8. Doing Your Old Tasks the New Way

In This Chapter

Where to Find What You Want to Do

Do you like the new AdSense interface? It’s certainly different—especially to those who are used to the old interface.

The main complaint from experienced AdSense users is that things have been moved; they can’t find the links to do things they used to be able to do. To that end, this chapter presents a list of common tasks, along with how you used to do them and then where they are on the new AdSense site. Think of it as a mini Quick Guide to doing your existing tasks the new way.

Where to Find What You Want to do

The new AdSense site is actually quite easy to use because it’s more intuitive; activities are more appropriately labeled and better arranged. To do this, Google had to move a lot of things around and change more than a few labels.

How, then, do you figure out where everything moved?

That’s where Table 8.1 comes in. This table lists some of the most common AdSense-related activities, where you used to find that activity, and where that activity can now be found on the new AdSense site. Don’t worry; just about everything you used to be able to do can still be done if you know where to look!

Table 8.1. Old and New Locations for AdSense Activities

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