some cases the modems were installed on individual servers here and there throughout the network or they were centrally located and managed. Most companies did not properly enforce access control through these modem connections, and they served as easy entry points for attackers. Attackers used programs that carried out war dialing to identify modems that could be compromised. The attackers fed a large bank of phone numbers into the war-dialing tools, which in turn called each number. If a person answered the phone, the war dialer documented that the number was not connected to a computer system and dropped it from its list. If a fax machine answered, it did the same thing. If a modem answered, the war dialer would send signals and attempt to set up a connection between the attacker’s system and the target system. If it was successful, the attacker then had direct access to the network.

Most burglars are not going to break into a house through the front door, because there are commonly weaker points of entry that can be more easily compromised (back doors, windows, etc.). Hackers usually try to find “side doors” into a network instead of boldly trying to hack through a fortified firewall. In many environments, remote access points are not as well protected as the more traditional network access points. Attackers know this and take advantage of these situations.


CAUTION    Antiquated as they may seem, many organizations have modems enabled that the network staff is unaware of. Therefore, it is important to search for them to ensure no unauthorized modems are attached and operational.

Like most telecommunication connections, dial-up connections take place over PPP, which has authentication capabilities. Authentication should be enabled for the PPP connections, but another layer of authentication should be in place before users are allowed access to network resources. We will cover access control in Chapter 5.

If you find yourself using modems, some of the security measures that you should put in place for dial-up connections include

•  Configure the remote access server to call back the initiating phone number to ensure it is a valid and approved number.

•  Disable or remove modems if not in use.

•  Consolidate all modems into one location and manage them centrally, if possible.

•  Implement use of two-factor authentication, VPNs, and personal firewalls for remote access connections.

While dial-up connections using modems still exist in some locations, this type of remote connectivity has been mainly replaced with technologies that can digitize telecommunication connections.


Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a technology provided by telephone companies and ISPs. This technology, and the necessary equipment, enables data, voice, and other types of traffic to travel over a medium in a digital manner previously used only for analog voice transmission. Telephone companies went all digital many years ago, except for the local loops, which consist of the copper wires that connect houses and businesses to their carrier provider’s central offices. These central offices contain the telephone company’s switching equipment, and it is here the analog-to-digital transformation takes place. However, the local loop is almost always analog, and is therefore slower. ISDN was developed to replace the aging telephone analog systems, but it has yet to catch on to the level expected.

ISDN uses the same wires and transmission medium used by analog dial-up technologies, but it works in a digital fashion. If a computer uses a modem to communicate with an ISP, the modem converts the data from digital to analog to be transmitted over the phone line. If that same computer was configured and had the necessary equipment to utilize ISDN, it would not need to convert the data from digital to analog, but would keep it in a digital form. This, of course, means the receiving end would also require the necessary equipment to receive and interpret this type of communication properly. Communicating in a purely digital form provides higher bit rates that can be sent more economically.

ISDN is a set of telecommunications services that can be used over public and private telecommunications networks. It provides a digital, point-to-point, circuit-switched medium and establishes a circuit between the two communicating devices. An ISDN connection can be used for anything a modem can be used for, but it provides more functionality and higher bandwidth. This digital service can provide bandwidth on an as-needed basis and can be used for LAN-to-LAN on-demand connectivity, instead of using an expensive dedicated link.

Analog telecommunication signals use a full channel for communication, but ISDN can break up this channel into multiple channels to move various types of data, and provide full-duplex communication and a higher level of control and error handling. ISDN provides two basic services: Basic Rate Interface (BRI) and Primary Rate Interface (PRI).

BRI has two B channels that enable data to be transferred and one D channel that provides for call setup, connection management, error control, caller ID, and more. The bandwidth available with BRI is 144 Kbps, and BRI service is aimed at small office and home office. The D channel provides for a quicker call setup and process in making a connection compared to dial-up connections. An ISDN connection may require a setup connection time of only 2 to 5 seconds, whereas a modem may require a timeframe of 45 to 90 seconds. This D channel is an out-of-band communication link between the local loop equipment and the user’s system. It is considered “out-of-band” because the control data is not mixed in with the user communication data. This makes it more difficult for a would-be defrauder to send bogus instructions back to the service provider’s equipment in hopes of causing a DoS, obtaining services not paid for, or conducting some other type of destructive behavior.

PRI has 23 B channels and one D channel, and is more commonly used in corporations. The total bandwidth is equivalent to a T1, which is 1.544 Mbps.

ISDN is not usually the primary telecommunications connection for companies, but it can be used as a backup in case the primary connection goes down. A company can also choose to implement dial-on-demand routing (DDR), which can work over ISDN. DDR allows a company to send WAN data over its existing telephone lines and use the public switched telephone network (PSTN) as a temporary type of WAN link. It is usually implemented by companies that send out only a small amount of WAN traffic and is a much cheaper solution than a real WAN implementation. The connection activates when it is needed and then idles out.


Digital subscriber line (DSL) is another type of high-speed connection technology used to connect a home or business to the service provider’s central office. It can provide 6 to 30 times higher bandwidth speeds than ISDN and analog technologies. It uses existing phone lines and provides a 24-hour connection to the Internet at rates of up to 52 Mbps. This does indeed sound better than sliced bread, but only certain people can get this service because you have to be within a 2.5-mile radius of the DSL service provider’s equipment. As the distance between a residence and the central office increases, the transmission rates for DSL decrease.

DSL provides faster transmission rates than an analog dial-up connection because it uses all of the available frequencies available on a voice-grade UTP line. When you call someone, your voice data travels down this UTP line and the service provider “cleans up” the transmission by removing the high and low frequencies. Humans do not use these frequencies when they talk, so if there is anything on these frequencies, it is considered line noise and thus removed. So in reality, the available bandwidth of the line that goes from your house to the telephone company’s central office is artificially reduced. When DSL is used, this does not take place, and therefore the high and low frequencies can be used for data transmission.

DSL offers several types of services. With symmetric services, traffic flows at the same speed upstream and downstream (to and from the Internet or destination). With asymmetric services, the downstream speed is much higher than the upstream speed. In most situations, an asymmetric connection is fine for residential users because they usually download items from the Web much more often than they upload data.

Cable Modems

The cable television companies have been delivering television services to homes for years, and then they started delivering data transmission services for users who have cable modems and want to connect to the Internet at high speeds.

Cable modems provide high-speed access to the Internet through existing cable coaxial and fiber lines. The cable modem provides upstream and downstream conversions.

Coaxial and fiber cables are used to deliver hundreds of television stations to users, and one or more of the channels on these lines are dedicated to carrying data. The bandwidth is shared between users in a local area; therefore, it will not always stay at a static rate. So, for example, if Mike attempts to download a program from the Internet at 5:30 P.M., he most likely will have a much slower connection than if he had attempted it at 10:00 A.M., because many people come home from work and hit the Internet at the same time. As more people access the Internet within his local area, Mike’s Internet access performance drops.

Most cable providers comply with Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications (DOCSIS), which is an international telecommunications standard that allows for the addition of high-speed data transfer to an existing cable TV (CATV) system. DOCSIS includes MAC layer security services in its Baseline Privacy Interface/Security (BPI/SEC) specifications. This protects individual user traffic by encrypting the data as it travels over the provider’s infrastructure.

Sharing the same medium brings up a slew of security concerns, because users with network sniffers can easily view their neighbors’ traffic and data as both travel to and from the Internet. Many cable companies are now encrypting the data that goes back and forth over shared lines through a type of data link encryption.


A virtual private network (VPN) is a secure, private connection through an untrusted network, as shown in Figure 4-69. It is a private connection because the encryption and tunneling protocols are used to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data in transit. It is important to remember that VPN technology requires a tunnel to work and it assumes encryption.


Figure 4-69    A VPN provides a virtual dedicated link between two entities across a public network.

We need VPNs because we send so much confidential information from system to system and network to network. The information can be credentials, bank account data, Social Security numbers, medical information, or any other type of data we do not want to share with the world. The demand for securing data transfers has increased over the years, and as our networks have increased in complexity, so have our VPN solutions.

Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol

For many years the de facto standard VPN software was Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), which was made most popular when Microsoft included it in its Windows products. Since most Internet-based communication first started over telecommunication links, the industry needed a way to secure PPP connections. The original goal of PPTP was to provide a way to tunnel PPP connections through an IP network, but most implementations included security features also since protection was becoming an important requirement for network transmissions at that time.

PPTP uses Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) and TCP to encapsulate PPP packets and extend a PPP connection through an IP network, as shown in Figure 4-70. In Microsoft implementations, the tunneled PPP traffic can be authenticated with PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP, or EAP-TLS and the PPP payload is encrypted using Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE). Other vendors have integrated PPTP functionality in their products for interoperability purposes.


Figure 4-70    PPTP extends PPP connections over IP networks.

The first security technologies that hit the market commonly have security issues and drawbacks identified after their release, and PPTP was no different. The earlier authentication methods that were used with PPTP had some inherent vulnerabilities, which allowed an attacker to easily uncover password values. MPPE also used the symmetric algorithm RC4 in a way that allowed data to be modified in an unauthorized manner, and through the use of certain attack tools, the encryption keys could be uncovered. Later implementations of PPTP addressed these issues, but the protocol still has some limitations that should be understood. For example, PPTP cannot support multiple connections over one VPN tunnel, which means that it can be used for system-to-system communication but not gateway-to-gateway connections that must support many user connections simultaneously. PPTP relies on PPP functionality for a majority of its security features, and because it never became an actual industry standard, incompatibilities through different vendor implementations exist.

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol

Another VPN solution was developed that combines the features of PPTP and Cisco’s Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F) protocol. Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) tunnels PPP traffic over various network types (IP, ATM, X.25, etc.); thus, it is not just restricted to IP networks as PPTP is. PPTP and L2TP have very similar focuses, which is to get PPP traffic to an end point that is connected to some type of network that does not understand PPP. Like PPTP, L2TP does not actually provide much protection for the PPP traffic it is moving around, but it integrates with protocols that do provide security features. L2TP inherits PPP authentication and integrates with IPSec to provide confidentiality, integrity, and potentially another layer of authentication.


NOTE    PPP provides user authentication through PAP, CHAP, or EAP-TLS, whereas IPSec provides system authentication.

It can get confusing when several protocols are involved with various levels of encapsulation, but if you do not understand how they work together, you cannot identify if certain traffic links lack security. To figure out if you understand how these protocols work together and why, ask yourself these questions:

1. If the Internet is an IP-based network, why do we even need PPP?

2. If PPTP and L2TP do not actually secure data themselves, then why do they exist?

3. If PPTP and L2TP basically do the same thing, why choose L2TP over PPTP?

4. If a connection is using IP, PPP, and L2TP, where does IPSec come into play?

Let’s go through the answers together. Let’s say that you are a remote user and work from your home office. You do not have a dedicated link from your house to your company’s network; instead, your traffic needs to go through the Internet to be able to communicate with the corporate network. The line between your house and your ISP is a point-to-point telecommunications link, one point being your home router and the other point being the ISP’s switch, as shown in Figure 4-71. Point-to-point telecommunication devices do not understand IP, so your router has to encapsulate your traffic in a protocol the ISP’s device will understand—PPP. Now your traffic is not headed toward some website on the Internet; instead, it has a target of your company’s corporate network. This means that your traffic has to be “carried through” the Internet to its ultimate destination through a tunnel. The Internet does not understand PPP, so your PPP traffic has to be encapsulated with a protocol that can work on the Internet and create the needed tunnel, as in PPTP or L2TP. If the connection between your ISP and the corporate network will not happen over the regular Internet (IP-based network), but instead over a WAN-based connection (ATM, frame relay), then L2TP has to be used for this PPP tunnel because PPTP cannot travel over non-IP networks.


Figure 4-71    IP, PPP, L2TP, and IPSec can work together.

So your IP packets are wrapped up in PPP, which are then wrapped up in L2TP. But you still have no encryption involved, so your data is actually not protected. This is where IPSec comes in. IPSec is used to encrypt the data that will pass through the L2TP tunnel. Once your traffic gets to the corporate network’s perimeter device, it will decrypt the packets, take off the L2TP and PPP headers, add the necessary Ethernet headers, and send these packets to their ultimate destination.

So here are the answers to our questions…

1. If the Internet is an IP-based network, why do we even need PPP?
Answer: The point-to-point line devices that connect individual systems to the Internet do not understand IP, so the traffic that travels over these links has to be encapsulated in PPP.

2. If PPTP and L2TP do not actually secure data themselves, then why do they exist?
Answer: They extend PPP connections by providing a tunnel through networks that do not understand PPP.

3. If PPTP and L2TP basically do the same thing, why choose L2TP over PPTP?
Answer: PPTP only works over IP-based networks. L2TP works over IP-based and WAN-based (ATM, frame relay) connections. If a PPP connection needs to be extended over a WAN-based connection, L2TP must be used.

4. If a connection is using IP, PPP, and L2TP, where does IPSec come into play?
Answer: IPSec provides the encryption, data integrity, and system-based authentication.

So here is another question. Does all of this PPP, PPTP, L2TP, and IPSec encapsulation have to happen for every single VPN used on the Internet? No, only when connections over point-to-point connections are involved. When two gateway routers are connected over the Internet and provide VPN functionality, they only have to use IPSec.

Internet Protocol Security

IPSec is a suite of protocols that was developed to specifically protect IP traffic. IPv4 does not have any integrated security, so IPSec was developed to “bolt onto” IP and secure the data the protocol transmits. Where PPTP and L2TP work at the data link layer, IPSec works at the network layer of the OSI model.

The main protocols that make up the IPSec suite and their basic functionality are as follows:

•  Authentication Header (AH)    Provides data integrity, data-origin authentication, and protection from replay attacks

•  Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)    Provides confidentiality, data-origin authentication, and data integrity

•  Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)    Provides a framework for security association creation and key exchange

•  Internet Key Exchange (IKE)    Provides authenticated keying material for use with ISAKMP

AH and ESP can be used separately or together in an IPSec VPN configuration. The AH protocols can provide data-origin authentication (system authentication) and protection from unauthorized modification, but do not provide encryption capabilities. If the VPN needs to provide confidentiality, then ESP has to be enabled and configured properly.

When two routers need to set up an IPSec VPN connection, they have a list of security attributes that need to be agreed upon through handshaking processes. The two routers have to agree upon algorithms, keying material, protocol types, and modes of use, which will all be used to protect the data that is transmitted between them.

Let’s say that you and Juan are routers that need to protect the data you will pass back and forth to each other. Juan send’s you a list of items that you will use to process the packets he sends to you. His list contains AES-128, SHA-1, and ESP tunnel mode. You take these parameters and store them in a security association (SA). When Juan sends you packets one hour later, you will go to this SA and follow these parameters so that you know how to process this traffic. You know what algorithm to use to verify the integrity of the packets, the algorithm to use to decrypt the packets, and which protocol to activate and in what mode. Figure 4-72 illustrates how SAs are used for inbound and outbound traffic.


Figure 4-72    IPSec uses security associations to store VPN parameters.


NOTE    The U.S. National Security Agency uses a protocol encryptor that is based upon IPSec. A HAIPE (High Assurance Internet Protocol Encryptor) is a Type 1 encryption device that is based on IPSec with additional restrictions, enhancements, and capabilities. A HAIPE is typically a secure gateway that allows two enclaves to exchange data over an untrusted or lower-classification network. Since this technology works at the network layer, secure end-to-end connectivity can take place in heterogeneous environments. This technology has largely replaced link layer encryption technology implementations.

Transport Layer Security VPN

A newer VPN technology is Transport Layer Security (TLS), which works at even higher layers in the OSI model than the previously covered VPN protocols. TLS, which we discuss in detail later in this chapter, works at the session layer of the network stack and is used mainly to protect HTTP traffic. TLS capabilities are already embedded into most web browsers, so the deployment and interoperability issues are minimal.

The most common implementation types of TLS VPN are as follows:

•  TLS portal VPN    An individual uses a single standard TLS connection to a website to securely access multiple network services. The website accessed is typically called a portal because it is a single location that provides access to other resources. The remote user accesses the TLS VPN gateway using a web browser, is authenticated, and is then presented with a web page that acts as the portal to the other services.

•  TLS tunnel VPN    An individual uses a web browser to securely access multiple network services, including applications and protocols that are not web-based, through a TLS tunnel. This commonly requires custom programming to allow the services to be accessible through a web-based connection.

Since TLS VPNs are closer to the application layer, they can provide more granular access control and security features compared to the other VPN solutions. But since they are dependent on the application layer protocol, there are a smaller number of traffic types that can be protected through this VPN type.

One VPN solution is not necessarily better than the other; they just have their own focused purposes:

•  PPTP is used when a PPP connection needs to be extended through an IP-based network.

•  L2TP is used when a PPP connection needs to be extended through a non–IP-based network.

•  IPSec is used to protect IP-based traffic and is commonly used in gateway-to-gateway connections.

•  TLS VPN is used when a specific application layer traffic type needs protection.

Again, what can be used for good can also be used for evil. Attackers commonly encrypt their attack traffic so that countermeasures we put into place to analyze traffic for suspicious activity are not effective. Attackers can use TLS or PPTP to encrypt malicious traffic as it traverses the network. When an attacker compromises and opens up a back door on a system, she will commonly encrypt the traffic that will then go between her system and the compromised system. It is important to configure security network devices to only allow approved encrypted channels.

Authentication Protocols

Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) is used by remote users to authenticate over PPP connections. It provides identification and authentication of the user who is attempting to access a network from a remote system. This protocol requires a user to enter a password before being authenticated. The password and the username credentials are sent over the network to the authentication server after a connection has been established via PPP. The authentication server has a database of user credentials that are compared to the supplied credentials to authenticate users.

PAP is one of the least secure authentication methods because the credentials are sent in cleartext, which renders them easy to capture by network sniffers. Although it is not recommended, some systems revert to PAP if they cannot agree on any other authentication protocol. During the handshake process of a connection, the two entities negotiate how authentication is going to take place, what connection parameters to use, the speed of data flow, and other factors. Both entities will try to negotiate and agree upon the most secure method of authentication; they may start with EAP, and if one computer does not have EAP capabilities, they will try to agree upon CHAP; if one of the computers does not have CHAP capabilities, they may be forced to use PAP. If this type of authentication is unacceptable, the administrator will configure the remote access server (RAS) to accept only CHAP authentication and higher, and PAP cannot be used at all.

Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) addresses some of the vulnerabilities found in PAP. It uses a challenge/response mechanism to authenticate the user instead of having the user send a password over the wire. When a user wants to establish a PPP connection and both ends have agreed that CHAP will be used for authentication purposes, the user’s computer sends the authentication server a logon request. The server sends the user a challenge (nonce), which is a random value. This challenge is encrypted with the use of a predefined password as an encryption key, and the encrypted challenge value is returned to the server. The authentication server also uses the predefined password as an encryption key and decrypts the challenge value, comparing it to the original value sent. If the two results are the same, the authentication server deduces that the user must have entered the correct password, and authentication is granted. The steps that take place in CHAP are depicted in Figure 4-73.


Figure 4-73    CHAP uses a challenge/response mechanism instead of having the user send the password over the wire.


EXAM TIP    MS-CHAP is Microsoft’s version of CHAP and provides mutual authentication functionality. It has two versions, which are incompatible with each other.

PAP is vulnerable to sniffing because it sends the password and data in plaintext, but it is also vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. CHAP is not vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks because it continues this challenge/response activity throughout the connection to ensure the authentication server is still communicating with a user who holds the necessary credentials.

Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is also supported by PPP. Actually, EAP is not a specific authentication protocol as are PAP and CHAP. Instead, it provides a framework to enable many types of authentication techniques to be used when establishing network connections. As the name states, it extends the authentication possibilities from the norm (PAP and CHAP) to other methods, such as one-time passwords, token cards, biometrics, Kerberos, digital certificates, and future mechanisms. So when a user connects to an authentication server and both have EAP capabilities, they can negotiate between a longer list of possible authentication methods.


NOTE    EAP has been defined for use with a variety of technologies and protocols, including PPP, PPTP, L2TP, IEEE 802 wired networks, and wireless technologies such as 802.11 and 802.16.

There are many different variants of EAP, as shown in Table 4-15, because EAP is an extensible framework that can be morphed for different environments and needs.


Table 4-15    EAP Variants

Wireless Networks

Wireless communications take place much more often than we think, and a wide range of broadband wireless data transmission technologies are used in various frequency ranges. Broadband wireless signals occupy frequency bands that may be shared with microwave, satellite, radar, and ham radio use, for example. We use these technologies for television transmissions, cellular phones, satellite transmissions, spying, surveillance, and garage door openers. As we will see in the next sections, wireless communication takes place over personal area networks; wireless LANs, MANs, and WANs; and via satellite. Each is illustrated in Figure 4-74.


Figure 4-74    Various wireless transmission types

Wireless Communications Techniques

Wireless communication involves transmitting information via radio waves that move through air and space. These signals can be described in a number of ways, but normally are described in terms of frequency and amplitude. The frequency of a signal dictates the amount of data that can be carried and how far. The higher the frequency, the more data the signal can carry, but the higher the frequency, the more susceptible the signal is to atmospheric interference. Normally, a higher frequency can carry more data, but over a shorter distance.

In a wired network, each computer and device has its own cable connecting it to the network in some fashion. In wireless technologies, each device must instead share the allotted radio frequency spectrum with all other wireless devices that need to communicate. This spectrum of frequencies is finite in nature, which means it cannot grow if more and more devices need to use it. The same thing happens with Ethernet—all the computers on a segment share the same medium, and only one computer can send data at any given time. Otherwise, a collision can take place. Wired networks using Ethernet employ the CSMA/CD (collision detection) technology. Wireless LAN (WLAN) technology is actually very similar to Ethernet, but it uses CSMA/CA (collision avoidance). The wireless device sends out a broadcast indicating it is going to transmit data. This is received by other devices on the shared medium, which causes them to hold off on transmitting information. It is all about trying to eliminate or reduce collisions. (The two versions of CSMA are explained earlier in this chapter in the section “CSMA.”)

A number of techniques have been developed to allow wireless devices to access and share this limited amount of medium for communication purposes. We will look at different types of spread spectrum techniques in the next sections. The goal of each of these wireless technologies is to split the available frequency into usable portions, since it is a limited resource, and to allow the devices to share them efficiently.

Spread Spectrum

In the world of wireless communications, certain technologies and industries are allocated specific spectrums, or frequency ranges, to be used for transmissions. In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decides upon this allotment of frequencies and enforces its own restrictions. Spread spectrum means that something is distributing individual signals across the allocated frequencies in some fashion. So when a spread spectrum technology is used, the sender spreads its data across the frequencies over which it has permission to communicate. This allows for more effective use of the available bandwidth, because the sending system can use more than one frequency at a time.

Think of it in terms of investments. In conventional radio transmissions, all the data bits are modulated onto a single carrier wave that operates on a specific frequency (as in amplitude modulated [AM] radio systems) or on a narrow band of frequencies (as in frequency modulated [FM] radio). This is akin to investing only in one stock; it is simple and efficient, but may not be ideal in risky environments. The alternative is to diversify your portfolio, which is normally done by investing a bit of your money in each of many stocks across a wide set of industries. This is more complex and inefficient, but can save your bottom line when one of your companies takes a nose-dive. This example is akin to direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), which we discuss in an upcoming section. There is in theory another way to minimize your exposure to volatile markets. Suppose the cost of buying and selling was negligible. You could then invest all your money in a single stock, but only for a brief period of time, sell it as soon as you turn a profit, and then reinvest all your proceeds in another stock. By jumping around the market, your exposure to the problems of any one company are minimized. This approach would be comparable to frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS). The point is that spread-spectrum communications are used primarily to reduce the effects of adverse conditions such as crowded radio bands, interference, and eavesdropping.

Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum    Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) takes the total amount of bandwidth (spectrum) and splits it into smaller subchannels. The sender and receiver work at one of these subchannels for a specific amount of time and then move to another subchannel. The sender puts the first piece of data on one frequency, the second on a different frequency, and so on. The FHSS algorithm determines the individual frequencies that will be used and in what order, and this is referred to as the sender and receiver’s hop sequence.

Interference is a large issue in wireless transmissions because it can corrupt signals as they travel. Interference can be caused by other devices working in the same frequency space. The devices’ signals step on each other’s toes and distort the data being sent. The FHSS approach to this is to hop between different frequencies so that if another device is operating at the same frequency, it will not be drastically affected. Consider another analogy: Suppose George and Marge have to work in the same room. They could get into each other’s way and affect each other’s work. But if they periodically change rooms, the probability of them interfering with each other is reduced.

A hopping approach also makes it much more difficult for eavesdroppers to listen in on and reconstruct the data being transmitted when used in technologies other than WLAN. FHSS has been used extensively in military wireless communications devices because the only way the enemy could intercept and capture the transmission is by knowing the hopping sequence. The receiver has to know the sequence to be able to obtain the data. But in today’s WLAN devices, the hopping sequence is known and does not provide any security.

So how does this FHSS stuff work? The sender and receiver hop from one frequency to another based on a predefined hop sequence. Several pairs of senders and receivers can move their data over the same set of frequencies because they are all using different hop sequences. Let’s say you and Marge share a hop sequence of 1, 5, 3, 2, 4, and Nicole and Ed have a sequence of 4, 2, 5, 1, 3. Marge sends her first message on frequency 1, and Nicole sends her first message on frequency 4 at the same time. Marge’s next piece of data is sent on frequency 5, the next on 3, and so on until each reaches its destination, which is your wireless device. So your device listens on frequency 1 for a half-second, and then listens on frequency 5, and so on, until it receives all of the pieces of data that are on the line on those frequencies at that time. Ed’s device is listening to the same frequencies but at different times and in a different order, so his device ignores Marge’s message because it is out of sync with his predefined sequence. Without knowing the right code, Ed treats Marge’s messages as background noise and does not process them.

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum    Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) takes a different approach by applying sub-bits to a message. The sub-bits are used by the sending system to generate a different format of the data before the data is transmitted. The receiving end uses these sub-bits to reassemble the signal into the original data format. The sub-bits are called chips, and the sequence of how the sub-bits are applied is referred to as the chipping code.

When the sender’s data is combined with the chip, the signal appears as random noise to anyone who does not know the chipping sequence. This is why the sequence is sometimes called a pseudo-noise sequence. Once the sender combines the data with the chipping sequence, the new form of the information is modulated with a radio carrier signal, and it is shifted to the necessary frequency and transmitted. What the heck does that mean? When using wireless transmissions, the data is actually moving over radio signals that work in specific frequencies. Any data to be moved in this fashion must have a carrier signal, and this carrier signal works in its own specific range, which is a frequency. So you can think of it this way: once the data is combined with the chipping code, it is put into a car (carrier signal), and the car travels down its specific road (frequency) to get to its destination.

The receiver basically reverses the process, first by demodulating the data from the carrier signal (removing it from the car). The receiver must know the correct chipping sequence to change the received data into its original format. This means the sender and receiver must be properly synchronized.

The sub-bits provide error-recovery instructions, just as parity does in RAID technologies. If a signal is corrupted using FHSS, it must be re-sent; but by using DSSS, even if the message is somewhat distorted, the signal can still be regenerated because it can be rebuilt from the chipping code bits. The use of this code allows for prevention of interference, allows for tracking of multiple transmissions, and provides a level of error correction.

FHSS vs. DSSS    FHSS uses only a portion of the total bandwidth available at any one time, while the DSSS technology uses all of the available bandwidth continuously. DSSS spreads the signals over a wider frequency band, whereas FHSS uses a narrow band carrier that changes frequently across a wide band.

Since DSSS sends data across all frequencies at once, it has a higher data throughput than FHSS. The first wireless WAN standard, 802.11, used FHSS, but as bandwidth requirements increased, DSSS was implemented. By using FHSS, the 802.11 standard can provide a data throughput of only 1 to 2 Mbps. By using DSSS instead, 802.11b provides a data throughput of up to 11 Mbps.

Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing

The next step in trying to move even more data over wireless frequency signals came in the form of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). OFDM is a digital multicarrier modulation scheme that compacts multiple modulated carriers tightly together, reducing the required bandwidth. The modulated signals are orthogonal (perpendicular) and do not interfere with each other. OFDM uses a composite of narrow channel bands to enhance its performance in high-frequency bands. OFDM is officially a multiplexing technology and not a spread spectrum technology, but is used in a similar manner.

A large number of closely spaced orthogonal subcarrier signals are used, and the data is divided into several parallel data streams or channels, one for each subcarrier. Channel equalization is simplified because OFDM uses many slowly modulated narrowband signals rather than one rapidly modulated wideband signal.

OFDM is used for several wideband digital communication types such as digital television, audio broadcasting, DSL broadband Internet access, wireless networks, and 4G mobile communications.

WLAN Components

A WLAN uses a transceiver, called an access point (AP), which connects to an Ethernet cable that is the link wireless devices use to access resources on the wired network, as shown in Figure 4-75. When the AP is connected to the LAN Ethernet by a wired cable, it is the component that connects the wired and the wireless worlds. The APs are in fixed locations throughout a network and work as communication beacons. Let’s say a wireless user has a device with a wireless NIC, which modulates her data onto radio frequency signals that are accepted and processed by the AP. The signals transmitted from the AP are received by the wireless NIC and converted into a digital format, which the device can understand.


Figure 4-75    Access points allow wireless devices to participate in wired LANs.

When APs are used to connect wireless and wired networks, this is referred to as an infrastructure WLAN, which is used to extend an existing wired network. When there is just one AP and it is not connected to a wired network, it is considered to be in stand-alone mode and just acts as a wireless hub.

An ad hoc WLAN has no APs; the wireless devices communicate with each other through their wireless NICs instead of going through a centralized device. To construct an ad hoc network, wireless client software on contributing hosts and configured for peer-to-peer operation mode. Then, the user clicks Network in Windows Explorer and the software searches for other hosts operating in this similar mode and shows them to the user.

For a wireless device and AP to communicate, they must be configured to communicate over the same channel. A channel is a certain frequency within a given frequency band. The AP is configured to transmit over a specific channel, and the wireless device will “tune” itself to be able to communicate over this same frequency.

Any hosts that wish to participate within a particular WLAN must be configured with the proper Service Set ID (SSID). Various hosts can be segmented into different WLANs by using different SSIDs. The reasons to segment a WLAN into portions are the same reasons wired systems are segmented on a network: the users require access to different resources, have different business functions, or have different levels of trust.


NOTE    When wireless devices work in infrastructure mode, the AP and wireless clients form a group referred to as a Basic Service Set (BSS). This group is assigned a name, which is the SSID value.

When WLAN technologies first came out, authentication was this simplistic—your device either had the right SSID value and WEP key or it did not. As wireless communication increased in use and many deficiencies were identified in these simplistic ways of authentication and encryption, many more solutions were developed and deployed.

Evolution of WLAN Security

To say that security was an afterthought in the first WLANs would be a remarkable understatement. As with many new technologies, wireless networks were often rushed to market with a focus on functionality, even if that sometimes came at the expense of security. Over time, vendors and standards bodies caught on and tried to correct these omissions. While we have made significant headway in securing our wireless networks, as security professionals we must acknowledge that whenever we transmit anything over the electromagnetic spectrum, we are essentially putting our data in the hands (or at least within the grasp) of our adversaries.

IEEE Standard 802.11

When wireless LANs (WLANs) were being introduced, there was industry-wide consensus that some measures would have to be taken to assure users that their data (now in the air) would be protected from eavesdropping to the same degree that data on a wired LAN was already protected. This was the genesis of Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). This first WLAN standard, codified as IEEE 802.11, had a tremendous number of security flaws. These were found within the core standard itself, as well as in different implementations of this standard. Before we delve into these, it will be useful to spend a bit of time with some of the basics of 802.11.

The wireless devices using this protocol can authenticate to the AP in two main ways: open system authentication (OSA) and shared key authentication (SKA). OSA does not require the wireless device to prove to the AP it has a specific cryptographic key to allow for authentication purposes. In many cases, the wireless device needs to provide only the correct SSID value. In OSA implementations, all transactions are in cleartext because no encryption is involved. So an intruder can sniff the traffic, capture the necessary steps of authentication, and walk through the same steps to be authenticated and associated to an AP.

When an AP is configured to use SKA, the AP sends a random value to the wireless device. The device encrypts this value with its cryptographic key and returns it. The AP decrypts and extracts the response, and if it is the same as the original value, the device is authenticated. In this approach, the wireless device is authenticated to the network by proving it has the necessary encryption key.

The three core deficiencies with WEP are the use of static encryption keys, the ineffective use of initialization vectors, and the lack of packet integrity assurance. The WEP protocol uses the RC4 algorithm, which is a stream-symmetric cipher. Symmetric means the sender and receiver must use the exact same key for encryption and decryption purposes. The 802.11 standard does not stipulate how to update these keys through an automated process, so in most environments, the RC4 symmetric keys are never changed out. And usually all of the wireless devices and the AP share the exact same key. This is like having everyone in your company use the exact same password. Not a good idea. So that is the first issue—static WEP encryption keys on all devices.


NOTE    Cryptography topics are covered in detail in Chapter 3.

The next flaw is how initialization vectors (IVs) are used. An IV is a numeric seeding value that is used with the symmetric key and RC4 algorithm to provide more randomness to the encryption process. Randomness is extremely important in encryption because any patterns can give the bad guys insight into how the process works, which may allow them to uncover the encryption key that was used. The key and IV value are inserted into the RC4 algorithm to generate a key stream. The values (1’s and 0’s) of the key stream are XORed with the binary values of the individual packets. The result is ciphertext, or encrypted packets.

In most WEP implementations, the same IV values are used over and over again in this process, and since the same symmetric key (or shared secret) is generally used, there is no way to provide effective randomness in the key stream that is generated by the algorithm. The appearance of patterns allows attackers to reverse-engineer the process to uncover the original encryption key, which can then be used to decrypt future encrypted traffic.

So now we are onto the third mentioned weakness, which is the integrity assurance issue. WLAN products that use only the 802.11 standard introduce a vulnerability that is not always clearly understood. An attacker can actually change data within the wireless packets by flipping specific bits and altering the Integrity Check Value (ICV) so the receiving end is oblivious to these changes. The ICV works like a CRC function; the sender calculates an ICV and inserts it into a frame’s header. The receiver calculates his own ICV and compares it with the ICV sent with the frame. If the ICVs are the same, the receiver can be assured that the frame was not modified during transmission. If the ICVs are different, it indicates a modification did indeed take place and thus the receiver discards the frame. In WEP, there are certain circumstances in which the receiver cannot detect whether an alteration to the frame has taken place; thus, there is no true integrity assurance.

So the problems identified with the 802.11 standard include poor authentication, static WEP keys that can be easily obtained by attackers, IV values that are repetitive and do not provide the necessary degree of randomness, and a lack of data integrity. The next section describes the measures taken to remedy these problems.


CAUTION    WEP is considered insecure and should not be used.

IEEE Standard 802.11i

IEEE came out with a standard in 2004 that deals with the security issues of the original 802.11 standard, which is called IEEE 802.11i or Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2). Why the number 2? Because while the formal standard was being ratified by the IEEE, the Wi-Fi alliance pushed out WPA (the first one) based on the draft of the standard. For this reason, WPA is sometimes referred to as the draft IEEE 802.11i. This rush to push out WPA required the reuse of elements of WEP, which ultimately made WPA vulnerable to some of the same attacks that doomed its predecessor. Let’s start off by looking at WPA in depth, since this protocol is still widely used despite its weaknesses.

WPA employs different approaches that provide much more security and protection than the methods used in the original 802.11 standard. This enhancement of security is accomplished through specific protocols, technologies, and algorithms. The first protocol is Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), which is backward-compatible with the WLAN devices based upon the original 802.11 standard. TKIP actually works with WEP by feeding it keying material, which is data to be used for generating new dynamic keys. TKIP generates a new key for every frame that is transmitted. WPA also integrates 802.1X port authentication and EAP authentication methods.


NOTE    TKIP was developed by the IEEE 802.11i task group and the Wi-Fi Alliance. The goal of this protocol was to increase the strength of WEP or replace it fully without the need for hardware replacement. TKIP provides a key mixing function, which allows the RC4 algorithm to provide a higher degree of protection. It also provides a sequence counter to protect against replay attacks and implements a message integrity check mechanism.

The use of the 802.1X technology in the new 802.11i standard provides access control by restricting network access until full authentication and authorization have been completed, and provides a robust authentication framework that allows for different EAP modules to be plugged in. These two technologies (802.1X and EAP) work together to enforce mutual authentication between the wireless device and authentication server. So what about the static keys, IV value, and integrity issues?

TKIP addresses the deficiencies of WEP pertaining to static WEP keys and inadequate use of IV values. Two hacking tools, AirSnort and WEPCrack, can be used to easily crack WEP’s encryption by taking advantage of these weaknesses and the ineffective use of the key scheduling algorithm within the WEP protocol. If a company is using products that implement only WEP encryption and is not using a third-party encryption solution (such as a VPN), these programs can break its encrypted traffic within minutes. There is no “maybe” pertaining to breaking WEP’s encryption. Using these tools means it will be broken whether a 40-bit or 128-bit key is being used—it doesn’t matter. This is one of the most serious and dangerous vulnerabilities pertaining to the original 802.11 standard.

The use of TKIP provides the ability to rotate encryption keys to help fight against these types of attacks. The protocol increases the length of the IV value and ensures each and every frame has a different IV value. This IV value is combined with the transmitter’s MAC address and the original WEP key, so even if the WEP key is static, the resulting encryption key will be different for each and every frame. (WEP key + IV value + MAC address = new encryption key.) So what does that do for us? This brings more randomness to the encryption process, and it is randomness that is necessary to properly thwart cryptanalysis and attacks on cryptosystems. The changing IV values and resulting keys make the resulting key stream less predictable, which makes it much harder for the attacker to reverse-engineer the process and uncover the original key.

TKIP also deals with the integrity issues by using a MIC instead of an ICV function. If you are familiar with a message authentication code (MAC) function, this is the same thing. A symmetric key is used with a hashing function, which is similar to a CRC function but stronger. The use of MIC instead of ICV ensures the receiver will be properly alerted if changes to the frame take place during transmission. The sender and receiver calculate their own separate MIC values. If the receiver generates a MIC value different from the one sent with the frame, the frame is seen as compromised and it is discarded.

The types of attacks that have been carried out on WEP devices and networks that just depend upon WEP are numerous and unnerving. Wireless traffic can be easily sniffed, data can be modified during transmission without the receiver being notified, rogue APs can be erected (which users can authenticate to and communicate with, not knowing it is a malicious entity), and encrypted wireless traffic can be decrypted quickly and easily. Unfortunately, these vulnerabilities usually provide doorways to the actual wired network where the more destructive attacks can begin.

The full 802.11i (WPA2) has a major advantage over WPA by providing encryption protection with the use of the AES algorithm in counter mode with CBC-MAC (CCM), which is referred to as the Counter Mode Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCM Protocol or CCMP). AES is a more appropriate algorithm for wireless than RC4 and provides a higher level of protection. WPA2 defaults to CCMP, but can switch down to TKIP and RC4 to provide backward compatibility with WPA devices and networks.


NOTE    CBC, CCM, and CCMP modes are explained in Chapter 3.

IEEE Standard 802.1X

The 802.11i standard can be understood as three main components in two specific layers. The lower layer contains the improved encryption algorithms and techniques (TKIP and CCMP), while the layer that resides on top of it contains 802.1X. They work together to provide more layers of protection than the original 802.11 standard.

We covered 802.1X earlier in the chapter, but let’s cover it more in depth here. The 802.1X standard is a port-based network access control that ensures a user cannot make a full network connection until he is properly authenticated. This means a user cannot access network resources and no traffic is allowed to pass, other than authentication traffic, from the wireless device to the network until the user is properly authenticated. An analogy is having a chain on your front door that enables you to open the door slightly to identify a person who knocks before you allow him to enter your house.


NOTE    802.1X is not a wireless protocol. It is an access control protocol that can be implemented on both wired and wireless networks.

By incorporating 802.1X, the new standard allows for the user to be authenticated, whereas using only WEP provides system authentication. User authentication provides a higher degree of confidence and protection than system authentication.

The 802.1X technology actually provides an authentication framework and a method of dynamically distributing encryption keys. The three main entities in this framework are the supplicant (wireless device), the authenticator (AP), and the authentication server (usually a RADIUS server).

The AP usually does not have much intelligence and acts like a middleman by passing frames between the wireless device and the authentication server. This is usually a good approach, since this does not require a lot of processing overhead for the AP, and the AP can deal with controlling several connections at once instead of having to authenticate each and every user.

The AP controls all communication and allows the wireless device to communicate with the authentication server and wired network only when all authentication steps are completed successfully. This means the wireless device cannot send or receive HTTP, DHCP, SMTP, or any other type of traffic until the user is properly authorized. WEP does not provide this type of strict access control.

Another disadvantage of the original 802.11 standard is that mutual authentication is not possible. When using WEP alone, the wireless device can authenticate to the AP, but the authentication server is not required to authenticate to the wireless device. This means a rogue AP can be set up to capture users’ credentials and traffic without the users being aware of this type of attack. 802.11i deals with this issue by using EAP. EAP allows for mutual authentication to take place between the authentication server and wireless device, and provides flexibility in that users can be authenticated by using passwords, tokens, one-time passwords, certificates, smart cards, or Kerberos. This allows wireless users to be authenticated using the current infrastructure’s existing authentication technology. The wireless device and authentication server that are 802.11i-compliant have different authentication modules that plug into 802.1X to allow for these different options. So, 802.1X provides the framework that allows for the different EAP modules to be added by a network administrator. The two entities (supplicant and authenticator) agree upon one of these authentication methods (EAP modules) during their initial handshaking process.

The 802.11i standard does not deal with the full protocol stack, but addresses only what is taking place at the data link layer of the OSI model. Authentication protocols reside at a higher layer than this, so 802.11i does not specify particular authentication protocols. The use of EAP, however, allows different protocols to be used by different vendors. For example, Cisco uses a purely password-based authentication framework called Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP). Other vendors, including Microsoft, use EAP and Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS), which carries out authentication through digital certificates. And yet another choice is Protective EAP (PEAP), where only the server uses a digital certificate. EAP-Tunneled Transport Layer Security (EAP-TTLS) is an EAP protocol that extends TLS. EAP-TTLS is designed to provide authentication that is as strong as EAP-TLS, but it does not require that each user be issued a certificate. Instead, only the authentication servers are issued certificates. User authentication is performed by password, but the password credentials are transported in a securely encrypted tunnel established based upon the server certificates.

If EAP-TLS is being used, the authentication server and wireless device exchange digital certificates for authentication purposes. If PEAP is being used instead, the user of the wireless device sends the server a password and the server authenticates to the wireless device with its digital certificate. In both cases, some type of public key infrastructure (PKI) needs to be in place. If a company does not have a PKI currently implemented, it can be an overwhelming and costly task to deploy a PKI just to secure wireless transmissions.

When EAP-TLS is being used, the steps the server takes to authenticate to the wireless device are basically the same as when a TLS connection is being set up between a web server and web browser. Once the wireless device receives and validates the server’s digital certificate, it creates a master key, encrypts it with the server’s public key, and sends it over to the authentication server. Now the wireless device and authentication server have a master key, which they use to generate individual symmetric session keys. Both entities use these session keys for encryption and decryption purposes, and it is the use of these keys that sets up a secure channel between the two devices.

Companies may choose to use PEAP instead of EAP-TLS because they don’t want the hassle of installing and maintaining digital certificates on every wireless device. Before you purchase a WLAN product, you should understand the requirements and complications of each method to ensure you know what you are getting yourself into and if it is the right fit for your environment.

A large concern with current WLANs using just WEP is that if individual wireless devices are stolen, they can easily be authenticated to the wired network. 802.11i has added steps to require the user to authenticate to the network instead of just requiring the wireless device to authenticate. By using EAP, the user must send some type of credential set that is tied to his identity. When using only WEP, the wireless device authenticates itself by proving it has a symmetric key that was manually programmed into it. Since the user does not need to authenticate using WEP, a stolen wireless device can allow an attacker easy access to your precious network resources.

The Answer to All Our Prayers?    So does the use of EAP, 802.1X, AES, and TKIP result in secure and highly trusted WLAN implementations? Maybe, but we need to understand what we are dealing with here. TKIP was created as a quick fix to WEP’s overwhelming problems. It does not provide an overhaul for the wireless standard itself because WEP and TKIP are still based on the RC4 algorithm, which is not the best fit for this type of technology. The use of AES is closer to an actual overhaul, but it is not backward-compatible with the original 802.11 implementations. In addition, we should understand that using all of these new components and mixing them with the current 802.11 components will add more complexity and steps to the process. Security and complexity do not usually get along. The highest security is usually accomplished with simplistic and elegant solutions to ensure all of the entry points are clearly understood and protected. These new technologies add more flexibility to how vendors can choose to authenticate users and authentication servers, but can also bring us interoperability issues because the vendors will not all choose the same methods. This means that if a company buys an AP from company A, then the wireless cards it buys from companies B and C may not work seamlessly.

So does that mean all of this work has been done for naught? No. 802.11i provides much more protection and security than WEP ever did. The working group has had very knowledgeable people involved and some very large and powerful companies aiding in the development of these new solutions. But the customers who purchase these new products need to understand what will be required of them after the purchase order is made out. For example, with the use of EAP-TLS, each wireless device needs its own digital certificate. Are your current wireless devices programmed to handle certificates? How will the certificates be properly deployed to all the wireless devices? How will the certificates be maintained? Will the devices and authentication server verify that certificates have not been revoked by periodically checking a certificate revocation list (CRL)? What if a rogue authentication server or AP was erected with a valid digital certificate? The wireless device would just verify this certificate and trust that this server is the entity it is supposed to be communicating with.

Today, WLAN products are being developed following the stipulations of this 802.11i wireless standard. Many products will straddle the fence by providing TKIP for backward-compatibility with current WLAN implementations and AES for companies that are just now thinking about extending their current wired environments with a wireless component. Before buying wireless products, customers should review the Wi-Fi Alliance’s certification findings, which assess systems against the 802.11i proposed standard.


TIP    WPA2 is also called Robust Security Network.

We covered the evolution of WLAN security, which is different from the evolution of WLAN transmission speeds and uses. Next we will dive into many of the 802.11 standards that have developed over the last several years.

Wireless Standards

Standards are developed so that many different vendors can create various products that will work together seamlessly. Standards are usually developed on a consensus basis among the different vendors in a specific industry. The IEEE develops standards for a wide range of technologies—wireless being one of them.

The first WLAN standard, 802.11, was developed in 1997 and provided a 1- to 2-Mbps transfer rate. It worked in the 2.4-GHz frequency range. This fell into the available range unlicensed by the FCC, which means that companies and users do not need to pay to use this range.

The 802.11 standard outlines how wireless clients and APs communicate; lays out the specifications of their interfaces; dictates how signal transmission should take place; and describes how authentication, association, and security should be implemented. We already covered IEEE 802.11, 802.11i and 802.11X, so here we focus on the other standards in this family.

Now just because life is unfair, a long list of standards actually fall under the 802.11 main standard. You may have seen this alphabet soup (802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11i, 802.11g, 802.11h, and so on) and not clearly understood the differences among them. IEEE created several task groups to work on specific areas within wireless communications. Each group had its own focus and was required to investigate and develop standards for its specific section. The letter suffixes indicate the order in which they were proposed and accepted.


This standard was the first extension to the 802.11 WLAN standard. (Although 802.11a was conceived and approved first, it was not released first because of the technical complexity involved with this proposal.) 802.11b provides a transfer rate of up to 11 Mbps and works in the 2.4-GHz frequency range. It uses DSSS and is backward-compatible with 802.11 implementations.


This standard uses a different method of modulating data onto the necessary radio carrier signals. Whereas 802.11b uses DSSS, 802.11a uses OFDM and works in the 5 GHz frequency band. Because of these differences, 802.11a is not backward-compatible with 802.11b or 802.11. Several vendors have developed products that can work with both 802.11a and 802.11b implementations; the devices must be properly configured or may be able to sense the technology already being used and configure themselves appropriately.

OFDM is a modulation scheme that splits a signal over several narrowband channels. The channels are then modulated and sent over specific frequencies. Because the data is divided across these different channels, any interference from the environment will degrade only a small portion of the signal. This allows for greater throughput. Like FHSS and DSSS, OFDM is a physical layer specification. It can be used to transmit high-definition digital audio and video broadcasting as well as WLAN traffic.

This technology offers advantages in two areas: speed and frequency. 802.11a provides up to 54 Mbps, and it does not work in the already very crowded 2.4-GHz spectrum. The 2.4-GHz frequency band is referred to as a “dirty” frequency because several devices already work there—microwaves, cordless phones, baby monitors, and so on. In many situations, this means that contention for access and use of this frequency can cause loss of data or inadequate service. But because 802.11a works at a higher frequency, it does not provide the same range as the 802.11b and 802.11g standards. The maximum speed for 802.11a is attained at short distances from the AP, up to 25 feet.

One downfall of using the 5-GHz frequency range is that other countries have not necessarily allocated this band for use of WLAN transmissions. So 802.11a products may work in the United States, but they may not necessarily work in other countries around the world.


This standard has provided QoS and support of multimedia traffic in wireless transmissions. Multimedia and other types of time-sensitive applications have a lower tolerance for delays in data transmission. QoS provides the capability to prioritize traffic and affords guaranteed delivery. This specification and its capabilities have opened the door to allow many different types of data to be transmitted over wireless connections.


When a user moves around in a WLAN, her wireless device often needs to communicate with different APs. An AP can cover only a certain distance, and as the user moves out of the range of the first AP, another AP needs to pick up and maintain her signal to ensure she does not lose network connectivity. This is referred to as roaming, and for this to happen seamlessly, the APs need to communicate with each other. If the second AP must take over this user’s communication, it will need to be assured that this user has been properly authenticated and must know the necessary settings for this user’s connection. This means the first AP would need to be able to convey this information to the second AP. The conveying of this information between the different APs during roaming is what 802.11f deals with. It outlines how this information can be properly shared.


We are never happy with what we have; we always need more functions, more room, and more speed. The 802.11g standard provides for higher data transfer rates—up to 54 Mbps. This is basically a speed extension for 802.11b products. If a product meets the specifications of 802.11b, its data transfer rates are up to 11 Mbps, and if a product is based on 802.11g, that new product can be backward-compatible with older equipment but work at a much higher transfer rate.

So do we go with 802.11g or with 802.11a? They both provide higher bandwidth. 802.11g is backward-compatible with 802.11b, so that is a good thing if you already have a current infrastructure. But 802.11g still works in the 2.4-GHz range, which is continually getting more crowded. 802.11a works in the 5-GHz band and may be a better bet if you use other devices in the other, more crowded frequency range. But working at higher frequency means a device’s signal cannot cover as wide a range. Your decision will also come down to what standard wins out in the standards war. Most likely, one or the other standard will eventually be ignored by the market, so you will not have to worry about making this decision. Only time will tell which one will be the keeper.


As stated earlier, 802.11a works in the 5-GHz range, which is not necessarily available in countries other than the United States for this type of data transmission. The 802.11h standard builds upon the 802.11a specification to meet the requirements of European wireless rules so products working in this range can be properly implemented in European countries.


Many countries have been developing their own wireless standards, which inevitably causes massive interoperability issues. This can be frustrating for the customer because he cannot use certain products, and it can be frustrating and expensive for vendors because they have a laundry list of specifications to meet if they want to sell their products in various countries. If vendors are unable to meet these specifications, whole customer bases are unavailable to them. The 802.11j task group has been working on bringing together many of the different standards and streamlining their development to allow for better interoperability across borders.


802.11n is designed to be much faster, with throughput at 100 Mbps, and it works at the same frequency range as 802.11a (5 GHz). The intent is to maintain some backward-compatibility with current Wi-Fi standards, while combining a mix of the current technologies. This standard uses a concept called multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) to increase the throughput. This requires the use of two receive and two transmit antennas to broadcast in parallel using a 20-MHz channel.


The IEEE 802.11ac WLAN standard is an extension of 802.11n. It also operates on the 5-GHz band, but increases throughput to 1.3 Gbps. 802.11ac is backward compatible with 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n, but if in compatibility mode it slows down to the speed of the slower standard. Another benefit of this newer standard is its support for beamforming, which is the shaping of radio signals to improve their performance in specific directions. In simple terms, this means that 802.11ac is better able to maintain high data rates at longer ranges than its predecessors.

Not enough different wireless standards for you? You say you want more? Okay, here you go!


All the wireless standards covered so far are WLAN-oriented standards. 802.16 is a MAN wireless standard, which allows for wireless traffic to cover a much wider geographical area. This technology is also referred to as broadband wireless access. (A commercial technology that is based upon 802.16 is WiMAX.) A common implementation of 802.16 technology is shown in Figure 4-76.


Figure 4-76    Broadband wireless in a MAN


NOTE    IEEE 802.16 is a standard for vendors to follow to allow for interoperable broadband wireless connections. IEEE does not test for compliance to this standard. The WiMAX Forum runs a certification program that is intended to guarantee compliance with the standard and interoperability with equipment between vendors.


This standard deals with a much smaller geographical network, which is referred to as a wireless personal area network (WPAN). This technology allows for connectivity to take place among local devices, such as a computer communicating with a wireless keyboard, a cellular phone communicating with a computer, or a headset communicating with another device. The goal here—as with all wireless technologies—is to allow for data transfer without all of those pesky cables. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard operates in the 2.4-GHz band, which is part of what is known as the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band and is unlicensed in many parts of the world. This means that vendors are free to develop products in this band and market them worldwide without having to obtain licenses in multiple countries.

Devices that conform to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard are typically low-cost, low-bandwidth, and ubiquitous. They are very common in industrial settings where machines communicate directly with other machines over relatively short distances (typically no more than 100 meters). For this reason, this standard is emerging as a key enabler of the Internet of Things (IoT) in which everything from your thermostat to your door lock is (relatively) smart and connected.

ZigBee is one of the most popular protocols based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. It is intended to be simpler and cheaper than most WPAN protocols and is very popular in the embedded device market. ZigBee links are rated for 250 kbps and support 128 bit symmetric key encryption. You can find ZigBee in a variety of home automation, industrial control, medical, and sensor network applications.

Bluetooth Wireless

The Bluetooth wireless technology has a 1- to 3-Mbps transfer rate and works in a range of approximately 1, 10, or 100 meters. If you have a cell phone and a tablet that are both Bluetooth-enabled and both have calendar functionality, you could have them update each other without any need to connect them physically. If you added some information to your cell phone contacts list and task list, for example, you could just place the phone close to your tablet. The tablet would sense that the other device was nearby, and it would then attempt to set up a network connection with it. Once the connection was made, synchronization between the two devices would take place, and the tablet would add the new contacts list and task list data. Bluetooth works in the frequency range of other 802.11 devices (2.4 GHz).

Real security risks exist when transferring unprotected data via Bluetooth in a public area, because any device within a certain range can capture this type of data transfer.

One attack type that Bluetooth is vulnerable to is referred to as Bluejacking. In this attack, someone sends an unsolicited message to a device that is Bluetooth-enabled. Blue-jackers look for a receiving device (phone, tablet, laptop) and then send a message to it. Often, the Bluejacker is trying to send someone else their business card, which will be added to the victim’s contact list in their address book. The countermeasure is to put the Bluetooth-enabled device into nondiscoverable mode so others cannot identify this device in the first place. If you receive some type of message this way, just look around you. Bluetooth only works within a 10-meter distance, so it is coming from someone close by.


NOTE    Bluesnarfing is the unauthorized access from a wireless device through a Bluetooth connection. This allows access to a calendar, contact list, e-mails, and text messages, and on some phones users can copy pictures and private videos.

Best Practices for Securing WLANs

There is no silver bullet to protect any of our devices or networks. That being said, there are a number of things we can do that will increase the cost of the attack for the adversary. Some of the best practices pertaining to WLAN implementations are as follows:

•  Change the default SSID. Each AP comes with a preconfigured default SSID value.

•  Implement WPA2 and 802.1X to provide centralized user authentication (e.g., RADIUS, Kerberos). Before users can access the network, require them to authenticate.

•  Use separate VLANs for each class of users, just as you would on a wired LAN.

•  If you must support unauthenticated users (e.g., visitors), ensure they are connected to an untrusted VLAN that remains outside your network’s perimeter.

•  Deploy a wireless intrusion detection system (WIDS).

•  Physically put the AP at the center of the building. The AP has a specific zone of coverage it can provide.

•  Logically put the AP in a DMZ with a firewall between the DMZ and internal network. Allow the firewall to investigate the traffic before it gets to the wired network.

•  Implement VPN for wireless devices to use. This adds another layer of protection for data being transmitted.

•  Configure the AP to allow only known MAC addresses into the network. Allow only known devices to authenticate. But remember that these MAC addresses are sent in cleartext, so an attacker could capture them and masquerade himself as an authenticated device.

•  Carry out penetration tests on the WLAN. Use the tools described in this section to identify APs and attempt to break the current encryption scheme being used.


Today, satellites are used to provide wireless connectivity between different locations. For two different locations to communicate via satellite links, they must be within the satellite’s line of sight and footprint (area covered by the satellite). The sender of information (ground station) modulates the data onto a radio signal that is transmitted to the satellite. A transponder on the satellite receives this signal, amplifies it, and relays it to the receiver. The receiver must have a type of antenna—one of those circular, dish-like things we see on top of buildings. The antenna contains one or more microwave receivers, depending upon how many satellites it is accepting data from.

Satellites provide broadband transmission that is commonly used for television channels and PC Internet access. If a user is receiving TV data, then the transmission is set up as a one-way network. If a user is using this connection for Internet connectivity, then the transmission is set up as a two-way network. The available bandwidth depends upon the antenna and terminal type and the service provided by the service provider. Time-sensitive applications can suffer from the delays experienced as the data goes to and from the satellite. These types of satellites are placed into a low Earth orbit, which means there is not as much distance between the ground stations and the satellites as in other types of satellites. In turn, this means smaller receivers can be used, which makes low-Earth-orbit satellites ideal for two-way paging, international cellular communication, TV stations, and Internet use.


NOTE    The two main microwave wireless transmission technologies are satellite (ground to orbiter to ground) and terrestrial (ground to ground).

The size of the footprint depends upon the type of satellite being used. It can be as large as a country or only a few hundred feet in circumference. The footprint covers an area on the Earth for only a few hours or less, so the service provider usually has a large number of satellites dispatched to provide constant coverage at strategic areas.

In most cases, organizations will use a system known as a very small aperture terminal (VSAT), which links a remote office to the Internet through a satellite gateway facility run by a service provider, as shown in Figure 4-77. Alternatively, VSATs can be deployed in stand-alone networks in which the organization also places a VSAT at a central location and has all the remote ones reach into it with no need for a gateway facility. The data rates available can range from a few Kbps to several Mbps. Dropping prices have rendered this technology affordable to many midsized organizations.


Figure 4-77    Satellite broadband

Mobile Wireless Communication

Mobile wireless has now exploded into a trillion-dollar industry, with over 7.2 billion subscriptions, fueled by a succession of new technologies and by industry and international standard agreements.

So what is a mobile phone anyway? It is a device that can send voice and data over wireless radio links. It connects to a cellular network, which is connected to the PSTN. So instead of needing a physical cord and connection that connects your phone and the PSTN, you have a device that allows you to indirectly connect to the PSTN as you move around a wide geographic area.

Radio stations use broadcast networks, which provide one-way transmissions. Mobile wireless communication is also a radio technology, but it works within a cellular network that employs two-way transmissions.

A cellular network distributes radio signals over delineated areas, called cells. Each cell has at least one fixed-location transceiver (base station) and is joined to other cells to provide connections over large geographic areas. So as you are talking on your mobile phone and you move out of range of one cell, the base station in the original cell sends your connection information to the next base station so that your call is not dropped and you can continue your conversation.

We do not have an infinite number of frequencies to work with when it comes to mobile communication. Millions of people around the world are using their cell phones as you read this. How can all of these calls take place if we only have one set of frequencies to use for such activity? A rudimentary depiction of a cellular network is shown in Figure 4-78. Individual cells can use the same frequency range, as long as they are not right next to each other. So the same frequency range can be used in every other cell, which drastically decreased the amount of ranges required to support simultaneous connections.


Figure 4-78    Nonadjacent cells can use the same frequency ranges.

The industry had to come up with other ways to allow millions of users to be able to use this finite resource (frequency range) in a flexible manner. Over time, mobile wireless has been made up of progressively more complex and more powerful “multiple access” technologies, listed here:

•  Frequency division multiple access (FDMA)

•  Time division multiple access (TDMA)

•  Code division multiple access (CDMA)

•  Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)

We quickly go over the characteristics of each of these technologies because they are the foundational constructs of the various cellular network generations.

Frequency division multiple access (FDMA) was the earliest multiple access technology put into practice. The available frequency range is divided into sub-bands (channels), and one channel is assigned to each subscriber (cell phone). The subscriber has exclusive use of that channel while the call is made, or until the call is terminated or handed off; no other calls or conversations can be made on that channel during that call. Using FDMA in this way, multiple users can share the frequency range without the risk of interference between the simultaneous calls. FDMA was used in the first generation (1G) of cellular networks. 1G mobile had various implementations, such as Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS), Total Access Communication System (TACS), and Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT), used FDMA.

Time division multiple access (TDMA) increases the speed and efficiency of the cellular network by taking the radio-frequency spectrum channels and dividing them into time slots. At various time periods, multiple users can share the same channel; the systems within the cell swap from one user to another user, in effect, reusing the available frequencies. TDMA increased speeds and service quality. A common example of TDMA in action is a conversation. One person talks for a time and then quits, and then a different person talks. In TDMA systems, time is divided into frames. Each frame is divided into slots. TDMA requires that each slot’s start and end time are known to both the source and the destination. Mobile communication systems such as Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), Digital AMPS (D-AMPS), and Personal Digital Cellular (PDC) use TDMA.

Code division multiple access (CDMA) was developed after FDMA, and as the term “code” implies, CDMA assigns a unique code to each voice call or data transmission to uniquely identify it from all other transmissions sent over the cellular network. In a CDMA “spread spectrum” network, calls are spread throughout the entire radio-frequency band. CDMA permits every user of the network to simultaneously use every channel in the network. At the same time, a particular cell can simultaneously interact with multiple other cells. These features make CDMA a very powerful technology. It is the main technology for the mobile cellular networks that presently dominate the wireless space.


Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) is derived from a combination of FDMA and TDMA. In earlier implementations of FDMA, the different frequencies for each channel were widely spaced to allow analog hardware to separate the different channels. In OFDMA, each of the channels is subdivided into a set of closely spaced orthogonal frequencies with narrow bandwidths (subchannels). Each of the different subchannels can be transmitted and received simultaneously in a multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) manner. The use of orthogonal frequencies and MIMO allows signal processing techniques to reduce the impacts of any interference between different subchannels and to correct for channel impairments, such as noise and selective frequency fading. 4G requires that OFDMA be used.

Mobile wireless technologies have gone through a whirlwind of confusing generations. The first generation (1G) dealt with analog transmissions of voice-only data over circuit-switched networks. This generation provided a throughput of around 19.2 Kbps. The second generation (2G) allows for digitally encoded voice and data to be transmitted between wireless devices, such as cell phones, and content providers. TDMA, CDMA, GSM, and PCS all fall under the umbrella of 2G mobile telephony. This technology can transmit data over circuit-switched networks and supports data encryption, fax transmissions, and short message services (SMSs).

The third-generation (3G) networks became available around the turn of the century. Incorporating FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA, 3G had the flexibility to support a great variety of applications and services. Further, circuit switching was replaced with packet switching. Modular in design to allow ready expandability, backward compatibility with 2G networks, and stressing interoperability among mobile systems, 3G services greatly expanded the applications available to users, such as global roaming (without changing one’s cell phone or cell phone number), as well as Internet services and multimedia.

In addition, reflecting the ever-growing demand from users for greater speed, latency in 3G networks was much reduced as transmission speeds were enhanced. More enhancements to 3G networks, often referred to as 3.5G or as mobile broadband, are taking place under the rubric of the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). 3GPP has a number of new or enhanced technologies. These include Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE), High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), CDMA2000, and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX).

There are two competing technologies that fall under the umbrella of 4G, which are Mobile WiMAX and Long-Term Evolution (LTE). A 4G system does not support traditional circuit-switched telephony service as 3G does, but works over a purely packet-based network. 4G devices are IP-based and are based upon OFDMA instead of the previously used multiple carrier access technologies.

Research projects have started on fifth-generation (5G) mobile communication, but standards requirements and implementation are not expected until 2020.

Each of the different mobile communication generations has taken advantage of the improvement of hardware technology and processing power. The increase in hardware has allowed for more complicated data transmission between users and hence the desire for more users to want to use mobile communications.

Table 4-16 illustrates some of the main features of the 1G through 4G networks. It is important to note that this table does not and cannot easily cover all the aspects of each generation. Earlier generations of mobile communication have considerable variability between countries. The variability was due to country-sponsored efforts before agreed-upon international standards were established. Various efforts between the ITU and countries have attempted to minimize the differences.


Table 4-16    The Different Characteristics of Mobile Technology


NOTE    While it would be great if the mobile wireless technology generations broke down into clear-cut definitions, they do not. This is because various parts of the world use different foundational technologies, and there are several competing vendors in the space with their own proprietary approaches.

Network Encryption

At this point in our discussion, we have touched on every major technology relevant to modern networks. Along the way, as we paused to consider vulnerabilities and controls, a recurring theme revolves around the use of encryption to protect the confidentiality and integrity of our data. Let us now take a look at three specific applications of encryption to protect our data communications in general and our email and web traffic in particular.

Link Encryption vs. End-to-End Encryption

In each of the networking technologies discussed in this chapter, encryption can be performed at different levels, each with different types of protection and implications. Two general modes of encryption implementation are link encryption and end-to-end encryption. Link encryption encrypts all the data along a specific communication path, as in a satellite link, T3 line, or telephone circuit. Not only is the user information encrypted, but the header, trailers, addresses, and routing data that are part of the packets are also encrypted. The only traffic not encrypted in this technology is the data link control messaging information, which includes instructions and parameters that the different link devices use to synchronize communication methods. Link encryption provides protection against packet sniffers and eavesdroppers. In end-to-end encryption, the headers, addresses, routing information, and trailer information are not encrypted, enabling attackers to learn more about a captured packet and where it is headed.

Link encryption, which is sometimes called online encryption, is usually provided by service providers and is incorporated into network protocols. All of the information is encrypted, and the packets must be decrypted at each hop so the router, or other intermediate device, knows where to send the packet next. The router must decrypt the header portion of the packet, read the routing and address information within the header, and then re-encrypt it and send it on its way.

With end-to-end encryption, the packets do not need to be decrypted and then encrypted again at each hop because the headers and trailers are not encrypted. The devices in between the origin and destination just read the necessary routing information and pass the packets on their way.

End-to-end encryption is usually initiated by the user of the originating computer. It provides more flexibility for the user to be able to determine whether or not certain messages will get encrypted. It is called “end-to-end encryption” because the message stays encrypted from one end of its journey to the other. Link encryption has to decrypt the packets at every device between the two ends.

Link encryption occurs at the data link and physical layers, as depicted in Figure 4-79. Hardware encryption devices interface with the physical layer and encrypt all data that passes through them. Because no part of the data is available to an attacker, the attacker cannot learn basic information about how data flows through the environment. This is referred to as traffic-flow security.


Figure 4-79    Link and end-to-end encryption happen at different OSI layers.


NOTE    A hop is a device that helps a packet reach its destination. It is usually a router that looks at the packet address to determine where the packet needs to go next. Packets usually go through many hops between the sending and receiving computers.

Advantages of end-to-end encryption include the following:

•  It provides more flexibility to the user in choosing what gets encrypted and how.

•  Higher granularity of functionality is available because each application or user can choose specific configurations.

•  Each hop device on the network does not need to have a key to decrypt each packet.

Disadvantages of end-to-end encryption include the following:

•  Headers, addresses, and routing information are not encrypted, and therefore not protected.

Advantages of link encryption include the following:

•  All data is encrypted, including headers, addresses, and routing information.

•  Users do not need to do anything to initiate it. It works at a lower layer in the OSI model.

Disadvantages of link encryption include the following:

•  Key distribution and management are more complex because each hop device must receive a key, and when the keys change, each must be updated.

•  Packets are decrypted at each hop; thus, more points of vulnerability exist.

E-mail Encryption Standards

Like other types of technologies, cryptography has industry standards and de facto standards. Standards are necessary because they help ensure interoperability among vendor products. The existence of standards for a certain technology usually means that it has been under heavy scrutiny and has been properly tested and accepted by many similar technology communities. A company still needs to decide what type of standard to follow and what type of technology to implement.

A company needs to evaluate the functionality of the technology and perform a cost-benefit analysis on the competing products within the chosen standards. For a cryptography implementation, the company would need to decide what must be protected by encryption, whether digital signatures are necessary, how key management should take place, what types of resources are available to implement and maintain the technology, and what the overall cost will amount to.

If a company only needs to encrypt some e-mail messages here and there, then Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) may be the best choice. If the company wants all data encrypted as it goes throughout the network and to sister companies, then a link encryption implementation may be the best choice. If a company wants to implement a single sign-on environment where users need to authenticate to use different services and functionality throughout the network, then implementing a PKI or Kerberos might serve it best. To make the most informed decision, the network administrators should understand each type of technology and standard, and should research and test each competing product within the chosen technology before making the final purchase. Cryptography, including how to implement and maintain it, can be a complicated subject. Doing homework versus buying into buzzwords and flashy products might help a company reduce its headaches down the road.

The following sections briefly describe some of the most popular e-mail standards in use.

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is a technical specification indicating how multimedia data and e-mail binary attachments are to be transferred. The Internet has mail standards that dictate how mail is to be formatted, encapsulated, transmitted, and opened. If a message or document contains a binary attachment, MIME dictates how that portion of the message should be handled.

When an attachment contains an audio clip, graphic, or some other type of multimedia component, the e-mail client will send the file with a header that describes the file type. For example, the header might indicate that the MIME type is Image and that the subtype is JPEG. Although this will be in the header, many times, systems also use the file’s extension to identify the MIME type. So, in the preceding example, the file’s name might be stuff. jpeg. The user’s system will see the extension .jpeg, or will see the data in the header field, and look in its association list to see what program it needs to initialize to open this particular file. If the system has JPEG files associated with the Explorer application, then Explorer will open and present the picture to the user.

Sometimes systems either do not have an association for a specific file type or do not have the helper program necessary to review and use the contents of the file. When a file has an unassociated icon assigned to it, it might require the user to choose the Open With command and choose an application in the list to associate this file with that program. So when the user double-clicks that file, the associated program will initialize and present the file. If the system does not have the necessary program, the website might offer the necessary helper program, like Acrobat or an audio program that plays WAV files.

MIME is a specification that dictates how certain file types should be transmitted and handled. This specification has several types and subtypes, enables different computers to exchange data in varying formats, and provides a standardized way of presenting the data. So if Sean views a funny picture that is in GIF format, he can be sure that when he sends it to Debbie, it will look exactly the same.

Secure MIME (S/MIME) is a standard for encrypting and digitally signing e-mail and for providing secure data transmissions. S/MIME extends the MIME standard by allowing for the encryption of e-mail and attachments. The encryption and hashing algorithms can be specified by the user of the mail application, instead of having it dictated to them. S/MIME follows the Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS). S/MIME provides confidentiality through encryption algorithms, integrity through hashing algorithms, authentication through the use of X.509 public key certificates, and nonrepudiation through cryptographically signed message digests.

Pretty Good Privacy

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) was designed by Phil Zimmerman as a freeware e-mail security program and was released in 1991. It was the first widespread public key encryption program. PGP is a complete cryptosystem that uses cryptographic protection to protect e-mail and files. It can use RSA public key encryption for key management and use the IDEA symmetric cipher for bulk encryption of data, although the user has the option of picking different types of algorithms for these functions. PGP can provide confidentiality by using the IDEA encryption algorithm, integrity by using the MD5 hashing algorithm, authentication by using public key certificates, and nonrepudiation by using cryptographically signed messages. PGP uses its own type of digital certificates rather than what is used in PKI, but they both have similar purposes.

The user’s private key is generated and encrypted when the application asks the user to randomly type on her keyboard for a specific amount of time. Instead of using passwords, PGP uses passphrases. The passphrase is used to encrypt the user’s private key that is stored on her hard drive.

PGP does not use a hierarchy of CAs, or any type of formal trust certificates, but instead relies on a “web of trust” in its key management approach. Each user generates and distributes his or her public key, and users sign each other’s public keys, which creates a community of users who trust each other. This is different from the CA approach, where no one trusts each other; they only trust the CA. For example, if Mark and Joe want to communicate using PGP, Mark can give his public key to Joe. Joe signs Mark’s key and keeps a copy for himself. Then, Joe gives a copy of his public key to Mark so they can start communicating securely. Later, Mark would like to communicate with Sally, but Sally does not know Mark and does not know if she can trust him. Mark sends Sally his public key, which has been signed by Joe. Sally has Joe’s public key, because they have communicated before, and she trusts Joe. Because Joe signed Mark’s public key, Sally now also trusts Mark and sends her public key to him and begins communicating with him.

So, basically, PGP is a system of “I don’t know you, but my buddy Joe says you are an all right guy, so I will trust you on Joe’s word.”

Each user keeps in a file, referred to as a key ring, a collection of public keys he has received from other users. Each key in that ring has a parameter that indicates the level of trust assigned to that user and the validity of that particular key. If Steve has known Liz for many years and trusts her, he might have a higher level of trust indicated on her stored public key than on Tom’s, whom he does not trust much at all. There is also a field indicating who can sign other keys within Steve’s realm of trust. If Steve receives a key from someone he doesn’t know, like Kevin, and the key is signed by Liz, he can look at the field that pertains to whom he trusts to sign other people’s keys. If the field indicates that Steve trusts Liz enough to sign another person’s key, Steve will accept Kevin’s key and communicate with him because Liz is vouching for him. However, if Steve receives a key from Kevin and it is signed by untrustworthy Tom, Steve might choose to not trust Kevin and not communicate with him.

These fields are available for updating and alteration. If one day Steve really gets to know Tom and finds out he is okay after all, he can modify these parameters within PGP and give Tom more trust when it comes to cryptography and secure communication.

Because the web of trust does not have a central leader, such as a CA, certain standardized functionality is harder to accomplish. If Steve were to lose his private key, he would need to notify everyone else trusting his public key that it should no longer be trusted. In a PKI, Steve would only need to notify the CA, and anyone attempting to verify the validity of Steve’s public key would be told not to trust it upon looking at the most recently updated CRL. In the PGP world, this is not as centralized and organized. Steve can send out a key revocation certificate, but there is no guarantee it will reach each user’s key ring file.

PGP is a public domain software that uses public key cryptography. It has not been endorsed by the NSA, but because it is a great product and free for individuals to use, it has become somewhat of a de facto encryption standard on the Internet.


NOTE    PGP is considered a cryptosystem because it has all the necessary components: symmetric key algorithms, asymmetric key algorithms, message digest algorithms, keys, protocols, and the necessary software components.

Internet Security

The Web is not the Internet. The Web runs on top of the Internet, in a sense. The Web is the collection of HTTP servers that holds and processes websites we see. The Internet is the collection of physical devices and communication protocols used to traverse these websites and interact with them. The websites look the way they do because their creators used a language that dictates the look, feel, and functionality of the page. Web browsers enable users to read web pages by enabling them to request and accept web pages via HTTP, and the user’s browser converts the language (HTML, DHTML, and XML) into a format that can be viewed on the monitor. The browser is the user’s window to the World Wide Web.

Browsers can understand a variety of protocols and have the capability to process many types of commands, but they do not understand them all. For those protocols or commands the user’s browser does not know how to process, the user can download and install a viewer or plug-in, a modular component of code that integrates itself into the system or browser. This is a quick and easy way to expand the functionality of the browser. However, this can cause serious security compromises, because the payload of the module can easily carry viruses and malicious software that users don’t discover until it’s too late.

Start with the Basics

Why do we connect to the Internet? At first, this seems a basic question, but as we dive deeper into the query, complexity creeps in. We connect to download MP3s, check e-mail, order security books, look at websites, communicate with friends, and perform various other tasks. But what are we really doing? We are using services provided by a computer’s protocols and software. The services may be file transfers provided by FTP, remote connectivity provided by Telnet, Internet connectivity provided by HTTP, secure connections provided by TLS, and much, much more. Without these protocols, there would be no way to even connect to the Internet.

Management needs to decide what functionality employees should have pertaining to Internet use, and the administrator must implement these decisions by controlling services that can be used inside and outside the network. Services can be restricted in various ways, such as allowing certain services to only run on a particular system and to restrict access to that system; employing a secure version of a service; filtering the use of services; or blocking services altogether. These choices determine how secure the site will be and indicate what type of technology is needed to provide this type of protection.

Let’s go through many of the technologies and protocols that make up the World Wide Web.

HTTP    TCP/IP is the protocol suite of the Internet, and HTTP is the protocol of the Web. HTTP sits on top of TCP/IP. When a user clicks a link on a web page with her mouse, her browser uses HTTP to send a request to the web server hosting that website. The web server finds the corresponding file to that link and sends it to the user via HTTP. So where is TCP/IP in all of this? TCP controls the handshaking and maintains the connection between the user and the server, and IP makes sure the file is routed properly throughout the Internet to get from the web server to the user. So, IP finds the way to get from A to Z, TCP makes sure the origin and destination are correct and that no packets are lost along the way, and, upon arrival at the destination, HTTP presents the payload, which is a web page.

HTTP is a stateless protocol, which means the client and web server make and break a connection for each operation. When a user requests to view a web page, that web server finds the requested web page, presents it to the user, and then terminates the connection. If the user requests a link within the newly received web page, a new connection must be set up, the request goes to the web server, and the web server sends the requested item and breaks the connection. The web server never “remembers” the users that ask for different web pages, because it would have to commit a lot of resources to the effort.

HTTP Secure    HTTP Secure (HTTPS) is HTTP running over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS). Both of these technologies work to encrypt traffic originating at a higher layer in the OSI model. Though we will discuss SSL next (since it is still in use), you must keep in mind that this technology is now widely regarded as insecure and obsolete. The Internet Engineering Task Force formally deprecated it in June 2015. TLS should be used in its place.

Secure Sockets Layer    Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) uses public key encryption and provides data encryption, server authentication, message integrity, and optional client authentication. When a client accesses a website, that website may have both secured and public portions. The secured portion would require the user to be authenticated in some fashion. When the client goes from a public page on the website to a secured page, the web server will start the necessary tasks to invoke SSL and protect this type of communication.

The server sends a message back to the client, indicating a secure session should be established, and the client in response sends its security parameters. The server compares those security parameters to its own until it finds a match. This is the handshaking phase. The server authenticates to the client by sending it a digital certificate, and if the client decides to trust the server, the process continues. The server can require the client to send over a digital certificate for mutual authentication, but that is rare.

The client generates a session key and encrypts it with the server’s public key. This encrypted key is sent to the web server, and they both use this symmetric key to encrypt the data they send back and forth. This is how the secure channel is established.

SSL keeps the communication path open until one of the parties requests to end the session. The session is usually ended when the client sends the server a FIN packet, which is an indication to close out the channel.

SSL requires an SSL-enabled server and browser. SSL provides security for the connection, but does not offer security for the data once received. This means the data is encrypted while being transmitted, but not after the data is received by a computer. So if a user sends bank account information to a financial institution via a connection protected by SSL, that communication path is protected, but the user must trust the financial institution that receives this information, because at this point, SSL’s job is done.

The user can verify that a connection is secure by looking at the URL to see that it includes https://. The user can also check for a padlock or key icon, depending on the browser type, which is shown at the bottom corner of the browser window.

In the protocol stack, SSL lies beneath the application layer and above the network layer. This ensures SSL is not limited to specific application protocols and can still use the communication transport standards of the Internet. Different books and technical resources place SSL at different layers of the OSI model, which may seem confusing at first. But the OSI model is a conceptual construct that attempts to describe the reality of networking. This is like trying to draw nice neat boxes around life—some things don’t fit perfectly and hang over the sides. SSL is actually made up of two protocols: one works at the lower end of the session layer, and the other works at the top of the transport layer. This is why one resource will state that SSL works at the session layer and another resource puts it in the transport layer. For the purposes of the CISSP exam, we’ll use the latter definition: the SSL protocol works at the transport layer.

Although SSL is almost always used with HTTP, it can also be used with other types of protocols. So if you see a common protocol that is followed by an S, that protocol is using SSL to encrypt its data. The final version of SSL was 3.0. SSL is considered insecure today.

Transport Layer Security    SSL was developed by Netscape and is not an open-community protocol. This means the technology community cannot easily extend SSL to interoperate and expand in its functionality. If a protocol is proprietary in nature, as SSL is, the technology community cannot directly change its specifications and functionality. If the protocol is an open-community protocol, then its specifications can be modified by individuals within the community to expand what it can do and what technologies it can work with. So the open-community and standardized version of SSL is Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Until relatively recently, most people thought that there were very few differences between SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 (TLS is currently in version 1.2.). However, the Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption (POODLE) attack in 2014 was the death knell of SSL and demonstrated that TLS was superior security-wise. The key to the attack was to force SSL to downgrade its security, which was allowed for the sake of interoperability. Because TLS implements tighter controls and includes more modern (and more secure) hashing and encryption algorithms, it won the day and is now the standard.

TLS is commonly used when data needs to be encrypted while “in transit,” which means as the data is moving from one system to another system. Data must also be encrypted while “at rest,” which is when the data is stored. Encryption of data at rest can be accomplished by whole-disk encryption, PGP, or other types of software-based encryption.

Cookies    Cookies are text files that a browser maintains on a user’s hard drive or memory segment. Cookies have different uses, and some are used for demographic and advertising information. As a user travels from site to site on the Internet, the sites could be writing data to the cookies stored on the user’s system. The sites can keep track of the user’s browsing and spending habits and the user’s specific customization for certain sites. For example, if Emily mainly goes to gardening sites on the Internet, those sites will most likely record this information and the types of items in which she shows most interest. Then, when Emily returns to one of the same or similar sites, it will retrieve her cookies, find she has shown interest in gardening books in the past, and present her with its line of gardening books. This increases the likelihood that Emily will purchase a book. This is a way of zeroing in on the right marketing tactics for the right person.

The servers at the website determine how cookies are actually used. When a user adds items to his shopping cart on a site, such data is usually added to a cookie. Then, when the user is ready to check out and pay for his items, all the data in this specific cookie is extracted and the totals are added.

As stated before, HTTP is a stateless protocol, meaning a web server has no memory of any prior connections. This is one reason to use cookies. They retain the memory between HTTP connections by saving prior connection data to the client’s computer.

For example, if you carry out your banking activities online, your bank’s web server keeps track of your activities through the use of cookies. When you first go to its site and are looking at public information, such as branch locations, hours of operation, and CD rates, no confidential information is being transferred back and forth. Once you make a request to access your bank account, the web server sets up an TLS connection and requires you to send credentials. Once you send your credentials and are authenticated, the server generates a cookie with your authentication and account information in it. The server sends it to your browser, which either saves it to your hard drive or keeps it in memory.


NOTE    Some cookies are stored as text files on your hard drive. These files should not contain any sensitive information, such as account numbers and passwords. In most cases, cookies that contain sensitive information stay resident in memory and are not stored on the hard drive.

So, suppose you look at your checking account, do some work there, and then request to view your savings account information. The web server sends a request to see if you have been properly authenticated for this activity by checking your cookie.

Most online banking software also periodically requests your cookie to ensure no man-in-the-middle attacks are going on and that someone else has not hijacked the session.

It is also important to ensure that secure connections time out. This is why cookies have timestamps within them. If you have ever worked on a site that has an TLS connection set up for you and it required you to reauthenticate, the reason is that your session has been idle for a while and, instead of leaving a secure connection open, the web server software closed it out.

A majority of the data within a cookie is meaningless to any entities other than the servers at specific sites, but some cookies can contain usernames and passwords for different accounts on the Internet. The cookies that contain sensitive information should be encrypted by the server at the site that distributes them, but this does not always happen, and a nosy attacker could find this data on the user’s hard drive and attempt to use it for mischievous activity. Some people who live on the paranoid side of life do not allow cookies to be downloaded to their systems (which can be configured through browser security settings). Although this provides a high level of protection against different types of cookie abuse, it also reduces their functionality on the Internet. Some sites require cookies because there is specific data within the cookies that the site must utilize correctly in order to provide the user with the services she requested.


TIP    Some third-party products can limit the type of cookies downloaded, hide the user’s identities as he travels from one site to the next, and mask the user’s e-mail addresses and the mail servers he uses if he is concerned about concealing his identity and his tracks.

Secure Shell    Secure Shell (SSH) functions as a type of tunneling mechanism that provides terminal-like access to remote computers. SSH is a program and a protocol that can be used to log into another computer over a network. For example, the program can let Paul, who is on computer A, access computer B’s files, run applications on computer B, and retrieve files from computer B without ever physically touching that computer. SSH provides authentication and secure transmission over vulnerable channels like the Internet.


NOTE    SSH can also be used for secure channels for file transfer and port redirection.

SSH should be used instead of Telnet, FTP, rlogin, rexec, or rsh, which provide the same type of functionality SSH offers but in a much less secure manner. SSH is a program and a set of protocols that work together to provide a secure tunnel between two computers. The two computers go through a handshaking process and exchange (via Diffie-Hellman) a session key that will be used during the session to encrypt and protect the data sent. The steps of an SSH connection are outlined in Figure 4-80.


Figure 4-80    SSH is used for remote terminal-like functionality.

Once the handshake takes place and a secure channel is established, the two computers have a pathway to exchange data with the assurance that the information will be encrypted and its integrity will be protected.


Network Attacks

Our networks continue to be the primary vector for attacks, and there is no reason to believe this will change anytime soon. If you think about it, this makes perfect sense because it allows a cybercriminal across the world to empty out your bank account from the comfort of her own basement, or a foreign nation to steal your personnel files without having to infiltrate a spy into your country. In the sections that follow we will highlight some of the most problematic types of attacks and what we can do about them.

Denial of Service

A denial-of-service (DoS) attack can take many forms, but at its essence is a compromise to the availability leg of the AIC triad. A DoS attack results in a service or resource being degraded or made unavailable to legitimate users. By this definition, the theft of a server from our server room would constitute a DoS attack, but for this discussion we will limit ourselves to attacks that take place over a network and involve software.

Malformed Packets

At the birth of the Internet, malformed packets enjoyed a season of notoriety as the tool of choice for disrupting networks. Protocol implementations such as IP and ICMP were in their infancy and there was no shortage of vulnerabilities to be found and exploited. Perhaps the most famous of these (and certainly the one with the most colorful name) was the Ping of Death. This attack sent a single ICMP Echo Request to a computer, which resulted in the “death” of its network stack until it was restarted. This attack exploited the fact that many early networking stacks did not enforce the maximum length for an ICMP packet, which is 65,536 bytes. If an attacker sent a ping that was bigger than that, many common operating systems would become unstable and ultimately freeze or crash. While the Ping of Death is a relic from our past, it is illustrative of an entire class of attacks that is with us still.

Defending against this kind of attack is a moving target, because new vulnerabilities are always being discovered in our software systems. The single most important countermeasure here is to keep your systems patched. This will protect you against known vulnerabilities, but what about the rest? Your best bet is to carefully monitor the traffic on your networks and look for oddities (a 66KB ping packet should stand out, right?). This requires a fairly mature security operation and obviously has a high cost. Something else you can do is to subscribe to threat feeds that will give you a heads up whenever anyone else in your provider’s network gets hit with a new attack of this type. If you are able to respond promptly, you can reconfigure your firewalls to block the attack before it is effective.


Attackers today have another technique that does not require them to figure out an implementation error that results in the opportunity to use a malformed packet to get their work done. This approach is simply to overwhelm the target computer with packets until it is unable to process legitimate user requests. An illustrative example of this technique is called SYN flooding, which is an attack that exploits the three-way handshake that TCP uses to establish connections. Recall from earlier in this chapter that TCP connections are established by the client first sending a SYN packet, followed by a SYN/ACK packet from the server, and finally an ACK packet from the client. The server has no way of knowing which connection requests are malicious, so it responds to all of them. All the attacker has to do is send a steady stream of SYN packets, while ignoring the server’s responses. The server has a limited amount of buffer space in which to store these half-open connections, so if the attacker can send enough SYN packets, he could fill up this buffer, which results in the server dropping all subsequent connection requests.

Of course, the server will eventually release any half-open connections after a timeout period, and you also have to keep in mind that memory is cheap these days and these buffers tend to be pretty big in practice. Still, all is not lost for the attackers. All they have to do is get enough volume through and they will eventually overwhelm pretty much anyone. How do they get this volume? Why not enlist the help of many tens or hundreds of thousands of hijacked computers? This is the technique we will cover next.

Network-based DoS attacks are fairly rare these days for reasons we will go over in the next section on DDoS. We will therefore defer our discussion of countermeasures until then, since they are the same for both DoS and DDoS.

Distributed Denial of Service

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is identical to a DoS attack except the volume is much greater. The attacker chooses the flooding technique they want to employ (SYN, ICMP, DNS) and then instruct an army of hijacked or zombie computers to attack at a specific time. Where do these computers come from? Every day, tens of thousands of computers are infected with malware, typically when their users click a link to a malicious website (see the upcoming section “Drive-by Download”) or open an attachment on an e-mail message. As part of the infection, and after the cybercriminals extract any useful information like banking information and passwords, the computer is told to execute a program that connects it to a command and control (C&C) network. At this point, the cybercriminals can issue commands, such as “start sending SYN packets as fast as you can to this IP address,” to it and to thousands of other similarly infected machines on the same C&C network. Each of these computers is called a zombie or a bot, and the network they form is called a botnet.

Not too long ago, attackers who aspired to launch DDoS attacks had to build their own botnets, which is obviously no small task. We have recently seen the commercialization of botnets. The current model seems to be that a relatively small number of organizations own and rent extremely large botnets numbering in the hundreds of thousands of bots. If you know where to look and have a few hundred dollars to spare, it is not difficult to launch a massive DDoS attack using these resources.

What can you do to defend your network against a barrage of traffic numbering in the gigabits of bandwidth? One of the best, though costliest, approaches is to leverage a content distribution network (CDN), discussed earlier in this chapter. By distributing your Internet points of presence across a very large area using very robust servers, you force the attacker to use an extremely massive botnet. This can be undesirable to the attacker because of the added monetary cost or the risk of exposing one of the few and very precious mega-botnets.

Other countermeasures can be done in house. For instance, if the attack is fairly simple and you can isolate the IP addresses of the malicious traffic, then you can block those addresses at your firewall. Most modern switches and routers have rate-limiting features that can throttle or block the traffic from particularly noisy sources such as these attackers. Finally, if the attack happens to be a SYN flood, you can configure your servers to use a technique known as delayed binding in which the half-open connection is not allowed to tie up (or bind to) a socket until the three-way handshake is completed.


There has been an uptick in the use of ransomware for financial profit in recent years. This attack works similarly to the process by which a computer is exploited and made to join a botnet. However, in the case of ransomware, instead of making the computer a bot (or maybe in addition to doing so), the attacker encrypts all user files on the target. The victim receives a message stating that if they want their files back they have to pay a certain amount. When the victim pays, they receive the encryption key together with instructions on how to decrypt their drives and go on with their lives. Interestingly, these cybercriminals appear to be very good at keeping their word here. Their motivation is to have their reliability be spread by word of mouth so that future victims are more willing to pay the ransom.

There is no unique defense against this type of attack, because it is difficult for an attacker to pull off if you are practicing good network hygiene. The following list of standard practices is not all-inclusive, but it is a very solid starting point:

•  Keep your software’s security patches up to date. Ideally, all your software gets patched automatically.

•  Use host-based antimalware software and ensure the signatures are up to date.

•  Use spam filters for your e-mail.

•  Never open attachments from unknown sources. As a matter of fact, even if you know the source, don’t open unexpected attachments without first checking with that person. (It is way too easy to spoof an e-mail’s source address.)

•  Before clicking a link in an e-mail, float your mouse over it (or right-click the link) to see where it will actually take you. If in doubt (and you trust the site), type the URL in the web browser yourself rather than clicking the link.

•  Be very careful about visiting unfamiliar or shady websites.


Network eavesdropping, or sniffing, is an attack on the confidentiality of our data. The good news is that it requires a sniffing agent on the inside of our network. That is to say, the attacker must first breach the network and install a sniffer before he is able to carry out the attack. The even better news is that it is possible to detect sniffing because it requires the NIC to be placed in promiscuous mode, meaning the NIC’s default behavior is overridden and it no longer drops all frames not intended for it. The bad news is that network breaches are all too common and many organizations don’t search for interfaces in promiscuous mode.

Sniffing plays an important role in the maintenance and defense of our networks, so it’s not all bad. It is very difficult to troubleshoot many network issues without using this technique. The obvious difference is that when the adversary (or at least an unauthorized user) does it, it is quite possible that sensitive information will be compromised.

DNS Hijacking

DNS hijacking is an attack that forces the victim to use a malicious DNS server instead of the legitimate one. The techniques for doing this fairly simple and fall into one of three categories as described next.

•  Host based    Conceptually, this is the simplest hijacking attack in that the adversary just changes the IP settings of the victim’s computer to point to the rogue DNS server. Obviously, this requires physical or logical access to the target and typically calls for administrator privileges on it.

•  Network based    In this approach, the adversary is in your network, but not in the client or the DNS server. He could use a technique such as ARP table cache poisoning, described earlier in this chapter, to redirect DNS traffic to his own server.

•  Server based    If the legitimate DNS server is not configured properly, an attacker can tell this server that his own rouge server is the authoritative one for whatever domains he wants to hijack. Thereafter, whenever the legitimate server receives a request for the hijacked domains, it will forward it to the rogue server automatically.

DNS hijacking can be done for a variety of reasons, but is particularly useful for man-in-the-middle attacks. In this scenario, the adversary reroutes all your traffic intended for your bank and hijacks it to his own web server, which presents you with a logon page that is identical to (and probably ripped from) your bank’s website. He can then bypass the certificate warnings by giving you a page that is not protected by HTTPS. When you provide your login credentials (in cleartext), he uses them to log into your bank using a separate, encrypted connection. If the bank requires two-factor authentication (e.g., a one-time password), the attacker will pass the request to you and allow you to provide the information, which he then relays to the bank.

Another scenario is one in which the attacker wants to send you to a website of her choosing so that you get infected with malware via a drive-by download, as described in the following section.

There are many other scenarios in which attackers attempt DNS hijacking, but let’s pause here and see what we can do to protect ourselves against this threat. As before, we will break this down into three categories depending on the attack vector.

•  Host based    Again, the standard defensive measures we’ve covered before for end-user computers apply here. The attackers need to compromise your computer first, so if you can keep them out, then this vector is more difficult for them.

•  Network based    Since this attack relies on manipulating network traffic with techniques such as ARP poisoning, watching your network is your best bet. Every popular network intrusion detection system (NIDS) available today has the ability to detect this.

•  Server based    A properly configured DNS server will be a lot more resistant to this sort of attack. If you are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of DNS configuration, find a friend who is or hire a contractor. It will be worth it! Better yet, implement DNSSEC in your organization to drive the risk even lower.

Drive-by Download

A drive-by download occurs when a user visits a website that is hosting malicious code and automatically gets infected. This kind of attack exploits vulnerabilities in the user’s web browser or, more commonly, in a browser plug-in such as a video player. The website itself could be legitimate, but vulnerable to the attacker. Typically, the user visits the site and is redirected (perhaps invisibly) to wherever the attacker has his malicious code. This code will probe the user’s browser for vulnerabilities and, upon finding one, craft an exploit and payload for that user. Once infected, the malware goes to work turning the computer into a zombie, harvesting useful information and uploading it to the malicious site, or encrypting the contents of the hard-drive in the case of a ransomware attack.

Drive-by downloads are one of the most common and dangerous attack vectors, because they require no user interaction besides visiting a website. From there, it takes fractions of a second for the infection to be complete. So what can we do about them? The key is that the most common exploits attack the browser plug-ins. To protect users from this type of attack, ensure that all plug-ins are patched and (here is the important part) disabled by default. If a user visits a website and wants to watch a video, this should require user interaction (e.g., clicking a control that enables the plug-in). Similarly, Java (another common attack vector) should require manual enabling on a case-by-case basis. By taking these steps, the risk of infection from drive-by downloads is reduced significantly.

Admittedly, the users are not going to like this extra step, which is where an awareness campaign comes in handy. If you are able to show your users the risk in an impactful way, they may be more willing to go along with the need for an extra click next time they want to watch a video of a squirrel water-skiing.


This chapter touched on many of the different technologies within different types of networks, including how they work together to provide an environment in which users can communicate, share resources, and be productive. Each piece of networking is important to security, because almost any piece can introduce unwanted vulnerabilities and weaknesses into the infrastructure. It is important you understand how the various devices, protocols, authentication mechanisms, and services work individually and how they interface and interact with other entities. This may appear to be an overwhelming task because of all the possible technologies involved. However, knowledge and hard work will keep you up to speed and, hopefully, one step ahead of the hackers and attackers.

Quick Tips

•  A protocol is a set of rules that dictates how computers communicate over networks.

•  The application layer, layer 7, has services and protocols required by the user’s applications for networking functionality.

•  The presentation layer, layer 6, formats data into a standardized format and deals with the syntax of the data, not the meaning.

•  The session layer, layer 5, sets up, maintains, and breaks down the dialog (session) between two applications. It controls the dialog organization and synchronization.

•  The transport layer, layer 4, provides end-to-end transmissions.

•  The network layer, layer 3, provides routing, addressing, and fragmentation of packets. This layer can determine alternative routes to avoid network congestion.

•  Routers work at the network layer, layer 3.

•  The data link layer, layer 2, prepares data for the network medium by framing it. This is where the different LAN and WAN technologies work.

•  The physical layer, layer 1, provides physical connections for transmission and performs the electrical encoding of data. This layer transforms bits to electrical signals.

•  TCP/IP is a suite of protocols that is the de facto standard for transmitting data across the Internet. TCP is a reliable, connection-oriented protocol, while IP is an unreliable, connectionless protocol.

•  Data is encapsulated as it travels down the network stack on the source computer, and the process is reversed on the destination computer. During encapsulation, each layer adds its own information so the corresponding layer on the destination computer knows how to process the data.

•  Two main protocols at the transport layer are TCP and UDP.

•  UDP is a connectionless protocol that does not send or receive acknowledgments when a datagram is received. It does not ensure data arrives at its destination. It provides “best-effort” delivery.

•  TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that sends and receives acknowledgments. It ensures data arrives at the destination.

•  ARP translates the IP address into a MAC address (physical Ethernet address), while RARP translates a MAC address into an IP address.

•  ICMP works at the network layer and informs hosts, routers, and devices of network or computer problems. It is the major component of the ping utility.

•  DNS resolves hostnames into IP addresses and has distributed databases all over the Internet to provide name resolution.

•  Altering an ARP table so an IP address is mapped to a different MAC address is called ARP poisoning and can redirect traffic to an attacker’s computer or an unattended system.

•  Packet filtering (screening routers) is accomplished by ACLs and is a first-generation firewall. Traffic can be filtered by addresses, ports, and protocol types.

•  Tunneling protocols move frames from one network to another by placing them inside of routable encapsulated frames.

•  Packet filtering provides application independence, high performance, and scalability, but it provides low security and no protection above the network layer.

•  Dual-homed firewalls can be bypassed if the operating system does not have packet forwarding or routing disabled.

•  Firewalls that use proxies transfer an isolated copy of each approved packet from one network to another network.

•  An application proxy requires a proxy for each approved service and can understand and make access decisions on the protocols used and the commands within those protocols.

•  Circuit-level firewalls also use proxies but at a lower layer. Circuit-level firewalls do not look as deep within the packet as application proxies do.

•  A proxy firewall is the middleman in communication. It does not allow anyone to connect directly to a protected host within the internal network. Proxy firewalls are second-generation firewalls.

•  Application proxy firewalls provide high security and have full application-layer awareness, but they can have poor performance, limited application support, and poor scalability.

•  Stateful inspection keeps track of each communication session. It must maintain a state table that contains data about each connection. It is a third-generation firewall.

•  VPN can use PPTP, L2TP, TLS, or IPSec as tunneling protocols.

•  PPTP works at the data link layer and can only handle one connection. IPSec works at the network layer and can handle multiple tunnels at the same time.

•  Dedicated links are usually the most expensive type of WAN connectivity method because the fee is based on the distance between the two destinations rather than on the amount of bandwidth used. T1 and T3 are examples of dedicated links.

•  Frame relay and X.25 are packet-switched WAN technologies that use virtual circuits instead of dedicated ones.

•  A switch in star topologies serves as the central meeting place for all cables from computers and devices.

•  A switch is a device with combined repeater and bridge technology. It works at the data link layer and understands MAC addresses.

•  Routers link two or more network segments, where each segment can function as an independent network. A router works at the network layer, works with IP addresses, and has more network knowledge than bridges, switches, or repeaters.

•  A bridge filters by MAC addresses and forwards broadcast traffic. A router filters by IP addresses and does not forward broadcast traffic.

•  Layer 3 switching combines switching and routing technology.

•  Attenuation is the loss of signal strength when a cable exceeds its maximum length.

•  STP and UTP are twisted-pair cabling types that are the most popular, cheapest, and easiest to work with. However, they are the easiest to tap into, have crosstalk issues, and are vulnerable to EMI and RFI.

•  Fiber-optic cabling carries data as light waves, is expensive, can transmit data at high speeds, is difficult to tap into, and is resistant to EMI and RFI. If security is extremely important, fiber-optic cabling should be used.

•  ATM transfers data in fixed cells, is a WAN technology, and transmits data at very high rates. It supports voice, data, and video applications.

•  FDDI is a LAN and MAN technology, usually used for backbones, that uses token-passing technology and has redundant rings in case the primary ring goes down.

•  Token Ring, 802.5, is an older LAN implementation that uses a token-passing technology.

•  Ethernet uses CSMA/CD, which means all computers compete for the shared network cable, listen to learn when they can transmit data, and are susceptible to data collisions.

•  Circuit-switching technologies set up a circuit that will be used during a data transmission session. Packet-switching technologies do not set up circuits—instead, packets can travel along many different routes to arrive at the same destination.

•  ISDN has a BRI rate that uses two B channels and one D channel, and a PRI rate that uses up to 23 B channels and one D channel. They support voice, data, and video.

•  PPP is an encapsulation protocol for telecommunication connections. It replaced SLIP and is ideal for connecting different types of devices over serial lines.

•  PAP sends credentials in cleartext, and CHAP authenticates using a challenge/response mechanism and therefore does not send passwords over the network.

•  SOCKS is a proxy-based firewall solution. It is a circuit-based proxy firewall and does not use application-based proxies.

•  IPSec tunnel mode protects the payload and header information of a packet, while IPSec transport mode protects only the payload.

•  A screened-host firewall lies between the perimeter router and the LAN, and a screened subnet is a DMZ created by two physical firewalls.

•  NAT is used when companies do not want systems to know internal hosts’ addresses, and it enables companies to use private, nonroutable IP addresses.

•  The 802.15 standard outlines wireless personal area network (WPAN) technologies, and 802.16 addresses wireless MAN technologies.

•  Environments can be segmented into different WLANs by using different SSIDs.

•  The 802.11b standard works in the 2.4-GHz range at 11 Mbps, and 802.11a works in the 5-GHz range at 54 Mbps.

•  IPv4 uses 32 bits for its addresses, whereas IPv6 uses 128 bits; thus, IPv6 provides more possible addresses with which to work.

•  Subnetting allows large IP ranges to be divided into smaller, logical, and easier-to-maintain network segments.

•  SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a signaling protocol widely used for VoIP communications sessions.

•  Open relay is an SMTP server that is configured in such a way that it can transmit e-mail messages from any source to any destination.

•  SNMP uses agents and managers. Agents collect and maintain device-oriented data, which is held in management information bases. Managers poll the agents using community string values for authentication purposes.

•  Three main types of multiplexing are statistical time division, frequency division, and wave division.

•  Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) provides a standardized packet format for delivering audio and video over IP networks. It works with RTP Control Protocol, which provides out-of-band statistics and control information to provide feedback on QoS levels.

•  802.1AR provides a unique ID for a device. 802.1AE provides data encryption, integrity, and origin authentication functionality at the data link level. 802.1AF carries out key agreement functions for the session keys used for data encryption. Each of these standards provides specific parameters to work within an 802.1X EAP-TLS framework.

•  Lightweight EAP was developed by Cisco and was the first implementation of EAP and 802.1X for wireless networks. It uses preshared keys and MS-CHAP to authenticate client and server to each other.

•  In EAP-TLS the client and server authenticate to each other using digital certificates. The client generates a pre-master secret key by encrypting a random number with the server’s public key and sends it to the server.

•  EAP-TTLS is similar to EAP-TLS, but only the server must use a digital certification for authentication to the client. The client can use any other EAP authentication method or legacy PAP or CHAP methods.

•  Network convergence means the combining of server, storage, and network capabilities into a single framework.

•  Mobile telephony has gone through different generations and multiple access technologies: 1G (FDMA), 2G (TDMA), 3G (CDMA), and 4G (OFDM).

•  Link encryption is limited to two directly connected devices, so the message must be decrypted (and potentially re-encrypted) at each hop.

•  The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol is an example of a link encryption technology.

•  End-to-end encryption involves the source and destination nodes, so the message is not decrypted by intermediate nodes.

•  Transport Layer Security (TLS) is an example of an end-to-end encryption technology.

•  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is a technical specification indicating how multimedia data and e-mail binary attachments are to be transferred.

•  Secure MIME (S/MIME) is a standard for encrypting and digitally signing e-mail and for providing secure data transmissions using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

•  Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a freeware email security program that uses PKI based on a web of trust.

•  S/MIME and PGP are incompatible because the former uses centralized, hierarchical Certificate Authorities (CAs) while the latter uses a distributed web of trust.

•  HTTP Secure (HTTPS) is HTTP running over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS).

•  SSL was formally deprecated in June of 2015.

•  Cookies are text files that a browser maintains on a user’s hard drive or memory segment in order to remember the user or maintain the state of a web application.

•  Secure Shell (SSH) functions as a type of tunneling mechanism that provides terminal-like access to remote computers.

•  A denial-of-service (DoS) attack results in a service or resource being degraded or made unavailable to legitimate users.

•  DNS hijacking is an attack that forces the victim to use a malicious DNS server instead of the legitimate one.

•  DNS hijacking is an attack that forces the victim to use a malicious DNS server instead of the legitimate one.


Please remember that these questions are formatted and asked in a certain way for a reason. Keep in mind that the CISSP exam is asking questions at a conceptual level. Questions may not always have the perfect answer, and the candidate is advised against always looking for the perfect answer. Instead, the candidate should look for the best answer in the list.

1. How does TKIP provide more protection for WLAN environments?

A. It uses the AES algorithm.

B. It decreases the IV size and uses the AES algorithm.

C. It adds more keying material.

D. It uses MAC and IP filtering.

2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the IEEE 802.11a standard?

A. It works in the 5-GHz range.

B. It uses the OFDM spread spectrum technology.

C. It provides 52 Mbps in bandwidth.

D. It covers a smaller distance than 802.11b.

3. Why are switched infrastructures safer environments than routed networks?

A. It is more difficult to sniff traffic since the computers have virtual private connections.

B. They are just as unsafe as nonswitched environments.

C. The data link encryption does not permit wiretapping.

D. Switches are more intelligent than bridges and implement security mechanisms.

4. Which of the following protocols is considered connection-oriented?





5. Which of the following can take place if an attacker can insert tagging values into network- and switch-based protocols with the goal of manipulating traffic at the data link layer?

A. Open relay manipulation

B. VLAN hopping attack

C. Hypervisor denial-of-service attack

D. Smurf attack

6. Which of the following proxies cannot make access decisions based upon protocol commands?

A. Application

B. Packet filtering

C. Circuit

D. Stateful

7. Which of the following is a bridge-mode technology that can monitor individual traffic links between virtual machines or can be integrated within a hypervisor component?

A. Orthogonal frequency division

B. Unified threat management modem

C. Virtual firewall

D. Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol

8. Which of the following shows the layer sequence as layers 2, 5, 7, 4, and 3?

A. Data link, session, application, transport, and network

B. Data link, transport, application, session, and network

C. Network, session, application, network, and transport

D. Network, transport, application, session, and presentation

9. Which of the following technologies integrates previously independent security solutions with the goal of providing simplicity, centralized control, and streamlined processes?

A. Network convergence

B. Security as a service

C. Unified threat management

D. Integrated convergence management

10. Metro Ethernet is a MAN protocol that can work in network infrastructures made up of access, aggregation, metro, and core layers. Which of the following best describes these network infrastructure layers?

A. The access layer connects the customer’s equipment to a service provider’s aggregation network. Aggregation occurs on a core network. The metro layer is the metropolitan area network. The core connects different metro networks.

B. The access layer connects the customer’s equipment to a service provider’s core network. Aggregation occurs on a distribution network at the core. The metro layer is the metropolitan area network.

C. The access layer connects the customer’s equipment to a service provider’s aggregation network. Aggregation occurs on a distribution network. The metro layer is the metropolitan area network. The core connects different access layers.

D. The access layer connects the customer’s equipment to a service provider’s aggregation network. Aggregation occurs on a distribution network. The metro layer is the metropolitan area network. The core connects different metro networks.

11. Which of the following provides an incorrect definition of the specific component or protocol that makes up IPSec?

A. Authentication Header protocol provides data integrity, data origin authentication, and protection from replay attacks.

B. Encapsulating Security Payload protocol provides confidentiality, data origin authentication, and data integrity.

C. Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol provides a framework for security association creation and key exchange.

D. Internet Key Exchange provides authenticated keying material for use with encryption algorithms.

12. Systems that are built on the OSI framework are considered open systems. What does this mean?

A. They do not have authentication mechanisms configured by default.

B. They have interoperability issues.

C. They are built with internationally accepted protocols and standards so they can easily communicate with other systems.

D. They are built with international protocols and standards so they can choose what types of systems they will communicate with.

13. Which of the following protocols work in the following layers: application, data link, network, and transport?





14. What takes place at the data link layer?

A. End-to-end connection

B. Dialog control

C. Framing

D. Data syntax

15. What takes place at the session layer?

A. Dialog control

B. Routing

C. Packet sequencing

D. Addressing

16. Which best describes the IP protocol?

A. A connectionless protocol that deals with dialog establishment, maintenance, and destruction

B. A connectionless protocol that deals with the addressing and routing of packets

C. A connection-oriented protocol that deals with the addressing and routing of packets

D. A connection-oriented protocol that deals with sequencing, error detection, and flow control

17. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol?

A. Authentication protocol used in wireless networks and point-to-point connections

B. Designed to provide authentication for 802.11 WLANs

C. Designed to support 802.1X port access control and Transport Layer Security

D. Designed to support password-protected connections

18. The ______________ is an IETF-defined signaling protocol, widely used for controlling multimedia communication sessions such as voice and video calls over IP.

A. Session Initiation Protocol

B. Real-time Transport Protocol

C. SS7


19. Which of the following is not one of the stages of the DHCP lease process?

i. Discover

ii. Offer

iii. Request

iv. Acknowledgment

A. All of them

B. None of them

C. i, ii

D. ii, iii

20. An effective method to shield networks from unauthenticated DHCP clients is through the use of _______________ on network switches.

A. DHCP snooping

B. DHCP protection

C. DHCP shielding

D. DHCP caching

Use the following scenario to answer Questions 2123. Don is a security manager of a large medical institution. One of his groups develops proprietary software that provides distributed computing through a client/server model. He has found out that some of the systems that maintain the proprietary software have been experiencing half-open denial-of-service attacks. Some of the software is antiquated and still uses basic remote procedure calls, which has allowed for masquerading attacks to take place.

21. What type of client ports should Don make sure the institution’s software is using when client-to-server communication needs to take place?

A. Well known

B. Registered

C. Dynamic

D. Free

22. Which of the following is a cost-effective countermeasure that Don’s team should implement?

A. Stateful firewall

B. Network address translation

C. SYN proxy

D. IPv6

23. What should Don’s team put into place to stop the masquerading attacks that have been taking place?

A. Dynamic packet filter firewall

B. ARP spoofing protection

C. Disable unnecessary ICMP traffic at edge routers


Use the following scenario to answer Questions 2426. Grace is a security administrator for a medical institution and is responsible for many different teams. One team has reported that when their main FDDI connection failed, three critical systems went offline even though the connection was supposed to provide redundancy. Grace has to also advise her team on the type of fiber that should be implemented for campus building-to-building connectivity. Since this is a training medical facility, many surgeries are video recorded and that data must continuously travel from one building to the next. One other thing that has been reported to Grace is that periodic DoS attacks take place against specific servers within the internal network. The attacker sends excessive ICMP Echo Request packets to all the hosts on a specific subnet, which is aimed at one specific server.

24. Which of the following is most likely the issue that Grace’s team experienced when their systems went offline?

A. Three critical systems were connected to a dual-attached station.

B. Three critical systems were connected to a single-attached station.

C. The secondary FDDI ring was overwhelmed with traffic and dropped the three critical systems.

D. The FDDI ring is shared in a metropolitan environment and only allows each company to have a certain number of systems connected to both rings.

25. Which of the following is the best type of fiber that should be implemented in this scenario?

A. Single mode

B. Multimode

C. Optical carrier


26. Which of the following is the best and most cost-effective countermeasure for Grace’s team to put into place?

A. Network address translation

B. Disallowing unnecessary ICMP traffic coming from untrusted networks

C. Application-based proxy firewall

D. Screened subnet using two firewalls from two different vendors

Use the following scenario to answer Questions 2729. John is the manager of the security team within his company. He has learned that attackers have installed sniffers throughout the network without the company’s knowledge. Along with this issue his team has also found out that two DNS servers had no record replication restrictions put into place and the servers have been caching suspicious name resolution data.

27. Which of the following is the best countermeasure to put into place to help reduce the threat of network sniffers viewing network management traffic?

A. SNMP v3



D. Dynamic packet filtering firewall

28. Which of the following unauthorized activities have most likely been taking place in this situation?

A. DNS querying

B. Phishing

C. Forwarding

D. Zone transfer

29. Which of the following is the best countermeasure that John’s team should implement to protect from improper caching issues?


B. DHCP snooping

C. ARP protection


Use the following scenario to answer Questions 3032. Sean is the new security administrator for a large financial institution. There are several issues that Sean is made aware of the first week he is in his new position. First, spurious packets seem to arrive at critical servers even though each network has tightly configured firewalls at each gateway position to control traffic to and from these servers. One of Sean’s team members complains that the current firewall logs are excessively large with useless data. He also tells Sean that the team needs to be using less permissive rules instead of the current “any-any” rule type in place. Sean has also found out that some team members want to implement tarpits on some of the most commonly attacked systems.

30. Which of the following is most likely taking place to allow spurious packets to gain unauthorized access to critical servers?

A. TCP sequence hijacking is taking place.

B. Source routing is not restricted.

C. Fragment attacks are underway.

D. Attacker is tunneling communication through PPP.

31. Which of the following best describes the firewall configuration issues Sean’s team member is describing?

A. Clean-up rule, stealth rule

B. Stealth rule, silent rule

C. Silent rule, negate rule

D. Stealth rule, silent rule

32. Which of the following best describes why Sean’s team wants to put in the mentioned countermeasure for the most commonly attacked systems?

A. Prevent production system hijacking

B. Reduce DoS attack effects

C. Gather statistics during the process of an attack

D. Increase forensic capabilities

Use the following scenario to answer Questions 3335. Tom’s company has been experiencing many issues with unauthorized sniffers being installed on the network. One reason is because employees can plug their laptops, smartphones, and other mobile devices into the network, any of which may be infected and have a running sniffer that the owner is not aware of. Implementing VPNs will not work because all of the network devices would need to be configured for specific VPNs, and some devices, as in their switches, do not have this type of functionality available. Another issue Tom’s team is dealing with is how to secure internal wireless traffic. While the wireless access points can be configured with digital certificates for authentication, pushing out and maintaining certificates on each wireless user device is cost prohibitive and will cause too much of a burden on the network team. Tom’s boss has also told him that the company needs to move from a landline metropolitan area network solution to a wireless solution.

33. What should Tom’s team implement to provide source authentication and data encryption at the data link level?

A. IEEE 802.1AR

B. IEEE 802.1AE

C. IEEE 802.1AF

D. IEEE 802.1X

34. Which of the following solutions is best to meet the company’s need to protect wireless traffic?





35. Which of the following is the best solution to meet the company’s need for broadband wireless connectivity?


B. IEEE 802.12


D. IEEE 802.15

Use the following scenario to answer Questions 3638. Lance has been brought in as a new security officer for a large medical equipment company. He has been told that many of the firewalls and IDS products have not been configured to filter IPv6 traffic; thus, many attacks have been taking place without the knowledge of the security team. While the network team has attempted to implement an automated tunneling feature to take care of this issue, they have continually run into problems with the network’s NAT device. Lance has also found out that caching attacks have been successful against the company’s public-facing DNS server. He has also identified that extra authentication is necessary for current LDAP requests, but the current technology only provides password-based authentication options.

36. Based upon the information in the scenario, what should the network team implement as it pertains to IPv6 tunneling?

A. Teredo should be configured on IPv6-aware hosts that reside behind the NAT device.

B. 6to4 should be configured on IPv6-aware hosts that reside behind the NAT device.

C. Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol should be configured on IPv6-aware hosts that reside behind the NAT device.

D. IPv6 should be disabled on all systems.

37. Which of the following is the best countermeasure for the attack type addressed in the scenario?


B. IPSec

C. Split server configurations

D. Disabling zone transfers

38. Which of the following technologies should Lance’s team investigate for increased authentication efforts?

A. Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

B. Simple Authentication and Security Layer

C. IEEE 802.2AB


39. Wireless LAN technologies have gone through different versions over the years to address some of the inherent security issues within the original IEEE 802.11 standard. Which of the following provides the correct characteristics of Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2)?

A. IEEE 802.1X, WEP, MAC


C. IEEE 802.1X, EAP, WEP


40. Alice wants to send a message to Bob, who is several network hops away from her. What is the best approach to protecting the confidentiality of the message?



C. Link encryption


41. Charlie uses PGP on his Linux-based email client. His friend Dave uses S/MIME on his Windows-based email. Charlie is unable to send an encrypted email to Dave. What is the likely reason?

A. PGP and S/MIME are incompatible

B. Each has a different secret key

C. Each is using a different CA

D. There is not enough information to determine the likely reason


1. C. The TKIP protocol actually works with WEP by feeding it keying material, which is data to be used for generating random keystreams. TKIP increases the IV size, ensures it is random for each packet, and adds the sender’s MAC address to the keying material.

2. C. The IEEE standard 802.11a uses the OFDM spread spectrum technology, works in the 5-GHz frequency band, and provides bandwidth of up to 54 Mbps. The operating range is smaller because it works at a higher frequency.

3. A. Switched environments use switches to allow different network segments and/or systems to communicate. When this communication takes place, a virtual connection is set up between the communicating devices. Since it is a dedicated connection, broadcast and collision data are not available to other systems, as in an environment that uses purely bridges and routers.

4. D. TCP is the only connection-oriented protocol listed. A connection-oriented protocol provides reliable connectivity and data transmission, while a connectionless protocol provides unreliable connections and does not promise or ensure data transmission.

5. B. VLAN hopping attacks allow attackers to gain access to traffic in various VLAN segments. An attacker can have a system act as though it is a switch. The system understands the tagging values being used in the network and the trunking protocols, and can insert itself between other VLAN devices and gain access to the traffic going back and forth. Attackers can also insert tagging values to manipulate the control of traffic at this data link layer.

6. C. Application and circuit are the only types of proxy-based firewall solutions listed here. The others do not use proxies. Circuit-based proxy firewalls make decisions based on header information, not the protocol’s command structure. Application-based proxies are the only ones that understand this level of granularity about the individual protocols.

7. C. Virtual firewalls can be bridge-mode products, which monitor individual traffic links between virtual machines, or they can be integrated within the hypervisor. The hypervisor is the software component that carries out virtual machine management and oversees guest system software execution. If the firewall is embedded within the hypervisor, then it can “see” and monitor all the activities taking place within the one system.

8. A. The OSI model is made up of seven layers: application (layer 7), presentation (layer 6), session (layer 5), transport (layer 4), network (layer 3), data link (layer 2), and physical (layer 1).

9. C. It has become very challenging to manage the long laundry list of security solutions almost every network needs to have in place. The list includes, but is not limited to, firewalls, antimalware, antispam, IDSIPS, content filtering, data leak prevention, VPN capabilities, and continuous monitoring and reporting. Unified threat management (UTM) appliance products have been developed that provide all (or many) of these functionalities in a single network appliance. The goals of UTM are simplicity, streamlined installation and maintenance, centralized control, and the ability to understand a network’s security from a holistic point of view.

10. D. The access layer connects the customer’s equipment to a service provider’s aggregation network. Aggregation occurs on a distribution network. The metro layer is the metropolitan area network. The core connects different metro networks.

11. D. Authentication Header protocol provides data integrity, data origin authentication, and protection from replay attacks. Encapsulating Security Payload protocol provides confidentiality, data origin authentication, and data integrity. Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol provides a framework for security association creation and key exchange. Internet Key Exchange provides authenticated keying material for use with ISAKMP.

12. C. An open system is a system that has been developed based on standardized protocols and interfaces. Following these standards allows the systems to interoperate more effectively with other systems that follow the same standards.

13. C. Different protocols have different functionalities. The OSI model is an attempt to describe conceptually where these different functionalities take place in a networking stack. The model attempts to draw boxes around reality to help people better understand the stack. Each layer has a specific functionality and has several different protocols that can live at that layer and carry out that specific functionality. These listed protocols work at these associated layers: TFTP (application), ARP (data link), IP (network), and UDP (transport).

14. C. The data link layer, in most cases, is the only layer that understands the environment in which the system is working, whether it be Ethernet, Token Ring, wireless, or a connection to a WAN link. This layer adds the necessary headers and trailers to the frame. Other systems on the same type of network using the same technology understand only the specific header and trailer format used in their data link technology.

15. A. The session layer is responsible for controlling how applications communicate, not how computers communicate. Not all applications use protocols that work at the session layer, so this layer is not always used in networking functions. A session layer protocol will set up the connection to the other application logically and control the dialog going back and forth. Session layer protocols allow applications to keep track of the dialog.

16. B. The IP protocol is connectionless and works at the network layer. It adds source and destination addresses to a packet as it goes through its data encapsulation process. IP can also make routing decisions based on the destination address.

17. D. PEAP is a version of EAP and is an authentication protocol used in wireless networks and point-to-point connections. PEAP is designed to provide authentication for 802.11 WLANs, which support 802.1X port access control and TLS. It is a protocol that encapsulates EAP within a potentially encrypted and authenticated TLS tunnel.

18. A. The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an IETF-defined signaling protocol, widely used for controlling multimedia communication sessions such as voice and video calls over IP. The protocol can be used for creating, modifying, and terminating two-party (unicast) or multiparty (multicast) sessions consisting of one or several media streams.

19. B. The four-step DHCP lease process is

1. DHCPDISCOVER message: This message is used to request an IP address lease from a DHCP server.

2. DHCPOFFER message: This message is a response to a DHCPDISCOVER message, and is sent by one or numerous DHCP servers.

3. DHCPREQUEST message: The client sends this message to the initial DHCP server that responded to its request.

4. DHCPACK message: This message is sent by the DHCP server to the DHCP client and is the process whereby the DHCP server assigns the IP address lease to the DHCP client.

20. A. DHCP snooping ensures that DHCP servers can assign IP addresses to only selected systems, identified by their MAC addresses. Also, advance network switches now have the capability to direct clients toward legitimate DHCP servers to get IP addresses and to restrict rogue systems from becoming DHCP servers on the network.

21. C. Well-known ports are mapped to commonly used services (HTTP, FTP, etc.). Registered ports are 1,024 to 49,151, and vendors register specific ports to map to their proprietary software. Dynamic ports (private ports) are available for use by any application.

22. C. A half-open attack is a type of DoS that is also referred to as a SYN flood. To thwart this type of attack, Don’s team can use SYN proxies, which limit the number of open and abandoned network connections. The SYN proxy is a piece of software that resides between the sender and receiver, and only sends TCP traffic to the receiving system if the TCP handshake process completes successfully.

23. D. Basic RPC does not have authentication capabilities, which allows for masquerading attacks to take place. Secure RPC (SRPC) can be implemented, which requires authentication to take place before remote systems can communicate with each other. Authentication can take place using shared secrets, public keys, or Kerberos tickets.

24. B. A single-attachment station (SAS) is attached to only one ring (the primary) through a concentrator. If the primary goes down, it is not connected to the backup secondary ring. A dual-attachment station (DAS) has two ports and each port provides a connection for both the primary and the secondary rings.

25. B. In single mode, a small glass core is used for high-speed data transmission over long distances. This scenario specifies campus building-to-building connections, which are usually short distances. In multimode, a large glass core is used and is able to carry more data than single-mode fibers, though they are best for shorter distances because of their higher attenuation levels.

26. B. The attack description is a smurf attack. In this situation the attacker sends an ICMP Echo Request packet with a spoofed source address to a victim’s network broadcast address. This means that each system on the victim’s subnet receives an ICMP Echo Request packet. Each system then replies to that request with an ICMP Echo Response packet to the spoof address provided in the packets—which is the victim’s address. All of these response packets go to the victim system and overwhelm it because it is being bombarded with packets it does not necessarily know how to process. Filtering out unnecessary ICMP traffic is the cheapest solution.

27. A. SNMP versions 1 and 2 send their community string values in cleartext, but with version 3, cryptographic functionality has been added, which provides encryption, message integrity, and authentication security. So the sniffers that are installed on the network cannot sniff SNMP traffic.

28. D. The primary and secondary DNS servers synchronize their information through a zone transfer. After changes take place to the primary DNS server, those changes must be replicated to the secondary DNS server. It is important to configure the DNS server to allow zone transfers to take place only between the specific servers. Attackers can carry out zone transfers to gather very useful network information from victims’ DNS servers. Unauthorized zone transfers can take place if the DNS servers are not properly configured to restrict this type of activity.

29. D. When a DNS server receives an improper (potentially malicious) name resolution response, it will cache it and provide it to all the hosts it serves unless DNSSEC is implemented. If DNSSEC were enabled on a DNS server, then the server would, upon receiving a response, validate the digital signature on the message before accepting the information to make sure that the response is from an authorized DNS server.

30. B. Source routing means the packet decides how to get to its destination, not the routers in between the source and destination computer. Source routing moves a packet throughout a network on a predetermined path. To make sure none of this misrouting happens, many firewalls are configured to check for source routing information within the packet and deny it if it is present.

31. C. The following describes the different firewall rule types:

•  Silent rule    Drops “noisy” traffic without logging it. This reduces log sizes by not responding to packets that are deemed unimportant.

•  Stealth rule    Disallows access to firewall software from unauthorized systems.

•  Cleanup rule    The last rule in the rule base, which drops and logs any traffic that does not meet the preceding rules.

•  Negate rule    Used instead of the broad and permissive “any rules.” Negate rules provide tighter permission rights by specifying what system can be accessed and how.

32. B. A tarpit is commonly a piece of software configured to emulate a vulnerable, running service. Once the attackers start to send packets to this “service,” the connection to the victim system seems to be live and ongoing, but the response from the victim system is slow and the connection may time out. Most attacks and scanning activities take place through automated tools that require quick responses from their victim systems. If the victim systems do not reply or are very slow to reply, the automated tools may not be successful because the protocol connection times out. This can reduce the effects of a DoS attack.

33. D. IEEE 802.1AR provides a unique ID for a device. IEEE 802.1AE provides data encryption, integrity, and origin authentication functionality. IEEE 802.1AF carries out key agreement functions for the session keys used for data encryption. Each of these standards provides specific parameters to work within an IEEE 802.1X EAP-TLS framework. A recent version (802.1X-2010) has integrated IEEE 802.1AE and IEEE 802.1AR to support service identification and optional point-to-point encryption.

34. D. EAP-Tunneled Transport Layer Security (EAP-TTLS) is an EAP protocol that extends TLS. EAP-TTLS is designed to provide authentication that is as strong as EAP-TLS, but it does not require that each wireless device be issued a certificate. Instead, only the authentication servers are issued certificates. User authentication is performed by password, but the password credentials are transported in a securely encrypted tunnel established based upon the server certificates.

35. A. IEEE 802.16 is a MAN wireless standard that allows for wireless traffic to cover a wide geographical area. This technology is also referred to as broadband wireless access. The commercial name for 802.16 is WiMAX.

36. A. Teredo encapsulates IPv6 packets within UDP datagrams with IPv4 addressing. IPv6-aware systems behind the NAT device can be used as Teredo tunnel endpoints even if they do not have a dedicated public IPv4 address.

37. A. DNSSEC protects DNS servers from forged DNS information, which is commonly used to carry out DNS cache poisoning attacks. If DNSSEC is implemented, then all responses that the server receives will be verified through digital signatures. This helps ensure that an attacker cannot provide a DNS server with incorrect information, which would point the victim to a malicious website.

38. B. Simple Authentication and Security Layer is a protocol-independent authentication framework. This means that any protocol that knows how to interact with SASL can use its various authentication mechanisms without having to actually embed the authentication mechanisms within its code.

39. D. Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 requires IEEE 802.1X or preshared keys for access control, EAP or preshared keys for authentication, and AES algorithm in counter mode with CBC-MAC Protocol (CCMP) for encryption.

40. B. Secure Multipurpose Internet Email Extensions (S/MIME) is a standard for encrypting and digitally signing e-mail and for providing secure data transmissions using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

41. A. PGP uses a decentralized web of trust for its PKI, while S/MIME relies on centralized CAs. The two systems are, therefore, incompatible with each other.

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