Chapter 10

Case-Study Application I: RAPID-N

S. Girgin
E. Krausmann    European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy


In this chapter, the rapid Natech risk analysis and mapping framework RAPID-N introduced in Chapter 8 is used to carry out a simplified Natech risk analysis for an industrial facility in Izmit Bay in Turkey that was subjected to a predicted Istanbul earthquake scenario. The results demonstrate RAPID-N’s capability to assess the earthquake impact on an industrial plant, including the simultaneous analysis of the Natech risk at several plant units.


Natech risk analysis
risk mapping
case study
In this chapter, the rapid Natech risk analysis and mapping framework RAPID-N introduced in Chapter 8 is used to carry out a simplified Natech risk analysis for an industrial facility in Izmit Bay in Turkey that was subjected to a predicted Istanbul earthquake scenario. The results demonstrate RAPID-N’s capability to assess the earthquake impact on an industrial plant, including the simultaneous analysis of the Natech risk at several plant units.

10.1. Earthquake scenario

The Marmara region is one of the most tectonically active regions in Eurasia. Over the last century, seismic activity with nine earthquakes with Mw ≥ 7 was registered. The Kocaeli and Düzce earthquakes in 1999 were two extremely destructive events that occurred in the eastern part of the region along the North Anatolian Fault (NAF). The NAF is a strike-slip fault system that crosses the north of Turkey for over 1200 km and accommodates about 25 mm right lateral slip per year between the Anatolian and the Eurasian plate (McClusky et al., 2000Straub et al., 1997).
The large earthquakes generated by the NAF are in a sequence that appears to propagate westward (Stein et al., 1997Barka, 1992Ambraseys, 1970). The 1999 Kocaeli earthquake occurred in the southern part of the eastern border of Istanbul province. The westward motion of the earthquakes suggests that Istanbul is at high risk of being hit by strong future seismic activity. Studies estimate that the occurrence probability of Mw ≥ 7 earthquakes in the Marmara region which could impact the Istanbul Metropolitan area is 41 ± 14% for the time period of 2004–34 (Parsons, 2004). The Yalova fault segment in the south of Istanbul and the Northern Boundary fault in the southeast have the potential to rupture and are therefore of the biggest concern in this context (Parsons et al., 2000Hubert-Ferrari et al., 2000).
The high level of seismic risk warrants an in-depth assessment of the regional earthquake hazard to understand potential impacts to the urban area and the hazardous industry it includes. The Istanbul disaster prevention and mitigation plan completed in 2002 considers four different scenario earthquakes for the assessment of potential seismic damage (JICA, 2002). These four scenarios differ in the assumed location and length of NAF rupture. For this RAPID-N case study we have selected the Model A scenario earthquake, which is characterized by an Mw = 7.5 seismic event that results in the rupture of a more than 120 km strike-slip fault from west of the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake fault. This scenario is considered the most probable scenario in the disaster prevention and mitigation plan for Istanbul.
RAPID-N can in principle calculate ground-motion parameters at the location of hazardous installations by using scenario-earthquake parameters and available ground-motion prediction equations. However, for consistency with previous studies it was decided to use precalculated on-site data provided by AFAD, the Turkish Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD, personal communication). For this purpose, a 0.02° × 0.02° data grid covering the Marmara region that included peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV), and earthquake intensity (MMI) values was converted into a ShakeMap supported by RAPID-N. Precalculated ground-motion parameters were based on the attenuation equation by Boore et al. (1997) and Campbell (1997) (200% of the estimate) for PGA and PGV, respectively. They were corrected for subsurface amplification according to Wald et al. (1999), considering on-site soil classes from the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP).
The scenario earthquake with the assumed fault rupture and the corresponding regional PGA estimates is shown in Fig. 10.1. As indicated in the Fig. 10.1, if the scenario earthquake occurred, the area around Izmit Bay would be affected the most, with PGA values of up to 1.35 g. On the northern (Körfez) and southern (Tasköprü) shores of Izmit Bay, PGA values of 0.75 g are predicted. Lower PGAs of about 0.4 g are expected on the seashore of the European side of Istanbul and Adalar, whereas forecasts for the Asian side of Istanbul estimate a PGA of less than 0.3 g. The maximum predicted PGV and MMI are 2.7 m/s and 10.8, respectively. MMI values greater than 10 correspond to significant destruction to man-made structures.
Figure 10.1 The Scenario Earthquake of the Case Study (AFAD, Personal Communication)
The black dot denotes the location of the case study installation.

10.2. Chemical Facility Description

Several hazardous industrial installations in Izmit Bay were damaged during the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake (Girgin, 2011Durukal and Erdik, 2008Suzuki, 2002Steinberg and Cruz, 2004Rahnama and Morrow, 2000). Considering that the Bay area is predicted to exhibit the highest ground motion values for the Istanbul scenario earthquake, we selected an industrial plant located on the southern shore of Izmit Bay (Fig. 10.1). This installation, which is operational since 1971, produces acrylic textile and technical fibers with a production capacity of 315,000 tons/year in 2015. The installation includes a harbor, a feedstock storage tank farm, and facilities for polimerization, DOP production, solvent recovery, fiber pullout, cutting packaging, product storage, and waste-water treatment. The site also hosts a carbon-fiber production facility with a capacity of 3500 tons/year and a large coal/natural-gas hybrid power plant with a total capacity of 142.5 MW/year including coal storage silos. The site is surrounded by Izmit Bay in the north and crop lands in the west and east with a limited number of residential settlements. On the south there is a major road along which other industrial facilities are located (Fig. 10.2).
Figure 10.2 Schematic of the Industrial Plant Selected for the Case Study
The installation suffered severe damage to three storage tanks during the Kocaeli earthquake in 1999, which was of similar magnitude as the expected Istanbul earthquake. About 6500 tons of acrylonitrile were released into the air, sea, and groundwater, and all animals and vegetation were lethally affected inside the facility within a 200-m radius around the tanks. Acute toxicity symptoms were observed in emergency response teams and residents in the vicinity (Girgin, 2011). There is, therefore, an opportunity to compare the outcome of our Natech risk analysis with historical data.
As a first step in the Natech risk analysis with RAPID-N, the selected plant was identified in a high-resolution satellite image, its boundaries were delineated, and the storage tanks located and mapped. This was done with the user-friendly mapping tool built into the RAPID-N framework. Overall, 17 storage tanks were identified on site (Fig. 10.3). Tank shapes (e.g., cylindrical vertical, spherical), planar dimensions, foundation types (e.g., on-ground, elevated), as well as the presence and size of containment dikes were also identified using the satellite image. Additional satellite images that were acquired at different dates were utilized to determine the roof types (e.g., fixed, floating roof). Once the tank shape and roof type had been determined, the substance storage conditions were deduced. A summary of the storage tank characteristics defined in this way is shown in Table 10.1.
Figure 10.3 Storage Tanks Considered in the RAPID-N Case Study Application

Table 10.1

Storage Tank Characteristics Determined From Satellite Imagery

Unit ID Tank Shape Roof Type Foundation Type Storage Condition Diameter (m) Dike Area (m × m)
FR-A Cylindrical Internal floating On-ground Atmospheric 42.5 50 × 55
FR-B Cylindrical External floating On-ground Atmospheric 42.5 50 × 55
FR-C Cylindrical External floating On-ground Atmospheric 42.5 50 × 55
FR-1 Cylindrical Internal floating On-ground Atmospheric 25.0 50 × 50
FR-2 Cylindrical Internal floating On-ground Atmospheric 25.0 50 × 50
FR-3 Cylindrical Internal floating On-ground Atmospheric 25.0 50 × 50
FR-4 Cylindrical Internal floating On-ground Atmospheric 25.0 50 × 50
FR-5 Cylindrical Internal floating On-ground Atmospheric 25.0 50 × 50
FR-6 Cylindrical Internal floating On-ground Atmospheric 25.0 50 × 50
S-1 Spherical Elevated Pressurized 12.5 32 × 30
S-2 Spherical Elevated Pressurized 18.0 42 × 30
T-1 Cylindrical Fixed On-ground Atmospheric 12.2 24 × 24
T-2 Cylindrical Fixed On-ground Atmospheric 12.2 24 × 24
T-3 Cylindrical Fixed On-ground Atmospheric 7.6 30 × 22
T-4 Cylindrical Fixed On-ground Atmospheric 12.5 25 × 22
T-5 Cylindrical Fixed On-ground Atmospheric 17.2 30 × 30
T-6 Cylindrical Fixed On-ground Atmospheric 12.5 25 × 30

Although satellite images provide adequate information about the planar dimensions of storage tanks, vertical dimensions are difficult to obtain. Consequently, the tank heights and the depth of the surrounding containment dikes were not directly measurable. Therefore, it was not possible to calculate the exact tank and dike volumes. Although RAPID-N includes tank dimensions and volume estimation functions that are based on common design codes and typical storage tanks, additional data were collected from a public document published by the facility to improve the analysis. By matching satellite imagery-based information to the information available in the document, the substances stored in each tank and their corresponding dike volumes were also determined.
Of the analyzed tanks, five are atmospheric internal floating roof tanks which contain acrylonitrile. Acrylonitrile is a raw material used for the production of acrylic fibers that is classified as highly flammable, toxic, hazardous to the aquatic environment, and it may cause cancer (EU, 2008IARC, 1999). Two spherical tanks contain ammonia, whereas the six fixed-roof tanks contain acetic acid, vinyl acetate, and methanol, all of which are flammable and toxic chemicals.
No information was available on the type of substances stored in the remaining two external floating roof tanks. Consequently, they were excluded from the Natech risk analysis as no consequence analysis is possible without substance data. In fact, in the satellite image these tanks appear to have a very low fill level and hence they were considered empty for the purpose of the case study. All tanks were assumed to be anchored since the facility is located in a highly seismic area and had Natech experience in the past. Similarly, support columns of the spherical pressurized tanks were assumed to be braced diagonally for better seismic performance.
In addition to the overall storage tank capacity, the amount of hazardous materials actually present is also a determining factor for the risk analysis. In order to simulate actual operating conditions and also to demonstrate the effect of fill level, which is an important factor in determining the degree of structural damage of storage tanks, we assumed different fill levels corresponding to near-full and half-full conditions for various tanks. Table 10.2 gives a summary of the tanks included in the RAPID-N risk-analysis case study, the substances they contain, reported storage capacities, dike volumes, and the assumed fill levels.

Table 10.2

Type and Amount of Substances in the Tanks Considered in the Case Study

Unit ID Stored Substance Height (m) H/D Ratio Capacity (m3) Dike Volume (m3) Fill Level (%) Stored Quantity (tons)
FR-A Acrylonitrile 10.5 0.25 16,000 16,000 50 6,366
FR-1 Acrylonitrile 10.5 0.42 5,042 5,050 60 2,407
FR-2 Vinyl acetate 10.5 0.42 5,044 5,050 60 2,772
FR-3 Vinyl acetate 10.5 0.42 5,044 5,050 40 1,848
FR-4 Acrylonitrile 10.5 0.42 5,042 5,050 60 2,407
FR-5 Acrylonitrile 10.5 0.42 5,042 5,050 50 2,006
FR-6 Acrylonitrile 10.5 0.42 5,042 5,050 40 1,605
S-1 Ammonia 12.5 1.00 972 1,270 80 532
S-2 Ammonia 18.0 1.00 3,002 1,800 80 1,642
T-1 Methanol 9.0 0.74 1,059 577 80 671
T-2 Methanol 9.0 0.74 1,060 577 40 336
T-3 Acetic acid 11.0 1.45 504 750 80 423
T-4 Acetic acid 9.0 0.72 1,087 1,360 40 456
T-5 Methanol 9.5 0.55 2,186 882 80 1,385
T-6 Acetic acid 9.0 0.72 1,080 1,360 60 680

10.3. Natech Risk Analysis

For this Natech risk analysis with RAPID-N, the information on the severity of the Istanbul earthquake scenario at the location of the selected hazardous installation was used to assess the predicted damage to the plant’s storage tanks and its likelihood. Based on the damage analysis, three different types of analysis were carried out to understand the earthquake impact on (1) a storage tank containing a flammable substance, (2) a storage tank containing a toxic substance, and (3) the multiple plant units listed in Table 10.2.

10.3.1. Damage Analysis

The Istanbul earthquake scenario provided by AFAD served as natural-hazard scenario for all three case-study applications. The associated ShakeMap was used to determine the on-site earthquake severity needed for the risk analysis. For this purpose, RAPID-N calculated the distance of each storage tank from the epicenter and interpolated the seismic hazard parameters from the ShakeMap. The storage tanks lie at a distance of 6.1–6.3 km from the predicted location of the epicenter. Peak ground acceleration and velocity are of the order of 0.8 g and 1.7 m/s, respectively. The ShakeMap also provides data on instrumental earthquake intensity, which is expected to exceed 10, corresponding to very destructive on the European Macroseismic Intensity Scale (Grünthal, 1998). This suggests that if this earthquake were to occur, many buildings designed according to current standards would suffer damage or even collapse, were they located at the site of the chemical installation.
In its current version, RAPID-N includes the most frequently used damage classifications and fragility curves for storage tanks available in the scientific literature. For this case study, RAPID-N automatically selected for each plant unit a fragility curve and a corresponding damage classification that represented the best fit with the available data. Where plant-unit characteristics required for the calculations were missing, these data were estimated using RAPID-N’s built-in property estimation framework. For the 15 storage tanks included in the damage analysis, RAPID-N utilized the fragility curves defined by O’Rourke and So (2000) for atmospheric cylindrical tanks, and those of Moschonas et al. (2014) for pressurized spherical tanks. The different damage states used and their definitions are summarized in Table 10.3. The damage states of O’Rourke and So are similar to HAZUS damage states commonly used for seismic damage assessment (FEMA, 2010).

Table 10.3

Damage Classifications Utilized for the Case Study

State O’Rourke and So (2000) Moschonas et al. (2014)
DS1 No damage to tank or I/O pipes. No damage.
DS2 Damage to roof, minor loss of contents, minor damage to piping, but no elephant-foot buckling. Minor yields that correspond to minor permanent deformations at critical sections of a small percentage of columns and/or braces.
DS3 Elephant-foot buckling with minor loss of content. Moderate yields corresponding to moderate permanent deformations at critical sections of a moderate percentage of columns and/or braces without any global buckling failure of columns.
DS4 Elephant-foot buckling with major loss of content, severe damage. Major yields causing major permanent deformations at critical sections of a large percentage of columns and/or braces with global buckling failure of columns where maximum compression occurs.
DS5 Total failure, tank collapse. Buckling failure with subsequent collapse of the pressure vessel.
O’Rourke and So (2000) provide four different fragility curve sets for atmospheric storage tanks applicable for fill levels <50% and ≥50%, and height/diameter (H/D) ratios <0.7 and ≥0.7. For pressurized tanks, Moschonas et al. (2014) provide two fragility curve sets for column support with and without diagonal braces. Using this information, three different fragility curves were selected by RAPID-N to assess the probability of the different damage categories. The curves and the corresponding damage probabilities as a function of damage state are summarized in Table 10.4. The damage parameters are provided for discrete rather than cumulative damage categories and show the probability of a certain level of damage as shown in Fig. 10.4.

Table 10.4

Summary of Damage Parameters for the Earthquake Damage Analysis

Unit ID Distancea (km) PGA (g) PGV (m/s) Fragility Curve Damage Probability (%)
FR-A 6.24 0.78 1.67 O’Rourke and So, H/D < 0.7 37.7 50.9 9.0 2.2 0.2
FR-1 6.25 0.78 1.68 O’Rourke and So, H/D < 0.7 37.6 50.9 9.1 2.3 0.2
FR-2 6.26 0.79 1.68 O’Rourke and So, H/D < 0.7 37.4 50.9 9.1 2.3 0.2
FR-3 6.26 0.79 1.68 O’Rourke and So, H/D < 0.7 37.3 51.0 9.2 2.3 0.2
FR-4 6.31 0.78 1.67 O’Rourke and So, H/D < 0.7 38.0 50.8 8.8 2.2 0.2
FR-5 6.31 0.78 1.67 O’Rourke and So, H/D < 0.7 37.9 50.8 8.9 2.2 0.2
FR-6 6.32 0.78 1.67 O’Rourke and So, H/D < 0.7 37.7 50.9 9.0 2.2 0.2
S-1 6.22 0.78 1.67 Moschonas et al., Braced 8.7 84.0 6.9 0.3 0.01
S-2 6.22 0.78 1.67 Moschonas et al., Braced 8.7 84.0 6.9 0.3 0.01
T-1 6.18 0.78 1.68 O’Rourke and So, H/D ≥ 0.7 11.8 22.5 38.2 25.5 1.9
T-2 6.18 0.79 1.68 O’Rourke and So, H/D ≥ 0.7 11.8 22.5 38.1 25.6 2.0
T-3 6.25 0.78 1.67 O’Rourke and So, H/D ≥ 0.7 12.1 23.1 38.5 24.6 1.7
T-4 6.25 0.78 1.67 O’Rourke and So, H/D ≥ 0.7 12.1 23.0 38.4 24.7 1.7
T-5 6.28 0.78 1.66 O’Rourke and So, H/D < 0.7 38.3 50.7 8.6 2.1 0.2
T-6 6.28 0.78 1.66 O’Rourke and So, H/D ≥ 0.7 12.2 23.2 38.5 24.4 1.7

a From the epicenter.

Figure 10.4 Example Cumulative and Discrete Fragility Curves [O’Rourke and So (2000), H/D < 0.7]
The damage data in Table 10.4 were subsequently used in the Natech risk analysis. As outlined in Chapter 8, the expected damage states and their probabilities were linked to consequence scenarios via risk state definitions, and the consequences were then estimated by using scenario-specific, dynamically generated consequence models formed by RAPID-N. For some damage states, the defined physical damage does not imply loss of containment. For some others, no explicit information is provided by the damage definition about substance amount possibly released although physical damage leading to a release is indicated. Since historical data about release rates due to seismic damage are scarce, possible release scenarios were defined based on expert judgment as percentage of tank volume released for each damage state. Similarly, the conditional probability of release given a specific degree of physical damage was assigned to each damage state since loss of containment is not always expected, especially if physical damage is limited. Risk states used for the case study are summarized in Table 10.5.

Table 10.5

Summary of Risk States Used for the Case Study

State O’Rourke and So (2000) Moschonas et al. (2014)
DS1 No release No release
DS2 2% release, 30% release probability No release
DS3 5% release, 50% release probability 2% release, 60 min, 50% release probability
DS4 50% release, 80% release probability 20% release, 60 min, 80% release probability
DS5 100% release, 100% release probability 100% release, 10 min, 100% release probability
Since the consequence-analysis methods and equations currently available in RAPID-N are based on US EPA’s Risk Management Program (RMP) guidance for offsite consequence analysis methodology (US EPA, 1999), a number of simplifying assumptions were made for the risk analysis. For example, for all scenarios the atmospheric stability was assumed to be neutral (corresponding to Pasquill stability class D) with a wind speed of 3 m/s, which is the alternative scenario according to RMP. The direction of the wind was not taken into account as it is not included in the RMP methodology. The ambient temperature was assumed to be 25°C and the humidity 50%. For surface roughness, rural topography (flat terrain) was considered as the facility is mainly surrounded by sea and crop fields as shown in Fig. 10.2. Hazmat releases due to the seismic forces were assumed to occur at ground level. In addition, for unbounded liquid spills (i.e., not contained within a dike or in case of dike overflow) a minimum pool depth of 10 cm created by a substance release was assumed. While the RMP methodology adopts a pool depth of 1 cm, it was found to yield unrealistic pool sizes, in particular if the amount of released substance is high. For relative probabilities of ignition and explosion for flammable substances, estimates by Cox et al. (1990) were used. The chemical properties of the hazardous materials used for the consequence analysis are summarized in Table 10.6.

Table 10.6

Summary of Chemical Properties of Hazardous Substances Used for the Case Study

Property Methanol Vinyl Acetate Acetic Acid Ammonia Acrylonitrile
CAS No. 67-56-1 108-05-4 64-19-7 7664-41-7 107-13-1
EC No. 200-659-6 203-545-4 200-580-7 231-635-3 203-466-5
Chemical formula CH3OH C4H6O2 C2H4O2 NH3 C3H3N
Molecular weight (g/mol) 32.04 86.09 60.05 17.03 53.06
Density (g/cm3) 0.792 0.934 1.049 0.682 0.806
Boiling point (°C) 64.7 72.5 118.5 −33.3 77.3
Vapor pressure (mmHg) 126.9 115.0 15.9 7524.0 106.3
Vapor density 1.11 2.97 2.07 0.59 1.83
Flash point (°C) 11 −8 39 −1
Lower explosive limit (%) 6 2.6 4 15 3
Upper explosive limit (%) 36.5 13.4 16 28 17
Heat capacity (J/mol·K) 81.1 165.0 123.1 35.1 110.9
Heat of vaporization (kJ/mol) 39.2 34.4 52.3 23.3 31.8
Heat of combustion (kJ/mol) 723 1931 873 316 1718
ERPG-2 concentration (ppm) 1000 75 35 150 35

10.3.2. Single Unit Containing a Flammable Substance

For analyzing the Natech risk originating from the storage of a flammable substance, atmospheric fixed-roof storage tank T-1 containing methanol with an assumed 80% fill level was studied. According to the results of the damage analysis for which the O’Rourke and So (2000) H/D ≥ 0.7 fragility curve was used, the most likely consequence scenario is pool fire for all damage states except DS1 which is characterized by no damage. No part of the cloud formed by evaporation of the released methanol was found to be above the lower explosive limit, therefore explosion was excluded as an outcome of the analysis. The pool fire end-point distances were calculated using the TNO single point model (TNO, 1996). An end-point radiation intensity of 5 kW/m2 corresponding to second degree burns if exposed for 40 s was assumed, which is the standard according to RMP. At this intensity, emergency actions lasting up to several minutes may be conducted without shielding but with protective clothing (API, 1990). RAPID-N calculates a minimum end-point distance of 33.5 m with an occurrence probability of 6.7 × 10−4, and a maximum end-point distance corresponding to the worst-case damage state of 88 m and a probability of 1.9 × 10−4. Table 10.7 summarizes the output of the RAPID-N consequence analysis. The associated impact area map with end-point distances is shown in Fig. 10.5. The darker areas highlight impact zones with a higher probability of damage and loss.

Table 10.7

RAPID-N Output for Earthquake Impact on Tank T-1 Containing Methanol

State Consequence Scenario End-Point Distance (m) Natech Probability (%)
DS1 No release
DS2 16.9 m3 release; 459 m2 pool (within dike) 33.5 0.07
DS3 42.4 m3 release; 459 m2 pool (within dike) 33.5 0.19
DS4 423.6 m3 release; 459 m2 pool (within dike) 33.5 0.20
DS5 847.2 m3 release; 3161 m2 pool (dike overflow) 88.0 0.02

Figure 10.5 Natech Impact Zone for Heat Radiation From Tank T-1 Containing Methanol (Base Image ©2016 DigitalGlobe)
For damage states DS2 and DS3, some methanol is predicted to be released which forms a pool that ignites but stays confined in the tank’s dike area. In the case of DS4, the amount of released substance increases significantly. However, because the dike’s storage capacity is big enough to hold the methanol spill, the end-point distance does not increase and the thermal effects of the pool fire stay mitigated. For the worst-case damage scenario DS5, the whole tank volume is released due to the earthquake damage. The dike cannot hold the spilled methanol, causing a dike overflow and the spreading of the methanol beyond the dike perimeter. Assuming that the spill creates an unbounded pool with a minimum depth of 10 cm outside the dike area, the resulting pool area increases more than twofold. Consequently, the end-point distance for heat radiation also shows a substantial increase.
Fig. 10.5 indicates that depending on the level of damage to T-1, some other tanks on-site are predicted to fall within the heat radiation zones. Since the thermal-radiation intensity criteria are defined for humans, escalation effects (e.g., domino accidents) are not expected at this level, although some physical damage to other units is probable. Heat intensities that can significantly affect storage tanks are in the range of 9.5–38 kW/m2, and intensity limits suggested for the quantitative risk analysis of domino effects are 15 and 45 kW/m2 for atmospheric and pressurized storage tanks, respectively (Cozzani et al., 2006). Additional analyses with RAPID-N for these end-point intensities showed that among the tanks adjacent to T-1, the pressurized storage tanks containing ammonia (S-1 and S-2) are located outside the 45 kW/m2 end-point distance estimated as 11 m for DS2–DS4 and 29 m for DS5. However, the atmospheric storage tank containing methanol (T-2) is inside the 15 kW/m2 end-point distance calculated as 19 m for DS2–DS4 and 51 m for DS5. It is also adjacent to the higher 45 kW/m2 end-point distance. RAPID-N therefore gives an indication of the other plant units potentially at risk from heat impingement if T-1 undergoes damage and the released methanol ignites. While not providing a detailed quantitative estimate of this risk, RAPID-N can nonetheless highlight areas of concern due to potential domino effects.

10.3.3. Single Unit Containing a Toxic Substance

For analyzing the Natech risk originating from a toxic substance, we used stage tank FR-1 which is an atmospheric internal floating roof tank containing acrylonitrile that is anchored and 60% full. The O’Rourke and So (2000) H/D < 0.7 fragility curve was used in the damage analysis. The analysis indicates that the most likely consequence scenario is the dispersion of the toxic substance in the atmosphere for all damage states with release. The reference toxic concentration used for calculating the end-point distances is the ERPG-2 concentration of 0.076 mg/L (35 ppm). It is the maximum airborne concentration below which nearly all individuals could be exposed for up to 1 h without experiencing or developing irreversible or other serious health effects or symptoms that could impair an individual’s ability to take protective action (AIHA, 1988).
A dense-plume model was used to simulate the atmospheric dispersion of acrylonitrile, which is heavier than air. Reference Table 19 (dense gas, 60-min release, rural conditions, atmospheric stability D, wind speed 3 m/s) of the RMP guidance was utilized to determine the end-point distances. In accordance with the definition of damage state DS1, no release occurs although there is some seismic loading. For damage states DS2–DS5, RAPID-N predicts the release of acrylonitrile and evaporating pool formation, which results in an end-point distance of 2.4 km with occurrence probabilities ranging between 1.5 × 10−1 and 2.2 × 10−3. The released amount of substance shows a pronounced increase for DS4 and DS5, but the end-point distance is not affected. Similar to the analysis for tank T-1, the dike’s holding capacity is sufficient to keep the substance confined within the dike, this time even for the worst-case scenario, and hence evaporation is limited. This demonstrates the importance of measures to contain the spill. The results of the analysis for tank FR-1 are summarized in Table 10.8 while the impact areas are shown in Fig. 10.6.

Table 10.8

RAPID-N Output for Earthquake Impact on Tank FR-1 Containing Acrylonitrile

State Consequence Scenario End-Point Distance (km) Natech Probability (%)
DS1 No release
DS2 60.5 m3 release; 2009 m2 pool (within dike) 2.4 15.3
DS3 151.3 m3 release; 2009 m2 pool (within dike) 2.4 4.5
DS4 1512.6 m3 release; 2009 m2 pool (within dike) 2.4 1.8
DS5 3025.2 m3 release; 2009 m2 pool (within dike) 2.4 0.2

Figure 10.6 Natech Impact Zone for Atmospheric Dispersion of Acrylonitrile From Tank FR-1 (Map Data ©2016 Google)

10.3.4. Multiple Units

It is a characteristic of Natech accidents that multiple hazardous-materials releases from different plant units often occur at the same time. RAPID-N takes this characteristic into account and provides a framework that also allows the analysis of this aspect of Natech risk. Using the case-study installation, RAPID-N analyzed and mapped the potential for simultaneous damage to multiple plant units. For this purpose, all tanks for which data on the stored substances were available were included in the analysis (Table 10.2). This concerned four storage tanks with acrylonitrile, two with vinyl acetate, two with ammonia, three with methanol, and three containing acetic acid. The output of the analysis is summarized in Table 10.9 while the impact zones are shown in Fig. 10.7.

Table 10.9

Summary of the Natech Risk Assessment Results for All Tanks

Unit ID Event DS2 DS3 DS4 DS5
FR-A Toxic dispersion 160 m3, 1.6 km, 15.3% 400 m3, 1.6 km, 4.5% 4000 m3, 1.6 km, 1.8% 8000 m3, 1.6 km, 0.2%
FR-1 Toxic dispersion 60.5 m3, 2.4 km, 15.3% 151.3 m3, 2.4 km, 4.5% 1512.6 m3, 2.4 km, 1.8% 3025.2 m3, 2.4 km, 0.2%
FR-2 Toxic dispersion 60.5 m3, 1.6 km, 15.3% 151.3 m3, 1.6 km, 4.6% 1512.6 m3, 1.6 km, 1.8% 3025.2 m3, 1.6 km, 0.2%
FR-3 Toxic dispersion 40.4 m3, 1.6 km, 15.3% 100.9 m3, 1.6 km, 4.6% 1008.8 m3, 1.6 km, 1.8% 2017.6 m3, 1.6 km, 0.2%
FR-4 Toxic dispersion 60.5 m3, 2.4 km, 15.2% 151.3 m3, 2.4 km, 4.4% 1512.6 m3, 2.4 km, 1.7% 3025.2 m3, 2.4 km, 0.2%
FR-5 Toxic dispersion 50.4 m3, 2.4 km, 15.2% 126 m3, 2.4 km, 4.4% 1260 m3, 2.4 km, 1.8% 2521 m3, 2.4 km, 0.2%
FR-6 Toxic dispersion 40.3 m3, 2.4 km, 15.3% 100.8 m3, 2.4 km, 1.8% 1008.4 m3, 2.4 km, 1.8% 2016.8 m3, 2.4 km, 0.2%
S-1 Toxic dispersion No release 15.6 m3, 0.6 km, 3.4% 155.5 m3, 1.9 km, 0.3% 777.6 m3, 8.7 km, 0.01%
S-2 Toxic dispersion No release 48.0 m3, 1.0 km, 3.5% 480.3 m3, 2.9 km, 0.3% 2401.6 m3, 13.5 km, 0.01%
T-1 Pool fire 16.9 m3, 33.5 m, 0.07% 42.4 m3, 33.5 m, 0.2% 423.6 m3, 33.5 m, 0.2% 847.2 m3, 88.0 m, 0.02%
T-2 Pool fire 8.5 m3, 33.5 m, 0.07% 21.2 m3, 33.5 m, 0.2% 212.0 m3, 33.5 m, 0.2% 424.0 m3, 33.5 m, 0.02%
T-3 Pool fire 8.1 m3, 27.9 m, 0.07% 20.2 m3, 27.9 m, 0.2% 201.6 m3, 27.9 m, 0.2% 403.2 m3, 27.9 m, 0.02%
T-4 Pool fire 8.7 m3, 23.1 m, 0.07% 21.7 m3, 23.1 m, 0.2% 217.4 m3, 23.1 m, 0.2% 434.8 m3, 23.1 m, 0.02%
T-5 Pool fire 35.0 m3, 40.4 m, 0.1% 87.4 m3, 40.4 m, 0.04% 874.4 m3, 40.4 m, 0.02% 1748.8 m3, 151.2 m, 0.002%
T-6 Pool fire 13.0 m3, 26.6 m, 0.07% 32.4 m3, 26.6 m, 0.2% 324 m3, 26.6 m, 0.2% 648.0 m3, 26.6 m, 0.02%

The table shows tank volume involved in the accidents, end-point distance, and event probability.

Figure 10.7 Natech Impact Areas for Scenario Earthquake Impact on All Storage Tanks (Map Data ©2016 Google)
When subjected to the seismic forces of the Istanbul earthquake scenario, RAPID-N predicts releases from all tanks. Consequently, the maximum end-point distances increase significantly to a maximum value of 13.5 km with the atmospheric dispersion of ammonia for the worst-case scenario of complete release of content from tank S-2. Fig. 10.7 shows that in this case also urban areas at the shore of Izmit Bay opposite the case-study installation could be at risk of exposure if the wind blows in this direction. Fig. 10.8 provides a close-up of the expected Natech end-point distances in the vicinity of the installation. The end-point circles are concentrated in an area of 2.4 km around the tank farm, making this the most critical region for suffering toxic effects.
Figure 10.8 Close-Up of End-Point Distances in the Vicinity of the Facility (Map Data ©2016 Google)
For tanks with similar dimensions and structural characteristics (e.g., tanks FR-1 to FR-6) RAPID-N calculates similar earthquake damage probabilities and related Natech event probabilities. The end-point distances are also similar and differ only due to the substance type (e.g., acrylonitrile vs. vinyl acetate) because in most of the cases the containment dikes were large enough to hold the released material for all damage states and hence they reduced the pool surface area, which restricted evaporation. The effect of H/D ratio on the damage probability can be clearly seen in Table 10.4 between floating-roof (H/D < 0.7) and fixed-roof tanks (H/D ≥ 0.7, except T-5). Increasing the H/D ratio shifts the higher damage probabilities from lower damage states (DS1–DS2) to higher damage states (DS3–DS4), although the difference between the estimated probability values is less than one order of magnitude. Nevertheless, in this case study the Natech probabilities for fixed-roof tanks were found to be much smaller than those for the other atmospheric tanks. Since the fixed-roof tanks contain flammable substances that ignite, the release probability needs to be multiplied with the conditional ignition probability, which decreases the final consequence probability for these tanks.
For the conditions of the Istanbul earthquake, RAPID-N predicts releases from all six fixed-roof tanks containing methanol and acetic acid. As already mentioned in Section 10.3.2, the end-point distances for heat radiation from the pool fires originating from these tanks envelop other tank locations. The potential for domino effects is therefore evident and should be considered for a more accurate assessment of the Natech risk from these tanks. It should also be noted that although an increased minimum pool depth is utilized to better simulate pool dimensions in case of dike overflows, adjoining dikes as in the case of this facility may result in smaller pool dimensions if the overflow runs to other dikes. A more detailed analysis is suggested for such scenarios.

10.4. Conclusions

Using the ground-motion parameters predicted for the Istanbul earthquake scenario as input, a Natech risk analysis of a hazardous installation in Izmit Bay was carried out using the RAPID-N framework. The case study showed the capability of RAPID-N to analyze and map the impact of earthquakes on a single plant unit but also on multiple plant units containing different types of substances simultaneously. Similarly, the tool is also capable of analyzing multiple installations with multiple plant units concurrently, which is useful for regional Natech risk analysis and mapping.
While a number of simplifying assumptions were made to compensate for the lack of detailed data on the industrial plant and the substance hazard, the results of the study indicate that possibly major Natech accidents are to be expected in case of the predicted Istanbul earthquake. These results are in agreement with historical data of Natech damage in the area due to the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake (Girgin, 2011). Due to limited data availability and the assumptions made, the results may not reflect the actual Natech risk of the facility. Therefore, they must be regarded as indicative and should not be used for decision making without careful validation. In collaboration with AFAD, other case studies with RAPID-N will be performed in Turkey that will include more detailed data collection and validation. Several test regions are currently under discussion. More detailed risk-state scenarios for different types of plant units under earthquake loading will be identified via the analysis of historical accident data and implemented in RAPID-N for a more comprehensive Natech risk analysis.


The authors acknowledge the Turkish Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) for providing information on the Istanbul earthquake scenario.


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